#!/bin/bash ################################################################################ # Author: Fred (support@qo-op.com) # Version: 0.2 # License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) ################################################################################ MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized . "$MY_PATH/../tools/my.sh" ################################################################################ ## Publish All PLAYER TW, # Run TAG subprocess: tube, voeu ############################################ echo "## RUNNING PLAYER.refresh" PLAYERONE="$1" # [[ $isLAN ]] && PLAYERONE=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/.current/.player 2>/dev/null) [[ ! ${PLAYERONE} ]] && PLAYERONE=($(ls -t ~/.zen/game/players/ | grep "@" 2>/dev/null)) echo "FOUND : ${PLAYERONE[@]}" echo "CLEANING UPLANET KEYS ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/UPLANET/_*_*" rm -Rf ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/UPLANET/_*_* echo "CLEANING TW KEYS ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/TW/" rm -Rf ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/TW/ ## RUNING FOR ALL LOCAL PLAYERS for PLAYER in ${PLAYERONE[@]}; do [[ ! -d ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER:-undefined} ]] && echo "BAD ${PLAYERONE}" && continue [[ ! $(echo "${PLAYER}" | grep '@') ]] && continue # CLEAN LOST ACCOUNT [[ ! -s ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/secret.dunikey ]] \ && rm -Rf ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER} \ && echo "${PLAYER} WAS BADLY PLUGGED" \ && continue ### UPGRADE PLAYER for myos IPFS API ### DOUBLON WITH VISA.new (TO REMOVE) mkdir -p ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/.ipfs # Prepare PLAYER datastructure echo "/ip4/" > ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/.ipfs/api ######## WORK IN PROGRESS #### myos integration MOATS=$(date -u +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S%4N") mkdir -p ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS} echo "##################################################################" echo ">>>>> PLAYER : ${PLAYER} >>>>>>>>>>>>> REFRESHING TW STATION" echo "##################################################################" PSEUDO=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/.pseudo 2>/dev/null) G1PUB=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/.g1pub 2>/dev/null) ASTRONS=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/.playerns 2>/dev/null) # Get PLAYER wallet amount COINS=$($MY_PATH/../tools/COINScheck.sh $G1PUB | tail -n 1) ZEN=$(echo "($COINS - 1) * 10" | bc | cut -d '.' -f 1) echo "+++ WALLET BALANCE _ $COINS (G1) _ / $ZEN ZEN /" #~ ## ZENCARD ARE ACTIVATED WITH 1 G1 + 10 ZEN (= 1 €OC) ? echo "##################################################################" echo "##################################################################" echo "################### REFRESH ASTRONAUTE TW ###########################" echo "##################################################################" ## REFRESH ASTRONAUTE TW ASTRONAUTENS=$(ipfs key list -l | grep -w ${G1PUB} | cut -d ' ' -f1) if [[ ! ${ASTRONAUTENS} ]]; then echo "${PLAYER} TW IS DISCONNECTED... RECREATING IPNS KEYS" ipfs key import ${G1PUB} -f pem-pkcs8-cleartext ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/secret.player ipfs key import ${PLAYER} -f pem-pkcs8-cleartext ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/secret.player source ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/secret.june ${MY_PATH}/../tools/keygen -t ipfs -o ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/feed.ipfskey "$SALT" "$G1PUB" FEEDNS=$(ipfs key import "${PLAYER}_feed" -f pem-pkcs8-cleartext ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/feed.ipfskey) ## IF ASTRONS="" KEY WILL BE DELETED AFTER REFRESH ASTRONAUTENS=$ASTRONS && ASTRONS="" fi [[ ! ${ASTRONAUTENS} ]] && echo "ERROR BAD ${PLAYER} - CONTINUE" && continue echo ">>> $myIPFS/ipns/${ASTRONAUTENS}" ## ACTIVATE PLAYER TW IN STATION CACHE mkdir -p ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/TW/${PLAYER}/ ################### GET LATEST TW echo "GETTING TW..." ipfs --timeout 480s get -o ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/TW/${PLAYER}/index.html /ipns/${ASTRONAUTENS} ## PLAYER TW IS ONLINE ? if [ ! -s ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/TW/${PLAYER}/index.html ]; then NOWCHAIN=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/moa/.chain) LASTCHAIN=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/moa/.chain.