
346 lines
14 KiB
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2020-12-12 03:06:33 +01:00
class commradioplugin {
public function __construct() {
$this->pagination = 50;
$this->searchterms = array('name', 'country', 'state', 'language', 'tag');
$this->page = 0;
public function parseParams() {
$this->page = $_REQUEST['page'];
$this->country = array_key_exists('country', $_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST['country'] : '';
$this->language = array_key_exists('language', $_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST['language'] : '';
$this->tag = array_key_exists('tag', $_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST['tag'] : '';
$this->listby = $_REQUEST['listby'];
$this->order = $_REQUEST['order'];
public function doHeader() {
print '<div id="communityradioplugin">';
print albumHeader(array(
'id' => 'communityradiolist',
'Image' => 'newimages/broadcast.svg',
'Searched' => 1,
'AlbumUri' => null,
'Year' => null,
'Artistname' => '',
'Albumname' => get_int_text('label_communityradio'),
'why' => null,
'ImgKey' => 'none',
'class' => 'radio',
'expand' => true
print '<div id="communityradiolist" class="dropmenu notfilled">';
print '<div class="configtitle textcentre"><b>'.get_int_text('label_loading').'</b></div></div>';
print '</div>';
public function doDropdownHeader() {
global $prefs;
directoryControlHeader('communityradiolist', get_int_text('label_communityradio'));
print '<div class="configtitle textcentre brick_wide">List By:</div>';
$d = new url_downloader(array('url' => ''));
if ($d->get_data_to_string()) {
$countries = json_decode($d->get_data(), true);
$this->makeSelector($countries, 'country', $this->country);
$d = new url_downloader(array('url' => ''));
if ($d->get_data_to_string()) {
$langs = json_decode($d->get_data(), true);
$this->makeSelector($langs, 'language', $this->language);
$d = new url_downloader(array('url' => ''));
if ($d->get_data_to_string()) {
$tags = json_decode($d->get_data(), true);
$this->makeSelector($tags, 'tag', $this->tag);
print '<div class="configtitle textcentre brick_wide">Search All Stations:</div>';
print '<div class="padright fullwidth">';
foreach ($this->searchterms as $term) {
print '<div class="containerbox dropdown-container brick_wide fullwidth" name="'.$term.'">';
print '<div class="fixed comm-search-label"><span class="cslt"><b>'.ucfirst($term).'</b></span></div>';
print '<div class="expand">';
print '<input class="comm_radio_searchterm" name="'.$term.'" type="text" />';
print '</div>';
print '</div>';
print '<div class="containerbox">';
print '<div class="expand"></div>';
print '<button class="fixed searchbutton iconbutton" name="commradiosearch"></button>';
print '</div>';
print '</div>';
print '<div class="configtitle textcentre brick_wide">Order By:</div>';
print '<div class="fullwidth padright brick_wide containerbox dropdown-container">';
print '<div class="selectholder expand">';
print '<select id="commradioorderby">';
foreach (array('name', 'country', 'language', 'state', 'tags', 'votes', 'bitrate') as $o) {
print '<option value="'.$o.'"';
if ($o == $this->order) {
print ' selected';
print '>'.ucfirst($o).'</option>';
print '</select>';
print '</div>';
print '</div>';
print '<div id="communitystations" class="fullwidth padright holderthing">';
public function doRequest() {
$url = '';
switch ($this->listby) {
case 'country':
$url = ''.rawurlencode($this->country).'?';
print '<div class="configtitle textcentre brick_wide"><b>Country - '.ucwords($this->country).'</b></div>';
case 'language':
$url = ''.rawurlencode($this->language).'?';
print '<div class="configtitle textcentre brick_wide"><b>Language - '.ucwords($this->language).'</b></div>';
case 'tag':
$url = ''.rawurlencode($this->tag).'?';
print '<div class="configtitle textcentre brick_wide"><b>Tag - '.ucwords($this->tag).'</b></div>';
case 'search':
$url = '';
$ourterms = array();
foreach ($this->searchterms as $t) {
if (array_key_exists($t, $_REQUEST) && $_REQUEST[$t] != '') {
$ourterms[] = $t.'='.rawurlencode($_REQUEST[$t]);
print '<div class="configtitle textcentre brick_wide"><b>'.get_int_text('button_search').' - '.rawurldecode(implode(', ', $ourterms)).'</b></div>';
$url .= implode('&', $ourterms).'&';
$url .= 'order='.$this->order;
switch ($this->order) {
case 'bitrate':
case 'votes':
$url .= '&reverse=true';
$d = new url_downloader(array('url' => $url));
if ($d->get_data_to_string()) {
$stations = json_decode($d->get_data(), true);
$this->comm_radio_do_page_buttons($this->page, count($stations), $this->pagination);
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->pagination; $i++) {
$index = $this->page * $this->pagination + $i;
if ($index >= count($stations)) {
$this->doStation($this->comm_radio_sanitise_station($stations[$index]), $index);
$this->comm_radio_do_page_buttons($this->page, count($stations), $this->pagination);
public function closeDropdown() {
print '</div>';
// -- Private Functions -- //
private function doStation($station, $index) {
print albumHeader(array(
'id' => 'communityradio_'.$index,
'Image' => $this->comm_radio_get_image($station),
'Searched' => 1,
'AlbumUri' => null,
'Year' => null,
'Artistname' => preg_replace('/,/', ', ', htmlspecialchars($station['tags'])),
'Albumname' => htmlspecialchars($station['name']),
'why' => 'whynot',
'ImgKey' => 'none',
'streamuri' => $station['playurl'],
