import sys from datetime import datetime import random def enregistrer_transaction(source,destination,montant): heure ="%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S") with open('journal_transaction.txt', 'a') as journal: journal.write(f"{heure} : {source} a envoyé {montant} à {destination}\n") def transfert_montant(source,destination,montant): if source == destination: print("Transaction annulée, l'utilisateur ne peut pas s'envoyer des fonds à lui même") return with open(source,'r') as f_source: montant_source = int( if montant_source < montant: print(f"Solde de {source} insuffisant") return with open(destination,'r') as f_destination: montant_destination= int( montant_source -= montant montant_destination += montant with open(source,'w') as f_source: f_source.write(str(montant_source)) with open(destination,'w') as f_destination: f_destination.write(str(montant_destination)) enregistrer_transaction(source,destination,montant) def generer_random(n): for _ in range(n): source = f"N{random.randint(1,7)}" destination = f"N{random.randint(1,7)}" while destination == source: destination = f"N{random.randint(1,7)}" montant = random.randint(1,10) try: transfert_montant(source,destination,montant) except Exception as e: print(f"Erreur lors de la transaction : {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) == 4 : source = sys.argv[1] destination = sys.argv[2] montant = int(sys.argv[3]) transfert_montant(source,destination,montant) else: if len(sys.argv) > 1 : if sys.argv[1] == "random": n_transactions = 20 generer_random(n_transactions) else: print("Cas d'usage : python3 random")