#!/usr/bin/env bash # # TUS client 1.0.0 protocol implementation for bash. # # Author: # Jitendra Adhikari # # Be sure to check readme doc at https://github.com/adhocore/tusc.sh # if [[ -f $HOME/.tus.dbg ]]; then set -ex; else set -e; fi FULL=$(readlink -f $0) TUSC=$(basename $0) SPINID=0 CURLARGS= DEBUG=1 declare -A HEADERS # assoc headers of last request declare ISOK=0 # is last request ok? # message helpers line() { [[ $NOCOLOR ]] && echo -e "$1" || echo -e "\e[${3:-0};$2m$1\e[0m" [[ "$4" == "" ]] || exit $4 } error() { line "$1" 31 0 $2; } ok() { line "${1:- Done}" 32 0 $2; } info() { line "$1" 33 0 $2; } comment() { line "$1" 30 1 $2; } # show version version() { echo v0.8.1; } # update tusc update() { NEWVER=`curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adhocore/tusc.sh/master/VERSION` [[ "v$NEWVER" == "$(version)" ]] && ok "Already latest version" 0 info "Updating $TUSC ..." curl -sSLo ${FULL} https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adhocore/tusc.sh/master/tusc.sh ok " Done [${NEWVER}]" } # show usage usage() { cat << USAGE $TUSC $(info `version`) | $(ok "(c) Jitendra Adhikari") $TUSC is bash implementation of tus-client (https://tus.io). $(ok Usage:) $TUSC <--options> $TUSC [algo] $(ok Options:) $(info "-a --algo") $(comment "The algorigthm for key &/or checksum.") $(comment "(Eg: sha1, sha256)") $(info "-b --base-path") $(comment "The tus-server base path (Default: '/files/').") $(info "-c --creds") $(comment "File with credentials; user and pass in shell syntax:") $(line 'USER="my_user"' 36) $(line 'PASS="my_pass"' 36) $(info "-C --no-color") $(comment "Donot color the output (Useful for parsing output).") $(info "-f --file") $(comment "The file to upload.") $(info "-h --help") $(comment "Show help information and usage.") $(info "-H --host") $(comment "The tus-server host where file is uploaded.") $(info "-L --locate") $(comment "Locate the uploaded file in tus-server.") $(info "-S --no-spin") $(comment "Donot show the spinner (Useful for parsing output).") $(info "-u --update") $(comment "Update tusc to latest version.") $(info " --version") $(comment "Print the current tusc version.") $(ok Examples:) $TUSC --help # shows this help $TUSC --update # updates itself $TUSC --version # prints current version of itself $TUSC 0:1080 ww.mp4 # uploads ww.mp4 to $TUSC -H 0:1080 -f ww.mp4 # same as above $TUSC -H 0:1080 -f ww.mp4 -a sha256 # same as above but uses sha256 algo for key/checksum $TUSC -H 0:1080 -f ww.mp4 -b /store/ # uploads ww.mp4 to USAGE } # get/set tus config tus-config() # $1 = key, $2 = value { TUSFILE="$HOME/.tus.json" [[ -f $TUSFILE ]] || echo '{}' > $TUSFILE TUSJSON=`cat $TUSFILE` if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then echo $TUSJSON elif [[ $# -eq 1 ]]; then echo $TUSJSON | jq -r "$1" else echo $TUSJSON | jq "$1=\"$2\"" > $TUSFILE fi } # create a part of file filepart() # $1 = start_byte, $2 = byte_length, $3 = file { dd bs=32M skip="$1" count="$2" iflag=skip_bytes ${3:+if="$3"} ${3:+of="$3.part"} echo `realpath $3.part` } # http request request() { echo > $HEADER [[ $CREDS ]] && USERPASS="--basic --user '$USER:$PASS' " [[ $DEBUG ]] && comment "> curl ${USERPASS//:$PASS/}-sSLD $HEADER -H 'Tus-Resumable: 1.0.0' $1" BODY=$(bash -c "curl $USERPASS-sSLD $HEADER -H 'Tus-Resumable: 1.0.0' $CURLARGS $1") HEADERS=() while IFS=':' read key value; do if [[ "${key:0:5}" == "HTTP/" ]]; then value=$(echo "$key" | grep -Eo '[0-9]{3}') key=Status fi value="${value/ /}" HEADERS[$key]="${value%$'\r'}" done < <(cat "$HEADER") if [[ "${HEADERS[Status]}" == "20"* ]]; then ISOK=1; else ISOK=0; fi if [[ $ISOK -eq 0 ]] && [[ "$1" != *"--head"* ]]; then error "$BODY" 1; fi } # show spinner and mark its pid spinner() { [[ $NOSPIN ]] && return 0 do-spin & SPINID=$! disown } # do spin (credits: https://www.shellscript.sh/tips/spinner/) do-spin() { local chars="+/|\\-+/|\\-" while :; do for i in `seq 0 9`; do echo -n "${chars:$i:1}" && echo -en "\010" && sleep 0.1 done done } no-spinner() { [[ $NOSPIN ]] && return 0 local PID=$SPINID SPINID=0 [[ $PID -eq 0 ]] || kill $PID 2> /dev/null } # exit handler on-exit() { no-spinner rm -f $FILE.part $HEADER0 $HEADER [[ $OFFSET ]] || return 0 OFFSET=${HEADERS[Upload-Offset]:-0} LEFTOVER=$((SIZE - OFFSET)) if [[ $LEFTOVER -eq 0 ]]; then ok "✔ Uploaded successfully!" else error "✖ Unfinished upload, please rerun the command to resume." 