#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ CopyLeft 2020 Pascal Engélibert This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ __version__ = "1.3.1" import os, sys, duniterpy.key, libnacl, base58, base64, getpass def getargv(arg:str, default:str="", n:int=1, args:list=sys.argv) -> str: if arg in args and len(args) > args.index(arg)+n: return args[args.index(arg)+n] else: return default def read_data(data_path, b=True): if data_path == "-": if b: return sys.stdin.buffer.read() else: return sys.stdin.read() else: return open(os.path.expanduser(data_path), "rb" if b else "r").read() def write_data(data, result_path): if result_path == "-": os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'wb').write(data) else: open(os.path.expanduser(result_path), "wb").write(data) def encrypt(data, pubkey): return duniterpy.key.PublicKey(pubkey).encrypt_seal(data) def decrypt(data, privkey): return privkey.decrypt_seal(data) def box_encrypt(data, privkey, pubkey, nonce=None, attach_nonce=False): signer = libnacl.sign.Signer(privkey.seed) sk = libnacl.public.SecretKey(libnacl.crypto_sign_ed25519_sk_to_curve25519(signer.sk)) verifier = libnacl.sign.Verifier(base58.b58decode(pubkey).hex()) pk = libnacl.public.PublicKey(libnacl.crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519(verifier.vk)) box = libnacl.public.Box(sk.sk, pk.pk) data = box.encrypt(data, nonce) if nonce else box.encrypt(data) return data if attach_nonce else data[24:] def box_decrypt(data, privkey, pubkey, nonce=None): signer = libnacl.sign.Signer(privkey.seed) sk = libnacl.public.SecretKey(libnacl.crypto_sign_ed25519_sk_to_curve25519(signer.sk)) verifier = libnacl.sign.Verifier(base58.b58decode(pubkey).hex()) pk = libnacl.public.PublicKey(libnacl.crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519(verifier.vk)) box = libnacl.public.Box(sk.sk, pk.pk) return box.decrypt(data, nonce) if nonce else box.decrypt(data) def sign(data, privkey): return privkey.sign(data) def verify(data, pubkey): try: ret = libnacl.sign.Verifier(duniterpy.key.PublicKey(pubkey).hex_pk()).verify(data) sys.stderr.write("Signature OK!\n") return ret except ValueError: sys.stderr.write("Bad signature!\n") exit(1) def get_privkey(privkey_path, privkey_format): if privkey_format == "pubsec": if privkey_path == "*": privkey_path = "privkey.pubsec" return duniterpy.key.SigningKey.from_pubsec_file(privkey_path) elif privkey_format == "cred": if privkey_path == "*": privkey_path = "-" if privkey_path == "-": return duniterpy.key.SigningKey.from_credentials(getpass.getpass("Password: "), getpass.getpass("Salt: ")) else: return duniterpy.key.SigningKey.from_credentials_file(privkey_path) elif privkey_format == "seedh": if privkey_path == "*": privkey_path = "authfile.seedhex" return duniterpy.key.SigningKey.from_seedhex(read_data(privkey_path, False)) elif privkey_format == "wif": if privkey_path == "*": privkey_path = "authfile.wif" return duniterpy.key.SigningKey.from_wif_or_ewif_file(privkey_path) elif privkey_format == "wifh": if privkey_path == "*": privkey_path = "authfile.wif" return duniterpy.key.SigningKey.from_wif_or_ewif_hex(privkey_path) elif privkey_format == "ssb": if privkey_path == "*": privkey_path = "secret" return duniterpy.key.SigningKey.from_ssb_file(privkey_path) elif privkey_format == "key": if privkey_path == "*": privkey_path = "authfile.key" return duniterpy.key.SigningKey.from_private_key(privkey_path) print("Error: unknown privkey format") def fill_pubkey(pubkey, length=32): while pubkey[0] == 0: pubkey = pubkey[1:] return b"\x00"*(length-len(pubkey)) + pubkey def pubkey_checksum(pubkey, length=32, clength=3): return base58.b58encode(libnacl.crypto_hash_sha256(libnacl.crypto_hash_sha256(fill_pubkey(base58.b58decode(pubkey), length)))).decode()[:clength] # returns (pubkey:bytes|None, deprecated_length:bool) def check_pubkey(pubkey): if ":" in pubkey: parts = pubkey.split(":") if len(parts[1]) < 3 or len(parts[1]) > 32: return (None, False) for i in range(32, 0, -1): if pubkey_checksum(parts[0], i, len(parts[1])) == parts[1]: return (parts[0], i < 32) return (None, False) return (pubkey, False) fmt = { "raw": lambda data: data, "16": lambda data: data.hex().encode(), "32": lambda data: base64.b32encode(data), "58": lambda data: base58.b58encode(data), "64": lambda data: