#!/bin/bash clear # This is the endgame. This file does nothing but give you the final bit of storyline. # Use (over-use) of 'sleep' is for dramatic effect - play around with it, see how it reads. # Let's reset the lever, now that we're done with it. sed -i='' 's/on/off/' ../logic/leverlogic.ben sed -i='' 's/on/off/' ../logic/leverlogic2.ben # Initialise the Title Art file1="../art/titleart.ben" while IFS= read -r line do echo "$line" done <"$file1" echo sleep 1 echo "Voici la fin de cette petite aventure." echo sleep 4 echo "Vous venez de visiter la forêt où s'est posé Astroport ONE." sleep 3 echo echo "MERCI" echo sleep 3 echo file1="../art/bigfinish.ben" while IFS= read -r line do echo "$line" done <"$file1" echo echo read -p "Appuyez sur [ENTER] pour terminer..." echo clear file1="../art/titleart.ben" while IFS= read -r line do echo "$line" done <"$file1" echo echo "Merci d'avoir joué le jeu" echo "Je suis heureux de vous avoir fait partager le rêve des astronautes terraformeurs." echo echo "Le futur ne se prédit pas, il se construit." echo echo " - @Fred" echo # That's all, folks! exit