#!/bin/bash ################################################################################ # Author: Fred (support@qo-op.com) # Version: 0.1 # License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) ################################################################################ ################################################################################ MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized ME="${0##*/}" ! ipfs swarm peers >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "Lancez 'ipfs daemon' SVP" && exit 1 ################################################################################ MOATS=$(date -u +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S%4N") mkdir -p ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS} SALT="$1" PEPPER="$2" PLAYER="$3" PSEUDO="$4" ## Fill UP TW with VIDEO URL URL="$5" ################################################################################ YOU=$(ipfs swarm peers >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "$USER" || ps auxf --sort=+utime | grep -w ipfs | grep -v -E 'color=auto|grep' | tail -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 1); LIBRA=$(head -n 2 ~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/A_boostrap_nodes.txt | tail -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2) ################################################################################ IPFSNODEID=$(cat ~/.ipfs/config | jq -r .Identity.PeerID) ################################################################################ myIP=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}' | head -n 1) isLAN=$(echo $myIP | grep -E "/(^127\.)|(^192\.168\.)|(^10\.)|(^172\.1[6-9]\.)|(^172\.2[0-9]\.)|(^172\.3[0-1]\.)|(^::1$)|(^[fF][cCdD])/") [[ ! $myIP || $isLAN ]] && myIP="ipfs.localhost" ################################################################################ ## CHECK if PLAYER resolve any ASTRONAUTENS [[ ${PLAYER} ]] && ASTRONAUTENS=$(ipfs key list -l | grep -w "${PLAYER}" | cut -d ' ' -f 1) [[ ${ASTRONAUTENS} ]] && echo "WARNING IPNS $PLAYER EXISTANT https://ipfs.copylaradio.com/ipns/${ASTRONAUTENS} - EXIT -" && exit 0 ## Chargement TW !!! if [[ $SALT != "" && PEPPER != "" ]]; then ASTRO="" ${MY_PATH}/keygen -t ipfs -o ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/player.key "$SALT" "$PEPPER" 2>/dev/null ASTRONAUTENS=$(ipfs key import ${MOATS} -f pem-pkcs8-cleartext ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/player.key 2>/dev/null) # echo "/ipns/${ASTRONAUTENS}" ipfs key rm ${MOATS} 2>/dev/null ## CLEANING mkdir -p ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/TW echo "SEARCHING FOR ONLINE /ipns/${ASTRONAUTENS}" ## GETTING LAST TW via IPFS or HTTP GW [[ $YOU ]] \ && ipfs --timeout 20s cat /ipns/${ASTRONAUTENS} > ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/TW/index.html [[ ! -s ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/TW/index.html ]] \ && curl -m 20 -so ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/TW/index.html "$LIBRA/ipns/${ASTRONAUTENS}" ############################################# ## AUCUN RESULTAT if [ ! -s ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/TW/index.html ]; then rm -f ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/TW/index.html echo "CREATION TW Astronaute" ## Nouveau Compte Astronaute else ############################################# # TW : DATA TESTING & CACHE rm -f ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/Astroport.json tiddlywiki --load ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/TW/index.html --output ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS} --render '.' 'Astroport.json' 'text/plain' '$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile' 'exportFilter' 'Astroport' ASTROPORT=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/Astroport.json | jq -r .[].astroport) if [[ $ASTROPORT ]]; then IPNSTAIL=$(echo $ASTROPORT | rev | cut -f 1 -d '/' | rev) echo "TW ASTROPORT GATEWAY : ${ASTROPORT}" [[ $IPNSTAIL == $IPFSNODEID ]] \ && echo "UPDATING $PLAYER LOCAL CACHE ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa" \ && mkdir -p ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa \ && cp ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/TW/index.html ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/ \ || echo "PLAYER on $ASTROPORT Station" fi # DO NOT CONTINUE echo "TW ADDRESS IN USE" rm -Rf ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS} exit 1 fi fi ################################################################################ TWMODEL="/ipfs/bafybeianfzhqxzj3gaftabguuapp3qcmauuk7jnqwywihur2a42cwgzcie" # ipfs cat $TWMODEL > templates/twdefault.html ##################################################### # NEW PLAYER ############### ################################################################################ echo "============================================= ASTROPORT DIPLOMATIC PASSPORT - MadeInZion VISA - ============================================= A Cryptographic Key to control your INTERNET Adventure & Exploration P2P Terraforming Game. ============================================= Bienvenue 'Astronaute'"; sleep 1 echo "Création de votre PLAYER, votre PSEUDO et PASS (6 chiffres)" [[ $SALT == "" ]] && SALT=$(${MY_PATH}/diceware.sh 4 | xargs) echo "-> SALT : $SALT" [[ $PEPPER == "" ]] && PEPPER=$(${MY_PATH}/diceware.sh 2 | xargs) echo "-> PEPPER : $PEPPER" PSEUDO=${PLAYER%%[0-9]*} [[ ! $PSEUDO ]] && echo "Choisissez un pseudo : " && read PSEUDO PSEUDO=${PSEUDO,,} PSEUDO=${PSEUDO%%[0-9]*} [[ $(ls ~/.zen/game/players/$PSEUDO* 2>/dev/null) ]] && echo "CE PSEUDO EST DEJA UN PLAYER. EXIT" && exit 1 # PSEUDO=${PSEUDO,,} #lowercase [[ ! $PLAYER ]] && PLAYER=${PSEUDO}${RANDOM:0:2}$(${MY_PATH}/diceware.sh 1 | xargs)${RANDOM:0:2} \ && echo "$PLAYER ! VOTRE EMAIL SVP ?" && read OPLAYER && [[ $OPLAYER ]] && PLAYER=$OPLAYER [[ -d ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER ]] && echo "FATAL ERROR $PLAYER NAME COLLISION. TRY AGAIN." && exit 1 [[ ! $PSEUDO ]] && PSEUDO=$PLAYER echo; echo "Génération de vos identités Astronaute (PLAYER):"; sleep 1; echo "$PLAYER"; sleep 2 # 6 DIGIT PASS CODE TO PROTECT QRSEC PASS=$(echo "${RANDOM}${RANDOM}${RANDOM}${RANDOM}" | tail -c-7) ############################################################ ######### TODO Ajouter d'autres clefs IPNS, GPG ? # MOANS=$(ipfs key gen moa_$PLAYER) # MOAKEYFILE=$(${MY_PATH}/give_me_keystore_filename.py "moa_$PLAYER") # echo "Coffre personnel multimedia journalisé dans votre 'Astroport' (amis de niveau 3)" # echo "Votre clef moa_$PLAYER <=> $MOANS ($MOAKEYFILE)"; sleep 2 ############################################################ echo echo "Compte Gchange et portefeuille G1. Utilisez ces identifiants pour rejoindre le réseau JUNE $SALT $PEPPER Rendez-vous sur https://gchange.fr"; sleep 3 echo; echo "Création de votre clef multi-accès..."; sleep 2 echo; ${MY_PATH}/keygen -t duniter -o ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/secret.dunikey "$SALT" "$PEPPER" G1PUB=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/secret.dunikey | grep 'pub:' | cut -d ' ' -f 2) [[ ! $G1PUB ]] && echo "Désolé. clef Cesium absente." && exit 1 ## CREATE Player personnal files storage and IPFS publish directory mkdir -p ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER # Prepare PLAYER datastructure mv ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/secret.dunikey ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ # Create Player "IPNS Key" (key import) ${MY_PATH}/keygen -t ipfs -o ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/secret.player "$SALT" "$PEPPER" ipfs key import $PLAYER -f pem-pkcs8-cleartext ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/secret.player ASTRONAUTENS=$(ipfs key import $G1PUB -f pem-pkcs8-cleartext ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/secret.player) mkdir -p ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/G1SSB # Prepare astrXbian sub-datastructure qrencode -s 12 -o ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/QR.png "$G1PUB" cp ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/QR.png ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/QR.png echo "$G1PUB" > ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/G1SSB/_g1.pubkey # G1SSB NOTATION (astrXbian compatible) ## SEC PASS PROTECTED QRCODE secFromDunikey=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/secret.dunikey | grep "sec" | cut -d ' ' -f2) echo "$secFromDunikey" > ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/${PSEUDO}.sec openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/${PSEUDO}.sec -out "$HOME/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/enc.${PSEUDO}.sec" -k $PASS 2>/dev/null PASsec=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/enc.${PSEUDO}.sec | base58) && rm -f ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/${PSEUDO}.sec qrencode -s 12 -o $HOME/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/QRsec.png $PASsec echo "Votre Clef publique G1 est : $G1PUB"; sleep 1 ### INITALISATION WIKI dans leurs répertoires de publication IPFS ############ TODO améliorer templates, sed, ajouter index.html, etc... echo echo "***** Activation du Canal TW Astronaute $PLAYER *****" mkdir -p ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/ cp ~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/templates/twdefault.html ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html sed -i "s~_BIRTHDATE_~${MOATS}~g" ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html # INSERT ASTROPORT ADRESS tiddlywiki --load ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html --output ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS} --render '.' 'Astroport.json' 'text/plain' '$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile' 'exportFilter' 'Astroport' ASTROPORT=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/Astroport.json | jq -r .