#!/bin/bash ######################################################################## # Version: 0.1 # License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) ######################################################################## MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized ME="${0##*/}" . "${MY_PATH}/../tools/my.sh" ## IT SEARCH FOR CURRENT TW ForkUPlanetZERO tag ## IT MAKES $HOME/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/.ipfs/${UPNAME}.swarm.key ## IT CHECKS FOR SAME UPNAME WISH IN FRIENDS TW echo "(✜‿‿✜) CURRENT Fork UPlanet This wish makes Player generate or join a private IPFS swarm It can be use to populate UPlanet ZERO (or not) All friends with the same wish will share the SECRET then any can activate a new ipfs daemon connected to that private ZONE Planet shape could be define from text found in command tiddler and initiale new euclidian geokeys... Default : floating points" echo "$ME RUNNING" CURRENT=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/.current/.player 2>/dev/null) ######################################################################## [[ ! ${INDEX} ]] && INDEX="$HOME/.zen/game/players/.current/ipfs/moa/index.html" [[ ! -s ${INDEX} ]] && echo "ERROR - Please provide path to source TW index.html" && exit 1 [[ ! -s ${INDEX} ]] && echo "ERROR - Fichier TW absent. ${INDEX}" && exit 1 ORIGININDEX=${INDEX} [[ ! ${PLAYER} ]] && PLAYER="$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/.current/.player 2>/dev/null)" [[ ! ${PLAYER} ]] && echo "ERROR - Please provide PLAYER" && exit 1 ASTRONAUTENS=$(ipfs key list -l | grep -w ${PLAYER} | cut -d ' ' -f1) [[ ! ${ASTRONAUTENS} ]] && echo "ERROR - Clef IPNS ${PLAYER} introuvable!" && exit 1 G1PUB=$(cat ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/.g1pub) [[ ! $G1PUB ]] && echo "ERROR - G1PUB ${PLAYER} VIDE" && exit 1 [[ ! ${MOATS} ]] && MOATS=$(date -u +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S%4N") echo "${PLAYER} ${INDEX} ${ASTRONAUTENS} ${G1PUB} " mkdir -p $HOME/.zen/tmp/${MOATS} PLAYERPUB=$(cat $HOME/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/secret.dunikey | grep pub | cut -d ' ' -f 2) [[ "${PLAYERPUB}" == "" ]] && echo "FATAL ERROR PLAYER KEY MISSING" && exit 1 ################################################################### ## tag[ForkUPlanetZERO] TW EXTRACTION ################################################################### tiddlywiki --load ${INDEX} \ --output ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS} \ --render '.' 'G1ForkUPlanetZERO.json' 'text/plain' '$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile' 'exportFilter' '[tag[ForkUPlanetZERO]]' ## KEEP ONLY ONE tag[ForkUPlanetZERO] WISH ! echo "PREPARE INLINE JSON : cat ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/G1ForkUPlanetZERO.json | jq -rc .[]" cat ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/G1ForkUPlanetZERO.json \ | jq -rc .[] | head -n 1 > ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/ONEuplanet.json JSONUPLANET="${HOME}/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/ONEuplanet.json" [[ ! -s ${JSONUPLANET} ]] \ && echo "NO tag[ForkUPlanetZERO] for $PLAYER" && exit 0 UPNAME=$(cat ${JSONUPLANET} | jq -r ".title") # What name is given ? [[ "${UPNAME}" == "null" || "${UPNAME}" == "" ]] \ && echo "NO FORK UPLANET NAME .title MISSING" && exit 1 HASH=$(cat ${JSONUPLANET} | jq -r ".hash") ## What text hash it has ? SECRET=$(cat ${JSONUPLANET} | jq -r ".secret") ## What is secret ? CONTRACT=$(cat ${JSONUPLANET} | jq -r ".text") ## What contract is applying ? [[ "${CONTRACT}" == "null" || "${CONTRACT}" == "" ]] && CONTRACT="☼☼☼☼☼ floating points ☼☼☼☼☼" AHAH=$(echo $CONTRACT | sha512sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1) echo "%%% CONTRACT HASH %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" echo "$AHAH" echo "$HASH" [[ $AHAH != $HASH ]] && echo " - WARNING - CONTRACT CHANGED - WARNING -" ## CHECK EXISTING ${UPNAME}.swarm.key [[ ! -s $HOME/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/.ipfs/${UPNAME}.swarm.key ]] \ && MSG=$MSG" ${PLAYER}/.ipfs/${UPNAME}.swarm.key NOT FOUND" && ERR="NO LOCAL KEY" ## CREATE 32 octets swarm.key ( maximum individual Fork : octal 8^32 = decimal 7,922816251×10^28 ) echo -e '/key/swarm/psk/1.0.0/\n/base16/' > $HOME/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/swarm.key head -c 32 /dev/urandom | od -t x1 -A none - | tr -d '\n ' >> $HOME/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/swarm.key echo '' >> $HOME/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/swarm.key ## EXTRACT CURRENT SECRET FROM JSONUPLANET # which is PLAYER pub encrypted base16 of swarm.key ################################################### ## check if we have a player slot with cyphered key IN16=$(cat ${JSONUPLANET} | jq -r '."