# hosts role for Ansible Bootstrap hosts, installing standard packages and user settings ## Role Variables * `hosts_cloudinit_config` - cloud-init yaml config ``` yaml hosts_cloudinit_config: preserve_hostname: false datasource_list: - Ec2 datasource: Ec2: metadata_urls: - '' ``` * `hosts_cloudinit_enable` - Install and configure cloud-init ``` yaml hosts_cloudinit_enable: false ``` * `hosts_git_repositories` - Clone git repositories ``` yaml hosts_git_repositories: - { "repo": "https://github.com/aya/myos", "dest": "/src/com/github/aya/myos", "key_file": "~/.ssh/id_rsa", "version": "master" } ``` * `hosts_packages` - List of packages to install/remove on your hosts, should be overrided for a specific distro ``` yaml hosts_packages: [] ``` * `hosts_packages_common` - List of packages to install/remove on your hosts, common to all distros ``` yaml hosts_packages_common: - { "name": "bash", "state": "present" } ``` * `hosts_packages_distro` - List of packages to install/remove on your hosts, specific to a distro ``` yaml hosts_packages_distro: - { "name": "vim-nox", "state": "present" } ``` * `hosts_services` - List of services to enable/disable on your hosts ``` yaml hosts_services: # Enable ansible, running ansible pull at boot - { "name": "ansible", "state": "started", "enabled": "yes" } # Enable zram, creating virtual swap devices compressed in RAM, usefull on hosts without physical swap to increase performances - { "name": "zram", "state": "started", "enabled": "yes" } ``` * `hosts_ssh_authorized_keys` - List of urls to add ssh public keys in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ``` yaml hosts_ssh_authorized_keys: - https://github.com/aynicos.keys ``` * `hosts_ssh_bastion_hostname` - Hostname of ssh bastion added in ~/.ssh/myos/config ``` yaml hosts_ssh_bastion_hostname: ``` * `hosts_ssh_bastion_username` - Username of ssh bastion added in ~/.ssh/myos/config ``` yaml hosts_ssh_bastion_username: root ``` * `hosts_ssh_private_ip_range` - Ip range proxified through ssh bastion to add in ~/.ssh/myos/config ``` yaml hosts_ssh_private_ip_range: 10.* 192.168.42.* ``` * `hosts_ssh_private_keys` - List of ssh private keys to copy, default to ~/.ssh/id_rsa ``` yaml hosts_ssh_private_keys: - ~/.ssh/id_rsa ``` * `hosts_ssh_public_hosts` - List of host names to add ssh public fingerprints in ~/.ssh/known_hosts ``` yaml hosts_ssh_public_hosts: - github.com - gitlab.com ``` * `hosts_ssh_username` - User to ssh on remote hosts ``` yaml hosts_ssh_username: root ``` * `hosts_user_env` - List of environment variables added in ~/.env ``` yaml hosts_user_env: - ENV - DOCKER ``` * `hosts_user_rc_enable` - Call specific functions on user login, allowing it to customize his session ``` yaml hosts_user_rc_enable: false ``` * `hosts_user_rc_functions` - List of specific functions to call on user login, defined in /etc/profile.d/rc_functions.sh ``` yaml hosts_user_rc_functions: # customize PROMPT variable - { "path": "10_prompt_set", "state": "touch" } # customize PS1 variable - { "path": "10_ps1_set", "state": "touch" } # create and/or attach a tmux session - { "path": "20_tmux_attach", "state": "touch" } # display host infos - { "path": "30_pfetch", "state": "touch" } # create and/or attach a screen session - { "path": "30_screen_attach", "state": "touch" } # launch ssh agent and load private keys in ~/.ssh - { "path": "40_ssh_add", "state": "touch" } # remove tmux_attach - { "path": "20_tmux_attach", "state": "absent" } ``` ## Example playbook ``` yaml - hosts: 'hosts' roles: - role: 'aynicos.hosts' hosts_services: - { "name": "local", "state": "started", "enabled": "yes" } - { "name": "zram", "state": "started", "enabled": "yes" } hosts_user_rc_enable: true ``` ## Tests To test this role on your `hosts`, run the tests/playbook.yml playbook. ``` bash $ ansible-playbook tests/playbook.yml ```