## # UPDATE # target update-apps: Call update-app target for each APPS .PHONY: update-apps update-apps: $(foreach app,$(APPS),$(call make,update-app APP_NAME=$(app))) # target update-app: Fire update-app-% for APP_NAME .PHONY: update-app update-app: update-app-$(APP_NAME) ; # target update-app-%: Fire % target .PHONY: update-app-% update-app-%: myos-base % ; # target $(APP): Clone or pull application files .PHONY: $(APP) $(APP): APP_DIR := $(RELATIVE)$(APP) $(APP): $(call exec,[ -d $(APP_DIR) ] && cd $(APP_DIR) && git pull $(QUIET) origin $(BRANCH) || git clone $(QUIET) $(APP_REPOSITORY) $(APP_DIR)) # target update-hosts: Update /etc/hosts # on local host ## it reads .env files to extract applications hostnames and add it to /etc/hosts .PHONY: update-hosts update-hosts: ifneq (,$(filter $(ENV),local)) cat */.env 2>/dev/null |grep -Eo 'urlprefix-[^/]+' |sed 's/urlprefix-//' |while read host; do grep $$host /etc/hosts >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "Adding $$host to /etc/hosts"; echo $$host |$(ECHO) sudo tee -a /etc/hosts >/dev/null; }; done endif # target update-parameters: Fire PARAMETERS .PHONY: update-parameters update-parameters: $(PARAMETERS) # target $(PARAMETERS): Clone or pull parameters files .PHONY: $(PARAMETERS) $(PARAMETERS): SSH_PUBLIC_HOST_KEYS := $(PARAMETERS_REMOTE_HOST) $(SSH_BASTION_HOSTNAME) $(SSH_REMOTE_HOSTS) $(PARAMETERS): MAKE_VARS += SSH_BASTION_HOSTNAME SSH_BASTION_USERNAME SSH_PRIVATE_IP_RANGE SSH_PUBLIC_HOST_KEYS $(PARAMETERS): myos-base $(call exec,[ -d $(PARAMETERS) ] && cd $(PARAMETERS) && git pull --quiet || git clone --quiet $(APP_PARAMETERS_REPOSITORY)) # target update-remote-%: fetch git remote % .PHONY: update-remote-% update-remote-%: myos-base $(call exec,git fetch --prune --tags $*) # target update-remotes: fetch all git remotes .PHONY: update-remotes update-remotes: myos-base $(call exec,git fetch --all --prune --tags) # target update-upstream: fetch git remote upstream .PHONY: update-upstream update-upstream: myos-base .git/refs/remotes/upstream/master $(call exec,git fetch --prune --tags upstream) # target .git/refs/remotes/upstream/master: git add upstream APP_UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY .git/refs/remotes/upstream/master: myos-base $(call exec,git remote add upstream $(APP_UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY) 2>/dev/null ||:) # target shared: Fire SHARED .PHONY: update-shared update-shared: $(SHARED) # target $(SHARED): Create SHARED folder $(SHARED): $(ECHO) mkdir -p $(SHARED)