#!/usr/bin/python3 from fastapi import FastAPI, File, UploadFile, Form, HTTPException from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse, JSONResponse import subprocess import os import magic app = FastAPI() # HTML form for file upload html_form = """ File Upload and Processing

File Upload and Processing

""" @app.get("/") async def read_root(): return HTMLResponse(content=html_form, status_code=200) def get_mime_type(file: UploadFile): mime = magic.Magic() mime_type = mime.from_buffer(file.file.read(1024)) return mime_type @app.post("/upload") async def create_upload_file(file: UploadFile = File(...), convert_to: str = Form(...)): # Validate file size max_file_size = 100 * 1024 * 1024 # 100MB if file.file.__sizeof__() > max_file_size: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="File size exceeds the limit of 100MB") # Check the file type mime_type = get_mime_type(file) print(f"Detected MIME type: {mime_type}") # Save the uploaded file to a temporary location with open(file.filename, "wb") as f: f.write(file.file.read()) # Continue with the processing logic # Run the post-treatment Bash script logs = subprocess.run(["bash", "addfile.sh", file.filename, mime_type, convert_to], capture_output=True, text=True).stdout # Optionally, you can remove the temporary file os.remove(file.filename) return JSONResponse(content={"filename": file.filename, "mime_type": mime_type, "convert_to": convert_to, "message": "File processed successfully.", "logs": logs}) if __name__ == "__main__": import uvicorn uvicorn.run(app, host="", port=10101)