1 fi info "URL: $TUSURL" } main() { # argv parsing while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case "$1" in -a | --algo) SUMALGO="$2"; shift 2 ;; -b | --base-path) BASEPATH="$2"; shift 2 ;; -c | --creds) CREDS="$2"; shift 2 ;; -C | --no-color) NOCOLOR=1; shift ;; -f | --file) FILE="$2"; shift 2 ;; -h | --help | help) usage $1; exit 0 ;; -H | --host) HOST="$2"; shift 2 ;; -L | --locate) LOCATE=1; shift ;; -S | --no-spin) NOSPIN=1; shift ;; -p | --psitransfer) PSITRANSFER=1; shift ;; -u | --update) update; exit 0 ;; --version | version) version; exit 0 ;; --) shift; CURLARGS=$@; break ;; *) if [[ $HOST ]]; then if [[ $FILE ]]; then SUMALGO="${SUMALGO:-$1}"; else FILE="$1"; fi else HOST=$1; fi shift ;; esac done trap on-exit EXIT [[ $CREDS ]] && { [[ -f $CREDS ]] && source $CREDS && [[ $PASS ]] || error "--creds file couldn't be loaded" 1; } [[ $HOST ]] || [[ $LOCATE ]] || error "--host required" 1 [[ $FILE ]] || error "--file required" 1 [[ -f $FILE ]] || error "--file doesn't exist" 1 SUMALGO=${SUMALGO:-sha1} [[ $SUMALGO == "sha"* ]] || error "--algo '$SUMALGO' not supported" 1 FILE=`realpath $FILE` NAME=`basename $FILE` SIZE=`stat -c %s $FILE` MTIME=`stat -c %Y $FILE` HEADER=`mktemp -t tus.XXXXXXXXXX` # calc &/or cache key and checksum KEY=`tus-config ".[\"$FILE:$MTIME\"].$SUMALGO?"` [[ "null" == "$KEY" ]] && [[ $DEBUG ]] && comment "> ${SUMALGO}sum $FILE" [[ "null" == "$KEY" ]] && spinner && read -r KEY _ <<< `${SUMALGO}sum $FILE` && no-spinner tus-config ".[\"$FILE:$MTIME\"].$SUMALGO" "$KEY" CHKSUM="$SUMALGO $(echo -n $KEY | base64 -w 0)" [[ $DEBUG ]] && info "HOST : $HOST\nHEADER: $HEADER\nFILE : $NAME\nSIZE : $SIZE\nKEY : $KEY\nCHKSUM: $CHKSUM" # head request TUSURL=`tus-config ".[\"$KEY\"].location?"` [[ $LOCATE ]] && info "URL: $TUSURL" && [[ $TUSURL != "null" ]]; [[ $LOCATE ]] && exit $? [[ $TUSURL ]] && [[ "null" != "$TUSURL" ]] && request "--head $TUSURL" if [[ "null" != "$TUSURL" ]] && [[ $ISOK -eq 1 ]]; then OFFSET=${HEADERS[Upload-Offset]} LEFTOVER=$((SIZE - OFFSET)) [[ $LEFTOVER -eq 0 ]] && exit 0 [[ $DEBUG ]] && comment "> filepart $OFFSET $LEFTOVER $FILE" spinner && FILEPART=`filepart $OFFSET $LEFTOVER $FILE` && no-spinner # create request else OFFSET=0 LEFTOVER=$SIZE FILEPART=$FILE META="filename $(echo -n $NAME | base64 -w 0)" [[ $CREDS ]] && META="$META,user $(echo -n $USER | base64 -w 0)" if [[ -v PSITRANSFER ]]; then SID=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid | awk -F- '{print $5}') META="$META,sid $(echo -n $SID | base64 -w 0)" META="$META,retention $(echo -n 604800 | base64 -w 0)" META="$META,password $(echo -n $PASS | base64 -w 0)" META="$META,name $(echo -n $NAME | base64 -w 0)" META="$META,comment $(echo -n $COMMENT | base64 -w 0)" META="$META,type $(echo -n $TYPE | base64 -w 0)" fi request "-H 'Upload-Length: $SIZE' \ -H 'Upload-Key: $KEY' \ -H 'Upload-Checksum: $CHKSUM' \ -H 'Upload-Metadata: $META' \ -X POST $HOST${BASEPATH:-/files/}" TUSURL=${HEADERS[Location]} [[ $TUSURL ]] || error "Tus server replied with empty location. Try changing --base-path param." 1 # save location config tus-config ".[\"$KEY\"].location" "$TUSURL" fi [[ -v PSITRANSFER ]] && TUSURL="$HOST$TUSURL" # patch request request "-H 'Content-Type: application/offset+octet-stream' \ -H 'Content-Length: $LEFTOVER' \ -H 'Upload-Checksum: $CHKSUM' \ -H 'Upload-Offset: $OFFSET' \ `[[ ! -v PSITRANSFER ]] && echo "-H 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked'"` \ --upload-file '$FILEPART' \ --request PATCH $TUSURL" & # show spinner spinner HEADER0=$HEADER HEADER=`mktemp -t tus.XXXXXXXXXX` while :; do # psitransfer backend does not set Upload-Offset header if [[ -v PSITRANSFER ]] && [[ -z ${HEADERS[Upload-Offset]} ]]; then HEADERS[Upload-Offset]=$SIZE fi [[ ${HEADERS[Upload-Offset]} -eq $SIZE ]] && exit request "--head $TUSURL" > /dev/null [[ ${HEADERS[Upload-Offset]} -eq $SIZE ]] || sleep 2 done } main "$@"