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2020-12-10 15:53:17 +01:00
class Chart {
private $crowdfunding;
private $points = NULL;
private $displayTarget = true;
private $graphs = [];
public function __construct ($crowdfunding) {
$this->crowdfunding = $crowdfunding;
private function addLastPointOfCumulativeGraph ($lastAmount) {
$lastDay = NULL;
if ($this->crowdfunding->isOver()) {
$lastDay = $this->crowdfunding->getEndDate();
} elseif ($this->crowdfunding->hasStartedYet()) {
$lastDay = $this->crowdfunding->today;
if (isset($lastDay)) {
$followingDay = (clone $lastDay)->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));
$this->points['amountCollectedByDayCumulative'][] = [
't' => $lastDay->getTimestamp() * 1000,
'y' => $this->crowdfunding->convertIntoChosenUnit($lastAmount)
$this->points['amountCollectedByDayCumulative'][] = [
't' => $followingDay->getTimestamp() * 1000,
'y' => $this->crowdfunding->convertIntoChosenUnit($lastAmount)
private function addSecondPointOfTarget ($target) {
$d = NULL;
if ($this->crowdfunding->isOver()) {
$d = $this->crowdfunding->getEndDate();
} else {
if (!$this->crowdfunding->isEvergreen()) {
$d = $this->crowdfunding->getEndDate();
} else {
if ($this->crowdfunding->isEvergreen() == 'monthly') {
// last point will be the last day of the month the campaign starts
$dateOfLastDayOfTheMonth = new DateTime($this->crowdfunding->getStartDate()->format("Y-m-t"));
$d = $dateOfLastDayOfTheMonth;
} else { //if ($this->crowdfunding->isEvergreen() == 'forever') {
if ($this->crowdfunding->hasStartedYet()) {
$d = $this->crowdfunding->now;
} else {
$dateOfLastDayOfTheMonth = new DateTime($this->getStartDate()->format("Y-m-t"));
$d = $dateOfLastDayOfTheMonth;
$d->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));
$this->points['targetLine'][] = [
't' => $d->getTimestamp() * 1000,
'y' => $target
public function displayTarget ($bool = NULL) {
if (isset($bool)) {
$this->displayTarget = $bool;
} else {
return $this->displayTarget;
public function addGraph ($g) {
$this->graphs[] = $g;
private function setPoints () {
$dailyAmount = 0;
$dailyAmountCumulative = 0;
$t_0 = (clone $this->crowdfunding->getStartDate());
$mt_0 = $t_0->getTimestamp() * 1000;
if ($this->crowdfunding->hasTarget()) {
// On trace la droite de l'objectif
$this->points['targetLine'][] = [
't' => $mt_0,
'y' => $this->crowdfunding->getTarget()
// For x axis scaling
$this->points['amountCollectedByDayCumulative'][] = [
't' => $mt_0,
'y' => 0
$tx = $this->crowdfunding->getDonationsList();
if (empty($tx)) {
// For y axis scaling
$this->points['amountCollectedByDay'][] = [
't' => $mt_0,
'y' => 0
} else {
$currentDay = new DateTime();
$dayBefore = clone $this->crowdfunding->getStartDate();
foreach ($tx as $t) {
$dailyAmountCumulative += $t->getAmount();
$dailyAmount += $t->getAmount();
$currentDay->setTime(0, 0, 0);
if ($currentDay != $dayBefore) {
$this->points['amountCollectedByDay'][] = [
't' => $dayBefore->getTimestamp() * 1000,
'y' => $this->crowdfunding->convertIntoChosenUnit($dailyAmount)
$this->points['amountCollectedByDayCumulative'][] = [
't' => $dayBefore->getTimestamp() * 1000,
'y' => $this->crowdfunding->convertIntoChosenUnit($dailyAmountCumulative)
$lastDailyAmount = $dailyAmount;
$dailyAmount = 0;
$dayBefore = clone $currentDay;
// Add latest day's tx
$this->points['amountCollectedByDay'][] = [
't' => $dayBefore->getTimestamp() * 1000,
'y' => $this->crowdfunding->convertIntoChosenUnit($lastDailyAmount)
public function getAmountCollectedByDayPoints () {
if (empty($this->points)) {
return json_encode($this->points['amountCollectedByDay']);
public function getAmountCollectedByDayCumulativePoints () {
if (empty($this->points)) {
$points = isset($this->points['amountCollectedByDayCumulative']) ? $this->points['amountCollectedByDayCumulative'] : [];
return json_encode($points);
public function getTargetLinePoints () {
if (empty($this->points)) {
return json_encode($this->points['targetLine']);
public function setTargetLineColor ($colorStr) {
$this->targetLineColor = new Color($colorStr);
public function getScripts ($lang, $whereToInsertChart = 'main', $dir = '') {
if (empty($this->points)) {
$out = '<script src="'. $dir .'lib/js/moment.min.js"></script>';
$out .= '<script src="'. $dir .'locales/moment.js/'. $lang .'.js"></script>';
$out .= '<script src="'. $dir .'lib/js/chart.min.js"></script>';
$out .= '<script>
window.onload = function() {
moment.locale(\''. $lang .'\');
var currentLocaleData = moment.localeData();
var dateFormat = currentLocaleData.longDateFormat(\'L\');
var hourFormat = currentLocaleData.longDateFormat(\'LT\');
var container = document.querySelector(\''. $whereToInsertChart .'\');
var div = document.createElement(\'div\');
var canvas = document.createElement(\'canvas\');
var chartData = {
datasets: [';
foreach ($this->graphs as $g) {
$out .= $g->getGraph() . ', ';
$out .= '
new Chart(canvas.getContext(\'2d\'), {
type: \'bar\',
data: chartData,
options: {
responsive: true,
animation: {
duration: 1800,
easing: \'easeInCubic\'
title: {
display: true
scales: {
xAxes: [{
type: \'time\',
time: {
minUnit: \'day\',
tooltipFormat: dateFormat
tooltips: {
intersect: false
return $out;