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2020-12-17 21:52:17 +01:00
# _*_ coding: utf-8 _*_
lutil: library functions for KODI media add-ons.
Copyright (C) 2017 José Antonio Montes (jamontes)
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
These funtions are called from the main plugin module, aimed to ease
and simplify the plugin development process.
Release 0.1.10
# First of all We must import all the libraries used for plugin development.
import re, urllib, urllib2
from datetime import date
debug_enable = False # The debug logs are disabled by default.
def local_log(message):
"""This function logs the debug messages under development and testing process.
It is never invoked when the add-on is run under KODI.
Called from the library modules by other functions."""
if debug_enable:
print("%s" % message)
log = local_log # Use local log function by default.
def set_debug_mode(debug_flag, func_log=local_log):
"""This function sets the debug_enable var to log everything if debug option is true."""
global debug_enable
global log
debug_enable = debug_flag in ("true", True)
log = func_log
def get_url_decoded(url):
"""This function returns the URL decoded."""
log('get_url_decoded URL: "%s"' % url)
return urllib.unquote_plus(url)
def get_url_encoded(url):
"""This function returns the URL encoded."""
log('get_url_encoded URL: "%s"' % url)
return urllib.quote_plus(url)
def get_parms_encoded(**kwars):
"""This function returns the params encoded to form an URL or data post."""
param_list = urllib.urlencode(kwars)
log('get_parms_encoded params: "%s"' % param_list)
return param_list
def carga_web(url):
"""This function loads the html code from a webserver and returns it into a string."""
log('carga_web URL: "%s"' % url)
MiReq = urllib2.Request(url) # We use the Request method because we need to add a header into the HTTP GET to the web site.
# We have to tell the web site we are using a real browser.
MiReq.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:17.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/17.0') # This is a true Firefox header.
MiConex = urllib2.urlopen(MiReq) # We open the HTTP connection to the URL.
MiHTML = # We load all the HTML contents from the web page and store it into a var.
MiConex.close() # We close the HTTP connection as we have all the info required.
return MiHTML
def carga_web_cookies(url, headers=''):
"""This function loads the html code from a webserver passsing the headers into the GET message
and returns it into a string along with the cookies collected from the website."""
log('carga_web_cookies URL: "%s"' % url)
MiReq = urllib2.Request(url) # We use the Request method because we need to add a header into the HTTP GET to the web site.
# We have to tell the web site we are using a real browser.
MiReq.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:17.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/17.0') # This is a true Firefox header.
for key in headers:
MiReq.add_header(key, headers[key])
MiConex = urllib2.urlopen(MiReq) # We open the HTTP connection to the URL.
MiHTML = # We load all the HTML contents from the web page and store it into a var.
server_info = "%s" %
my_cookie_pattern = re.compile('Set-Cookie: ([^;]+);')
my_cookies = ''
pcookie = ''
for lcookie in my_cookie_pattern.findall(server_info):
if (lcookie != pcookie):
my_cookies = "%s %s;" % (my_cookies, lcookie)
pcookie = lcookie
MiConex.close() # We close the HTTP connection as we have all the info required.
log('carga_web Cookie: "%s"' % my_cookies)
return MiHTML, my_cookies
def send_post_data(url, headers='', data=''):
"""This function sends an HTTP POST request with theirr corresponding headers and data to a webserver
and returns the html code into a string along with the cookies collected from the website."""
log('send_post_data URL: "%s"' % url)
MiReq = urllib2.Request(url, data) # We use the Request method because we need to send a HTTP POST to the web site.
# We have to tell the web site we are using a real browser.
MiReq.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:17.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/17.0') # This is a true Firefox header.
for key in headers:
MiReq.add_header(key, headers[key])
MiConex = urllib2.urlopen(MiReq) # We open the HTTP connection to the URL.
MiHTML = # We load all the HTML contents from the web page and store it into a var.
server_info = "%s" %
my_cookie_pattern = re.compile('Set-Cookie: ([^;]+);')
my_cookies = ''
pcookie = ''
for lcookie in my_cookie_pattern.findall(server_info):
if (lcookie != pcookie):
my_cookies = "%s %s;" % (my_cookies, lcookie)
pcookie = lcookie
MiConex.close() # We close the HTTP connection as we have all the info required.
log('send_post_data Cookie: "%s"' % my_cookies)
return MiHTML, my_cookies
def get_redirect(url):
"""This function returns the redirected URL from a 30X response received from the webserver."""
log('get_redirect URL: "%s"' % url)
MiConex = urllib.urlopen(url) # Opens the http connection to the URL.
MiHTML = MiConex.geturl() # Gets the URL redirect link and stores it into MiHTML.
MiConex.close() # Close the http connection as we get what we need.
return MiHTML
def find_multiple(text, pattern):
"""This function allows us to find multiples matches from a regexp into a string."""
pat_url_par = re.compile(pattern, re.DOTALL)
return pat_url_par.findall(text)
def find_first(text, pattern):
"""This function gets back the first match from a regexp into a string."""
pat_url_par = re.compile(pattern, re.DOTALL)
return pat_url_par.findall(text)[0]
return ""
def get_this_year():
"""This function gets the current year. Useful to fill the Year infolabel whenever it isn't available"""
def get_clean_title(title):
"""This function returns the title or desc cleaned.
return title.\
replace('&aacute;', 'á').\
replace('&agrave;', 'á').\
replace('&eacute;', 'é').\
replace('&egrave;', 'è').\
replace('&iacute;', 'í').\
replace('&oacute;', 'ó').\
replace('&ograve;', 'ò').\
replace('&uacute;', 'ú').\
replace('&auml;', 'ä').\
replace('&iuml;', 'ï').\
replace('&ouml;', 'ö').\
replace('&uuml;', 'ü').\
replace('&szlig;', 'ß').\
replace('&ntilde;', 'ñ').\
replace('&ccedil;', 'ç').\
replace('&Aacute;', 'Á').\
replace('&Agrave;', 'À').\
replace('&Eacute;', 'É').\
replace('&Egrave;', 'È').\
replace('&Iacute;', 'Í').\
replace('&Oacute;', 'Ó').\
replace('&Ograve;', 'Ò').\
replace('&Uacute;', 'Ú').\
replace('&Auml;', 'Ä').\
replace('&Iuml;', 'Ï').\
replace('&Ouml;', 'Ö').\
replace('&Uuml;', 'Ü').\
replace('&Ntilde;', 'Ñ').\
replace('&Ccedil;', 'Ç').\
replace('&#034;', '"').\
replace('&#039;', "´").\
replace('&#160;', " ").\
replace('&#8211;', '').\
replace('&#8217;', "'").\
replace('&#8220;', '"').\
replace('&#8221;', '"').\
replace('&#8223;', "'").\
replace('&#8230;', '').\
replace('&rsquo;', "´").\
replace('&laquo;', '"').\
replace('&raquo;', '"').\
replace('&iexcl;', '¡').\
replace('&iinte;', '¿').\
replace('&amp;', '&').\
replace('&nbsp;', '').\
replace('&quot;', '"').\
replace('&ordf', 'ª').\
replace('&ordm', 'º').\
replace('&middot;', '·').\
replace('&hellip;', '...').\
replace('<br />', '').\
def get_clean_html_tags(html_text):
"""This function returns the text or desc cleaned from html tags."""
return re.sub(r'<[^>]*?>', '', html_text, count=0, flags=re.DOTALL)