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2021-03-20 01:33:02 +01:00
namespace Clue\StreamFilter;
* Append a filter callback to the given stream.
* Each stream can have a list of filters attached.
* This function appends a filter to the end of this list.
* If the given filter can not be added, it throws an `Exception`.
* The `$stream` can be any valid stream resource, such as:
* ```php
* $stream = fopen('demo.txt', 'w+');
* ```
* The `$callback` should be a valid callable function which accepts
* an individual chunk of data and should return the updated chunk:
* ```php
* $filter = Filter\append($stream, function ($chunk) {
* // will be called each time you read or write a $chunk to/from the stream
* return $chunk;
* });
* ```
* As such, you can also use native PHP functions or any other `callable`:
* ```php
* Filter\append($stream, 'strtoupper');
* // will write "HELLO" to the underlying stream
* fwrite($stream, 'hello');
* ```
* If the `$callback` accepts invocation without parameters,
* then this signature will be invoked once ending (flushing) the filter:
* ```php
* Filter\append($stream, function ($chunk = null) {
* if ($chunk === null) {
* // will be called once ending the filter
* return 'end';
* }
* // will be called each time you read or write a $chunk to/from the stream
* return $chunk;
* });
* fclose($stream);
* ```
* > Note: Legacy PHP versions (PHP < 5.4) do not support passing additional data
* from the end signal handler if the stream is being closed.
* If your callback throws an `Exception`, then the filter process will be aborted.
* In order to play nice with PHP's stream handling,
* the `Exception` will be transformed to a PHP warning instead:
* ```php
* Filter\append($stream, function ($chunk) {
* throw new \RuntimeException('Unexpected chunk');
* });
* // raises an E_USER_WARNING with "Error invoking filter: Unexpected chunk"
* fwrite($stream, 'hello');
* ```
* The optional `$read_write` parameter can be used to only invoke the `$callback`
* when either writing to the stream or only when reading from the stream:
* ```php
* Filter\append($stream, function ($chunk) {
* // will be called each time you write to the stream
* return $chunk;
* Filter\append($stream, function ($chunk) {
* // will be called each time you read from the stream
* return $chunk;
* ```
* This function returns a filter resource which can be passed to [`remove()`](#remove).
* > Note that once a filter has been added to stream, the stream can no longer be passed to
* > [`stream_select()`](
* > (and family).
* >
* > > Warning: stream_select(): cannot cast a filtered stream on this system in {file} on line {line}
* >
* > This is due to limitations of PHP's stream filter support, as it can no longer reliably
* > tell when the underlying stream resource is actually ready.
* > As an alternative, consider calling `stream_select()` on the unfiltered stream and
* > then pass the unfiltered data through the [`fun()`](#fun) function.
* @param resource $stream
* @param callable $callback
* @param int $read_write
* @return resource filter resource which can be used for `remove()`
* @throws \Exception on error
* @uses stream_filter_append()
function append($stream, $callback, $read_write = STREAM_FILTER_ALL)
$ret = @\stream_filter_append($stream, register(), $read_write, $callback);
// PHP 8 throws above on type errors, older PHP and memory issues can throw here
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if ($ret === false) {
$error = \error_get_last() + array('message' => '');
throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to append filter: ' . $error['message']);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
return $ret;
* Prepend a filter callback to the given stream.
* Each stream can have a list of filters attached.
* This function prepends a filter to the start of this list.
* If the given filter can not be added, it throws an `Exception`.
* ```php
* $filter = Filter\prepend($stream, function ($chunk) {
* // will be called each time you read or write a $chunk to/from the stream
* return $chunk;
* });
* ```
* This function returns a filter resource which can be passed to [`remove()`](#remove).
* Except for the position in the list of filters, this function behaves exactly
* like the [`append()`](#append) function.
* For more details about its behavior, see also the [`append()`](#append) function.
* @param resource $stream
* @param callable $callback
* @param int $read_write
* @return resource filter resource which can be used for `remove()`
* @throws \Exception on error
* @uses stream_filter_prepend()
function prepend($stream, $callback, $read_write = STREAM_FILTER_ALL)
$ret = @\stream_filter_prepend($stream, register(), $read_write, $callback);
// PHP 8 throws above on type errors, older PHP and memory issues can throw here
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if ($ret === false) {
$error = \error_get_last() + array('message' => '');
throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to prepend filter: ' . $error['message']);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
return $ret;
* Create a filter function which uses the given built-in `$filter`.
