.DEFAULT_GOAL := help .PHONY: FORCE comma ?= , dollar ?= $ dquote ?= " quote ?= ' lbracket ?= ( rbracket ?= ) APP ?= $(if $(wildcard .git),$(notdir $(CURDIR))) APP_NAME ?= $(APP) APP_TYPE ?= $(if $(SUBREPO),subrepo) $(if $(filter .,$(MYOS)),myos) APPS ?= $(if $(MONOREPO),$(sort $(patsubst $(MONOREPO_DIR)/%/.git,%,$(wildcard $(MONOREPO_DIR)/*/.git)))) APPS_NAME ?= $(foreach app,$(APPS),$(or $(shell awk -F '=' '$$1 == "APP" {print $$2}' $(or $(wildcard $(MONOREPO_DIR)/$(app)/.env),$(wildcard $(MONOREPO_DIR)/$(app)/.env.$(ENV)),$(MONOREPO_DIR)/$(app)/.env.dist) 2>/dev/null),$(app))) BRANCH ?= $(GIT_BRANCH) CMDS ?= exec exec:% exec@% install-app install-apps run run:% run@% COLOR_INFO ?= $(COLOR_BROWN) COLOR_HIGHLIGHT ?= $(COLOR_GREEN) COLOR_VALUE ?= $(COLOR_CYAN) COLOR_WARNING ?= $(COLOR_YELLOW) COLOR_RESET ?= \033[0m COLOR_DGRAY ?= \033[30m COLOR_RED ?= \033[31m COLOR_GREEN ?= \033[32m COLOR_BROWN ?= \033[33m COLOR_YELLOW ?= \033[01;33m COLOR_BLUE ?= \033[01;34m COLOR_CYAN ?= \033[36m COLOR_GRAY ?= \033[37m COMMIT ?= $(or $(SUBREPO_COMMIT),$(GIT_COMMIT)) CONFIG ?= $(RELATIVE)config CONFIG_REPOSITORY ?= $(call pop,$(or $(APP_UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY),$(GIT_UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY)))/$(notdir $(CONFIG)) CONTEXT ?= $(if $(APP),APP BRANCH DOMAIN VERSION) $(shell awk 'BEGIN {FS="="}; $$1 !~ /^(\#|$$)/ {print $$1}' .env.dist 2>/dev/null) CONTEXT_DEBUG ?= MAKEFILE_LIST env env.docker APPS GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL GIT_AUTHOR_NAME MAKE_DIR MAKE_SUBDIRS MAKE_CMD_ARGS MAKE_ENV_ARGS UID USER DEBUG ?= DOCKER ?= $(if $(BUILD),false,true) DOMAIN ?= localhost DRONE ?= false DRYRUN ?= false DRYRUN_RECURSIVE ?= false ELAPSED_TIME = $(shell $(call TIME)) ENV ?= local ENV_FILE ?= $(wildcard $(CONFIG)/$(ENV)/$(APP)/.env .env) ENV_LIST ?= $(shell ls .git/refs/heads/ 2>/dev/null) ENV_RESET ?= false ENV_VARS ?= APP BRANCH DOMAIN ENV HOSTNAME GID GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL GIT_AUTHOR_NAME MONOREPO MONOREPO_DIR TAG UID USER VERSION GID ?= $(shell id -g 2>/dev/null) GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL ?= $(or $(shell git config user.email 2>/dev/null),$(USER)@my.os) GIT_AUTHOR_NAME ?= $(or $(shell git config user.name 2>/dev/null),$(USER)) GIT_BRANCH ?= $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null) GIT_COMMIT ?= $(shell git rev-parse $(BRANCH) 2>/dev/null) GIT_REPOSITORY ?= $(if $(SUBREPO),$(shell awk -F ' = ' '$$1 ~ /^[[\s\t]]*remote$$/ {print $$2}' .gitrepo 2>/dev/null),$(shell git config --get remote.origin.url 2>/dev/null)) GIT_TAG ?= $(shell git tag -l --points-at $(BRANCH) 2>/dev/null) GIT_UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY ?= $(if $(findstring ://,$(GIT_REPOSITORY)),$(call pop,$(call pop,$(GIT_REPOSITORY)))/,$(call pop,$(GIT_REPOSITORY),:):)$(GIT_UPSTREAM_USER)/$(lastword $(subst /, ,$(GIT_REPOSITORY))) GIT_UPSTREAM_USER ?= $(lastword $(subst /, ,$(call pop,$(MYOS_REPOSITORY)))) GIT_VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --tags $(BRANCH) 2>/dev/null || git rev-parse $(BRANCH) 2>/dev/null) HOSTNAME ?