# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # MIT License (see LICENSE.txt or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) """Implements Kodi Helper functions""" from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals from contextlib import contextmanager import xbmc import xbmcaddon from xbmcgui import DialogProgress, DialogProgressBG from .unicodes import from_unicode, to_unicode # NOTE: We need to explicitly add the add-on id here! ADDON = xbmcaddon.Addon('script.module.inputstreamhelper') class progress_dialog(DialogProgress, object): # pylint: disable=invalid-name,useless-object-inheritance """Show Kodi's Progress dialog""" def __init__(self): """Initialize a new progress dialog""" # Wait for previous Progress dialog to close # Progress dialog Window ID is 10101: https://kodi.wiki/view/Window_IDs while get_current_window_id() == 10101: xbmc.sleep(100) super(progress_dialog, self).__init__() def create(self, heading, message=''): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Create and show a progress dialog""" if kodi_version_major() < 19: lines = message.split('\n', 2) line1, line2, line3 = (lines + [None] * (3 - len(lines))) return super(progress_dialog, self).create(heading, line1=line1, line2=line2, line3=line3) return super(progress_dialog, self).create(heading, message=message) def update(self, percent, message=''): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Update the progress dialog""" if kodi_version_major() < 19: lines = message.split('\n', 2) line1, line2, line3 = (lines + [None] * (3 - len(lines))) return super(progress_dialog, self).update(percent, line1=line1, line2=line2, line3=line3) return super(progress_dialog, self).update(percent, message=message) class SafeDict(dict): """A safe dictionary implementation that does not break down on missing keys""" def __missing__(self, key): """Replace missing keys with the original placeholder""" return '{' + key + '}' def kodi_version(): """Returns full Kodi version as string""" return xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.BuildVersion').split(' ')[0] def kodi_version_major(): """Returns major Kodi version as integer""" return int(kodi_version().split('.')[0]) def translate_path(path): """Translate special xbmc paths""" return to_unicode(xbmc.translatePath(from_unicode(path))) def get_addon_info(key): """Return addon information""" return to_unicode(ADDON.getAddonInfo(key)) def addon_id(): """Cache and return add-on ID""" return get_addon_info('id') def addon_profile(): """Cache and return add-on profile""" return translate_path(get_addon_info('profile')) def addon_version(): """Cache and return add-on version""" return get_addon_info('version') def browsesingle(type, heading, shares='', mask='', useThumbs=False, treatAsFolder=False, defaultt=None): # pylint: disable=invalid-name,redefined-builtin """Show a Kodi browseSingle dialog""" from xbmcgui import Dialog if not heading: heading = ADDON.getAddonInfo('name') return to_unicode(Dialog().browseSingle(type=type, heading=heading, shares=shares, mask=mask, useThumbs=useThumbs, treatAsFolder=treatAsFolder, defaultt=defaultt)) def notification(heading='', message='', icon='info', time=4000): """Show a Kodi notification""" from xbmcgui import Dialog if not heading: heading = ADDON.getAddonInfo('name') return Dialog().notification(heading=heading, message=message, icon=icon, time=time) def ok_dialog(heading='', message=''): """Show Kodi's OK dialog""" from xbmcgui import Dialog if not heading: heading = ADDON.getAddonInfo('name') if kodi_version_major() < 19: return Dialog().ok(heading=heading, line1=message) return Dialog().ok(heading=heading, message=message) def select_dialog(heading='', opt_list=None, autoclose=0, preselect=-1, useDetails=False): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Show Kodi's Select dialog""" from xbmcgui import Dialog if not heading: heading = ADDON.getAddonInfo('name') return Dialog().select(heading, opt_list, autoclose=autoclose, preselect=preselect, useDetails=useDetails) def