#!/bin/bash ################################################################################ # Author: Fred (support@qo-op.com) # Version: 0.1 # License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) ################################################################################ MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized . "$MY_PATH/../tools/my.sh" ################################################################################ # Inspect game wishes, refresh latest IPNS version # SubProcess Backup and chain PLAYER="$1" ## IPNS KEY NAME - G1PUB - PLAYER ... [[ ! ${PLAYER} ]] && echo "Please provide IPFS publish key" && exit 1 MOATS="$2" PSEUDO=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/.pseudo 2>/dev/null) G1PUB=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/.g1pub 2>/dev/null) ASTRONS=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/.playerns 2>/dev/null) ## REFRESH ASTRONAUTE TW ASTRONAUTENS=$(ipfs key list -l | grep -w ${PLAYER} | cut -d ' ' -f1) [[ ! $ASTRONAUTENS ]] && echo "WARNING No ${PLAYER} in keystore --" && ASTRONAUTENS=$ASTRONS [[ ! $ASTRONAUTENS ]] && echo "Missing ${PLAYER} IPNS KEY - CONTINUE --" && exit 1 INDEX="$3" [[ ! $INDEX ]] && INDEX="$HOME/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/moa/index.html" [[ ! -s $INDEX ]] && echo "TW ${PLAYER} manquant" && exit 1 mkdir -p ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${PLAYER}/g1voeu echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" ############################### ## EXTRACT G1Voeu from PLAYER TW echo "Exporting ${PLAYER} TW [tag[G1Voeu]]" rm -f ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${PLAYER}/g1voeu/${PLAYER}.g1voeu.json tiddlywiki --load ${INDEX} --output ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${PLAYER}/g1voeu --render '.' "${PLAYER}.g1voeu.json" 'text/plain' '$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile' 'exportFilter' '[tag[G1Voeu]]' [[ ! -s ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${PLAYER}/g1voeu/${PLAYER}.g1voeu.json ]] && echo "AUCUN G1VOEU - EXIT -" && exit 0 cat ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${PLAYER}/g1voeu/${PLAYER}.g1voeu.json | jq -r '.[].wish' > ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${PLAYER}/g1voeu/${PLAYER}.g1wishes.txt echo $(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${PLAYER}/g1voeu/${PLAYER}.g1wishes.txt | wc -l)" VOEUX : ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${PLAYER}/g1voeu/${PLAYER}.g1wishes.txt " echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" ## GET VoeuTitle LIST while read WISH do [[ ${WISH} == "" || ${WISH} == "null" ]] && echo "BLURP. EMPTY WISH" && continue echo "===============================" echo "G1Voeu ${WISH}" ## Get ${WISHNAME} WISHNAME=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${PLAYER}/g1voeu/${PLAYER}.g1voeu.json | jq .[] | jq -r 'select(.wish=="'${WISH}'") | .title') [[ ! ${WISHNAME} ]] && echo "WISH sans NOM - CONTINUE -" && continue VOEUNS=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${PLAYER}/g1voeu/${PLAYER}.g1voeu.json | jq .[] | jq -r 'select(.wish=="'${WISH}'") | .wishns') VOEUKEY=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${PLAYER}/g1voeu/${PLAYER}.g1voeu.json | jq .