## # SUBREPO .PHONY: subrepo-check subrepo-check: ifeq ($(words $(ARGS)), 0) ifeq ($(words $(SUBREPO)), 0) $(error Please provide a SUBREPO) endif endif $(eval SUBREPO ?= $(word 1, $(ARGS))) $(eval REMOTE := subrepo/$(SUBREPO)) ## Delete branch $(BRANCH) on $(SUBREPO) remote .PHONY: subrepo-branch-delete subrepo-branch-delete: infra-base subrepo-check ifneq ($(words $(BRANCH)),0) $(call exec,[ $$(git ls-remote --heads $(REMOTE) $(BRANCH) |wc -l) -eq 1 ] && git push $(REMOTE) :$(BRANCH) || echo Unable to delete branch $(BRANCH) on remote $(REMOTE).) endif .PHONY: subrepo-tag-create-% subrepo-tag-create-%: infra-base subrepo-check git-fetch-subrepo ## Create $(TAG) tag to reference $(REMOTE)/$* branch ifneq ($(words $(TAG)),0) $(call exec,[ $$(git ls-remote --tags $(REMOTE) $(TAG) |wc -l) -eq 0 ] || git push $(REMOTE) :refs/tags/$(TAG)) $(call exec,git push $(REMOTE) refs/remotes/subrepo/$(SUBREPO)/$*:refs/tags/$(TAG)) endif ## Push to subrepo. .PHONY: subrepo-push subrepo-push: infra-base subrepo-check git-fetch-subrepo git-diff-subrepo # update .gitrepo only on master branch ifeq ($(BRANCH),master) $(eval UPDATE_SUBREPO_OPTIONS += -u) endif # if release|story|hotfix branch, delete remote branch before push and recreate it from master ifneq ($(findstring $(firstword $(subst /, ,$(BRANCH))),release story hotfix),) $(eval DRYRUN_IGNORE := true) $(eval DELETE = $(shell $(call exec,git ls-remote --heads $(REMOTE) $(BRANCH) |wc -l)) ) $(eval DRYRUN_IGNORE := false) else $(eval DELETE = 0) endif if [ $(DIFF) -eq 0 ]; then \ echo subrepo $(SUBREPO) already up to date.; \ else \ if [ $(DELETE) -eq 1 ]; then \ $(call exec,git push $(REMOTE) :$(BRANCH)); \ $(call exec,git push $(REMOTE) refs/remotes/$(REMOTE)/master:refs/heads/$(BRANCH)); \ fi; \ $(call exec,git subrepo fetch $(SUBREPO) -b $(BRANCH)); \ $(call exec,git subrepo push $(SUBREPO) -b $(BRANCH) $(UPDATE_SUBREPO_OPTIONS)); \ $(call exec,git subrepo clean $(SUBREPO)); \ fi .PHONY: subrepos-branch-delete subrepos-branch-delete: $(APPS) ; .PHONY: subrepos-tag-create-% subrepos-tag-create-%: $(APPS) ;