$ ./ajouter_video_youtube.sh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JYJF9L5YW4 Error: error loading plugins: open /home/boris/.ipfs/config: permission denied ./ajouter_video_youtube.sh: ligne 31:  XZUID=boris-ThinkPad-T420 : commande introuvable VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JYJF9L5YW4 [youtube] 2JYJF9L5YW4: Downloading webpage WARNING: There are no annotations to write. [info] Writing video description metadata as JSON to: /tmp/1615547666114/2JYJF9L5YW4_NPC rides his bike into the mayor.info.json [download] Destination: /tmp/1615547666114/2JYJF9L5YW4_NPC rides his bike into the mayor.mp4 [download] 100% of 988.39KiB in 00:00 mkdir: impossible de créer le répertoire «~»: Permission non accordée ~/astroport/youtube/2JYJF9L5YW4/2JYJF9L5YW4_NPC rides his bike into the mayor.mp4: No such file or directory ./ajouter_video_youtube.sh: ligne 73: /home/boris/astroport/youtube/2JYJF9L5YW4/ajouter_video.txt: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type ./ajouter_video_youtube.sh: ligne 82: /tmp/youtube_2JYJF9L5YW4.log: Permission non accordée