[] | jq -r 'select(.wish=="'${WISH}'") | .wish') ICHECK=$(ipfs key list -l | grep -w "$VOEUKEY" | cut -d ' ' -f 1 ) if [[ ! $ICHECK ]]; then echo "MISSING $VOEUKEY (new astronaut here) - RESET G1Voeu to voeu" sed -i "s~G1Voeu~voeu~g" $INDEX continue else VCOINS=$($MY_PATH/../tools/COINScheck.sh $VOEUKEY | tail -n 1) [[ $VCOINS == "" || $VCOINS == "null" ]] \ && echo "ERROR G1WALLET" \ || echo "WISH G1WALLET = $VCOINS G1" fi echo "************************************************************" echo "Hop, UNE JUNE pour le Voeu $WISHNAME" echo $MY_PATH/../tools/jaklis/jaklis.py -k ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/secret.dunikey pay -a 1 -p $VOEUKEY -c \'"ASTRO:$VOEUNS G1Voeu $WISHNAME"\' -m echo "************************************************************" echo "************************************************************" $MY_PATH/../tools/jaklis/jaklis.py -k ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/secret.dunikey pay -a 1 -p $VOEUKEY -c "ASTRO:$VOEUXNS G1Voeu $WISHNAME" -m [[ ! $? == 0 ]] \ && echo "POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRR GUY. YOU CANNOT PAY A G1 FOR YOUR WISH" ## RUNNING WISH REFRESH mkdir -p ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${PLAYER}/g1voeu/${WISHNAME}/${WISH} ########################################################################## ########################################################################## ## RUN SPECIFIC G1Voeu ASTROBOT PROGRAM (like G1CopierYoutube.sh) if [[ -s $MY_PATH/G1${WISHNAME}.sh ]]; then echo "........................ Astrobot G1${WISHNAME}.sh program found !" echo "________________________________ Running it *****" ${MY_PATH}/G1${WISHNAME}.sh "$INDEX" "${PLAYER}" "$MOATS" echo "________________________________ Finished ******" else echo "......................... G1${WISHNAME} REGULAR Ŋ1 RSS JSON" fi ########################################################################## ########################################################################## ## RUN TW Ŋ1 search & copy treatment echo "*********************************" ################################## ## Search for [tag[G1${WISHNAME}]] in all Friends TW. ## Copy tiddlers ... ################################## echo "NOW SEARCH Ŋ1 FRIENDS TW's FOR tag=G1${WISHNAME}" echo "ls ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/FRIENDS/*/index.html" echo "*********************************" ## Search in Local World (NB! G1Voeu TW copied by Connect_PLAYER_To_Gchange.sh) FINDEX=($( ls $HOME/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/FRIENDS/*/index.html)) ## PREPARE Ŋ1 WORLD MAP echo "var examples = {}; examples['locations'] = function() { var locations = {" > ~/.zen/tmp/world.js floop=1 for FRIENDTW in ${FINDEX[@]}; do [[ ! -s $FRIENDTW ]] && echo "$FRIENDTW VIDE (AMI SANS TW)" && ((floop++)) && continue APLAYER=$(ls $FRIENDTW | cut -d '/' -f 7) rm -f ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${PLAYER}/g1voeu/${WISHNAME}/_${APLAYER}.tiddlers.json echo "TRY EXPORT [tag[G1${WISHNAME}]] FROM $FRIENDTW" tiddlywiki --load $FRIENDTW \ --output ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${PLAYER}/g1voeu/${WISHNAME} --render '.' _${APLAYER}'.tiddlers.json' 'text/plain' '$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile' 'exportFilter' '[tag[G1'${WISHNAME}']!tag[G1Voeu]]' [[ ! -s ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${PLAYER}/g1voeu/${WISHNAME}/_${APLAYER}.tiddlers.json ]] && echo "NO ${WISHNAME} - CONTINUE -" && ((floop++)) && continue [[ $(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${PLAYER}/g1voeu/${WISHNAME}/_${APLAYER}.tiddlers.json) == "[]" ]] && echo "EMPTY ${WISHNAME} - CONTINUE -" && ((floop++)) && continue echo "## TIDDLERS FOUND ;) MIAM >>> (◕‿‿◕) <<<" echo ">>> G1FRIEND § $myIPFS/$VOEUNS/_${APLAYER}.tiddlers.json ${WISHNAME}" tiddlywiki --load ${FRIENDTW} --output ~/.zen/tmp --render '.' "${APLAYER}.${WISHNAME}.json" 'text/plain' '$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile' 'exportFilter' "${WISHNAME}" WISHNS=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${APLAYER}.${WISHNAME}.json | jq -r '.