--- # file: defaults/main.yml # enable cloud-init hosts_enable_cloudinit: false # enable rc.local script hosts_enable_local: false # run user specific rc functions on ssh connection hosts_enable_rc: false # Activate zram swap devices on host hosts_enable_zram: false # git repositories to clone hosts_git_repositories: [] # - { "repo": "ssh://git@github.com/aya/infra", "dest": "/src" } # list of rc functions to call at user connection hosts_rc_functions: # customize PS1 variable - 01_custom_ps1 # customize PROMPT variable - 02_custom_prompt # launch a ssh agent and load all private keys located in ~/.ssh - 03_ssh_agent # create and/or attach a tmux session # - 04_attach_tmux # create and/or attach a screen session - 05_attach_screen # display system information - 06_pfetch # list of rc functions to cleanup (remove files) # hosts_rc_cleanup: # - 03_ssh_agent # - 04_attach_tmux # packages to install hosts_packages: [] # packages specific to a distribution hosts_packages_distro: [] # packages common to all distributions hosts_packages_common: - { "name": "bash", "state": "present" } - { "name": "ca-certificates", "state": "present" } - { "name": "rsync", "state": "present" } - { "name": "screen", "state": "present" } - { "name": "tzdata", "state": "present" } # a list of SSH private keys to copy hosts_ssh_private_keys: [] # - ~/.ssh/id_rsa # a list of public hosts keys to add to known_hosts hosts_ssh_public_hosts_keys: - { "name": "github.com", "key": "files/etc/ssh/github.com.pub" } # a list of github usernames to get public keys hosts_ssh_users: [] # - aya # a list of environment variables to write to user ~/.env hosts_user_env: [] # - SHELL hosts_cloudinit_config: users: - default disable_root: true mount_default_fields: [~, ~, 'auto', 'defaults,nofail', '0', '2'] resize_rootfs_tmp: /dev ssh_pwauth: 0 preserve_hostname: false datasource_list: - Ec2 datasource: Ec2: metadata_urls: - '' timeout: 5 max_wait: 10 cloud_init_modules: - migrator - seed_random - bootcmd - write-files - growpart - resizefs - disk_setup - mounts - set_hostname - update_hostname - update_etc_hosts - resolv_conf - ca-certs - rsyslog - users-groups - ssh cloud_config_modules: - ssh-import-id - locale - set-passwords - apk-configure - ntp - timezone - disable-ec2-metadata - runcmd cloud_final_modules: - package-update-upgrade-install - puppet - chef - mcollective - salt-minion - rightscale_userdata - scripts-vendor - scripts-per-once - scripts-per-boot - scripts-per-instance - scripts-user - ssh-authkey-fingerprints - keys-to-console - phone-home - final-message - power-state-change system_info: distro: alpine default_user: name: alpine lock_passwd: True gecos: alpine Cloud User groups: [adm, sudo] sudo: ["ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL"] shell: /bin/ash paths: cloud_dir: /var/lib/cloud/ templates_dir: /etc/cloud/templates/ ssh_svcname: sshd