--- # file: tasks/filesystems-btrfs.yml - name: filesystems-btrfs - create filesystem on the first partition when: item.1.stat.exists with_together: - '{{ disks_to_mount }}' - '{{ disks_stat.results }}' filesystem: dev: '{{ item.0.part | default(item.0.disk + "1") }}' force: '{{ item.0.force|d(omit) }}' fstype: '{{ item.0.fstype }}' opts: '{{ item.0.fsopts|d(omit) }}' become: yes - name: filesystems-btrfs - disable periodic fsck and reserved space on ext3 or ext4 formatted disks when: "disks_to_mount and ( item.0.fstype == 'ext4' or item.0.fstype == 'ext3' ) and item.0.disable_periodic_fsck|default(false)|bool and item.1.stat.exists" with_together: - '{{ disks_to_mount }}' - '{{ disks_stat.results }}' environment: PATH: "{{ ansible_env.PATH }}:/usr/sbin:/sbin" shell: tune2fs -c0 -i0 -m0 {{ item.0.part | default(item.0.disk + "1") }} become: yes