This commit is contained in:
fred 2022-09-15 13:45:52 +02:00
parent 0f6bef8b9e
commit b8d6e116e9
1 changed files with 10 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -40,42 +40,42 @@ for yurl in $(cat ~/.zen/tmp/tiddlers.json | jq -r '.[].text' | grep 'http'); do
yt-dlp -f "bv*[ext=mp4][height<=480]+ba/b[height<=480] / wv*+ba/w" --no-mtime --embed-thumbnail --add-metadata -o "$HOME/.zen/tmp/tube/%(title)s.%(ext)s" ${yurl}
# Get last writen file... TOTDO: Could we do better ?
FILE=$(ls -t ~/.zen/tmp/tube/ | tail -n 1)
[[ ! -f ~/.zen/tmp/tube/$FILE ]] && echo "No FILE -- EXIT --" && exit 1
ZFILE=$(ls -t ~/.zen/tmp/tube/ | tail -n 1)
[[ ! -f ~/.zen/tmp/tube/$ZFILE ]] && echo "No FILE -- EXIT --" && exit 1
echo "~/.zen/tmp/tube/$FILE downloaded"
echo "~/.zen/tmp/tube/$ZFILE downloaded"
echo "Adding to IPFS"
ILINK=$(ipfs add -q "$HOME/.zen/tmp/tube/$FILE" | tail -n 1)
ILINK=$(ipfs add -q "$HOME/.zen/tmp/tube/$ZFILE" | tail -n 1)
echo "/ipfs/$ILINK ready"
MIME=$(file --mime-type "$HOME/.zen/tmp/tube/$FILE" | rev | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | rev)
MIME=$(file --mime-type "$HOME/.zen/tmp/tube/$ZFILE" | rev | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | rev)
TEXT="<video controls width=360><source src='/ipfs/"${ILINK}"' type='"${MIME}"'></video><h1>"${FILE}"</h1>"
TEXT="<video controls width=360><source src='/ipfs/"${ILINK}"' type='"${MIME}"'></video><h1>"${ZFILE}"</h1>"
echo "Creating Youtube tiddler"
echo $TEXT
echo '[
"title": "'$FILE'",
"title": "'$ZFILE'",
"type": "'text/vnd.tiddlywiki'",
"text": "'$TEXT'",
"ipfs": "'${ILINK}'",
"tags": "'ipfs youtube ${MIME}'"
' > "$HOME/.zen/tmp/$FILE.TW.json"
' > "$HOME/.zen/tmp/tube/$ZFILE.TW.json"
echo "=========================="
echo "Adding tiddler to TW"
rm -f ~/.zen/tmp/newindex.html
echo "importing $HOME/.zen/tmp/$FILE.TW.json"
echo "importing $HOME/.zen/tmp/tube/$ZFILE.TW.json"
tiddlywiki --load $INDEX \
--import "$HOME/.zen/tmp/$FILE.TW.json" "application/json" \
--import "$HOME/.zen/tmp/tube/$ZFILE.TW.json" "application/json" \
--deletetiddlers '[tag[tube]]' \
--output ~/.zen/tmp --render "$:/core/save/all" "newindex.html" "text/plain"