* | tail -n 1) echo "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
" echo "TW REFRESH FAILED" echo ">> %%% WARNING %%%" echo "------------------------------------------------" echo " * LAST" echo " *NOW" echo "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ## SEND AN EMAIL ALERT TO PLAYER echo "TW REFRESH FAILED" > ~/.zen/tmp/result echo "
------------------------------------------------" >> ~/.zen/tmp/result echo "" >> ~/.zen/tmp/result echo "
ANCIENT" >> ~/.zen/tmp/result echo "
NEW" >> ~/.zen/tmp/result echo "" >> ~/.zen/tmp/result echo "
%%% WARNING %%%" >> ~/.zen/tmp/result echo "
------------------------------------------------" >> ~/.zen/tmp/result echo "
PLEASE REPAIR BY SAVING ONLINE" >> ~/.zen/tmp/result echo "OR RUNNING CLI COMMAND : ipfs name publish --key=${PLAYER} /ipfs/${NOWCHAIN}" >> ~/.zen/tmp/result try=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/moa/.try 2>/dev/null) || try=3 [[ $try == 0 ]] \ && echo "PLAYER ${PLAYER} UNPLUG" \ && ${MY_PATH}/../tools/PLAYER.unplug.sh ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/moa/index.html ${PLAYER} \ && continue try=$((try-1)) echo "$try" > ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/moa/.try echo " %%% WARNING %%% ${PLAYER} STATION UNPLUG IN $try DAY(S)." >> ~/.zen/tmp/result $MY_PATH/../tools/mailjet.sh "${PLAYER}" ~/.zen/tmp/result "UNPLUG WARNING" continue else ## FOUND TW ############################################################# ## CHECK WHO IS ACTUAL OFFICIAL GATEWAY tiddlywiki --load ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/TW/${PLAYER}/index.html \ --output ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS} \ --render '.' 'MadeInZion.json' 'text/plain' '$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile' 'exportFilter' 'MadeInZion' ## MadeInZion Tiddler [[ ! -s ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/MadeInZion.json ]] && echo "${PLAYER} MadeInZion : BAD TW (☓‿‿☓) " && continue player=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/MadeInZion.json | jq -r .[].player) [[ ${player} != ${PLAYER} ]] \ && echo "> BAD PLAYER=$player in TW" \ && continue \ || echo "${PLAYER} OFFICIAL TW - (⌐■_■) -" ## GET "Astroport" TIDDLER tiddlywiki --load ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/TW/${PLAYER}/index.html \ --output ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS} \ --render '.' 'Astroport.json' 'text/plain' '$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile' 'exportFilter' 'Astroport' ## Astroport Tiddler BIRTHDATE=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/Astroport.json | jq -r .[].birthdate) ASTROPORT=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/Astroport.json | jq -r .[].astroport) ## Raccorded G1Station IPNS address CURCHAIN=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/Astroport.json | jq -r .[].chain | rev | cut -f 1 -d '/' | rev) # Remove "/ipfs/" part [[ ${CURCHAIN} == "" || ${CURCHAIN} == "null" ]] \ && CURCHAIN="aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" # AVOID EMPTY echo "CURCHAIN=${CURCHAIN}" IPNSTAIL=$(echo ${ASTROPORT} | rev | cut -f 1 -d '/' | rev) # Remove "/ipns/" part echo "TW ASTROPORT GATEWAY : ${ASTROPORT}" ###################################### #### UPLANET GEO COORD EXTRACTION ## GET "GPS" TIDDLER - 0.00 0.00 (if empty: null) tiddlywiki --load ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/TW/${PLAYER}/index.html \ --output ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS} \ --render '.' 