#!/bin/bash ######################################################################## # Version: 0.3 # License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) ######################################################################## { MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized ME="${0##*/}" [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ] && echo "LANCEMENT root INTERDIT. Utilisez un simple utilisateur du groupe \"sudo\" SVP" && exit 1 ######################################################################## [[ ! $(which ipfs) ]] && echo "=== Installez IPFS !!" && echo "https://docs.ipfs.io/install/command-line/#official-distributions" && exit 1 # MAIN # SI AUCUNE CLEF DE STATION... if [[ ! -f ~/.zen/game/players/.current/secret.dunikey ]]; then # Check requirements echo "Astroport.ONE installateur pour distributions DEBIAN et dérivées : LinuxMint (https://www.linuxmint.com/) ou XBIAN (https://xbian.org) recommandées" echo "Appuyez sur ENTRER pour commencer."; read TEST; [[ "$TEST" != "" ]] && echo "SORTIE" && exit 0 ## Ajouter confirmation à chaque nouvelle étape (+explications) echo ; echo "Mise à jour des dépots de votre distribution..." sudo apt-get update [[ "$USER" != "xbian" ]] &&\ for i in x11-utils xclip zenity; do\ [ $(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' $i 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed") -eq 0 ] &&\ echo ">>> Installation $i <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<";\ sudo apt install -y $i; done for i in git fail2ban npm netcat-traditional inotify-tools curl net-tools libsodium* python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-wheel python3-dotenv mpack; do if [ $(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' $i 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed") -eq 0 ]; then echo ">>> Installation $i <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<" sudo apt install -y $i fi done for i in qrencode jq bc file gawk yt-dlp ffmpeg sqlite dnsutils v4l-utils espeak vlc mp3info musl-dev openssl* detox nmap httrack html2text ssmtp imagemagick ttf-mscorefonts-installer; do if [ $(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' $i 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed") -eq 0 ]; then echo ">>> Installation $i <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<" sudo apt install -y $i fi done ### Install tiddlywiki node.js sudo npm install -g tiddlywiki [[ ! $(which kodi) && "$USER" != "xbian" ]] &&\ echo ">>> Installation Kodi + Vstream = VOTRE VIDEOTHEQUE ! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<";\ sudo apt-get install kodi -y;\ ${MY_PATH}/.install/kodi_uqload_downloader.sh # echo "## INSTALLATION AstroGEEK OpenCV = 'Intelligence Amie' " # sudo apt-get install python3-opencv -y ## Correct PDF restrictions for imagemagick echo "# Correction des droits export PDF imagemagick" if [[ $(cat /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml | grep PDF) ]]; then cat /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml | grep -Ev PDF > /tmp/policy.xml sudo cp /tmp/policy.xml /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml fi echo "###########################" echo "## INSTALL PYTHON CRYPTO LAYER " echo "###########################" echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc; echo ">>> PATH=$PATH" python3 -m pip install -U pip python3 -m pip install -U setuptools wheel python3 -m pip install -U cryptography Ed25519 base58 google duniterpy pynacl pgpy python3 -m pip install -U silkaj python3 -m pip install -U protobuf==3.19.0 if [[ "$USER" == "pi" ]]; then ## PROPOSE QR_CODE PRINTER SUR RPI echo "Ambassade? Ajouter imprimante 'brother_ql'? Saisissez OUI, sinon laissez vide et tapez sur ENTRER" read saisie if [[ $saisie != "" ]]; then sudo apt install printer-driver-all cups -y sudo pip3 install brother_ql sudo cupsctl --remote-admin sudo usermod -aG lpadmin pi sudo usermod -a -G tty pi sudo usermod -a -G lp pi fi fi # python3 -m pip install -U silkaj ## python -> python3 link sudo ln -f -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python ######################################################################## echo "=== Clonage git CODE 'Astroport.ONE' depuis https://git.p2p.legal" mkdir -p ~/.zen cd ~/.zen git clone https://git.p2p.legal/qo-op/Astroport.ONE.git # TODO INSTALL FROM IPFS / IPNS ## Scripts pour systemd ou InitV (xbian) echo "=== Astroport SYSTEM IPFS" ~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/tools/ipfs_setup.sh ######################################################################## echo "=== Configuration jaklis: Centre de communication CESIUM+ GCHANGE+" cd $MY_PATH/toos/jaklis ./setup.sh ## XBIAN fail2ban ERROR correction ## #[....] Starting authentication failure monitor: fail2ban No file(s) found for glob /var/log/auth.log [[ "$USER" == "xbian" ]] && sudo sed -i "s/auth.log/faillog/g" /etc/fail2ban/paths-common.conf ### MODIFIYING /etc/sudoers ### [[ "$USER" == "xbian" ]] && echo "xbian ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" | (sudo su -c 'EDITOR="tee" visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/astroport') # PERSONNAL DEFCON LEVEL # cp ~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/DEFCON ~/.zen/ if [[ "$USER" == "xbian" ]] then echo "enabling ipfs initV service autostart" cd /etc/rc2.d && sudo ln -s ../init.d/ipfs S02ipfs cd /etc/rc3.d && sudo ln -s ../init.d/ipfs S02ipfs cd /etc/rc4.d && sudo ln -s ../init.d/ipfs S02ipfs cd /etc/rc5.d && sudo ln -s ../init.d/ipfs S02ipfs cd /etc/rc0.d && sudo ln -s ../init.d/ipfs K01ipfs cd /etc/rc1.d && sudo ln -s ../init.d/ipfs K01ipfs cd /etc/rc6.d && sudo ln -s ../init.d/ipfs K01ipfs # Disable xbian-config auto launch echo 0 > ~/.xbian-config-start fi ######################################################################## # CREATE ~/astroport FILESYSTEM GATE mkdir -p ~/astroport/film mkdir -p ~/astroport/serie mkdir -p ~/astroport/anime echo '${TYPE};${MEDIAID};${YEAR};${TITLE};${SAISON};${GENRES};_IPNSKEY_;${RES};/ipfs/_IPFSREPFILEID_/$URLENCODE_FILE_NAME' > ~/astroport/ajouter_video.modele.txt ####################################################################### echo "## INSTALL open_with_linux.py ## ## https://darktrojan.github.io/openwith/webextension.html" ~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/open_with_linux.py install echo ">>> INFO : Ajoutez l'extension 'OpenWith' à votre navigateur !! # https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/open-with/ # https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/open-with/cogjlncmljjnjpbgppagklanlcbchlno" if [[ "$USER" != "xbian" ]] then ## Desktop install echo "INITIALISATION Astroport" echo "Appuyez sur la touche ENTREE pour démarrer le mode Aventure" echo "sinon interrompez ici l'installation, et activez votre Ambassade ~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/start.sh" read # ~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/adventure.sh # ~/.zen/astrXbian/ISOconfig.sh else ## Rpi Xbian install. cat /etc/rc.local | grep -Ev "exit 0" > /tmp/new.rc.local ## REMOVE "exit 0" # PREPARE NEXT BOOT - Network config - NEXTBOOT - ISOConfig - NEXTBOOT - OK echo "su - xbian -c '~/.zen/astrXbian/FirstBOOT.sh'" >> /tmp/new.rc.local echo "exit 0" >> /tmp/new.rc.local sudo cp -f /tmp/new.rc.local /etc/rc.local echo "STOP!! Redémarrer Xbian pour continuer la configuration de votre station Astroport/KODI" echo "Faites une ISO : sudo xbian-config" exit 0 fi ########################################### # ACTIVATE IPFS OPTIONS: #swarm0 INIT ########################################### ### IMPORTANT !!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!! ########################################### # DHT PUBSUB mode ipfs config Pubsub.Router gossipsub # MAXSTORAGE = 1/2 available availableDiskSize=$(df -P ~/ | awk 'NR>1{sum+=$4}END{print sum}') diskSize="$((availableDiskSize / 2))" ipfs config Datastore.StorageMax $diskSize ## Activate Rapid "ipfs p2p" ipfs config --json Experimental.Libp2pStreamMounting true ipfs config --json Experimental.P2pHttpProxy true ipfs config --json Swarm.ConnMgr.LowWater 0 ipfs config --json Swarm.ConnMgr.HighWater 0 myIP=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}' | head -n 1) ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Origin '["http://'$myIP':8080", "", "http://astroport", "https://astroport.com", "https://qo-op.com", "https://tube.copylaradio.com" ]' ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Methods '["PUT", "GET", "POST"]' ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Credentials '["true"]' ## TODO ADPAT PERMISSIONS ipfs config Addresses.API "/ip4/" ipfs config Addresses.Gateway "/ip4/" ######### CLEAN DEFAULT BOOTSTRAP TO STAY INVISIBLE ########### ipfs bootstrap rm --all ########################################### # BOOTSTRAP NODES ARE ADDED LATER ########################################### [[ "$USER" != "xbian" ]] && sudo systemctl restart ipfs ######################################################################## # SUDO permissions ######################################################################## ## USED FOR fail2ban-client (DEFCON) echo "$USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/fail2ban-client" | (sudo su -c 'EDITOR="tee" visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/fail2ban-client') ## USED FOR RAMDISK (video live streaming) echo "$USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/bin/mount" | (sudo su -c 'EDITOR="tee" visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/mount') echo "$USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/bin/umount" | (sudo su -c 'EDITOR="tee" visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/umount') ## USED FOR SYSTEM UPGRADE echo "$USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/apt-get" | (sudo su -c 'EDITOR="tee" visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/apt-get') echo "$USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/apt" | (sudo su -c 'EDITOR="tee" visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/apt') ## USED FOR "systemctl restart ipfs" echo "$USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/bin/systemctl" | (sudo su -c 'EDITOR="tee" visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/systemctl') ## brother_ql_print echo "$USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/local/bin/brother_ql_print" | (sudo su -c 'EDITOR="tee" visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/brother_ql_print') # MAIN # -f ~/.zen/secret.june (ISOConfig déjà lancé) ## else echo "Installation existante !! ======================== Astroport/KODI (Gchange) ======================== Connectez-vous sur https://gchange.fr avec vos identifiants $(cat ~/.zen/game/players/.current/secret.june) https://astroport.com " # MAIN # fi }