= $(shell hostname 2>/dev/null |sed 's/\..*//') IGNORE_DRYRUN ?= false IGNORE_VERBOSE ?= false LOG_LEVEL ?= $(if $(DEBUG),debug,$(if $(VERBOSE),info,error)) MAKE_ARGS ?= $(foreach var,$(MAKE_VARS),$(if $($(var)),$(var)='$($(var))')) MAKE_SUBDIRS ?= $(if $(filter myos,$(MYOS)),monorepo,$(if $(APP),apps $(foreach type,$(APP_TYPE),$(if $(wildcard $(MAKE_DIR)/apps/$(type)),apps/$(type))))) MAKE_CMD_ARGS ?= $(foreach var,$(MAKE_CMD_VARS),$(var)='$($(var))') MAKE_CMD_VARS ?= $(strip $(foreach var, $(filter-out .VARIABLES,$(.VARIABLES)), $(if $(filter command\ line,$(origin $(var))),$(var)))) MAKE_ENV_ARGS ?= $(foreach var,$(filter $(ENV_VARS),$(MAKE_ENV_VARS)),$(var)='$($(var))') MAKE_ENV_VARS ?= $(strip $(foreach var, $(filter-out .VARIABLES,$(.VARIABLES)), $(if $(filter environment,$(origin $(var))),$(var)))) MAKE_FILE_ARGS ?= $(foreach var,$(filter $(ENV_VARS),$(MAKE_FILE_VARS)),$(var)='$($(var))') MAKE_FILE_VARS ?= $(strip $(foreach var, $(filter-out .VARIABLES,$(.VARIABLES)), $(if $(filter file,$(origin $(var))),$(var)))) MAKE_OLDFILE ?= $@ MAKE_TARGETS ?= $(filter-out $(.VARIABLES),$(shell $(MAKE) -qp 2>/dev/null |awk -F':' '/^[a-zA-Z0-9][^$$\#\/\t=]*:([^=]|$$)/ {print $$1}' |sort -u)) MAKE_UNIXTIME_START := $(shell date -u +'%s' 2>/dev/null) MAKE_UNIXTIME_CURRENT = $(shell date -u "+%s" 2>/dev/null) MAKE_VARS ?= ENV MONOREPO ?= $(if $(filter myos,$(MYOS)),$(notdir $(CURDIR)),$(if $(APP),$(notdir $(realpath $(CURDIR)/..)))) MONOREPO_DIR ?= $(if $(MONOREPO),$(if $(filter myos,$(MYOS)),$(realpath $(CURDIR)),$(if $(APP),$(realpath $(CURDIR)/..)))) MYOS ?= $(if $(filter $(MAKE_DIR),$(call pop,$(MAKE_DIR))),.,$(call pop,$(MAKE_DIR))) MYOS_COMMIT ?= $(shell GIT_DIR=$(MYOS)/.git git rev-parse head 2>/dev/null) MYOS_REPOSITORY ?= $(shell GIT_DIR=$(MYOS)/.git git config --get remote.origin.url 2>/dev/null) QUIET ?= $(if $(VERBOSE),,--quiet) RECURSIVE ?= true RELATIVE ?= $(if $(filter myos,$(MYOS)),./,../) SHARED ?= $(RELATIVE)shared SSH_DIR ?= ${HOME}/.ssh SUBREPO ?= $(if $(wildcard .gitrepo),$(notdir $(CURDIR))) TAG ?= $(GIT_TAG) UID ?= $(shell id -u 2>/dev/null) USER ?= $(shell id -nu 2>/dev/null) USER_ENV ?= $(USER)_$(ENV) VERBOSE ?= $(if $(DEBUG),true) VERSION ?= $(GIT_VERSION) ifeq ($(DOCKER), true) ENV_ARGS = $(env.docker.args) $(env.docker.dist) else ENV_ARGS = $(env.args) $(env.dist) endif ifneq ($(DEBUG),) CONTEXT += $(CONTEXT_DEBUG) else .SILENT: endif ifeq ($(DRYRUN),true) RUN = $(if $(filter-out true,$(IGNORE_DRYRUN)),echo) ifeq ($(RECURSIVE), true) DRYRUN_RECURSIVE := true endif endif # Guess OS ifeq ($(OSTYPE),cygwin) HOST_SYSTEM := CYGWIN else ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) HOST_SYSTEM := WINDOWS else UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s 2>/dev/null) ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux) HOST_SYSTEM := LINUX endif ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) HOST_SYSTEM := DARWIN endif endif # include .env files include $(wildcard $(ENV_FILE)) ifeq ($(HOST_SYSTEM),DARWIN) ifneq ($(DOCKER),true) SED_SUFFIX := '\'\'' endif endif # function conf: Extract variable=value line from