#!/bin/bash ################################################################################ # Author: Fred (support@qo-op.com) # Version: 0.2 # License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) ################################################################################ # Activate SUPPORT MODE: open ssh over IPFS MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized . "$MY_PATH/my.sh" ######################################################################## YOU=$(myIpfsApi) || er+=" ipfs daemon not running" [[ $IPFSNODEID == "" ]] && IPFSNODEID=$(cat ~/.ipfs/config | jq -r .Identity.PeerID) || er+=" ipfs id problem" [[ "$YOU" == "" || "$IPFSNODEID" == "" ]] && echo "ERROR : $er " && exit 1 ######################################################################## # Make Station publish SSH port on "/x/ssh-$(IPFSNODEID)" zuid="$(hostname -f)" zuid=${IPFSNODEID} if [[ $zuid ]] then if [[ ! $(cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys | grep "fred@ONELOVE") ]] then echo "# ADD fred@ONELOVE to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" && mkdir -p ~/.ssh echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDFLHW8P88C/B7622yXzdAn1ZcTBfE1A4wMqajBwAoHwUVTOUaYfvkiSxbzb5H9dPTAXhQU6ZfuLa70kTo1m2b9TKH0tD6hR3RiKJ0NIjCHYEypcPGpLmHaZWnBKPq3IUU24qFVdUJxnTkDdFUszYMNoV4nqlXY/ZYdNpic8L1jPPyfOLLfPFkuSxagyQj4FGJq77UQE5j+skMJS3ISkazNTLqOCGLFJ5qtBC11BvQaCJ4cQ2Ss7ejPYhpx16NLJfg9VtG4dv9ZebEIl2pf7niiQGSPrDMFWHuQcGAuHt/patr0BcvfvD3Gv+qNsVfAJCNZ2U5NHEMKIhgj1ilNPEw7 fred@ONELOVE" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys fi echo "Lanching /x/ssh-$zuid" [[ ! $(ipfs p2p ls | grep "/x/ssh-$zuid") ]] && ipfs p2p listen /x/ssh-$zuid /ip4/ # echo "echo \"ssh-$zuid local port please?\"; read lport; ipfs p2p forward /x/ssh-$zuid /ip4/$lport /p2p/$IPFSNODEID" >> ~/.zen/tmp/$IPFSNODEID/astroport/port fi ipfs p2p ls ## CONNECT WITH COMMAND ## ipfs cat /ipns/$IPFSNODEID/.$IPFSNODEID/x_ssh-$zuid.sh | bash rm ~/.zen/tmp/$IPFSNODEID/x_ssh-$zuid.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ ! -f ~/.zen/tmp/$IPFSNODEID/x_ssh-$zuid.sh ]]; then PORT=12345 [ ${PORT} -eq 12345 ] && PORT=$((PORT+${RANDOM:0:3})) || PORT=$((PORT-${RANDOM:0:3})) echo "if [[ ! \$(ipfs p2p ls | grep x/ssh-$zuid) ]]; then ipfs --timeout=5s ping -n 1 /p2p/$IPFSNODEID ipfs p2p forward /x/ssh-$zuid /ip4/$PORT /p2p/$IPFSNODEID ssh $USER@ -p $PORT fi" > ~/.zen/tmp/$IPFSNODEID/x_ssh-$zuid.sh fi cat ~/.zen/tmp/$IPFSNODEID/x_ssh-$zuid.sh echo "https://ipfs.copylaradio.com/ipns/$IPFSNODEID/x_ssh-$zuid.sh" ## THIS PORT FORWARDING HUB COULD BE MADE MORE CONTROLABLE USING FRIENDSHIP LEVEL & IPFS BALISES