
This commit is contained in:
Yann Autissier 2022-12-26 20:43:33 +00:00
parent ca63d71af3
commit d284a3ef82
5 changed files with 131 additions and 125 deletions

View File

@ -13,9 +13,7 @@ MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative
MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized
. "${MY_PATH}/tools/"
. "${MY_PATH}/tools/"
. "${MY_PATH}/tools/"
. "${MY_PATH}/tools/"

tools/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
#shellcheck shell=sh
ipfsNodeId() {
ipfsNodeId=$(jq -r .Identity.PeerID ~/.ipfs/config)
[ -n "$ipfsNodeId" ] && echo "$ipfsNodeId"
isLan() {
isLan=$(ip route |awk '$1 == "default" {print $3}' | grep -E "/(^127\.)|(^192\.168\.)|(^10\.)|(^172\.1[6-9]\.)|(^172\.2[0-9]\.)|(^172\.3[0-1]\.)|(^::1$)|(^[fF][cCdD])/" \
|| route -n |awk '$1 == "" {print $2}' | grep -E "/(^127\.)|(^192\.168\.)|(^10\.)|(^172\.1[6-9]\.)|(^172\.2[0-9]\.)|(^172\.3[0-1]\.)|(^::1$)|(^[fF][cCdD])/")
[ -n "$isLan" ] && echo "$isLan"
} 2>/dev/null
myDomainName() {
myDomainName=$(hostname -d 2>/dev/null) && [ -z "$myDomainName" ] && myDomainName=$(domainname 2>/dev/null) && [ "$myDomainName" = "(none)" ] && myDomainName="localhost"
[ -n "$myDomainName" ] && echo "$myDomainName"
myHash() {
[ -f ~/.zen/game/players/localhost/latest ] \
&& myHash=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/localhost/latest) \
|| myHash=$(myTmpl |ipfs add -q)
[ ! -f ~/.zen/game/players/localhost/latest ] \
&& echo "$myHash" > ~/.zen/game/players/localhost/latest
[ -n "$myHash" ] && echo "$myHash"
myHttp() {
[ -n "$(myHttpHeader)" ] \
&& myHttp="$(myHttpHeader)" \
&& myHttp+="
" \
|| myHttp=""
[ -n "$(myHttpContent)" ] \
&& myHttp+="$(myHttpContent)"
[ -n "$myHttp" ] \
&& echo "$myHttp"
myHttpContent() {
[ -n "$(myHash)" ] \
&& myHttpContent="<html><head><title>302 Found</title></head><body><h1>Found</h1>
<p>The document is <a href=\""ipfs/$(myHash)"\">here</a> in IPFS.</p></body></html>" \
&& echo "$myHttpContent"
myHttpHeader() {
[ -n "$(myHash)" ] \
&& myHttpHeader="HTTP/1.0 302 Found
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: $(myHttpContent |wc -c)
Date: $(date -R)
Location: ipfs/$(myHash)
Server: and"
[ -n "$(myKey)" ] && myHttpHeader+="
set-cookie: AND=$(myKey); expires=$(date -R -d "+1 month"); path=/; domain=.$(myDomainName); Secure; SameSite=lax"
[ -n "$myHttpHeader" ] && echo "$myHttpHeader"
myHostName() {
myHostName=$(hostname |sed 's/\.'$(myDomainName)'$//')
[ -n "$(myDomainName)" ] && myHostName="${myHostName}.$(myDomainName)" || myDomainName=${myHostName#*.}
[ -z "$(myDomainName)" ] && myDomainName=localhost
[ -n "$myHostName" ] && echo "$myHostName"
myIp() {
myIp=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}' | head -n 1)
[ -n "$myIp" ] && echo "$myIp"
myIpfs() {
[ -n "$(myHash)" ] \
&& myIpfs="${myIPFS}/ipfs/$(myHash)" \
&& echo "$myIpfs"
myIpns() {
[ -n "$(myKey)" ] \
&& myIpns="${myIPFS}/ipns/${myKey}" \
&& echo "$myIpns"
myKey() {
myKey=$(ipfs key list -l | awk '$2 == "self" {print $1}')
[ -n "$myKey" ] && echo "$myKey"
myPath() {
myPath=$(cd "$(dirname \"$0\")" 2>/dev/null && pwd -P)
[ -n "$myPath" ] && echo "$myPath"
myTmpl() {
[ -n "$isLAN" ] \
&& SED_SCRIPT='sed -e "s~<input type='"'hidden'"' name='"'salt'"' value='"'0'"'>~<input name='"'salt'"' value='"''"'>~g"
-e "s~<input type='"'hidden'"' name='"'pepper'"' value='"'0'"'>~<input name='"'pepper'"' value='"''"'>~g"' \
|| SED_SCRIPT='tee'
myTmpl=$($RUN sed \
-e "s~\"\"~\"${myIPFS}/\"~g" \
-e "s~\"\"~\"${myASTROPORT}\"~g" \
-e "s~${myIPFS}~g" \
-e "s~${myHOST}:12345~g" \
-e "s~_HOSTNAME_~$(hostname)~g" \
-e "s~.000.~.$(printf '%03d' $(seq 0 17 |shuf -n 1)).~g" \
~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/templates/register.html | \
eval ${SED_SCRIPT:-tee})
[ -n "$myTmpl" ] && echo "$myTmpl"
myTs() {
myTs=$(date -u +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S%4N")
[ -n "$myTs" ] && echo "$myTs"
[ -n "$(myTs)" ] && MOATS="${myTs}"
[ -n "$(ipfsNodeId)" ] && IPFSNODEID="${ipfsNodeId}"
[ -n "$(myIp)" ] && myIP="${myIp}"
[ -n "$(isLan)" ] && isLAN="${isLan}"
[ -n "$(myDomainName)" ] \
&& myHOST="astroport.${myDomainName}" \
&& myIPFS="http://ipfs.${myDomainName}:8080" \
&& myASTROPORT="http://astroport.${myDomainName}:1234"
[ -n "$(myHostName)" ] && [ -z "$isLAN" ] \
&& myHOST="astroport.${myHostName}" \
&& myIPFS="https://ipfs.${myDomainName}" \
&& myASTROPORT="https://astroport.${myDomainName}"

