#!/bin/bash ################################################################### # This Launch script is based on BashVenture. # # Remember, kids - sharing is caring! Keep it open. Spread the love. # - @BenNunney # Thanks and gratitude to all living creatures and the whole creation. # - @Fred # $AGE×365,25×24×60×60×9,807÷299792458 = RELATIVE LIGHT GRAVITY SPEED ################################################################### # Guide avancé d'écriture des scripts Bash : https://abs.traduc.org/abs-fr/ # GAMESHELL : https://github.com/phyver/GameShell/ ################################################################### MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized ME="${0##*/}" ################################################################### ### CREER VOTRE PROPRE VERSION DU JEU ### CHOISIR SCENARIO ################################################################### if hash uuidgen 2>/dev/null; then homefolder=$(pwd) newplayer=$(uuidgen) ## Copy Player Game Files mkdir -p "$HOME/.zen/adventure/$newplayer" if [ -d "$MY_PATH/rooms" ]; then cp -r "$MY_PATH/rooms" "$HOME/.zen/adventure/$newplayer/" else echo "Source directory $MY_PATH/rooms does not exist or is not a directory." fi if [ -d "$MY_PATH/art" ]; then cp -r "$MY_PATH/art" "$HOME/.zen/adventure/$newplayer/" else echo "Source directory $MY_PATH/art does not exist or is not a directory." fi if [ -d "$MY_PATH/script" ]; then cp -r "$MY_PATH/script" "$HOME/.zen/adventure/$newplayer/" else echo "Source directory $MY_PATH/script does not exist or is not a directory." fi if [ -d "$MY_PATH/logic" ]; then cp -r "$MY_PATH/logic" "$HOME/.zen/adventure/$newplayer/" else echo "Source directory $MY_PATH/logic does not exist or is not a directory." fi fi ################################################################### echo "Loading..." echo ################################################################### if hash uuidgen 2>/dev/null; then cd $HOME/.zen/adventure/$newplayer/rooms else cd rooms fi ./start.sh ################################################################### if hash uuidgen 2>/dev/null; then cd "$homefolder" rm -r $HOME/.zen/adventure/$newplayer fi echo "To continue..." exit