[].astroport) sed -i "s~$ASTROPORT~/ipns/${IPFSNODEID}~g" ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html # TW CHAIN INIT WITH TWMODEL sed -i "s~_MOATS_~${MOATS}~g" ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html sed -i "s~_CHAIN_~${TWMODEL}~g" ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html sed -i "s~_SALT_~${SALT}~g" ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html sed -i "s~_PEPPER_~${PEPPER}~g" ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html sed -i "s~_PASS_~${PASS}~g" ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html sed -i "s~_URL_~${URL}~g" ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html # INSERT PLAYER DATA sed -i "s~_PLAYER_~${PLAYER}~g" ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html sed -i "s~_PSEUDO_~${PSEUDO}~g" ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html sed -i "s~_WISHKEY_~${G1PUB}~g" ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html sed -i "s~_G1PUB_~${G1PUB}~g" ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html sed -i "s~_QRSEC_~${PASsec}~g" ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html sed -i "s~G1Voeu~G1Visa~g" ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html ASTRONAUTENS=$(ipfs key list -l | grep -w "${PLAYER}" | cut -d ' ' -f 1) # La Clef IPNS porte comme nom G1PUB sed -i "s~_MEDIAKEY_~${PLAYER}~g" ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html sed -i "s~k2k4r8kxfnknsdf7tpyc46ks2jb3s9uvd3lqtcv9xlq9rsoem7jajd75~${ASTRONAUTENS}~g" ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html sed -i "s~ipfs.infura.io~ipfs.copylaradio.com~g" ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html # USELESS ?! # sed -i "s~$myIP~g" ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html # 8080 & 5001 BEING THE RECORDING GATEWAY (WAN or ipfs.localhost) ########### echo "# CRYPTO SELFT ENCODING secret.dunikey put in Tiddler MadeInZion._SECRET_ " echo $myIP > ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/myIP $MY_PATH/natools.py encrypt -p $G1PUB -i $HOME/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/secret.dunikey -o $HOME/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/secret.dunikey.$G1PUB.enc ENCODING=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/secret.dunikey.$G1PUB.enc | base16) sed -i "s~_SECRET_~$ENCODING~g" ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html ########### echo "# CRYPTO DECODING TEST" tiddlywiki --load ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html --output ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS} --render '.' 'MadeInZion.json' 'text/plain' '$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile' 'exportFilter' 'MadeInZion' cat ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/MadeInZion.json | jq -r .[].secret | base16 -d > ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/myIP.$G1PUB.enc.2 $MY_PATH/natools.py decrypt -f pubsec -k $HOME/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/secret.dunikey -i $HOME/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/myIP.$G1PUB.enc.2 -o $HOME/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/myIP.2 ########### ## CRYPTO PROCESS VALIDATED [[ -s ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/myIP.2 ]] && echo "NATOOLS ENCODED secret LOADED" \ || sed -i "s~$ENCODING~$myIP~g" ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html # Revert to plaintext _SECRET_ myIP rm -f ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/myIP.2 ########### # Create"$PLAYER_feed" Key ${MY_PATH}/keygen -t ipfs -o ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/secret.feed "$SALT" "Feed" FEEDNS=$(ipfs key import "$PLAYER_feed" -f pem-pkcs8-cleartext ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/secret.feed) ## MAKE LightBeam Plugin Tiddler $PLAYER_feed echo '[{"title":"$:/plugins/astroport/lightbeams/saver/ipns/lightbeam-name","text":"'${PLAYER}_feed'","tags":""}]' > ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/lightbeam-name.json echo '[{"title":"$:/plugins/astroport/lightbeams/saver/ipns/lightbeam-key","text":"'${FEEDNS}'","tags":""}]' > ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/lightbeam-key.json ## ADD SYSTEM TW tiddlywiki --load ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html \ --import ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/lightbeam-name.json "application/json" \ --import ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/lightbeam-key.json "application/json" \ --import ~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/templates/data/local.api.json "application/json" \ --import ~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/templates/data/local.gw.json "application/json" \ --output ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS} --render "$:/core/save/all" "newindex.html" "text/plain" [[ -f ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/newindex.html ]] && cp ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/newindex.html ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html ## ID CARD & QRCODE convert ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/QR.png -resize 300 ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/QR.png convert ${MY_PATH}/../images/astroport.jpg -resize 300 ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/ASTROPORT.png composite -compose Over -gravity SouthWest -geometry +280+20 ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/ASTROPORT.png ${MY_PATH}/../images/Brother_600x400.png ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/astroport.png composite -compose Over -gravity NorthWest -geometry +0+0 ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/QR.png ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/astroport.png ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/one.png # composite -compose Over -gravity NorthWest -geometry +280+280 ~/.zen/game/players/.current/QRsec.png ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/one.png ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/image.png