COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME_MYOS ?= $(USER_ENV)_myos COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME_NODE ?= node DOCKER_ENV_ARGS ?= $(docker_env_args) DOCKER_EXEC_OPTIONS ?= DOCKER_GID ?= $(call gid,docker) DOCKER_IMAGE ?= $(DOCKER_IMAGE_CLI) DOCKER_IMAGE_CLI ?= $(DOCKER_REPOSITORY_MYOS)/cli DOCKER_IMAGE_SSH ?= $(DOCKER_REPOSITORY_MYOS)/ssh DOCKER_NAME ?= $(DOCKER_NAME_CLI) DOCKER_NAME_CLI ?= $(COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME_MYOS)_cli DOCKER_NAME_SSH ?= $(COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME_MYOS)_ssh DOCKER_NETWORK ?= $(DOCKER_NETWORK_PRIVATE) DOCKER_NETWORK_PRIVATE ?= $(USER_ENV) DOCKER_NETWORK_PUBLIC ?= node DOCKER_REPOSITORY_MYOS ?= $(subst _,/,$(COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME_MYOS)) DOCKER_REPOSITORY_NODE ?= $(subst _,/,$(COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME_NODE)) # DOCKER_RUN: if empty, run system command, else run it in a docker DOCKER_RUN ?= # DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS: default options of `docker run` command DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS += --rm -it # DOCKER_RUN_VOLUME: options -v of `docker run` command to mount additionnal volumes DOCKER_RUN_VOLUME += -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock DOCKER_RUN_WORKDIR ?= -w $(PWD) DOCKER_VOLUME_SSH ?= $(COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME_MYOS)_ssh ENV_VARS += DOCKER_IMAGE_CLI DOCKER_IMAGE_SSH DOCKER_NAME_CLI DOCKER_NAME_SSH DOCKER_NETWORK_PRIVATE DOCKER_NETWORK_PUBLIC DOCKER_REPOSITORY_MYOS DOCKER_REPOSITORY_NODE DOCKER_VOLUME_SSH ifeq ($(DRONE), true) DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS := --rm --network $(DOCKER_NETWORK) # When running docker command in drone, we are already in a docker (dind). # Whe need to find the volume mounted in the current docker (runned by drone) to mount it in our docker command. # If we do not mount the volume in our docker, we wont be able to access the files in this volume as the /drone/src directory would be empty. DOCKER_RUN_VOLUME += -v $$(docker inspect $$(basename $$(cat /proc/1/cpuset)) 2>/dev/null |awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"} $$0 ~ /"drone-[a-zA-Z0-9]*:\/drone"$$/ {gsub(/^[ \t\r\n]*"/,"",$$1); print $$1; exit}'):/drone $(if $(wildcard /root/.netrc),-v /root/.netrc:/root/.netrc) else DOCKER_RUN_VOLUME += -v $(or $(APP_PARENT_DIR),$(APP_DIR),$(PWD)):$(or $(WORKSPACE_DIR),$(APP_PARENT_DIR),$(APP_DIR),$(PWD)) endif ifneq ($(DOCKER_RUN),) DOCKER_SSH_AUTH := -e SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-agent/socket -v $(DOCKER_VOLUME_SSH):/tmp/ssh-agent # function docker-run: Run docker image 2 with arg 1 define docker-run $(call INFO,docker-run,$(1)$(comma) $(2)) $(call run,$(or $(2),$(DOCKER_IMAGE)) $(1)) endef ifeq ($(DRONE), true) # function exec DRONE=true: Run DOCKER_IMAGE with arg 1 define exec $(call INFO,exec,$(1)) $(call run,$(DOCKER_IMAGE) $(or $(1),$(SHELL))) endef else # function exec: Exec arg 1 in docker DOCKER_NAME define exec $(call INFO,exec,$(1)) $(RUN) docker exec $(DOCKER_ENV_ARGS) $(DOCKER_EXEC_OPTIONS) $(DOCKER_RUN_WORKDIR) $(DOCKER_NAME) $(or $(1),$(SHELL)) endef endif # function run: Run docker run with arg 1 and docker repository 2 ## attention: arg 2 should end with slash or space define run $(call INFO,run,$(1)$(comma) $(2)) $(RUN) docker run $(DOCKER_ENV_ARGS) $(DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS) $(DOCKER_RUN_VOLUME) $(DOCKER_RUN_WORKDIR) $(DOCKER_SSH_AUTH) $(2)$(1) endef else SHELL := /bin/bash # function docker-run DOCKER=false: Run docker image 2 with arg 1 define docker-run $(call INFO,docker-run,$(1)$(comma) $(2)) $(RUN) docker run $(DOCKER_ENV_ARGS) $(DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS) $(DOCKER_RUN_VOLUME) $(DOCKER_RUN_WORKDIR) $(or $(2),$(DOCKER_IMAGE)) $(1) endef # function exec DOCKER=false: Call env-exec with arg 1 or SHELL define exec $(call INFO,exec,$(1)) $(call env-exec,$(or $(1),$(SHELL))) endef # function run DOCKER=false: Call env-run with arg 1 define run $(call INFO,run,$(1)) $(call env-run,$(1)) endef endif # function docker-volume-copy: Copy files from a docker volume to another define docker-volume-copy $(call INFO,docker-volume-copy,$(1)$(comma) $(2)) $(eval from := $(1)) $(eval to := $(2)) $(RUN) docker volume inspect $(from) >/dev/null $(RUN) docker volume inspect $(to) >/dev/null 2>&1 || $(RUN) docker volume create $(to) >/dev/null $(RUN) docker run --rm -v $(from):/from -v $(to):/to alpine ash -c "cd /from; cp -a . /to" endef