configuration files ## it prints the line with variable 3 definition from block 2 in file 1 define conf $(call INFO,conf,$(1)$(comma) $(2)$(comma) $(3)) $(eval file := $(1)) $(eval block := $(2)) $(eval variable := $(3)) [ -r "$(file)" ] && while IFS='=' read -r key value; do \ case $${key} in \ \#*) \ continue; \ ;; \ \[*\]) \ current_bloc="$${key##\[}"; \ current_bloc="$${current_bloc%%\]}"; \ [ -z "$(block)" ] && [ -z "$(variable)" ] && printf '%s\n' "$${current_bloc}" ||:; \ ;; \ *) \ key=$${key%$${key##*[![:space:]]}}; \ value=$${value#$${value%%[![:space:]]*}}; \ if [ "$(block)" = "$${current_bloc}" ] && [ "$${key}" ]; then \ [ -z "$(variable)" ] && printf '%s=%s\n' "$${key}" "$${value}" ||:; \ [ "$(variable)" = "$${key}" ] && printf '%s\n' "$${value}" ||:; \ fi \ ;; \ esac \ done < "$(file)" endef # macro force: Run command 1 sine die ## it starts command 1 if it is not already running ## it returns never force = $$(while true; do [ $$(ps x |awk 'BEGIN {nargs=split("'"$$*"'",args)} $$field == args[1] { matched=1; for (i=1;i<=NF-field;i++) { if ($$(i+field) == args[i+1]) {matched++} } if (matched == nargs) {found++} } END {print found+0}' field=4) -eq 0 ] && $(RUN) $(1) || sleep 1; done) # macro gid: Return GID of group 1 gid = $(shell grep '^$(1):' /etc/group 2>/dev/null |awk -F: '{print $$3}') INFO_FD := 2 # macro INFO: customized info INFO = \ $(if $(VERBOSE),$(if $(filter-out true,$(IGNORE_VERBOSE)), \ printf '${COLOR_INFO}$(APP)${COLOR_RESET}\ [${COLOR_VALUE}$(MAKELEVEL)${COLOR_RESET}] \ ${COLOR_HIGHLIGHT}$@${COLOR_RESET}:${COLOR_RESET} ' >&$(INFO_FD) \ $(if $(2), \ && printf 'Call ${COLOR_HIGHLIGHT}$(1)${COLOR_RESET}$(lbracket)' >&$(INFO_FD) \ && $(or $(strip $(call PRINTF,$(2))),printf '$(2)') >&$(INFO_FD) \ && printf '$(rbracket)' >&$(INFO_FD) \ $(if $(3),&& printf ' ${COLOR_VALUE}in${COLOR_RESET} $(3)' >&$(INFO_FD)) \ , \ && $(strip $(call PRINTF,$(1)) >&$(INFO_FD)) \ ) \ && printf '\n' >&$(INFO_FD) \ )) # function install-app: Exec 'git clone url 1 dir 2' or Call update-app with url 1 dir 2 define install-app $(call INFO,install-app,$(1)$(comma) $(2)) $(eval url := $(or $(1), $(APP_REPOSITORY))) $(eval dir := $(or $(2), $(RELATIVE)$(lastword $(subst /, ,$(url))))) $(if $(wildcard $(dir)/.git), \ $(call update-app,$(url),$(dir)), \ $(RUN) $(call exec,git clone $(QUIET) $(url) $(dir)) \ ) endef # function make: Call make with predefined options and variables # 1st arg: make command line (targets and arguments) # 2nd arg: directory to call make from # 3rd arg: list of variables to pass to make (ENV by default) # 4th arg: path to .env file with additional arguments to call make with (file must exist when calling make) # add list of VARIABLE=VALUE from vars to MAKE_ARGS # add list of arguments from file to MAKE_ARGS # eval MAKE_DIR option to -C $(2) if $(2) given # add current target to MAKE_OLDFILE (list of already fired targets) # print command that will be run if VERBOSE mode # actually run make command # if DRYRUN_RECURSIVE mode, run make command in DRYRUN mode define make $(eval cmd := $(1)) $(eval dir := $(2)) $(eval vars := $(3)) $(eval file := $(4)) $(if $(vars),$(eval MAKE_ARGS += $(foreach var,$(vars),$(if $($(var)),$(var)='$($(var))')))) $(if $(wildcard $(file)),$(eval MAKE_ARGS += $(shell cat $(file) |sed '/^$$/d; /^#/d; /=/!d; s/^[[\s\t]]*//; s/[[\s\t]]*=[[\s\t]]*/=/;' |awk -F '=' '{print $$1"='\''"$$2"'\''"}'))) $(eval MAKE_DIR := $(if $(dir),-C $(dir))) $(eval MAKE_OLDFILE += $(filter-out $(MAKE_OLDFILE), $^)) $(call INFO,make,$(MAKE_ARGS) $(cmd),$(dir)) $(RUN) $(MAKE) $(MAKE_DIR) $(patsubst %,-o %,$(MAKE_OLDFILE)) MAKE_OLDFILE="$(MAKE_OLDFILE)" $(MAKE_ARGS) $(cmd) $(if $(filter true,$(DRYRUN_RECURSIVE)),$(MAKE) $(MAKE_DIR) $(patsubst %,-o %,$(MAKE_OLDFILE)) MAKE_OLDFILE="$(MAKE_OLDFILE)" DRYRUN=$(DRYRUN) RECURSIVE=$(RECURSIVE) $(MAKE_ARGS) $(cmd)) endef # macro pop: Return last word of string 1 according to separator 2 pop = $(patsubst %$(or $(2),/)$(lastword $(subst $(or $(2),/), ,$(1))),%,$(1)) # macro sed: Exec sed script 1 on file 2 sed = $(RUN) $(call exec,sed -i $(SED_SUFFIX) '$(1)' $(2)) # macro TIME: Print time elapsed since unixtime 1 TIME = awk '{printf "%02d:%02d:%02d\n",int($$1/3600),int(($$1%3600)/60),int($$1%60)}' \ <<< $(shell bc <<< "$(or $(2),$(MAKE_UNIXTIME_CURRENT))-$(or $(1),$(MAKE_UNIXTIME_START))" 2>/dev/null) # function update-app: Exec 'cd dir 1 && git pull' or Call install-app define update-app $(call INFO,update-app,$(1)$(comma) $(2)) $(eval url := $(or $(1), $(APP_REPOSITORY))) $(eval dir := $(or $(2), $(APP_DIR))) $(if $(wildcard $(dir)/.git), \ $(RUN) $(call exec,sh -c 'cd $(dir) && git pull $(QUIET)'), \ $(call install-app,$(url),$(dir)) \ ) endef # function TARGET:ENV: Create a new target ending with :env ## it sets ENV, ENV_FILE and calls original target define TARGET:ENV .PHONY: $(TARGET) $(TARGET): $(ASSIGN_ENV) $(TARGET): $(ASSIGN_ENV_FILE) $(TARGET): $$(call make,$$*,,ENV_FILE) endef WARNING_FD := 2 # macro WARNING: customized warning WARNING = printf '${COLOR_WARNING}WARNING:${COLOR_RESET} ${COLOR_INFO}$(APP)${COLOR_RESET}\ [${COLOR_VALUE}$(MAKELEVEL)${COLOR_RESET}] \ ${COLOR_HIGHLIGHT}$@${COLOR_RESET}:${COLOR_RESET} ' >&$(WARNING_FD) \ $(if $(2), \ && printf '$(1) ' >&$(WARNING_FD) \ && printf '${COLOR_HIGHLIGHT}$(2)${COLOR_RESET}' >&$(WARNING_FD) \ $(if $(3),&& printf ' in ${COLOR_VALUE}$(3)${COLOR_RESET}' >&$(WARNING_FD)) \ , \ && $(strip $(call PRINTF,$(1)) >&$(WARNING_FD)) \ ) \ && printf '\n' >&$(WARNING_FD) # set ENV=env for targets ending with :env ## for each env in ENV_LIST ## it overrides value of ENV with env ## it adds $(CONFIG)/$(env)/$(APP)/.env file to ENV_FILE ## it evals TARGET:ENV $(foreach env,$(ENV_LIST),$(eval TARGET := %\:$(env)) $(eval ASSIGN_ENV := ENV:=$(env)) $(eval ASSIGN_ENV_FILE := ENV_FILE+=$(wildcard $(CONFIG)/$(env)/$(APP)/.env)) $(eval $(TARGET:ENV))) # set ENV=env for targets ending with @env $(foreach env,$(ENV_LIST),$(eval %@$(env): ENV:=$(env))) # Accept arguments for CMDS targets and turn them into do-nothing targets ifneq ($(filter $(CMDS),$(firstword $(MAKECMDGOALS))),) ARGS := $(wordlist 2,$(words $(MAKECMDGOALS)),$(MAKECMDGOALS)) ARGS := $(subst :,\:,$(ARGS)) ARGS := $(subst &,\&,$(ARGS)) $(eval $(ARGS):;@:) endif