#!/bin/sh ## fix following error on arm64/linux with 2Gb RAM # ERROR p2pnode libp2p/rcmgr_defaults.go:107 ===> OOF! go-libp2p changed DefaultServiceLimits # => changes ('test' represents the old value): # {"op":"test","path":"/SystemLimits/Memory","value":1073741824} # {"op":"replace","path":"/SystemLimits/Memory","value":256560128} # => go-libp2p SetDefaultServiceLimits update needs a review: # Please inspect if changes impact go-ipfs users, and update expectedDefaultServiceLimits in rcmgr_defaults.go to remove this message # FATAL p2pnode libp2p/rcmgr_defaults.go:115 daemon will refuse to run with the resource manager until this is resolved ipfs config --json Swarm.ResourceMgr.Enabled false