CMDS += docker-compose-exec docker-run docker-run-% COMPOSE_FILE ?= $(wildcard docker/docker-compose.yml $(foreach file,$(patsubst docker/docker-compose.%,%,$(basename $(wildcard docker/docker-compose.*.yml))),$(if $(filter true,$(COMPOSE_FILE_$(file)) $(COMPOSE_FILE_$(call UPPERCASE,$(file)))),docker/docker-compose.$(file).yml))) COMPOSE_FILE_$(ENV) ?= true COMPOSE_FILE_DEBUG ?= $(if $(DEBUG),true) COMPOSE_FILE_NFS ?= $(MOUNT_NFS) COMPOSE_FILE_SSH ?= true ifneq ($(SUBREPO),) COMPOSE_FILE_SUBREPO ?= true else COMPOSE_FILE_APP ?= true endif COMPOSE_IGNORE_ORPHANS ?= false COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME ?= $(APP_ENV)$(subst /,,$(subst -,,$(APP_PATH))) COMPOSE_SERVICE_NAME ?= $(subst _,-,$(COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME)) CONTEXT += COMPOSE_FILE DOCKER_REPOSITORY CONTEXT_DEBUG += DOCKER_BUILD_TARGET DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG DOCKER_REGISTRY DOCKER_SERVICE DOCKER_SERVICES DOCKER_AUTHOR ?= $(DOCKER_AUTHOR_NAME) <$(DOCKER_AUTHOR_EMAIL)> DOCKER_AUTHOR_EMAIL ?= $(subst +git,+docker,$(GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL)) DOCKER_AUTHOR_NAME ?= $(GIT_AUTHOR_NAME) DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS ?= $(if $(filter true,$(DOCKER_BUILD_NO_CACHE)),--pull --no-cache) $(foreach var,$(DOCKER_BUILD_VARS),$(if $($(var)),--build-arg $(var)='$($(var))')) DOCKER_BUILD_CACHE ?= true DOCKER_BUILD_LABEL ?= $(foreach var,$(filter $(BUILD_LABEL_VARS),$(MAKE_FILE_VARS)),$(if $($(var)),--label $(var)='$($(var))')) DOCKER_BUILD_NO_CACHE ?= false DOCKER_BUILD_TARGET ?= $(if $(filter $(ENV),$(DOCKER_BUILD_TARGETS)),$(ENV),$(DOCKER_BUILD_TARGET_DEFAULT)) DOCKER_BUILD_TARGET_DEFAULT ?= master DOCKER_BUILD_TARGETS ?= $(ENV_DEPLOY) DOCKER_BUILD_VARS ?= APP BRANCH DOCKER_GID DOCKER_REPOSITORY GID GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL GIT_AUTHOR_NAME SSH_BASTION_HOSTNAME SSH_BASTION_USERNAME SSH_PRIVATE_IP_RANGE SSH_PUBLIC_HOST_KEYS SSH_REMOTE_HOSTS UID USER VERSION DOCKER_COMPOSE_DOWN_OPTIONS ?= DOCKER_COMPOSE_UP_OPTIONS ?= -d DOCKER_GID ?= $(call gid,docker) DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG ?= $(if $(filter $(ENV),$(ENV_DEPLOY)),$(VERSION),$(if $(DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER),$(DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER),latest)) DOCKER_IMAGES ?= $(patsubst %/,%,$(patsubst docker/%,%,$(dir $(wildcard docker/*/Dockerfile)))) DOCKER_PLUGIN ?= rexray/s3fs:latest DOCKER_PLUGIN_ARGS ?= $(foreach var,$(DOCKER_PLUGIN_VARS),$(if $(DOCKER_PLUGIN_$(var)),$(var)='$(DOCKER_PLUGIN_$(var))')) DOCKER_PLUGIN_OPTIONS ?= --grant-all-permissions DOCKER_PLUGIN_S3FS_ACCESSKEY ?= $(AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID) DOCKER_PLUGIN_S3FS_OPTIONS ?= allow_other,nonempty,use_path_request_style,url= DOCKER_PLUGIN_S3FS_SECRETKEY ?= $(AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) DOCKER_PLUGIN_S3FS_REGION ?= eu-west-1 DOCKER_PLUGIN_VARS ?= S3FS_ACCESSKEY S3FS_OPTIONS S3FS_SECRETKEY S3FS_REGION DOCKER_REGISTRY ?= DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME ?= $(USER) DOCKER_REGISTRY_REPOSITORY ?= $(addsuffix /,$(DOCKER_REGISTRY))$(subst $(USER),$(DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME),$(DOCKER_REPOSITORY)) DOCKER_REPOSITORY ?= $(subst _,/,$(COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME)) DOCKER_SERVICE ?= $(lastword $(DOCKER_SERVICES)) DOCKER_SERVICES ?= $(eval IGNORE_DRYRUN := true)$(shell $(call docker-compose,--log-level critical config --services))$(eval IGNORE_DRYRUN := false) DOCKER_SHELL ?