${PLAYER}"') ## secret is only decrypted by wish source player [[ ${IN16} == "" || ${IN16} == "null" ]] \ && IN16=$(cat ${JSONUPLANET} | jq -r ".secret") if [[ ${IN16} == "" || ${IN16} == "null" ]]; then echo "NO SECRET FOUND" \ && echo "NEW SECRET SWARM.KEY GENERATION" \ && cat $HOME/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/swarm.key \ && cp $HOME/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/swarm.key $HOME/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/.ipfs/${UPNAME}.swarm.key \ && echo "------- KEY LOADED -----> ${PLAYER}/.ipfs/${UPNAME}.swarm.key" ## THIS IS A PRIMAL WISH else ## DEBASE16 echo "${IN16}" | base16 -d \ > ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/swarmkey.crypted ## DECODING with PLAYER secret.dunikey ${MY_PATH}/../tools/natools.py decrypt \ -f pubsec \ -k $HOME/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/secret.dunikey \ -i ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/swarmkey.crypted \ -o ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/swarmkey.decrypted ## CHEK KEY WITH ACTUAL ONE [[ $(diff ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/swarmkey.decrypted $HOME/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/.ipfs/${UPNAME}.swarm.key) ]] \ && echo "- WARNING - UPDATING ${UPNAME}.swarm.key ..." && ERR="TW SWARM CHANGED" ## UPDATE PLAYER LOCAL SWARMKEY FROM VALUE FOUND IN HIS OWN WISH TIDDLER ! [[ -s ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/swarmkey.decrypted ]] \ && cp ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/swarmkey.decrypted \ $HOME/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/.ipfs/${UPNAME}.swarm.key \ && echo "PLAYER ${UPNAME}.swarm.key IS VALID" \ || { echo "ERROR PLAYER ${UPNAME}.swarm.key IS NOT VALID"; exit 1; } fi #~ (RE)CREATE SECRET ${MY_PATH}/../tools/natools.py encrypt \ -p ${PLAYERPUB} \ -i $HOME/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/.ipfs/${UPNAME}.swarm.key \ -o $HOME/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/.ipfs/${UPNAME}.swarm.key.enc ENCODING=$(cat $HOME/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/.ipfs/${UPNAME}.swarm.key.enc | base16) rm $HOME/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/.ipfs/${UPNAME}.swarm.key.enc echo "==> base16 ${PLAYER} encrypted swarm.key" #~ echo "${SECRET}" #~ echo "${ENCODING}" ################################################################# ## MAKE KEY ENCODING FOR FRIENDS friends=($(ls ~/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/FRIENDS | grep "@" 2>/dev/null)) for f in ${friends[@]}; do ## Extract FRIENDG1PUB from TW (Astroport Tiddler) ftw=${HOME}/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/FRIENDS/${f}/index.html [[ ! -s ${ftw} ]] && echo "FRIENDS/${f} : $(cat "$HOME/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/FRIENDS/${f}")" && continue ## Check if "f=PRESIDENT" in my friend "email" TW tiddlywiki --load ${ftw} --output ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS} --render '.' "${f}_.json" 'text/plain' '$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile' 'exportFilter' "${f}" PRESIDENT=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/${f}_.json | jq -r .[].president) [[ ${PRESIDENT} != ${f} ]] && echo "${f} Astroport is run by ${PRESIDENT}... No fork..." && continue ## Check if Astroport is different from my node tiddlywiki --load ${ftw} --output ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS} --render '.' "${f}_Astroport.json" 'text/plain' '$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile' 'exportFilter' 'Astroport' FRIENDG1PUB=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/${f}_Astroport.json | jq -r .[].g1pub) echo "___________________" echo "$f : $FRIENDG1PUB" ASTROPORT=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/${f}_Astroport.json | jq -r .[].astroport) [[ ${ASTROPORT} != "/ipns/${IPFSNODEID}" ]] \ && echo "FOREIGN ASTROPORT=${ASTROPORT}" \ && foreign="YES" \ && ASTROPORTS=("${ASTROPORTS[@]}" "${ASTROPORT}") if [[ ${FRIENDG1PUB} && ${FRIENDG1PUB} != "null" ]]; then #~ CHECK IF player ALREADY IN JSON echo "cat ${JSONUPLANET} | jq -r '.\"${f}\"'" FRIENDIN=$(cat ${JSONUPLANET} | jq -r '."${f}"') [[ "${FRIENDIN}" != "null" && "${FRIENDIN}" != "" ]] \ && echo "${FRIENDIN} ALREADY IN FORK ${UPNAME} TIDDLER." \ && continue echo "#~ Create FRIENDG1PUB encrypted version of swarm.key" ${MY_PATH}/../tools/natools.py encrypt \ -p ${FRIENDG1PUB} \ -i $HOME/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/.ipfs/${UPNAME}.swarm.key \ -o $HOME/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/.ipfs/${UPNAME}.