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
#shellcheck shell=sh
myHash() {
[ -f ~/.zen/game/players/localhost/latest ] \
&& myHash=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/localhost/latest) \
|| myHash=$(template_register |ipfs add -q)
[ ! -f ~/.zen/game/players/localhost/latest ] \
&& echo "$myHash" > ~/.zen/game/players/localhost/latest
[ -n "$myHash" ] && echo "$myHash"
myHttp() {
[ -n "$(myHttpHeader)" ] \
&& echo "${myHttpHeader}" \
&& echo
[ -n "$(myHttpContent)" ] \
&& echo "${myHttpContent}"
myHttpContent() {
[ -n "$(myHash)" ] \
&& myHttpContent="<html><head><title>302 Found</title></head><body><h1>Found</h1>
<p>The document is <a href=\""ipfs/$(myHash)"\">here</a> in IPFS.</p></body></html>" \
&& echo "$myHttpContent"
myHttpHeader() {
[ -n "$(myHash)" ] \
&& myHttpHeader="HTTP/1.0 302 Found
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: $(myHttpContent |wc -c)
Date: $(date -R)
Location: ipfs/$(myHash)
Server: and"
[ -n "$(myKey)" ] && myHttpHeader+="
set-cookie: AND=$(myKey); expires=$(date -R -d "+1 month"); path=/; domain=.$myDomainName; Secure; SameSite=lax"
[ -n "$myHttpHeader" ] && echo "$myHttpHeader"
myIpfs() {
[ -n "$(myHash)" ] \
&& myIpfs="${myIPFS}/ipfs/$(myHash)" \
&& echo "$myIpfs"
myIpns() {
[ -n "$(myKey)" ] \
&& myIpns="${myIPFS}/ipns/${myKey}" \
&& echo "$myIpns"
myKey() {
myKey=$(ipfs key list -l | awk '$2 == "self" {print $1}')
[ -n "$myKey" ] && echo "$myKey"

