update .env when older than .env.dist

This commit is contained in:
Yann Autissier 2023-11-25 23:20:04 +01:00
parent 2fb3c83b6a
commit 5e3782c944
4 changed files with 31 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -22,9 +22,7 @@ define app-bootstrap
$(eval COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME := $(if $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME),$(DOCKER_COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME),$(subst .,,$(call LOWERCASE,$(USER)-$(APP_NAME)-$(ENV)$(addprefix -,$(subst /,,$(subst -,,$(APP_PATH))))))))
$(if $(wildcard $(APP_DIR)/.env.dist), $(call .env,$(APP_DIR)/.env,$(APP_DIR)/.env.dist))
$(if $(wildcard $(APP_DIR)/.env.example), $(call .env,$(APP_DIR)/.env,$(APP_DIR)/.env.example))
$(if $(wildcard $(APP_DIR)/.env.sample), $(call .env,$(APP_DIR)/.env,$(APP_DIR)/.env.sample))
$(call .env,$(APP_DIR)/.env,$(APP_DIR)/.env.dist $(APP_DIR)/.env.example $(APP_DIR)/.env.sample)
# function app-build: Call docker-build for each Dockerfile in dir 1

View File

@ -225,6 +225,12 @@ force = $$(while true; do \
# macro gid: Return GID of group 1
gid = $(shell awk -F':' '$$1 == "$(1)" {print $$3}' /etc/group 2>/dev/null)
# macro newer: Return the newest file
newer = $(shell stat -c '%Y %n' $(1) $(2) $(if $(DEBUG),,2>/dev/null) |sort -n |tail -n1 |awk '{print $$2}')
# older newer: Return the oldest file
older = $(shell stat -c '%Y %n' $(1) $(2) $(if $(DEBUG),,2>/dev/null) |sort -n |head -n1 |awk '{print $$2}')
# macro pop: Return last word of string 1 according to separator 2
pop = $(patsubst %$(or $(2),/)$(lastword $(subst $(or $(2),/), ,$(1))),%,$(1))

View File

@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
# target .env: Update file .env
## it updates file .env when file .env.dist is newer
.env: .env.dist
## it updates file .env
.PHONY: .env
$(call .env,,,$(wildcard $(CONFIG)/$(ENV)/$(APP)/.env .env.$(ENV)))
# target .env-clean: Remove file .env
@ -40,16 +41,18 @@ SHELL:=/bin/bash
# function .env: Call .env_update function
## it sets .env, .env.dist and .env.ENV files paths
## it calls .env_update function if .env.dist file exists
## it calls .env_update function if .env.dist exists and is newer than .env
## of when file .env does not exist
# 1st arg: path to .env file to update, default to .env
# 2nd arg: path to .env.dist file, default to .env.dist
# 3rd arg: path to .env override files, default to .env.$(ENV)
define .env
$(call INFO,.env,$(1)$(comma) $(2)$(comma) $(3))
$(eval env_file:=$(or $(1),.env))
$(eval env_dist:=$(or $(2),$(env_file).dist))
$(eval env_over:=$(or $(wildcard $(3)),$(wildcard $(env_file).$(ENV))))
$(if $(wildcard $(env_dist)), $(call .env_update))
$(eval env_dists:=$(wildcard $(or $(2),$(env_file).dist)))
$(eval env_over:=$(wildcard $(or $(3),$(env_file).$(ENV))))
$(if $(FORCE)$(filter $(env_file),$(call newer,$(env_file) $(env_dists) $(env_over))),
,$(foreach env_dist,$(env_dists),$(call .env_update)))
# function .env_update: Update .env file with values from .env.dist

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
# source : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/buildroot/buildroot/master/support/misc/utils.mk
# customized for myos
# Strip quotes and then whitespaces
qstrip = $(strip $(subst ",,$(1)))
@ -14,6 +15,8 @@ qstrip = $(strip $(subst ",,$(1)))
comma := ,
empty :=
space := $(empty) $(empty)
tab := $(empty) $(empty)
escape := $(shell printf '\x1b')
# make 4.3:
# https://lwn.net/Articles/810071/
@ -69,6 +72,7 @@ reverse = $(if $(1),$(call reverse,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1))) $(firstword
# and in rules. Particularly useful for VCS version strings, that can contain
# slashes, colons (OK in filenames but not in rules), and spaces.
sanitize = $(subst $(space),_,$(subst :,_,$(subst /,_,$(strip $(1)))))
# customized for myos: slugify macro cleans up strings so it can be used as url
slugify = $(subst $(space),,$(subst :,,$(subst /,,$(subst .,,$(1)))))
# MESSAGE Macro -- display a message in bold type
@ -86,9 +90,17 @@ finddirclauses = $(call notfirstword,$(patsubst %,-o -path '$(1)/%',$(2)))
# notfirstword(wordlist): returns all but the first word in wordlist
notfirstword = $(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1))
# build a comma-separated list of quoted items, from a space-separated
# build a comma-separated list of items, from a space-separated
# list of items: a b c d --> a, b, c, d
make-comma-list = $(subst $(space),$(comma)$(space),$(strip $(1)))
# build a comma-separated list of double-quoted items, from a space-separated
# list of unquoted items: a b c d --> "a", "b", "c", "d"
make-comma-list = $(subst $(space),$(comma)$(space),$(patsubst %,"%",$(strip $(1))))
make-dq-comma-list = $(call make-comma-list,$(patsubst %,"%",$(strip $(1))))
# build a comma-separated list of single-quoted items, from a space-separated
# list of unquoted items: a b c d --> 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'
make-sq-comma-list = $(call make-comma-list,$(patsubst %,'%',$(strip $(1))))
# Needed for the foreach loops to loop over the list of hooks, so that
# each hook call is properly separated by a newline.
@ -124,10 +136,10 @@ QUOTE = '
# (that's why the single-quotes are escaped they way they are, above,
# and why the dollar sign is not escaped) to printf(1). A trailing
# newline is apended, too.
# Note: Removing the apended trailing newline for custom needs
# Note: leading or trailing spaces are *not* stripped.
# customized for myos: Removing the trailing newline
define PRINTF
printf '$(subst $(sep),\n,\