textviewer(heading='', text='', usemono=False): """Show a Kodi textviewer dialog""" from xbmcgui import Dialog if not heading: heading = ADDON.getAddonInfo('name') if kodi_version_major() < 18: return Dialog().textviewer(heading=heading, text=text) return Dialog().textviewer(heading=heading, text=text, usemono=usemono) def yesno_dialog(heading='', message='', nolabel=None, yeslabel=None, autoclose=0): """Show Kodi's Yes/No dialog""" from xbmcgui import Dialog if not heading: heading = ADDON.getAddonInfo('name') if kodi_version_major() < 19: return Dialog().yesno(heading=heading, line1=message, nolabel=nolabel, yeslabel=yeslabel, autoclose=autoclose) return Dialog().yesno(heading=heading, message=message, nolabel=nolabel, yeslabel=yeslabel, autoclose=autoclose) def localize(string_id, **kwargs): """Return the translated string from the .po language files, optionally translating variables""" if kwargs: from string import Formatter return Formatter().vformat(ADDON.getLocalizedString(string_id), (), SafeDict(**kwargs)) return ADDON.getLocalizedString(string_id) def get_setting(key, default=None): """Get an add-on setting as string""" try: value = to_unicode(ADDON.getSetting(key)) except RuntimeError: # Occurs when the add-on is disabled return default if value == '' and default is not None: return default return value def get_setting_bool(key, default=None): """Get an add-on setting as boolean""" try: return ADDON.getSettingBool(key) except (AttributeError, TypeError): # On Krypton or older, or when not a boolean value = get_setting(key, default) if value not in ('false', 'true'): return default return bool(value == 'true') except RuntimeError: # Occurs when the add-on is disabled return default def get_setting_int(key, default=None): """Get an add-on setting as integer""" try: return ADDON.getSettingInt(key) except (AttributeError, TypeError): # On Krypton or older, or when not an integer value = get_setting(key, default) try: return int(value) except ValueError: return default except RuntimeError: # Occurs when the add-on is disabled return default def get_setting_float(key, default=None): """Get an add-on setting as float""" try: return ADDON.getSettingNumber(key) except (AttributeError, TypeError): # On Krypton or older, or when not a float value = get_setting(key, default) try: return float(value) except ValueError: return default except RuntimeError: # Occurs when the add-on is disabled return default def set_setting(key, value): """Set an add-on setting""" return ADDON.setSetting(key, from_unicode(str(value))) def set_setting_bool(key, value): """Set an add-on setting as boolean""" try: return ADDON.setSettingBool(key, value) except (AttributeError, TypeError): # On Krypton or older, or when not a boolean if value in ['false', 'true']: return set_setting(key, value) if value: return set_setting(key, 'true') return set_setting(key, 'false') def get_global_setting(key): """Get a Kodi setting""" result = jsonrpc(method='Settings.GetSettingValue', params=dict(setting=key)) return result.get('result', {}).get('value') def get_current_window_id(): """Get current window id""" result = jsonrpc(method='GUI.GetProperties', params=dict(properties=['currentwindow'])) if result.get('error'): return None return result.get('result', {}).get('currentwindow').get('id') def has_socks(): """Test if socks is installed, and use a static variable to remember""" if hasattr(has_socks, 'cached'): return getattr(has_socks, 'cached') try: import socks # noqa: F401; pylint: disable=unused-variable,unused-import,useless-suppression except ImportError: has_socks.cached = False return None # Detect if this is the first run has_socks.cached = True return True def get_proxies(): """Return a usable proxies dictionary from Kodi proxy settings""" usehttpproxy = get_global_setting('network.usehttpproxy') if usehttpproxy is not True: return None try: httpproxytype = int(get_global_setting('network.httpproxytype')) except ValueError: httpproxytype = 0 socks_supported = has_socks() if