#!/bin/bash # Run After PLAYER.entrance.sh ################################################################################ MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized ME="${0##*/}" ######################################################################### CONNECT PLAYER WITH GCHANGE # Check who is .current PLAYER PLAYER="$1" [[ $PLAYER == "" ]] && PLAYER=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/.current/.player 2>/dev/null) [[ $PLAYER == "" ]] && echo "ERROR PLAYER - EXIT" && exit 1 PSEUDO=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/.pseudo 2>/dev/null) [[ $G1PUB == "" ]] && G1PUB=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/.g1pub 2>/dev/null) [[ $G1PUB == "" ]] && echo "ERROR G1PUB - EXIT" && exit 1 ASTRONAUTENS=$(ipfs key list -l | grep -w "$PLAYER" | cut -d ' ' -f 1) [[ ! $ASTRONAUTENS ]] && echo "ERROR ASTRONAUTENS - EXIT" && exit 1 ## Directory is created, So this script already run once. if [[ ! -d ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/FRIENDS/ ]]; then ######################################################################## echo "CREATING $PLAYER GCHANGE+ PROFILE" ######################################################################## $MY_PATH/jaklis/jaklis.py -k ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/secret.dunikey -n "https://data.gchange.fr" set --name "Astronaute $PSEUDO" --avatar "/home/$USER/.zen/Astroport.ONE/images/logo.png" --site "http://astroport.com:8080/ipns/$ASTRONAUTENS" #GCHANGE+ [[ ! $? == 0 ]] && echo "GCHANGE PROFILE CREATION FAILED" && echo "Action Manuelle " $MY_PATH/jaklis/jaklis.py -k ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/secret.dunikey -n "https://data.gchange.fr" set --name "Astronaute $PSEUDO" --avatar "/home/$USER/.zen/Astroport.ONE/images/logo.png" --site "http://qo-op.com:8080/ipns/$ASTRONAUTENS" #GCHANGE+ ######################################################################## #echo "CREATING $PLAYER CESIUM+ PROFILE" ######################################################################## $MY_PATH/jaklis/jaklis.py -k ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/secret.dunikey -n "https://g1.data.presles.fr" set --name "Astronaute $PSEUDO" --avatar "/home/$USER/.zen/Astroport.ONE/images/logo.png" --site "$ASTRONAUTENS" #CESIUM+ [[ ! $? == 0 ]] && echo "CESIUM PROFILE CREATION FAILED" && echo "Action Manuelle " $ $MY_PATH/jaklis/jaklis.py -k ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/secret.dunikey -n "https://g1.data.presles.fr" set --name "Astronaute $PLAYER" --avatar "/home/$USER/.zen/Astroport.ONE/images/logo.png" --site "$ASTRONAUTENS" #CESIUM+ fi ######################################################################## ######################################################################## echo "SCANNING $PLAYER - $G1PUB - Gchange FRIENDS" ######################################################################## ################## CHECKING WHO GAVE ME STARS ################## BOOTSTRAP LIKES THEM BACK ################## SEND ipfstryme MESSAGES to FRIENDS rm -f ~/.zen/tmp/my_star_level ## Getting Gchange liking_me list echo "Getting received stars" ################################## JAKLIS PLAYER stars ~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/tools/timeout.sh -t 20 \ ~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/tools/jaklis/jaklis.py \ -k ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/secret.dunikey \ -n "https://data.gchange.fr" stars > ~/.zen/tmp/received_stars.json cat ~/.zen/tmp/received_stars.json | jq -r '.likes[].issuer' | uniq > ~/.zen/tmp/liking_me echo "cat ~/.zen/tmp/received_stars.json | jq -r" for liking_me in $(cat ~/.zen/tmp/liking_me | sort | uniq); do [[ "${liking_me}" == "" ]] && continue ## Protect from empty line !! ASTRONAUTENS=$(~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/tools/g1_to_ipfs.py ${liking_me}) echo "${liking_me} is Astronaut ?" echo "Get TW Capsule http://qo-op.com:8080/ipns/$ASTRONAUTENS " ##### CHECKING IF WE LIKE EACH OTHER Ŋ1 LEVEL ################################## JAKLIS LIKING_ME stars ~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/tools/timeout.sh -t 20 \ ~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/tools/jaklis/jaklis.py \ -k ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/secret.dunikey \ -n "https://data.gchange.fr" \ stars -p ${liking_me} > ~/.zen/tmp/${liking_me}.Gstars.json echo "Got Stars : cat ~/.zen/tmp/${liking_me}.Gstars.json | jq -r" ## ZOMBIE PROTECTION [[ "$?" == "0" && ! -s ~/.zen/tmp/${liking_me}.Gstars.json ]] && rm -Rf ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/FRIENDS/${liking_me} && echo "${liking_me} is a ZOMBIE..." && continue #### RECUP ANNONCES Gchange ## https://www.gchange.fr/#/app/records/wallet?q=2geH4d2sndR47XWtfDWsfLLDVyNNnRsnUD3b1sk9zYc4&old ## https://www.gchange.fr/#/app/market/records/42LqLa7ARTZqUKGz2Msmk79gwsY8ZSoFyMyPyEnoaDXR ## DATA EXTRACTION FROM ~/.zen/tmp/${liking_me}.Gstars.json my_star_level=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${liking_me}.Gstars.json | jq -r '.yours.level'); f_score=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${liking_me}.Gstars.json | jq -r '.score'); myfriendship=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${liking_me}.Gstars.json | jq -r '.likes[] | select(.issuer | strings | test("'$G1PUB'"))') ## OH MY FRIEND ! if [[ "$my_star_level" != "null" && "${liking_me}" != "$G1PUB" ]] then # ADD ${liking_me} TO MY ipfs FRIENDS list echo "${liking_me} ($my_star_level stars) : Ŋ1 SCORE $f_score " mkdir -p ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/FRsIENDS/${liking_me} # REFRESH & PUBLISH stars friends map if [[ "$my_star_level" == "null" || "$my_star_level" == "" ]]; then rm -Rf ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/FRIENDS/${liking_me} echo "$my_star_level NO STAR !! Removing ${liking_me}" ## TODO : remove "ipfs pin" in "~/.zen/PIN/" continue ## REMOVE NO GOOD FRIENDS (no star) fi cp ~/.zen/tmp/${liking_me}.Gstars.json ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/FRIENDS/${liking_me}/ && rm -f ~/.zen/tmp/${liking_me}.Gstars.json echo "$my_star_level" > ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/FRIENDS/${liking_me}/stars.level && echo "***** $my_star_level STARS *****" ## GET FRIEND TW !! echo "Getting latest online TW..." YOU=$(ps auxf --sort=+utime | grep -w ipfs | grep -v -E 'color=auto|grep' | tail -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 1); LIBRA=$(head -n 2 ~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/A_boostrap_nodes.txt | tail -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2) echo "$LIBRA/ipns/$ASTRONAUTENS" echo "http://$myIP:8080/ipns/$ASTRONAUTENS ($YOU)" [[ $YOU ]] && ipfs --timeout 12s cat /ipns/$ASTRONAUTENS > ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/FRIENDS/${liking_me}/index.html \ || curl -m 12 -so ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/FRIENDS/${liking_me}/index.html "$LIBRA/ipns/$ASTRONAUTENS" ## PLAYER TW IS ONLINE ? if [ ! -s ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/FRIENDS/${liking_me}/index.html ]; then # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## AUCUN VISA ASTRONAUTE ENVOYER UN MESSAGE PAR GCHANGE echo "AUCUN TW ACTIF. ENVOYONS LUI UN MESSAGE..." $MY_PATH/jaklis/jaklis.py -k ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/secret.dunikey -n "https://data.gchange.fr" send -d "${liking_me}" -t "SALUT. Je suis sur 'Astroport' Et toi ?" -m "Active ta 'Capsule Interplanétaire' et raccordons nos TW : https://qo-op.com" else echo "COOL MON AMI PUBLIE SUR IPFS" ls -al ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/FRIENDS/${liking_me}/index.html # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # TODO # CHECK Dessin de Moa ?? For Now Gchange contains official friends stars level # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # GET G1Voeux # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## EXPORT [tag[G1Voeu]] echo "## EXPORT FRIEND $PLAYER TW [tag[G1Voeu]] $INDEX" rm -f ~/.zen/tmp/g1amig1voeu.json tiddlywiki --load ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/FRIENDS/${liking_me}/index.html \ --output ~/.zen/tmp --render '.' 'g1amig1voeu.json' 'text/plain' '$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile' 'exportFilter' '[tag[G1Voeu]]' if [[ -s ~/.zen/tmp/g1amig1voeu.json ]]; then for VOEUNS in "$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/g1amig1voeu.json | jq -r '.[].ipns')" do # GET SUB JSON VALUES cat ~/.zen/tmp/g1amig1voeu.json | jq -r '.[] | select(.ipns | strings | test("'$VOEUNS'"))' > ~/.zen/tmp/wish.json WISH=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/wish.json | jq -r '.wish' ) TITLE=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/wish.json | jq -r '.title' ) TAGS=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/wish.json | jq -r '.tags' ) IPNS=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/wish.json | jq -r '.ipns' ) [[ ! $WISH ]] && echo "JSON G1WISH ERROR - CHECK - ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/FRIENDS/${liking_me}/index.html" && continue # IPNS could contain VOEUNS or /ipns/VOEUNS (/ tailing) VOEUNS=$(echo $IPNS | rev | cut -d '/' -f 1 | rev) echo "Getting latest FRIEND G1$TITLE TW into Local World" mkdir -p ~/.zen/game/world/$WISH echo "/ipns/$VOEUNS => ~/.zen/game/world/$WISH" [[ $YOU ]] && ipfs --timeout 12s cat /ipns/$VOEUNS > ~/.zen/tmp/$VOEUNS.html \ || curl -m 12 -so ~/.zen/tmp/$VOEUNS.html "$LIBRA/ipns/$ASTRONAUTENS" [[ -s ~/.zen/tmp/$VOEUNS.html ]] && cp ~/.zen/tmp/$VOEUNS.html ~/.zen/game/world/$WISH/index.html echo "FRIEND G1WISH COPIED ! $TITLE" echo "$TITLE" > ~/.zen/game/world/$WISH/.pepper ls -al ~/.zen/game/world/$WISH/index.html done else echo "ERROR -- NOT COMPATIBLE TW -- AUCUN G1VOEU CHEZ CET AMI ?" fi fi ## APPLIQUER FILTRAGE TAG ## Get Ŋ2 LEVEL for nid in $(cat ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/FRIENDS/${liking_me}/${liking_me}.Gstars.json | jq -r '.likes[].issuer'); do echo "Ami(s) de cet Ami $linking_me : $nid" friend_of_friend=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/FRIENDS/${liking_me}/${liking_me}.Gstars.json | jq -r '.likes[] | select(.issuer | strings | test("'$nid'"))') echo "$friend_of_friend" | jq -r > ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/FRIENDS/${liking_me}/friend_of_friend.json done echo "***** Keep G1/IPNS conversion *****" echo ${ASTRONAUTENS} > ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/FRIENDS/${liking_me}/.astronautens else echo "ETOILES RECUES!! ... ENVOI MOI UN MESSAGE POUR CONNAITRE QUI" $MY_PATH/jaklis/jaklis.py -k ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/secret.dunikey -n "https://data.gchange.fr" send -d "${G1PUB}" -t "Etoiles de ($my_star_level stars) : Ŋ1 SCORE $f_score" -m "https://www.gchange.fr/#/app/user?q=${liking_me} " echo "Not Linking ;( YET." fi sleep $((1 + RANDOM % 2)) # SLOW DOWN done exit 0