base64.b64encode(data), "64u": lambda data: base64.urlsafe_b64encode(data), "85": lambda data: base64.b85encode(data), } defmt = { "raw": lambda data: data, "16": lambda data: bytes.fromhex(data), "32": lambda data: base64.b32decode(data), "58": lambda data: base58.b58decode(data), "64": lambda data: base64.b64decode(data), "85": lambda data: base64.b85decode(data), } def show_help(): print("""Usage: python3 natools.py [options] Commands: encrypt Encrypt data decrypt Decrypt data box-encrypt Encrypt data (NaCl box) box-decrypt Decrypt data (NaCl box) sign Sign data verify Verify data pubkey Display pubkey pk Display b58 pubkey shorthand Options: -c Display pubkey checksum -f Private key format (default: cred) key cred pubsec seedh ssb wif wifh -i Input file path (default: -) -I Input format: raw 16 32 58 64 85 (default: raw) -k Privkey file path (* for auto) (default: *) -n Nonce (b64, 24 bytes) (for NaCl box) -N Attach nonce to output (for NaCl box encryption) --noinc Do not include msg after signature -o Output file path (default: -) -O Output format: raw 16 32 58 64 64u 85 (default: raw) -p Pubkey (base58) --help Show help --version Show version --debug Debug mode (display full errors) Note: "-" means stdin or stdout. """) if __name__ == "__main__": if "--help" in sys.argv: show_help() exit() if "--version" in sys.argv: print(__version__) exit() privkey_format = getargv("-f", "cred") data_path = getargv("-i", "-") privkey_path = getargv("-k", "*") pubkey = getargv("-p") result_path = getargv("-o", "-") output_format = getargv("-O", "raw") input_format = getargv("-I", "raw") if pubkey: pubkey, len_deprecated = check_pubkey(pubkey) if not pubkey: print("Invalid pubkey checksum! Please check spelling.") exit(1) if len(base58.b58decode(pubkey)) > 32: print("Invalid pubkey: too long!") exit(1) if len_deprecated: print("Warning: valid pubkey checksum, but deprecated format (truncating zeros)") try: if sys.argv[1] == "encrypt": if not pubkey: print("Please provide pubkey!") exit(1) write_data(fmt[output_format](encrypt(defmt[input_format](read_data(data_path)), pubkey)), result_path) elif sys.argv[1] == "decrypt": write_data(fmt[output_format](decrypt(defmt[input_format](read_data(data_path)), get_privkey(privkey_path, privkey_format))), result_path) elif sys.argv[1] == "box-encrypt": if not pubkey: print("Please provide pubkey!") exit(1) nonce = getargv("-n", None) if nonce: nonce = base64.b64decode(nonce) attach_nonce = "-N" in sys.argv write_data(fmt[output_format](box_encrypt(defmt[input_format](read_data(data_path)), get_privkey(privkey_path, privkey_format), pubkey, nonce, attach_nonce)), result_path) elif sys.argv[1] == "box-decrypt": if not pubkey: print("Please provide pubkey!") exit(1) nonce = getargv("-n", None) if nonce: nonce = base64.b64decode(nonce) write_data(fmt[output_format](box_decrypt(defmt[input_format](read_data(data_path)), get_privkey(privkey_path, privkey_format), pubkey, nonce)), result_path) elif sys.argv[1] == "sign": data = defmt[input_format](read_data(data_path)) signed = sign(data, get_privkey(privkey_path, privkey_format)) if "--noinc" in sys.argv: signed = signed[:len(signed)-len(data)] write_data(fmt[output_format](signed), result_path) elif sys.argv[1] == "verify": if not pubkey: print("Please provide pubkey!") exit(1) write_data(fmt[output_format](verify(defmt[input_format](read_data(data_path)), pubkey)), result_path) elif sys.argv[1] == "pubkey": if pubkey: if "-c" in sys.argv and output_format == "58": write_data("{}:{}".format(pubkey, pubkey_checksum(pubkey)).encode(), result_path) else: write_data(fmt[output_format](base58.b58decode(pubkey)), result_path) else: pubkey = get_privkey(privkey_path, privkey_format).pubkey if "-c" in sys.argv and output_format == "58": write_data("{}:{}".format(pubkey, pubkey_checksum(pubkey)).encode(), result_path) else: write_data(fmt[output_format](base58.b58decode(pubkey)), result_path) elif sys.argv[1] == "pk": if not pubkey: pubkey = get_privkey(privkey_path, privkey_format).pubkey if "-c" in sys.argv: print("{}:{}".format(pubkey, pubkey_checksum(pubkey))) else: print(pubkey) else: show_help() except Exception as e: if "--debug" in sys.argv: 0/0 # DEBUG MODE (raise error when handling error to display backtrace) sys.stderr.write("Error: {}\n".format(e)) show_help() exit(1)