httpproxytype != 0 and not socks_supported: # Only open the dialog the first time (to avoid multiple popups) if socks_supported is None: ok_dialog('', localize(30042)) # Requires PySocks return None proxy_types = ['http', 'socks4', 'socks4a', 'socks5', 'socks5h'] proxy = dict( scheme=proxy_types[httpproxytype] if 0 <= httpproxytype < 5 else 'http', server=get_global_setting('network.httpproxyserver'), port=get_global_setting('network.httpproxyport'), username=get_global_setting('network.httpproxyusername'), password=get_global_setting('network.httpproxypassword'), ) if proxy.get('username') and proxy.get('password') and proxy.get('server') and proxy.get('port'): proxy_address = '{scheme}://{username}:{password}@{server}:{port}'.format(**proxy) elif proxy.get('username') and proxy.get('server') and proxy.get('port'): proxy_address = '{scheme}://{username}@{server}:{port}'.format(**proxy) elif proxy.get('server') and proxy.get('port'): proxy_address = '{scheme}://{server}:{port}'.format(**proxy) elif proxy.get('server'): proxy_address = '{scheme}://{server}'.format(**proxy) else: return None return dict(http=proxy_address, https=proxy_address) def log(level=0, message='', **kwargs): """Log info messages to Kodi""" if kwargs: from string import Formatter message = Formatter().vformat(message, (), SafeDict(**kwargs)) message = '[{addon}] {message}'.format(addon=addon_id(), message=message) xbmc.log(from_unicode(message), level) def jsonrpc(*args, **kwargs): """Perform JSONRPC calls""" from json import dumps, loads # We do not accept both args and kwargs if args and kwargs: log(4, 'ERROR: Wrong use of jsonrpc()') return None # Process a list of actions if args: for (idx, cmd) in enumerate(args): if cmd.get('id') is None: cmd.update(id=idx) if cmd.get('jsonrpc') is None: cmd.update(jsonrpc='2.0') return loads(xbmc.executeJSONRPC(dumps(args))) # Process a single action if kwargs.get('id') is None: kwargs.update(id=0) if kwargs.get('jsonrpc') is None: kwargs.update(jsonrpc='2.0') return loads(xbmc.executeJSONRPC(dumps(kwargs))) def kodi_to_ascii(string): """Convert Kodi format tags to ascii""" if string is None: return None string = string.replace('[B]', '') string = string.replace('[/B]', '') string = string.replace('[I]', '') string = string.replace('[/I]', '') string = string.replace('[COLOR gray]', '') string = string.replace('[COLOR yellow]', '') string = string.replace('[/COLOR]', '') return string @contextmanager def open_file(path, flags='r'): """Open a file (using xbmcvfs)""" from xbmcvfs import File fdesc = File(path, flags) yield fdesc fdesc.close() def copy(src, dest): """Copy a file (using xbmcvfs)""" from xbmcvfs import copy as vfscopy log(2, "Copy file '{src}' to '{dest}'.", src=src, dest=dest) return vfscopy(from_unicode(src), from_unicode(dest)) def delete(path): """Remove a file (using xbmcvfs)""" from xbmcvfs import delete as vfsdelete log(2, "Delete file '{path}'.", path=path) return vfsdelete(from_unicode(path)) def exists(path): """Whether the path exists (using xbmcvfs)""" # File or folder (folder must end with slash or backslash) from xbmcvfs import exists as vfsexists return vfsexists(from_unicode(path)) def listdir(path): """Return all files in a directory (using xbmcvfs)""" from xbmcvfs import listdir as vfslistdir dirs, files = vfslistdir(from_unicode(path)) return [to_unicode(item) for items in (dirs, files) for item in items] def mkdir(path): """Create a directory (using xbmcvfs)""" from xbmcvfs import mkdir as vfsmkdir log(2, "Create directory '{path}'.", path=path) return vfsmkdir(from_unicode(path)) def mkdirs(path): """Create directory including parents (using xbmcvfs)""" from xbmcvfs import mkdirs as vfsmkdirs log(2, "Recursively create directory '{path}'.", path=path) return vfsmkdirs(from_unicode(path)) def stat_file(path): """Return information about a file (using xbmcvfs)""" from xbmcvfs import Stat return Stat(from_unicode(path)) def bg_progress_dialog(): """Show Kodi's Background Progress dialog""" return DialogProgressBG()