#!/bin/bash ######################################################################## # Author: Fred (support@qo-op.com) # Version: 2022.10.28 # License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) ######################################################################## MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized . "$MY_PATH/my.sh" ME="${0##*/}" echo ' ######################################################################## # \\/// # qo-op ############# '$MY_PATH/$ME' ########################################################################' ### PLEASE CHANGE YOUR DOMAIN AND KEY ( OR HELP PAYING TRAFIC ;) ## THIS IS A FREE LIMITED ACCOUNT. DO NOT EXAGERATE ;) mail="$1" # EMAIL DESTINATAIRE [[ ! $1 ]] && mail="support@qo-op.com" #~ echo "DEST=$mail" # mail=geg-la_debrouille@super.chez-moi.com YUSER=$(echo ${mail} | cut -d '@' -f1) # YUSER=geg-la_debrouille LYUSER=($(echo "$YUSER" | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/\ /g')) # LYUSER=(geg la debrouille) CLYUSER=$(printf '%s\n' "${LYUSER[@]}" | tac | tr '\n' '.' ) # CLYUSER=debrouille.la.geg. YOMAIN=$(echo ${mail} | cut -d '@' -f 2) # YOMAIN=super.chez-moi.com pseudo="${CLYUSER}_${YOMAIN}" #~ echo "PSEUDO=$pseudo" messfile="$2" # FICHIER A AJOUTER AU CORPS MESSAGEUP ## add a tittle in message title="$3" SUBJECT="[UPlanet] ${title} ${pseudo} : $(myHostName)" MESSAGESIGN="---
this message is sent to you by $(myHostName) your ♥BOX Astroport.ONE Station" echo " ######################################################################## # $SUBJECT + $messfile -> $mail ########################################################################" ### SMTP RELAY #~ echo "From: support@g1sms.fr #~ To: EMAIL #~ Bcc: support@qo-op.com #~ Subject: SUBJECT #~ $MESSAGEUP #~ " > ~/.zen/tmp/email.txt #~ [[ -s $messfile ]] && cat $messfile >> ~/.zen/tmp/email.txt \ #~ || echo "$messfile" >> ~/.zen/tmp/email.txt #~ cat ~/.zen/tmp/email.txt | sed "s~EMAIL~${mail}~g" | sed "s~SUBJECT~${SUBJECT}~g" | /usr/sbin/ssmtp ${mail} ############# USING MAILJET API ############### export MJ_APIKEY_PUBLIC='02b075c3f28b9797d406f0ca015ca984' export MJ_APIKEY_PRIVATE='58256ba8ea62f68965879f53bbb29f90' export SENDER_EMAIL='support@g1sms.fr' export RECIPIENT_EMAIL=${mail} # + HTML in FILE rm -f ~/.zen/tmp/email.txt [[ -s $messfile ]] && cat $messfile >> ~/.zen/tmp/email.txt \ || echo "$messfile" >> ~/.zen/tmp/email.txt EMAILZ=$(ipfs add -q ~/.zen/tmp/email.txt) echo "/ipfs/${EMAILZ}" export TEXTPART="$(myIpfsGw)/ipfs/${EMAILZ}" [[ $title == "" ]] && title="MESSAGE" json_payload='{ "Messages": [ { "From": { "Email": "'${SENDER_EMAIL}'", "Name": "UPlanet" }, "To": [ { "Email": "'${RECIPIENT_EMAIL}'", "Name": "'${pseudo}' Astronaut" } ], "Bcc": [ { "Email": "support@g1sms.fr", "Name": "SUPPORT" } ], "Subject": "'${SUBJECT}'", "TextPart": "'$(myIpfsGw)/ipfs/${EMAILZ}'", "HTMLPart": "


You have a

on UPlanet
May the good vibes be with you!
'${MESSAGESIGN}'" } ] }' echo "$json_payload" # Verify the JSON structure with jq echo "$json_payload" | jq . # Run: # POSSIBLE ! "HTMLPart": "

You have a message

May the good vibes be with you!" curl -s \ -X POST \ --user "${MJ_APIKEY_PUBLIC}:${MJ_APIKEY_PRIVATE}" \ https://api.mailjet.com/v3.1/send \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d "$json_payload" # This call sends an email to one recipient. #~ TEXTPART=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/email.txt | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g' | tr '"' '\\\"') #~ HTMLPART=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/email.txt | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/
/g' | tr '"' '\\\"') #~ curl -s \ #~ -X POST \ #~ --user "$MJ_APIKEY_PUBLIC:$MJ_APIKEY_PRIVATE" \ #~ https://api.mailjet.com/v3/send \ #~ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ #~ -d '{ #~ "FromEmail":"'${SENDER_EMAIL}'", #~ "FromName":"UPlanet Support Team", #~ "Subject":"Message from Astroport", #~ "Text-part":"'${TEXTPART}'", #~ "Html-part":"'${HTMLPART}'", #~ "Recipients":[{"Email":"'${RECIPIENT_EMAIL}'"}] #~ }'