* PHP comes with a useful set of [built-in filters](
* Using `fun()` makes accessing these as easy as passing an input string to filter
* and getting the filtered output string.
* ```php
* $fun = Filter\fun('string.rot13');
* assert('grfg' === $fun('test'));
* assert('test' === $fun($fun('test'));
* ```
* Please note that not all filter functions may be available depending
* on installed PHP extensions and the PHP version in use.
* In particular, [HHVM]( may not offer the same filter functions
* or parameters as Zend PHP.
* Accessing an unknown filter function will result in a `RuntimeException`:
* ```php
* Filter\fun('unknown'); // throws RuntimeException
* ```
* Some filters may accept or require additional filter parameters most
* filters do not require filter parameters.
* If given, the optional `$parameters` argument will be passed to the
* underlying filter handler as-is.
* In particular, note how *not passing* this parameter at all differs from
* explicitly passing a `null` value (which many filters do not accept).
* Please refer to the individual filter definition for more details.
* For example, the `string.strip_tags` filter can be invoked like this:
* ```php
* $fun = Filter\fun('string.strip_tags', '<a><b>');
* $ret = $fun('<b>h<br>i</b>');
* assert('<b>hi</b>' === $ret);
* ```
* Under the hood, this function allocates a temporary memory stream, so it's
* recommended to clean up the filter function after use.
* Also, some filter functions (in particular the
* [zlib compression filters](
* may use internal buffers and may emit a final data chunk on close.
* The filter function can be closed by invoking without any arguments:
* ```php
* $fun = Filter\fun('zlib.deflate');
* $ret = $fun('hello') . $fun('world') . $fun();
* assert('helloworld' === gzinflate($ret));
* ```
* The filter function must not be used anymore after it has been closed.
* Doing so will result in a `RuntimeException`:
* ```php
* $fun = Filter\fun('string.rot13');
* $fun();
* $fun('test'); // throws RuntimeException
* ```
* > Note: If you're using the zlib compression filters, then you should be wary
* about engine inconsistencies between different PHP versions and HHVM.
* These inconsistencies exist in the underlying PHP engines and there's little we
* can do about this in this library.
* [Our test suite](tests/) contains several test cases that exhibit these issues.
* If you feel some test case is missing or outdated, we're happy to accept PRs! :)
* @param string $filter built-in filter name. See stream_get_filters() or
* @param mixed $parameters (optional) parameters to pass to the built-in filter as-is
* @return callable a filter callback which can be append()'ed or prepend()'ed
* @throws \RuntimeException on error
* @link
* @see stream_get_filters()
* @see append()
function fun($filter, $parameters = null)
$fp = \fopen('php://memory', 'w');
if (\func_num_args() === 1) {
$filter = @\stream_filter_append($fp, $filter, \STREAM_FILTER_WRITE);
} else {
$filter = @\stream_filter_append($fp, $filter, \STREAM_FILTER_WRITE, $parameters);
if ($filter === false) {
$error = \error_get_last() + array('message' => '');
throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to access built-in filter: ' . $error['message']);
// append filter function which buffers internally
$buffer = '';
append($fp, function ($chunk) use (&$buffer) {
$buffer .= $chunk;
// always return empty string in order to skip actually writing to stream resource
return '';
$closed = false;
return function ($chunk = null) use ($fp, $filter, &$buffer, &$closed) {
if ($closed) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to perform operation on closed stream');
if ($chunk === null) {
$closed = true;
$buffer = '';
return $buffer;
// initialize buffer and invoke filters by attempting to write to stream
$buffer = '';
\fwrite($fp, $chunk);
// buffer now contains everything the filter function returned
return $buffer;
* Remove a filter previously added via `append()` or `prepend()`.
* ```php
* $filter = Filter\append($stream, function () {
* // …
* });
* Filter\remove($filter);
* ```
* @param resource $filter
* @return bool true on success or false on error
* @throws \RuntimeException on error
* @uses stream_filter_remove()
function remove($filter)
if (@\stream_filter_remove($filter) === false) {
// PHP 8 throws above on type errors, older PHP and memory issues can throw here
$error = \error_get_last();
throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to remove filter: ' . $error['message']);
* Registers the callback filter and returns the resulting filter name
* There should be little reason to call this function manually.
* @return string filter name
* @uses CallbackFilter
function register()
static $registered = null;
if ($registered === null) {
$registered = 'stream-callback';
\stream_filter_register($registered, __NAMESPACE__ . '\CallbackFilter');
return $registered;