#!/bin/bash ################################################################################ # Authors: @jytou (https://git.duniter.org/jytou) # Modified by Fred (support@qo-op.com) # Version: 0.1 # License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) ################################################################################ # Checks the current block number of $DIR/duniter_nodes.txt (is run in parallel) # and output random (from last synchronized) node checkonenode() { # Timeout in seconds for https nodes httpsTimeout=1 # Timeout in seconds for http nodes httpTimeout=1 node=$1 watched=$2 outfile=$3 # Curl: -m timeout, -k ignore SSL certificate errors cur=`echo "$( { curl -m $httpsTimeout -k https://$node/blockchain/current; } 2>&1 )"` n=$node if [[ "$cur" != *issuersFrameVar* ]] then # It failed in https, maybe try http? cur=`echo "$( { curl -m $httpTimeout http://$node/blockchain/current; } 2>&1 )"` if [[ "$cur" == *issuersFrameVar* ]] then # Indicate that the node is http n="$n-(http)" fi fi if [[ "$cur" != *issuersFrameVar* ]] then # The node didn't respond on time cur="ERROR" else # The node did respond - grab the block number and hash of the block as key cur="`echo "$cur"|grep '^ "number": '|awk '{print $2}'|awk -F, '{print $1}'`-`echo "$cur"|grep '^ "hash": '|awk '{print $2}'|awk '{print substr($1,2,13)}'`" fi if [[ $watched =~ .*#$node#.* ]] then # The node is a watched node, add some bold n="\e[1m$n\e[0m" fi echo "$node : $cur" # Put the result into the file echo "$cur $n">$outfile # Notify that we're done here touch $outfile.done } # Temp dir where results are stored rm -Rf ~/.zen/tmp/gnodewatch DIR=~/.zen/tmp/gnodewatch export DIR mkdir -p $DIR/chains # KEEP ~/.zen/tmp/current.duniter for 5 mn #~ find ~/.zen/tmp/ -mmin +5 -type f -name "current.duniter" -exec rm -f '{}' \; #~ [[ -f ~/.zen/tmp/current.duniter ]] && cat ~/.zen/tmp/current.duniter && exit 0 ##### $DIR/duniter_nodes.txt REFRESH after 20 minutes ##### find $DIR/ -mmin +20 -type f -name "duniter_*" -exec rm -f '{}' \; if [[ ! -f $DIR/duniter_nodes.txt ]]; then # Get New BMAS known Nodes list from shuffle one $DIR/good.nodes.txt [[ -f $DIR/good.nodes.txt ]] && DUNITER=$(shuf -n 1 $DIR/good.nodes.txt) || DUNITER="g1.copylaradio.com:443" curl -s https://$DUNITER/network/peers | jq '.peers[] | .endpoints' | grep GVA | awk '{print $3,$4}' | sed s/\"//g | sed s/\,//g | sed s/\ /:/g | sort -u > $DIR/duniter_nodes.txt [[ "$1" == "BMAS" ]] && curl -s https://$DUNITER/network/peers | jq '.peers[] | .endpoints' | grep BMAS | awk '{print $2,$3}' | sed s/\"//g | sed s/\,//g | sed s/\ /:/g | sort -u > $DIR/duniter_nodes.txt fi # Grab the nodes we are actively watching - they will be in bold in the final output watched=`grep -v "#" $DIR/duniter_nodes.txt|egrep "\!$"|awk '{print "#" $1 "#"}'` # All nodes we are watching nodes=`grep -v "#" $DIR/duniter_nodes.txt|awk '{print $1}'` # The index to generate separate file names index=0 # Wipe out the output directory rm $DIR/*out $DIR/*done $DIR/chains/* $DIR/NODE.* 2>/dev/null # Query all nodes in parallel for node in $nodes do #~ echo "checkonenode $node "$watched" $DIR/$index.out" checkonenode $node "$watched" $DIR/$index.out & #~ cat $DIR/$index.out ((index++)) done # Wait a little for the first files to be created sleep 1s # Wait for all the threads to report they are done while [ `ls $DIR/*done|wc -l` -lt $index ] do sleep 1s done # Grab all results curs=`cat $DIR/*out|sort` # Extract all forks, excluding all errors chains="`echo "$curs"|grep -v ERROR|awk '{print $1}'|sort -r|uniq`" # Count the number of chains and output most recent consensus to "good.nodes.txt" nb=0 for chain in $chains do echo "$curs" | egrep "^$chain " | awk '{print $2}' >> $DIR/chains/$nb; ((nb++)) done longchain=$(ls -S $DIR/chains/ | head -n 1) echo "CHAIN:$chains" # WRITE OUT shuffle Duniter Node Sync with longest chain cat $DIR/chains/$longchain | shuf > $DIR/good.nodes.txt ## TEST if server is really running Duniter Dtest=""; IDtest=""; lastresult=""; loop=0 while read lastresult; do ## CHECK if server is not too slow echo "curl -s -m 2 https://$lastresult | jq -r .duniter.software" Dtest=$(curl -s -m 2 https://$lastresult | jq -r .duniter.software) echo "$Dtest" if [[ "$Dtest" == "duniter" ]]; then if [[ "$1" == "BMAS" ]]; then echo "silkaj --endpoint $lastresult wot lookup DsEx1pS33vzYZg4MroyBV9hCw98j1gtHEhwiZ5tK7ech" IDtest=$(silkaj --endpoint $lastresult wot lookup DsEx1pS33vzYZg4MroyBV9hCw98j1gtHEhwiZ5tK7ech) echo $IDtest [[ $IDtest != "" && $IDtest != "null" ]] && result="$lastresult" && break [[ $loop -eq 8 ]] \ && result="g1.duniter.org" && break else gvaserver=$(echo $lastresult | sed "s~:443~/gva~g" ) echo "jaklis -n https://$gvaserver idBalance -p 2L8vaYixCf97DMT8SistvQFeBj7vb6RQL7tvwyiv1XVH" IDtest=$(jaklis -n https://$gvaserver idBalance -p 2L8vaYixCf97DMT8SistvQFeBj7vb6RQL7tvwyiv1XVH 2>/dev/null) echo $IDtest [[ $IDtest != "" && $IDtest != "null" ]] && result="https://$gvaserver" && break [[ $loop -eq 8 ]] \ && result="https://g1.copylaradio.com/gva" && break fi fi ((loop++)) done < $DIR/good.nodes.txt echo "$result" > ~/.zen/tmp/current.duniter echo $result