
242 lines
7.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-12-12 01:26:39 +01:00
import os, sys, ast, requests, json, base58, base64, time, string, random, re
from lib.natools import fmt, sign, get_privkey, box_decrypt, box_encrypt
from time import sleep
from hashlib import sha256
from datetime import datetime
2020-12-12 20:59:40 +01:00
from lib.cesiumCommon import CesiumCommon, PUBKEY_REGEX
2020-12-12 01:26:39 +01:00
2020-12-12 20:59:40 +01:00
class ReadLikes(CesiumCommon):
2020-12-12 01:26:39 +01:00
# Configure JSON document to send
def configDoc(self, profile):
2020-12-12 20:59:40 +01:00
if not profile: profile = self.pubkey
2020-12-12 01:26:39 +01:00
data = {}
data['query'] = {}
data['query']['bool'] = {}
data['query']['bool']['filter'] = [
{'term': {'index': 'user'}},
{'term': {'type': 'profile'}},
{'term': {'id': profile}},
{'term': {'kind': 'STAR'}}
# data['query']['bool']['should'] = {'term':{'issuer': self.issuer}}
data['size'] = 5000
data['_source'] = ['issuer','level']
data['aggs'] = {
'level_sum': {
'sum': {
'field': 'level'
return json.dumps(data)
def sendDocument(self, document):
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
# Send JSON document and get JSON result
result ='{0}/like/record/_search'.format(self.pod), headers=headers, data=document)
if result.status_code == 200:
# print(result.text)
return result.text
sys.stderr.write("Echec de l'envoi du document de lecture des messages...\n" + result.text + '\n')
def parseResult(self, result):
result = json.loads(result)
totalLikes = result['hits']['total']
totalValue = result['aggregations']['level_sum']['value']
if totalLikes:
score = totalValue/totalLikes
score = 0
raw = result['hits']['hits']
finalPrint = {}
finalPrint['likes'] = []
for i in raw:
issuer = i['_source']['issuer']
# print(issuer)
gProfile = self.getProfile(issuer)
pseudo = gProfile['title']
pseudo = ''
payTo = gProfile['pubkey']
payTo = ''
id = i['_id']
level = i['_source']['level']
2020-12-12 20:59:40 +01:00
if issuer == self.pubkey:
2020-12-12 01:26:39 +01:00
finalPrint['yours'] = { 'id' : id, 'pseudo' : pseudo, 'payTo' : payTo, 'level' : level }
finalPrint['likes'].append({ 'issuer' : issuer, 'pseudo' : pseudo, 'payTo' : payTo, 'level' : level })
finalPrint['score'] = score
return json.dumps(finalPrint)
def getProfile(self, profile):
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
data = {}
data['query'] = {}
data['query']['bool'] = {}
data['query']['bool']['filter'] = [
{'term': {'_index': 'user'}},
{'term': {'_type': 'profile'}},
{'term': {'_id': profile}}
data['_source'] = ['title','pubkey']
data = json.dumps(data)
result ='{0}/user/profile/_search'.format(self.pod), headers=headers, data=data)
2020-12-12 20:59:40 +01:00
result = json.loads(result.text)['hits']['hits']
for i in result:
return i['_source']
2020-12-12 01:26:39 +01:00
#################### Like class ####################
2020-12-12 20:59:40 +01:00
class SendLikes(CesiumCommon):
2020-12-12 01:26:39 +01:00
# Configure JSON document to send
def configDoc(self, profile, likes):
2020-12-12 20:59:40 +01:00
if not profile: profile = self.pubkey
2020-12-12 01:26:39 +01:00
if likes not in range(0, 6):
2021-05-20 12:56:19 +02:00
sys.stderr.write('Votre like doit être compris entre 0 et 5.\n')
2020-12-12 01:26:39 +01:00
return False
timeSent = int(time.time())
data = {}
data['version'] = 2
data['index'] = "user"
data['type'] = "profile"
data['id'] = profile
data['kind'] = "STAR"
data['level'] = likes
data['time'] = timeSent
2020-12-12 20:59:40 +01:00
data['issuer'] = self.pubkey
2020-12-12 01:26:39 +01:00
document = json.dumps(data)
# Generate hash of document
hashDoc = sha256(document.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
# Generate signature of document
signature = fmt["64"](sign(hashDoc.encode(), get_privkey(self.dunikey, "pubsec"))[:-len(hashDoc.encode())]).decode()
# Build final document
data = {}
data['hash'] = hashDoc
data['signature'] = signature
signJSON = json.dumps(data)
finalJSON = {**json.loads(signJSON), **json.loads(document)}
finalDoc = json.dumps(finalJSON)
return finalDoc
def sendDocument(self, document, pubkey):
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
# Send JSON document and get JSON result
result ='{0}/user/profile/:id/_like'.format(self.pod), headers=headers, data=document)
if result.status_code == 200:
2021-05-20 12:56:19 +02:00
print("Profile liké avec succès !")
2020-12-12 01:26:39 +01:00
return result.text
elif result.status_code == 400:
resultJson = json.loads(result.text)
if 'DuplicatedDocumentException' in resultJson['error']:
rmLike = UnLikes(self.dunikey, self.pod)
2020-12-12 20:59:40 +01:00
idLike = rmLike.checkLike(pubkey)
if idLike:
document = rmLike.configDoc(idLike)
rmLike.sendDocument(document, True)
2020-12-12 01:26:39 +01:00
self.sendDocument(document, pubkey)
return resultJson['error']
sys.stderr.write("Echec de l'envoi du document de lecture des messages...\n" + resultJson['error'] + '\n')
resultJson = json.loads(result.text)
sys.stderr.write("Echec de l'envoi du document de lecture des messages...\n" + resultJson['error'] + '\n')
#################### Unlike class ####################
2020-12-12 20:59:40 +01:00
class UnLikes(CesiumCommon):
2020-12-12 01:26:39 +01:00
# Check if you liked this profile
def checkLike(self, pubkey):
readProfileLikes = ReadLikes(self.dunikey, self.pod)
document = readProfileLikes.configDoc(pubkey)
result = readProfileLikes.sendDocument(document)
result = readProfileLikes.parseResult(result)
result = json.loads(result)
if 'yours' in result:
myLike = result['yours']['id']
return myLike
sys.stderr.write("Vous n'avez pas liké ce profile\n")
return False
# Configure JSON document to send
def configDoc(self, idLike):
timeSent = int(time.time())
data = {}
data['version'] = 2
data['index'] = "like"
data['type'] = "record"
data['id'] = idLike
2020-12-12 20:59:40 +01:00
data['issuer'] = self.pubkey
2020-12-12 01:26:39 +01:00
data['time'] = timeSent
document = json.dumps(data)
# Generate hash of document
hashDoc = sha256(document.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
# Generate signature of document
signature = fmt["64"](sign(hashDoc.encode(), get_privkey(self.dunikey, "pubsec"))[:-len(hashDoc.encode())]).decode()
# Build final document
data = {}
data['hash'] = hashDoc
data['signature'] = signature
signJSON = json.dumps(data)
finalJSON = {**json.loads(signJSON), **json.loads(document)}
finalDoc = json.dumps(finalJSON)
return finalDoc
def sendDocument(self, document, silent):
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
# Send JSON document and get JSON result
result ='{0}/history/delete'.format(self.pod), headers=headers, data=document)
if result.status_code == 200:
if not silent:
2021-05-20 12:56:19 +02:00
print("Like supprimé avec succès !")
2020-12-12 01:26:39 +01:00
return result.text
sys.stderr.write("Echec de l'envoi du document de lecture des messages...\n" + result.text + '\n')