View File

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
#shellcheck shell=sh
ipfsNodeId() {
ipfsNodeId=$(jq -r .Identity.PeerID ~/.ipfs/config)
[ -n "$ipfsNodeId" ] && echo "$ipfsNodeId"
isLan() {
isLan=$(ip route |awk '$1 == "default" {print $3}' | grep -E "/(^127\.)|(^192\.168\.)|(^10\.)|(^172\.1[6-9]\.)|(^172\.2[0-9]\.)|(^172\.3[0-1]\.)|(^::1$)|(^[fF][cCdD])/" \
|| route -n |awk '$1 == "" {print $2}' | grep -E "/(^127\.)|(^192\.168\.)|(^10\.)|(^172\.1[6-9]\.)|(^172\.2[0-9]\.)|(^172\.3[0-1]\.)|(^::1$)|(^[fF][cCdD])/")
[ -n "$isLan" ] && echo "$isLan"
} 2>/dev/null
myDomainName() {
myDomainName=$(hostname -d 2>/dev/null) && [ -z "$myDomainName" ] && myDomainName=$(domainname 2>/dev/null) && [ "$myDomainName" = "(none)" ] && myDomainName="localhost"
[ -n "$myDomainName" ] && echo "$myDomainNane"
myHostName() {
myHostName=$(hostname |sed 's/\.'$(myDomainName)'$//')
[ -n "$myDomainName" ] && myHostName="${myHostName}.${myDomainName}" || myDomainName=${myHostName#*.}
[ -z "$myDomainName" ] && myDomainName=localhost
[ -n "$myHostName" ] && echo "$myHostName"
myIp() {
myIp=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}' | head -n 1)
[ -n "$myIp" ] && echo "$myIp"
myTs() {
myTs=$(date -u +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S%4N")
[ -n "$myTs" ] && echo "$myTs"
[ -n "$(myTs)" ] && MOATS="${myTs}"
[ -n "$(ipfsNodeId)" ] && IPFSNODEID="${ipfsNodeId}"
[ -n "$(myIp)" ] && myIP="${myIp}"
[ -n "$(isLan)" ] && isLAN="${isLan}"
[ -n "$(myDomainName)" ] \
&& myHOST="astroport.${myDomainName}" \
&& myIPFS="http://ipfs.${myDomainName}:8080" \
&& myASTROPORT="http://astroport.${myDomainName}:1234"
[ -n "$(myHostName)" ] && [ -z "$isLAN" ] \
&& myHOST="astroport.${myHostName}" \
&& myIPFS="https://ipfs.${myDomainName}" \
&& myASTROPORT="https://astroport.${myDomainName}"

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
#shellcheck shell=sh
template_register() {
[ -n "$isLAN" ] \
&& SED_SCRIPT='sed -e "s~<input type='"'hidden'"' name='"'salt'"' value='"'0'"'>~<input name='"'salt'"' value='"''"'>~g"
-e "s~<input type='"'hidden'"' name='"'pepper'"' value='"'0'"'>~<input name='"'pepper'"' value='"''"'>~g"' \
|| SED_SCRIPT='tee'
$RUN sed \
-e "s~\"\"~\"${myIPFS}/\"~g" \
-e "s~\"\"~\"${myASTROPORT}\"~g" \
-e "s~${myIPFS}~g" \
-e "s~${myHOST}:12345~g" \
-e "s~_HOSTNAME_~$(hostname)~g" \
-e "s~.000.~.$(printf '%03d' $(seq 0 17 |shuf -n 1)).~g" \
~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/templates/register.html | \
eval ${SED_SCRIPT:-tee}