convert -gravity northwest -pointsize 35 -fill black -draw "text 50,300 \"$PSEUDO\"" ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/one.png ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/image.png convert -gravity northwest -pointsize 25 -fill black -draw "text 300,40 \"$PLAYER\"" ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/image.png ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/pseudo.png convert -gravity northeast -pointsize 25 -fill black -draw "text 20,180 \"$PASS\"" ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/pseudo.png ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/pass.png convert -gravity northwest -pointsize 25 -fill black -draw "text 300,100 \"$SALT\"" ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/pass.png ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/salt.png convert -gravity northwest -pointsize 25 -fill black -draw "text 300,140 \"$PEPPER\"" ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/salt.png ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ID.png # INSERTED IMAGE IPFS IASTRO=$(ipfs add -Hq ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ID.png | tail -n 1) sed -i "s~bafybeidhghlcx3zdzdah2pzddhoicywmydintj4mosgtygr6f2dlfwmg7a~${IASTRO}~g" ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html echo echo "## PUBLISHING ${PLAYER}" echo "/ipns/${ASTRONAUTENS}/" IPUSH=$(ipfs add -Hq ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/index.html | tail -n 1) echo $IPUSH > ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/.chain # Contains last IPFS backup PLAYER KEY echo "/ipfs/$IPUSH" echo $MOATS > ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/moa/.moats ( ipfs name publish --key=${PLAYER} /ipfs/$IPUSH >/dev/null 2>&1 ) & ## MEMORISE PLAYER Ŋ1 ZONE echo "$PLAYER" > ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/.player echo "$PSEUDO" > ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/.pseudo echo "$G1PUB" > ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/.g1pub # astrXbian compatible IPFS sub structure =>$XZUID cp ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/.player ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/_xbian.zuid cp ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/.player ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/ipfs/ # PUBLIC Ŋ0 ZONE echo "${ASTRONAUTENS}" > ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/.playerns echo "$SALT" > ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/secret.june echo "$PEPPER" >> ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/secret.june qrencode -s 12 -o "$HOME/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/QR.ASTRONAUTENS.png" "https://ipfs.copylaradio.com/ipns/${ASTRONAUTENS}" echo; echo "Création de votre Clef et QR codes d'accès au niveau Astroport Ŋ1"; sleep 1 echo; echo "*** HOME : ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/"; sleep 1 echo "*** PLAYER : $PLAYER"; echo; echo "VOTRE TW : https://ipfs.copylaradio.com/ipns/${ASTRONAUTENS}"; sleep 1 # PASS CRYPTING KEY #~ echo; echo "Sécurisation de vos clefs... "; sleep 1 #~ openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in "$HOME/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/secret.june" -out "$HOME/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/enc.secret.june" -k $PASS 2>/dev/null #~ openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in "$HOME/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/secret.dunikey" -out "$HOME/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/enc.secret.dunikey" -k $PASS 2>/dev/null #~ openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in "$HOME/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/$KEYFILE -out" "$HOME/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/enc.$KEYFILE" -k $PASS 2>/dev/null ## TODO MORE SECURE ?! USE opengpg, natools, etc ... # ${MY_PATH}/natools.py encrypt -p $G1PUB -i ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/secret.dunikey -o "$HOME/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/enc.secret.dunikey" echo ################################################# # !! TODO !! # DEMO MODE. REMOVE FOR PRODUCTION - RECALCULATE AND RENEW AFTER EACH NEW KEY DELEGATION echo "$PASS" > ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/.pass # ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER/secret.june SECURITY TODO # Astronaut QRCode + PASS = LOGIN (=> DECRYPTING CRYPTO IPFS INDEX) # TODO : Allow Astronaut PASS change ;) ##################################################### ## DISCONNECT AND CONNECT CURRENT PLAYER #~ rm -f ~/.zen/game/players/.current #~ ln -s ~/.zen/game/players/$PLAYER ~/.zen/game/players/.current ## MANAGE GCHANGE+ & Ŋ1 EXPLORATION ${MY_PATH}/Connect_PLAYER_To_Gchange.sh "$PLAYER" ### IF PRINTER -> PRINT VISA LP=$(ls /dev/usb/lp* 2>/dev/null) [[ $LP ]] && ${MY_PATH}/VISA.print.sh "$PLAYER" & ## INIT FRIENDSHIP CAPTAIN/ASTRONAUTS (LATER THROUGH GCHANGE) ## ${MY_PATH}/FRIENDS.init.sh ## NO. GCHANGE+ IS THE MAIN INTERFACE, astrXbian manage echo "$(${MY_PATH}/face.sh cool)" echo "Bienvenue 'Astronaute' $PSEUDO ($PLAYER)" echo "Votre PASS"; sleep 1 echo $PSEUDO > ~/.zen/tmp/PSEUDO ## Return data to start.sh echo "$PASS" ## CLEANING CACHE rm -Rf ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS} exit 0