'streamname' => $station['name'],
'streamimg' => $this->comm_radio_get_stream_image($station),
'class' => 'radiochannel'
print '<div id="communityradio_'.$index.'" class="dropmenu">';
trackControlHeader('','','communityradio_'.$index, array(array('Image' => $this->comm_radio_get_image($station))));
print '<div class="containerbox expand ninesix indent padright"><b>Listen:</b></div>';
print '<div class="clickstream playable draggable indent containerbox padright menuitem" name="'.$station['playurl'].'" streamimg="'.$this->comm_radio_get_stream_image($station).'" streamname="'.$station['name'].'">';
print '<i class="'.audioClass($station['codec']).' smallicon fixed"></i>';
print '<div class="expand">'.$station['bitrate'].'kbps &nbsp'.$station['codec'].'</div>';
print '</div>';
print '<div class="containerbox ninesix indent padright">'.utf8_encode($station['state']).utf8_encode($station['country']).'</div>';
print '<div class="containerbox ninesix indent padright">'.utf8_encode($station['votes']).' Upvotes, '.utf8_encode($station['negativevotes']).' Downvotes</div>';
if ($station['homepage']) {
print '<a href="'.$station['homepage'].'" target="_blank">';
print '<div class="containerbox indent padright menuitem">';
print '<i class="icon-www smallicon fixed"></i>';
print '<div class="expand">'.get_int_text('label_station_website').'</div>';
print '</div>';
print '</a>';
print '</div>';
private function makeSelector($json, $which, $setting) {
print '<div class="fullwidth padright brick_wide containerbox dropdown-container" style="margin-bottom:0px">';
print '<div class="selectholder expand">';
print '<select class="comradiolistby" id="communityradio'.$which.'">';
foreach ($json as $thing) {
$val = strtolower($thing['value']);
print '<option value="'.$val.'"';
if ($val == $setting) {
print ' selected';
print '>'.$thing['value'].' ('.$thing['stationcount'].' stations)</option>';
print '</select>';
print '</div>';
print '</div>';
private function comm_radio_make_list_button($which) {
print '<div class="fixed styledinputs commradiolistby">';
print '<span class="cclb">';
print '<input id="commradiolistby'.$which.'" class="topcheck" name="commradiolistby" value="'.$which.'" type="radio"';
if ($this->listby == $which) {
print ' checked';
print ' />';
print '<label for="commradiolistby'.$which.'"><b>'.ucfirst($which).'&nbsp;&nbsp;</b></label>';
print '</span>';
print '</div>';
private function comm_radio_get_image($station) {
if ($station['favicon']) {
if (substr($station['favicon'], 0, 10) == 'data:image') {
return $station['favicon'];
} else {
return 'getRemoteImage.php?url='.$station['favicon'].'&rompr_backup_type=stream';
} else {
return 'newimages/broadcast.svg';
private function comm_radio_get_stream_image($station) {
if ($station['favicon']) {
if (substr($station['favicon'], 0, 10) == 'data:image') {
// Sadly we can't handle base64 data as a stream image in this way. The URLs are too long
return '';
} else {
return 'getRemoteImage.php?url='.$station['favicon'];
} else {
return '';
private function comm_radio_do_page_buttons($page, $count, $per_page) {
print '<div class="fullwidth brick_wide"><div class="containerbox padright noselection menuitem">';
$class = ($page == 0) ? ' button-disabled' : ' clickable clickicon commradio clickcommradioback';
print '<i class="fixed icon-left-circled medicon'.$class.'"></i>';
print '<div class="expand textcentre">Showing '.($page*$per_page+1).' to '.min(array(($page*$per_page+$per_page), $count)).' of '.$count.'</div>';
$class = ((($page+1) * $per_page) >= $count || $count < $per_page) ? ' button-disabled' : ' clickable commradio clickicon clickcommradioforward';
print '<i class="fixed icon-right-circled medicon'.$class.'"></i>';
print '</div>';
$firstpage = max(0, $page-4);
$lastpage = min($firstpage+9, round(($count/$per_page), 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN));
print '<div class="textcentre brick_wide containerbox wrap menuitem">';
for ($p = $firstpage; $p < $lastpage; $p++) {
print '<div class="clickable commradio clickicon clickcommradiopager expand';
if ($p == $page) {
print ' highlighted';
print '" name="'.$p.'">'.($p+1).'</div>';
print '</div>';
print '</div>';
private function comm_radio_sanitise_station($station) {
global $prefs;
$blank_station = array(
'tags' => '',
'state' => '',
'country' => '',
'votes' => 0,
'negativevotes' => 0,
'codec' => 'Unknown Codec',
'bitrate' => 'Unknown ',
'favicon' => null,
'homepage' => null
$result = array_merge($blank_station, $station);
if ($result['state'] && $result['country']) {
$result['state'] .= ', ';
if ($result['bitrate'] == 0) {
$result['bitrate'] = 'Unknown ';
// No real idea whay one works for one player but not the other. MPD won't load the M3U files,
// Mopidy won't load the PLS files. All I do is send a load/add and a URL.....
if ($prefs['player_backend'] == 'mpd') {
$result['playurl'] = ''.$station['id'];
} else {
$result['playurl'] = ''.$station['id'];
return $result;
if (array_key_exists('populate', $_REQUEST)) {
include ("includes/vars.php");
include ("includes/functions.php");
include ("international.php");
include ("skins/".$skin."/ui_elements.php");
foreach ($_REQUEST as $i => $r) {
logger::log("COMMRADIO", $i,":",$r);
$commradio = new commradioplugin();
if ($_REQUEST['populate'] == 1) {
if ($_REQUEST['populate'] == 1) {
} else {
$commradio = new commradioplugin();