To use `natools` for message encryption (to destination) and signature (from sender), you would typically follow these steps: ### 1. Generate Key Pairs: - Both the sender and the recipient need to generate their key pairs (public and private keys). You can use the `natools` script to generate keys. ```bash # Sender generate keys python3 privkey -k ~/.zen/game/sender_secret.dunikey -f cred python3 pubkey -k ~/.zen/game/sender_secret.dunikey -o sender_public_key # Recipient generates keys python3 privkey -k ~/.zen/game/myswarm_secret.dunikey -f cred python3 pubkey -k ~/.zen/game/myswarm_secret.dunikey -o recipient_public_key ``` ### 2. Encrypt the Message: - The sender uses the recipient's public key to encrypt the message. ```bash python3 encrypt -i plaintext.txt -k recipient_public_key -o encrypted_message.bin ``` ### 3. Sign the Message: - The sender signs the original message using their private key. ```bash python3 sign -i plaintext.txt -k sender_private_key -o signature.bin ``` ### 4. Verify the Signature: - The recipient uses the sender's public key to verify the signature. ```bash python3 verify -i plaintext.txt -p sender_public_key ``` - The script will output "Signature OK!" if the verification is successful. ### 5. Decrypt the Message: - The recipient uses their private key to decrypt the message. ```bash python3 decrypt -i encrypted_message.bin -k recipient_private_key -o decrypted_message.txt ``` Now you have successfully performed message encryption to the destination and signature from the sender using the `natools` script. Adjust the file paths and content as needed for your specific use case. Note: Ensure that both sender and recipient securely store their private keys. Public keys can be shared openly. The encrypted message, signature, and decrypted message are intermediate files used for illustration; adjust as needed in your application.