'GPS.json' 'text/plain' '$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile' 'exportFilter' 'GPS' ## GPS Tiddler UMAPNS=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/GPS.json | jq -r .[].umap) [[ $UMAPNS == "null" ]] && UMAPNS="/ipns/k51qzi5uqu5djg1gqzujq5p60w25mi235gdg0lgkk5qztkfrpi5c22oolrriyu" LAT=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/GPS.json | jq -r .[].lat) [[ $LAT == "null" ]] && LAT="0.00" LON=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/GPS.json | jq -r .[].lon) [[ $LON == "null" ]] && LON="0.00" echo "LAT=${LAT}; LON=${LON}; UMAPNS=${UMAPNS}" ## STORE IN PLAYER CACHE echo "_${LAT}_${LON}" > ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/.umap ########### ASTROPORT is not IPFSNODEID => EJECT TW ## MOVED PLAYER (KEY IS KEPT ON LAST CONNECTED ASTROPORT) ## !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ## TODO UNPLUG PLAYER ## !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if [[ ${IPNSTAIL} != ${IPFSNODEID} || ${IPNSTAIL} == "_ASTROPORT_" ]]; then echo "> I AM ${IPFSNODEID} : PLAYER MOVED TO ${IPNSTAIL} : EJECTION " echo "UNPLUG PLAYER" ${MY_PATH}/../tools/PLAYER.unplug.sh "${HOME}/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/moa/index.html" "${PLAYER}" "ONE" echo ">>>> ASTRONAUT ${PLAYER} TW CAPSULE EJECTION TERMINATED" continue fi fi ############################################################# ## GWIP == myIP or TUBE !! ############################################################# # Connect_PLAYER_To_Gchange.sh : Sync FRIENDS TW ############################################################## echo "##################################################################" [[ $(echo "$COINS > 2" | bc -l) -eq 1 ]] \ && echo "## Connect_PLAYER_To_Gchange.sh" \ && ${MY_PATH}/../tools/Connect_PLAYER_To_Gchange.sh "${PLAYER}" \ || echo "1 G1 + 10 ẑen needed to activate ★★★★★ system" # G1PalPay - 1 G1 + 10 ZEN mini -> Check for G1 TX incoming comments # [[ $(echo "$COINS > 1" | bc -l) -eq 1 ]] \ && echo "## RUNNING G1PalPay Wallet Monitoring " \ && ${MY_PATH}/G1PalPay.sh ${HOME}/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/TW/${PLAYER}/index.html "${PLAYER}" \ || echo "> ZenCard is not activated ($ZEN)" ### CHECK FOR pending (TODO! In case PAY4SURE have abandonned pendings) ############### # VOEUX.create.sh # ############################################################## ## SPECIAL TAG "voeu" => Creation G1Voeu (G1Titre) makes AstroBot TW G1Processing ############################################################## ${MY_PATH}/VOEUX.create.sh ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/TW/${PLAYER}/index.html "${PLAYER}" "${G1PUB}" ############### # VOEUX.refresh.sh # ############################################################## ## RUN ASTROBOT G1Voeux SUBPROCESS (SPECIFIC Ŋ1 COPY) ############################################################## ${MY_PATH}/VOEUX.refresh.sh "${PLAYER}" "${MOATS}" ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/TW/${PLAYER}/index.html ################### # REFRESH PLAYER_feed # ################################## echo "# TW : GW API + LightBeam Feed + Friends" TUBE=$(head -n 2 ~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/A_boostrap_nodes.txt | tail -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 3) FEEDNS=$(ipfs key list -l | grep -w "${PLAYER}_feed" | cut -d ' ' -f 1) [[ ! ${FEEDNS} ]] && echo ">>>>> ERROR ${PLAYER}_feed IPNS KEY NOT FOUND - ERROR" && continue # WRITE lightbeam params echo '[{"title":"$:/plugins/astroport/lightbeams/saver/ipns/lightbeam-name","text":"'${PLAYER}_feed'","tags":""}]' > ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/lightbeam-name.json echo '[{"title":"$:/plugins/astroport/lightbeams/saver/ipns/lightbeam-key","text":"'${FEEDNS}'","tags":""}]' > ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/lightbeam-key.json ########################### # Tiddlers controling GW & API #~ echo '[{"title":"$:/ipfs/saver/api/http/localhost/5001","tags":"$:/ipfs/core $:/ipfs/saver/api","text":"'$(myPlayerApiGw)'"}]' > ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/5001.json #~ echo '[{"title":"$:/ipfs/saver/gateway/http/localhost","tags":"$:/ipfs/core $:/ipfs/saver/gateway","text":"'$myIPFS'"}]' > ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/8080.json ## COPY DATA PRODUCED BY GCHANGE STAR EXTRACTION FRIENDSFEEDS=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/RSS/${PLAYER}/FRIENDSFEEDS 2>/dev/null) echo "★★★★★ FRIENDS FEEDS : "${FRIENDSFEEDS} ASTRONAUTES=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/RSS/${PLAYER}/ASTRONAUTES 2>/dev/null) echo "★★★★★ FRIENDS TW : "${ASTRONAUTES} ## Change TW FRIENDFEED ie PLAYER RSS IPNS (must fix TW plugin to work) #~ echo '[{"title":"$:/plugins/astroport/lightbeams/state/subscriptions","text":"'${FRIENDSFEEDS}'","tags":""}]' > ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/friends.json #~ ## ADD --import "$HOME/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/friends.json" "application/json" \ ## MANUAL TW RSS REGISTRATION ## WRITE TIDDLERS IN TW tiddlywiki --load ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/TW/${PLAYER}/index.html \ --import ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/lightbeam-name.json "application/json" \ --import ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/lightbeam-key.json "application/json" \ --output ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/TW/${PLAYER} --render "$:/core/save/all" "newindex.html" "text/plain" ## CHECK IT IS OK [[ -s ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/TW/${PLAYER}/newindex.html ]] \ && cp ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/TW/${PLAYER}/newindex.html ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/TW/${PLAYER}/index.html \ && rm ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/TW/${PLAYER}/newindex.html ########################### #################### ## ANY CHANGES ? ############################################################## DIFF=$(diff ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/TW/${PLAYER}/index.html ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/moa/index.html) if [[ $DIFF ]]; then echo "DIFFERENCE DETECTED !! " echo "Backup & Upgrade TW local copy..." cp ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/TW/${PLAYER}/index.html ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/moa/index.html [[ -s ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/moa/.chain ]] \ && ZCHAIN=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/moa/.chain) \ && echo "# CHAIN : ${CURCHAIN} -> ${ZCHAIN}" \ && [[ ${CURCHAIN} != "" && ${ZCHAIN} != "" ]] \ && sed -i "s~${CURCHAIN}~${ZCHAIN}~g" ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/moa/index.html else ## COUNT NO CHANGE try=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/_nochange 2>/dev/null) || try=0 ((try++)) && echo $try > ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/_nochange echo "NO CHANGE $try TIMES" fi ############################################################## ################################################## ################################################## ################## UPDATING PLAYER MOA [[ $DIFF ]] && cp ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/moa/.chain \ ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/moa/.chain.$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/moa/.moats) TW=$(ipfs add -Hq ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/moa/index.html | tail -n 1) ipfs name publish --key=${PLAYER} /ipfs/${TW} [[ $DIFF ]] && echo ${TW} > ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/moa/.chain echo ${MOATS} > ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/moa/.moats echo "================================================" echo " NEW TW ${PLAYER} : = ${myIPFS}/ipfs/${TW}" echo " $myIPFSGW/ipns/${ASTRONAUTENS}" echo "================================================" echo "(☉_☉ ) (☉_☉ ) (☉_☉ ) RSS" ## CREATING 30 DAYS JSON RSS STREAM tiddlywiki --load ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/TW/${PLAYER}/index.html \ --output ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs --render '.' "${PLAYER}.rss.json" 'text/plain' '$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile' 'exportFilter' '[days:created[-30]!is[system]!tag[G1Voeu]]' [[ ! -s ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/${PLAYER}.rss.json ]] && echo "NO ${PLAYER} RSS - BAD ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/${PLAYER}.rss.json -" ## TODO CREATING 30 DAYS XML RSS STREAM ## https://talk.tiddlywiki.org/t/has-anyone-generated-an-rss-feed-from-tiddlywiki/966/26 # tiddlywiki.js --load my-wiki.html --render "[[$:/plugins/sq/feeds/templates/rss]]" "feed.xml" "text/plain" "$:/core/templates/wikified-tiddler" ### $:/plugins/sycom/atom-feed/atom.xml #~ tiddlywiki --load ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/TW/${PLAYER}/index.html \ #~ --output ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs --render '.' "${PLAYER}.rss.xml" 'text/plain' "$:/core/templates/wikified-tiddler" 'exportFilter' '[days:created[-30]!is[system]!tag[G1Voeu]]' SBIRTH=$(${MY_PATH}/../tools/MOATS2seconds.sh ${BIRTHDATE}) SNOW=$(${MY_PATH}/../tools/MOATS2seconds.sh ${MOATS}) DIFF_SECONDS=$(( SNOW - SBIRTH )) days=$((DIFF_SECONDS / 60 / 60 / 24)) echo "PLAYER TW was created $days ago" ################################## #### PLAYER ACCOUNT CLEANING ######### ## IF ZEN < 11 ## && EMPTY RSS + 30 DAYS BIRTHDATE ## ==> UNPLUG [[ $(cat ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/${PLAYER}.rss.json) == "[]" ]] \ && echo "RSS IS EMPTY -- COINS=$COINS / ZEN=$ZEN --" \ && [[ $(echo "$COINS < 2.1" | bc -l) -eq 1 ]] \ && [[ ${DIFF_SECONDS} -gt $(( 27 * 24 * 60 * 60 )) ]] \ && echo "


Your TW will be UNPLUGGED and stop being published..." > ~/.zen/tmp/alert \ && echo "


ZEN=$ZEN " >> ~/.zen/tmp/alert \ && ${MY_PATH}/../tools/mailjet.sh "${PLAYER}" ~/.zen/tmp/alert "TW ALERT" \ && echo "<<<< PLAYER TW WARNING <<<< ${DIFF_SECONDS} > ${days} days" \ && [[ ${DIFF_SECONDS} -gt $(( 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 )) ]] \ && echo ">>>> PLAYER TW UNPLUG >>>>> ${days} days => BYE BYE ${PLAYER} ZEN=$ZEN" \ && ${MY_PATH}/../tools/PLAYER.unplug.sh ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/moa/index.html ${PLAYER} \ && continue #################################### UNPLUG ACCOUNT IRSS=$(ipfs add -q ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/${PLAYER}.rss.json | tail -n 1) \ && ipfs name publish --key="${PLAYER}_feed" /ipfs/${IRSS} ######################### REPLACE TW with REDIRECT to latest IPFS or IPNS (reduce 12345 cache size) [[ ! -z ${TW} ]] && TWLNK="/ipfs/${TW}" || TWLNK="/ipns/${ASTRONAUTENS}" echo "${PLAYER}" \ > ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/TW/${PLAYER}/index.html echo "${PLAYER}" \ > ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/TW/${PLAYER}.feed.html ## Publish on LAT/ON key on IPFSNODEID 12345 CACHE [[ ${LAT} && ${LON} ]] \ && mkdir -p ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/UPLANET/_${LAT}_${LON}/RSS/ \ && cp ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/ipfs/${PLAYER}.rss.json ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/UPLANET/_${LAT}_${LON}/RSS/ \ && ${MY_PATH}/../tools/json_dir.all.sh ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/UPLANET/_${LAT}_${LON}/RSS \ && mkdir -p ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/UPLANET/_${LAT}_${LON}/TW/${PLAYER} \ && cp ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/TW/${PLAYER}/index.html ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/UPLANET/_${LAT}_${LON}/TW/${PLAYER}/ \ && echo "" > ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/UPLANET/_${LAT}_${LON}/_index.html ls -al ~/.zen/tmp/${IPFSNODEID}/UPLANET/_${LAT}_${LON} 2>/dev/null echo "(☉_☉ ) (☉_☉ ) (☉_☉ )" ## MAINTAIN R/RW TW STATE [[ ${ASTRONS} == "" ]] \ && echo "${PLAYER} DISCONNECT" \ && ipfs key rm ${PLAYER} \ && ipfs key rm ${PLAYER}_feed \ && ipfs key rm ${G1PUB} ## CLEANING CACHE rm -Rf ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS} done echo "============================================ PLAYER.refresh DONE." exit 0