## # GIT ## Check if monorepo is up to date with subrepo. subrepo-push saves the parent commit in .gitrepo .PHONY: git-diff-subrepo git-diff-subrepo: infra-base subrepo-check ## Get parent commit in .gitrepo : awk '$1 == "parent" {print $3}' subrepo/.gitrepo ## Get child of parent commit : git rev-list --ancestry-path parent..HEAD |tail -n 1 ## Compare child commit with our tree : git diff --quiet child -- subrepo $(eval DRYRUN_IGNORE := true) $(eval DIFF = $(shell $(call exec,git diff --quiet $(shell $(call exec,git rev-list --ancestry-path $(shell awk '$$1 == "parent" {print $$3}' $(SUBREPO)/.gitrepo)..HEAD |tail -n 1)) -- $(SUBREPO); echo $$?)) ) $(eval DRYRUN_IGNORE := false) .PHONY: git-fetch-subrepo git-fetch-subrepo: infra-base subrepo-check $(call exec,git fetch --prune $(REMOTE)) .PHONY: git-stash git-stash: infra-base git-status if [ ! $(STATUS) -eq 0 ]; then \ $(call exec,git stash); \ fi .PHONY: git-status git-status: infra-base $(eval DRYRUN_IGNORE := true) $(eval STATUS := $(shell $(call exec,git status -uno --porcelain 2>/dev/null |wc -l))) $(eval DRYRUN_IGNORE := false) .PHONY: git-unstash git-unstash: infra-base $(eval STATUS ?= 0) if [ ! $(STATUS) -eq 0 ]; then \ $(call exec,git stash pop); \ fi # Create branch $(BRANCH) from upstream/$* branch .PHONY: branch-create-upstream-% branch-create-upstream-%: infra-base update-upstream $(call exec,git fetch --prune upstream) $(call exec,git rev-parse --verify $(BRANCH) >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo Unable to create $(BRANCH). || git branch $(BRANCH) upstream/$*) $(call exec,[ $$(git ls-remote --heads upstream $(BRANCH) |wc -l) -eq 0 ] && git push upstream $(BRANCH) || echo Unable to create branch $(BRANCH) on remote upstream.) $(call exec,git checkout $(BRANCH)) # Delete branch $(BRANCH) .PHONY: branch-delete branch-delete: infra-base update-upstream $(call exec,git rev-parse --verify $(BRANCH) >/dev/null 2>&1 && git branch -d $(BRANCH) || echo Unable to delete branch $(BRANCH).) $(foreach remote,upstream, $(call exec,[ $$(git ls-remote --heads $(remote) $(BRANCH) |wc -l) -eq 1 ] && git push $(remote) :$(BRANCH) || echo Unable to delete branch $(BRANCH) on remote $(remote).) &&) true # Merge branch $(BRANCH) into upstream/$* branch .PHONY: branch-merge-upstream-% branch-merge-upstream-%: infra-base update-upstream $(call exec,git rev-parse --verify $(BRANCH) >/dev/null 2>&1) $(call exec,git checkout $(BRANCH)) $(call exec,git pull --ff-only upstream $(BRANCH)) $(call exec,git push upstream $(BRANCH)) $(call exec,git checkout $*) $(call exec,git pull --ff-only upstream $*) $(call exec,git merge --no-ff --no-edit $(BRANCH)) $(call exec,git push upstream $*) # Create $(TAG) tag to reference upstream/$* branch .PHONY: tag-create-upstream-% tag-create-upstream-%: infra-base update-upstream ifneq ($(words $(TAG)),0) $(call exec,git checkout $*) $(call exec,git pull --tags --prune upstream $*) $(call sed,s/^##\? $(TAG).*/## $(TAG) - $(shell date +%Y-%m-%d)/,CHANGELOG.md) $(call exec,[ $$(git diff CHANGELOG.md 2>/dev/null |wc -l) -eq 0 ] || git commit -m "$$(cat CHANGELOG.md |sed -n '\''/$(TAG)/,/^$$/{s/##\(.*\)/release\1\n/;p;}'\'')" CHANGELOG.md) $(call exec,[ $$(git tag -l $(TAG) |wc -l) -eq 0 ] || git tag -d $(TAG)) $(call exec,git tag $(TAG)) $(call exec,[ $$(git ls-remote --tags upstream $(TAG) |wc -l) -eq 0 ] || git push upstream :refs/tags/$(TAG)) $(call exec,git push --tags upstream $*) endif # Merge tag $(TAG) into upstream/$* branch .PHONY: tag-merge-upstream-% tag-merge-upstream-%: infra-base update-upstream ifneq ($(words $(TAG)),0) $(call exec,git fetch --tags -u --prune upstream $*:$*) $(call exec,git checkout $*) $(call exec,git merge --ff --no-edit $(TAG)) $(call exec,git push upstream $*) endif