# disks role for Ansible Format and mount additional disks ## Role Variables ### Default Variables * `disks_to_mount` - List of disks to mount: * `disable_periodic_fsck` deactivates the periodic ext3/4 filesystem check for the new disk * `disk` is the device, you want to mount * `fstype` allows you to choose the filesystem to use with the new disk * `group` sets group of the mount directory (default: `root`) * `mount` is the directory where the new disk should be mounted * `mount_options` allows you to specify custom mount options * `part` is the first partition name. If not specified, `1` will be appended to the disk name * `user` sets owner of the mount directory (default: `root`) ```yaml # inventory/group_vars/GROUP_NAME disks_to_mount: - disk: /dev/sdb fstype: ext4 mount_options: defaults mount: /data1 user: www-data group: www-data disable_periodic_fsck: false - disk: /dev/nvme0n1 part: /dev/nvme0n1p1 fstype: xfs mount_options: defaults,noatime mount: /data2 - disk: nfs-host:/nfs/export fstype: nfs mount_options: defaults,noatime mount: /data3 ``` The following filesystems are currently supported: * [btrfs](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BTRFS) * * [ext2](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext2) * [ext3](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext3) * [ext4](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext4) * [nfs](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_File_System) * * [xfs](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XFS) * Note: (*) To use these filesystems you have to define and install additional software packages. Please estimate the right package names for your operating system. * `disks_packages` - List of packages to install/remove on your hosts ```yaml disks_packages: - { "name": "xfsprogs", "state": "present" } # package for mkfs.xfs on RedHat / Ubuntu - { "name": "btrfs-progs", "state": "present" } # package for mkfs.btrfs on CentOS / Debian ``` * `disks_services` - List of services to enable/disable on your hosts ```yaml disks_services: - { "name": "rpc.statd", "state": "started", "enabled": "yes" } # start rpc.statd service for nfs ``` ### AWS variables * `aws_ebs_discover` - Discover AWS NVMe EBS disks ```yaml aws_ebs_discover: false ``` ## Example playbook ``` yaml - hosts: 'disks' roles: - role: 'aynicos.disks' disks_to_mount: - disk: /dev/xvdb disable_periodic_fsck: true fstype: ext4 mount_options: defaults mount: /var/lib/docker service: docker disks_services: - { "name": "rpc.statd", "state": "started", "enabled": "yes" } ``` ## How it works It uses `sfdisk` to partition the disk with a single primary partition spanning the entire disk. It creates the specified filesystem with `mkfs`. It mounts the new filesystem to the specified mount path.