# myos - Make Your Own Stack Docker paas based on docker compose files. ## Disclaimer This is work in progress ;) ## Requirements You need `git` and `make`. ## Usage ### Examples * Configure myos for domain `domain.tld` and stack `zen` ```shell $ make bootstrap DOMAIN=domain.tld STACK=zen ``` * Start myos stacks ```shell $ make node up ``` `make node` starts the stack `node` with docker host services : - consul (service discovery) - fabio (load balancer) - ipfs (inter planetary file system) - registrator (docker/consul bridge) `make up` starts the stack `zen` with docker services : - ipfs (mount ~/.ipfs) - zen (mount ~/.zen) * Stop myos ```shell $ make shutdown ``` * Install myos ```shell $ make install ``` ### Variables * DEBUG Show executed commands ```shell $ make up DEBUG=true ``` * DRYRUN Do nothing, show commands instead of executing it ```shell $ make up DRYRUN=true ``` * VERBOSE Show called functions ```shell $ make up VERBOSE=true ``` * Show variable VARIABLE ```shell $ make print-VARIABLE ``` ### Debug * Show docker compose yaml config ```shell $ make config ``` `make config` show docker compose yaml config for stack `STACK` `make node-config` show docker compose yaml config for stack `node` `make user-config` show docker compose yaml config for stack `User` `make stack-elastic-config` show docker compose yaml config for stack `elastic` * Show debug variables ```shell $ make debug ``` * Generate self documentation ```shell $ make doc ``` * Show env args ```shell $ make print-env_args ``` ## Status Beta software, use it at your own risks.