${f}.swarm.key.enc FENCODING=$(cat $HOME/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/.ipfs/${UPNAME}.${f}.swarm.key.enc | base16) rm $HOME/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/.ipfs/${UPNAME}.${f}.swarm.key.enc echo "## Addd email=crypt(swarmkey) field to ${JSONUPLANET} tiddler." cat ${JSONUPLANET} | jq '. | ."_f_" = "_FENCODING_"' > ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/json.up \ && sed -i 's/_f_/'"$f"'/g; s/_FENCODING_/'"$FENCODING"'/g' ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/json.up \ && mv ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/json.up ${JSONUPLANET} else echo "- FATAL ERROR - Friend TW ${ftw} is broken !!" continue fi if [[ ${foreign} == "YES" ]]; then echo "## Check if friend have an ${UPNAME} tiddler and that secret is the same" ## SEARCH FOR ${UPNAME} tiddler IN FRIEND TW tiddlywiki --load ${ftw} --output ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS} \ --render '.' "${f}_${UPNAME}.json" 'text/plain' '$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile' 'exportFilter' "${UPNAME}" ## CONTROL SWARMKEY DECODING (must be equal) OUT16=$(cat ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/${f}_${UPNAME}.json | jq -r '[]."'${PLAYER}'"') echo "${IN16}" echo "${OUT16}" [[ ${IN16} == ${OUT16} ]] \ && echo "OK STATIONS +1 : TW sharing the same wish. " \ && OKSTATIONS=("${OKSTATIONS[@]}" "${ASTROPORT}") \ || echo "NO GOOD! TW not synchronized." foreign="" fi done ZENSTATIONS=($(echo "${OKSTATIONS[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u)) ## REMOVE DUPLICATE echo "<<< My Friends are located in ${#ASTROPORTS[@]} ASTROPORT(s) : ${#ZENSTATIONS[@]} are OK >>>" ## IPFSNODEID IS FORKING TO NEW UPLANET if [[ ${#ZENSTATIONS[@]} -ge 3 ]]; then echo "UPlanet.ZERO /// ENTERING WARPING ZONE /// ${UPNAME} ACTIVATION" ## HERE each PLAYER share the same wish # only secret field is "!=" in each, as it is self encoding key # we must find our email="The same" in each friends TW ## CONTROL # round looking in friends TW... Can be done before... ## APPLY NEWUPLANETNAME=$(cat $HOME/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/.ipfs/${UPNAME}.swarm.key | tail -n 1) ################################################## # Let's clone & apply some patch to Astroport.ONE # tools/my.sh echo "UPLANETNAME=$NEWUPLANETNAME" # Activate UPLANETNAME=SWARMKEY for station in ${#ZENSTATIONS[@]}; do # Adapt "boostrap list" cat ~/.zen/tmp/swarm/${station}/myIPFS.txt done # make G1PalPay refuse not from Boostrap primal TX # and adapt 20H12.process.sh # now we add key into ~/.ipfs/swarm.key #~ cp $HOME/.zen/game/players/${PLAYER}/.ipfs/${UPNAME}.swarm.key ~/.ipfs/swarm.key # it will make IPFSNODEID restarting in private mode fi ## UPDATE JSONUPLANET cat ${JSONUPLANET} | jq '. | ."UPname" = "_UPNAME_"' > ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/json.up \ && sed -i 's/_UPNAME_/'"$UPNAME"'/g' ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/json.up \ && mv ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/json.up ${JSONUPLANET} cat ${JSONUPLANET} | jq '. | ."hash" = "_HASH_"' > ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/json.up \ && sed -i 's/_HASH_/'"$AHAH"'/g' ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/json.up \ && mv ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/json.up ${JSONUPLANET} cat ${JSONUPLANET} | jq '. | ."secret" = "_SECRET_"' > ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/json.up \ && sed -i 's/_SECRET_/'"$ENCODING"'/g' ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/json.up \ && mv ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/json.up ${JSONUPLANET} ### PUT BACK IN TW tiddlywiki --load ${INDEX} \ --import ${JSONUPLANET} "application/json" \ --output ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS} --render "$:/core/save/all" "newindex.html" "text/plain" if [[ -s ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/newindex.html ]]; then [[ $(diff ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/newindex.html ${INDEX} ) ]] \ && mv ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/newindex.html ${INDEX} \ && echo "===> Mise à jour ${INDEX}" cat ${JSONUPLANET} | jq else echo "Problem with tiddlywiki command. Missing ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS}/newindex.html" echo "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" fi rm -Rf ~/.zen/tmp/${MOATS} exit 0