= $(SHELL) ENV_VARS += COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME COMPOSE_SERVICE_NAME DOCKER_BUILD_TARGET DOCKER_GID DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG DOCKER_REGISTRY DOCKER_REPOSITORY DOCKER_SHELL ifeq ($(DOCKER), true) DOCKER_COMPOSE ?= docker/compose:$(COMPOSE_VERSION) else DOCKER_COMPOSE ?= $(or $(shell docker compose >/dev/null 2>&1 && printf 'docker compose\n'),docker-compose) endif ifeq ($(DRONE), true) APP_PATH_PREFIX := $(DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER) DOCKER_BUILD_CACHE := false DOCKER_COMPOSE_DOWN_OPTIONS := --rmi all -v DOCKER_COMPOSE_UP_OPTIONS := -d --build endif # ifeq ($(HOST_SYSTEM), DARWIN) DOCKER_HOST_IFACE ?= $(shell docker run --rm -it --net=host alpine /sbin/ip -4 route list match 0/0 2>/dev/null |awk '{print $$5}' |awk '!seen[$$0]++' |head -1) DOCKER_HOST_INET ?= $(shell docker run --rm -it --net=host alpine /sbin/ip -4 addr show $(DOCKER_HOST_IFACE) 2>/dev/null |awk '$$1 == "inet" {sub(/\/.*/,"",$$2); print $$2}') DOCKER_INTERNAL_DOCKER_GATEWAY ?= $(shell docker run --rm -it alpine getent hosts gateway.docker.internal |awk '{print $$1}' |head -1) DOCKER_INTERNAL_DOCKER_HOST ?= $(shell docker run --rm -it alpine getent hosts host.docker.internal |awk '{print $$1}' |head -1) else DOCKER_HOST_IFACE ?= $(shell /sbin/ip -4 route list match 0/0 2>/dev/null |awk '{print $$5}' |awk '!seen[$$0]++' |head -1) DOCKER_HOST_INET ?= $(shell /sbin/ip -4 addr show $(DOCKER_HOST_IFACE) 2>/dev/null |awk '$$1 == "inet" {sub(/\/.*/,"",$$2); print $$2}') DOCKER_INTERNAL_DOCKER_GATEWAY ?= $(shell /sbin/ip -4 route list match 0/0 2>/dev/null |awk '{print $$3}' |awk '!seen[$$0]++' |head -1) DOCKER_INTERNAL_DOCKER_HOST ?= $(shell /sbin/ip addr show docker0 2>/dev/null |awk '$$1 == "inet" {sub(/\/.*/,"",$$2); print $$2}') endif # function docker-compose: Run docker-compose with arg 1 define docker-compose $(call INFO,docker-compose,$(1)) $(call run,$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) $(patsubst %,-f %,$(COMPOSE_FILE)) -p $(COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME) $(1)) endef # function docker-compose-exec: Run docker-compose-exec with arg 2 in service 1 define docker-compose-exec $(call INFO,docker-compose-exec,$(1)$(comma) $(2)) $(call run,$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) $(patsubst %,-f %,$(COMPOSE_FILE)) -p $(COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME) exec -T $(1) sh -c '$(2)') endef # function docker-build: Build docker image define docker-build $(call INFO,docker-build,$(1)$(comma) $(2)$(comma) $(3)) $(eval path := $(patsubst %/,%,$(1))) $(eval tag := $(or $(2),$(DOCKER_REPOSITORY)/$(lastword $(subst /, ,$(path))):$(DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG))) $(eval target := $(subst ",,$(subst ',,$(or $(3),$(DOCKER_BUILD_TARGET))))) $(eval image_id := $(shell docker images -q $(tag) 2>/dev/null)) $(eval build_image := $(or $(filter false,$(DOCKER_BUILD_CACHE)),$(if $(image_id),,true))) $(if $(build_image),$(RUN) docker build $(DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS) --build-arg DOCKER_BUILD_DIR="$(path)" $(DOCKER_BUILD_LABEL) --tag $(tag) $(if $(target),--target $(target)) -f $(path)/Dockerfile .,$(call INFO,docker image $(tag) has id $(image_id))) endef # function docker-commit: Commit docker image define docker-commit $(call INFO,docker-commit,$(1)$(comma) $(2)$(comma) $(3)$(comma) $(4)) $(eval service := $(or $(1),$(DOCKER_SERVICE))) $(eval