[].wishns') echo ">>> ${myIPFS}${WISHNS}" [[ $floop == ${#FINDEX[@]} ]] && virgule="" || virgule="," echo " ${APLAYER}: { alpha: Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI, delta: Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI, name: '"${WISNAME} ${APLAYER}"', link: '"${myIPFS}${WISHNS}"' }$virgule " >> ~/.zen/tmp/world.js ((floop++)) done ################################## ## FINISH LOCATIONS echo "}; \$('#sphere').earth3d({ locationsElement: \$('#locations'), dragElement: \$('#locations'), locations: locations }); }; \$(document).ready(function() { selectExample('locations'); \$('#example').change(function() { selectExample(\$(this).val()); }); }); " >> ~/.zen/tmp/world.js cat ~/.zen/tmp/world.js IAMAP=$(ipfs add -qw ~/.zen/tmp/world.js | tail -n 1) echo "CREATING /ipfs/${IAMAP}/world.js" ################################## ## MAKE MY OWN JSON ################################## MOA MAINTENANT echo ">>> EXPORT [tag[G1${WISHNAME}]!tag[G1Voeu]] § $myIPFSGW$VOEUNS/_${PLAYER}.tiddlers.json" tiddlywiki --load $INDEX \ --output ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${PLAYER}/g1voeu/${WISHNAME} \ --render '.' _${PLAYER}'.tiddlers.json' 'text/plain' '$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile' 'exportFilter' '[tag[G1'${WISHNAME}']!tag[G1Voeu]]' ################################## ## MAKE EARTH MAP TILES echo # echo "DEBUG : s~_LIBRA_~$(myIpfsGw)~g s~_G1VOEU_~${WISHNAME}~g s~_PLAYER_~${PLAYER}~g s~_VOEUNS_~${VOEUNS}~g s~_ASTRONAUTENS_~${ASTRONAUTENS}~g" echo ################################## ## INSERT PLAYER G1 QRCODE : QRG1avatar.png #~ [[ ! -s ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/QRG1avatar.dir.ipfs ]] # REACTIVATE .? ipfs add -qw ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/QRG1avatar.png | tail -n 1 > ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/QRG1avatar.dir.ipfs QRLINK=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/QRG1avatar.dir.ipfs) ################################## cat $MY_PATH/../www/PasseportTerre/index.html \ | sed -e "s~_LIBRA_~$(myIpfsGw)~g" \ -e "s~_G1VOEU_~${WISHNAME}~g" \ -e "s~_PLAYER_~${PLAYER}~g" \ -e "s~_VOEUNS_~${VOEUNS}~g" \ -e "s~QmYdWBx32dP14XcbXF7hhtDq7Uu6jFmDaRnuL5t7ARPYkW/index_fichiers/world.js~${IAMAP}/world.js~g" \ -e "s~_ASTRONAUTENS_~${ASTRONAUTENS}~g" \ -e "s~QmWUpjGFuF7NhpXgkrCmx8Tbu4xjcFpKhE7Bsvt6HeKYxu/g1ticket_qrcode.png~${QRLINK}/QRG1avatar.png~g" \ -e "s~${myIPFS}~g" \ > ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${PLAYER}/g1voeu/${WISHNAME}/index.html ### PREPARE WISHNAME index.html ################################## ### ADD TO IPFS echo "++WISH PUBLISHING++ ipfs add -qHwr ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${PLAYER}/g1voeu/${WISHNAME}/*" du -h ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${PLAYER}/g1voeu/${WISHNAME}/ WISHFLUX=$(ipfs add -qHwr ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${PLAYER}/g1voeu/${WISHNAME}/* | tail -n 1) # ADDING JSONS TO IPFS ipfs name publish -k $VOEUKEY /ipfs/$WISHFLUX # PUBLISH $VOEUKEY ## MOVE INTO PLAYER AREA echo ">>> $VOEUKEY : Ŋ1 FLUX $(myIpfsGw)${VOEUNS}" echo "~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/G1${WISHNAME}/${G1PUB}" cp -f ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${PLAYER}/g1voeu/${WISHNAME}/* ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/G1${WISHNAME}/${G1PUB}/ done < ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/${PLAYER}/g1voeu/${PLAYER}.g1wishes.txt echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" echo "TODO : REFRESH WORLD SAME WISH" cat ~/.zen/game/world/$WISHNAME/*/.link 2>/dev/null echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" ############################################ exit 0