container := $(or $(2),$(firstword $(shell $(call docker-compose,--log-level critical ps -q $(service)))))) $(eval repository := $(or $(3),$(DOCKER_REPOSITORY)/$(service))) $(eval tag := $(or $(4),$(DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG))) $(RUN) docker commit $(container) $(repository):$(tag) endef # function docker-push: Push docker image define docker-push $(call INFO,docker-push,$(1)$(comma) $(2)$(comma) $(3)) $(eval service := $(or $(1),$(DOCKER_SERVICE))) $(eval name := $(or $(2),$(DOCKER_REGISTRY_REPOSITORY)/$(service))) $(eval tag := $(or $(3),$(DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG))) $(RUN) docker push $(name):$(tag) endef # function docker-stack: Call itself recursively for each stack to expand stacks # docker-stack: if 1st arg is a variable and can be expand to values, it calls # itself again, once whith each value, else calls docker-stack-update function # 1st arg: stacks, extract it from stack_names:stack_versions # 2nd arg: versions, extract it from stack_names:stack_versions or 2nd arg define docker-stack $(call INFO,docker-stack,$(1)$(comma) $(2)) $(eval stacks := $(firstword $(subst :, ,$(1)))) $(eval versions := $(or $(if $(findstring :,$(1)),$(lastword $(subst :, ,$(1)))),$(2))) $(if $($(stacks)),$(foreach substack,$($(stacks)),$(call docker-stack,$(substack),$(if $(findstring :,$(1)),$(versions)))),$(call docker-stack-update,$(stacks),$(versions))) endef # function docker-stack-update: Update COMPOSE_FILE with .yml files of the stack # docker-stack-update: adds all .yml files of the stack to COMPOSE_FILE variable # and update the .env file with the .env.dist files of the stack # 1st arg: stack_path/stack_name:stack_version # stack: get stack_name:stack_version from 1st arg # name: get stack name from $(stack) # 2nd arg: stack version, or extract it from $(stack), default to latest # 3rd arg: stack path, or extract it from $(stack), default to stack/$(name) # add $(path)/$(name).yml, $(path)/$(name).$(ENV).yml and $(path)/$(name).$(version).yml to COMPOSE_FILE variable # if $(path)/.env.dist file exists, update .env file define docker-stack-update $(call INFO,docker-stack-update,$(1)$(comma) $(2)$(comma) $(3)) $(eval stack := $(patsubst %.yml,%,$(notdir $(1)))) $(eval name := $(firstword $(subst :, ,$(stack)))) $(eval version := $(or $(2),$(if $(findstring :,$(stack)),$(lastword $(subst :, ,$(stack))),latest))) $(eval path := $(patsubst %/,%,$(or $(3),$(if $(findstring /,$(1)),$(if $(wildcard stack/$(1) stack/$(1).yml),stack/$(if $(findstring .yml,$(1)),$(dir $(1)),$(if $(wildcard stack/$(1).yml),$(dir $(1)),$(1))),$(dir $(1)))),stack/$(name)))) $(eval COMPOSE_FILE += $(wildcard $(path)/$(name).yml $(path)/$(name).$(ENV).yml $(path)/$(name).$(ENV).$(version).yml $(path)/$(name).$(version).yml)) $(eval COMPOSE_FILE := $(strip $(COMPOSE_FILE))) $(if $(wildcard $(path)/.env.dist),$(call .env,,$(path)/.env.dist,$(wildcard $(CONFIG)/$(ENV)/$(APP)/.env $(path)/.env.$(ENV) .env))) endef # function docker-tag: Tag docker image define docker-tag $(call INFO,docker-tag,$(1)$(comma) $(2)$(comma) $(3)$(comma) $(4)$(comma) $(5)) $(eval service := $(or $(1),$(DOCKER_SERVICE))) $(eval source := $(or $(2),$(DOCKER_REPOSITORY)/$(service))) $(eval source_tag := $(or $(3),$(DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG))) $(eval target := $(or $(4),$(DOCKER_REGISTRY_REPOSITORY)/$(service))) $(eval target_tag := $(or $(5),$(source_tag))) $(RUN) docker tag $(source):$(source_tag) $(target):$(target_tag) endef