# shellcheck shell=sh # file rc_functions.sh: Define shell functions ## author: Yann "aya" Autissier ## license: GPL ## version: 20210714 # function force: Run a command sine die force() { if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then while true; do "$@" sleep 1 done fi } # function force8: Run a command sine die if not already running force8() { if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then while true; do # awk expression to match $@ [ "$(ps wwx -o args 2>/dev/null |awk -v field="${PS_X_FIELD:-1}" ' BEGIN { nargs=split("'"$*"'",args); } # first field matched $field == args[1] { matched=1; # match following fields for (i=1;i<=NF-field;i++) { if ($(i+field) == args[i+1]) { matched++; } }; # all fields matched if (matched == nargs) { found++; } } END { print found+0; }' )" = 0 ] && "$@" sleep 1 done fi } # function load_average; Print the current load average load_average() { awk '{printf "%.1f\n" $1}' /proc/loadavg 2>/dev/null\ || uptime 2>/dev/null |awk '{printf "%.1f\n", $(NF-2)}' } # function process_count: Print number of "processes"/"running processes"/"D-state" process_count() { ps ax -o stat 2>/dev/null |awk ' $1 ~ /R/ {process_running++}; $1 ~ /D/ {process_dstate++}; END { print NR-1"/"process_running+0"/"process_dstate+0; }' } # function prompt_set: Export custom PROMPT_COMMAND prompt_set() { case "${TERM}" in screen*) ESCAPE_CODE_DCS="\033k" ESCAPE_CODE_ST="\033\\" ;; linux*|xterm*|rxvt*) ESCAPE_CODE_DCS="\033]0;" ESCAPE_CODE_ST="\007" ;; *) ;; esac # in a screen if [ -n "${STY}" ]; then export PROMPT_COMMAND='printf\ "${ESCAPE_CODE_DCS:-\033]0;}%s${ESCAPE_CODE_ST:-\007}"\ "${PWD##*/}"' else export PROMPT_COMMAND='printf\ "${ESCAPE_CODE_DCS:-\033]0;}%s@%s:%s${ESCAPE_CODE_ST:-\007}"\ "${USER}"\ "${HOSTNAME%%.*}"\ "${PWD##*/}"' fi unset ESCAPE_CODE_DCS ESCAPE_CODE_ST } # function ps1_set: Export custom PS1 ps1_set() { case "$0" in *sh) COLOR_DGRAY="\[\033[1;30m\]" COLOR_RED="\[\033[01;31m\]" COLOR_GREEN="\[\033[01;32m\]" COLOR_BROWN="\[\033[0;33m\]" COLOR_YELLOW="\[\033[01;33m\]" COLOR_BLUE="\[\033[01;34m\]" COLOR_CYAN="\[\033[0;36m\]" COLOR_GRAY="\[\033[0;37m\]" COLOR_RESET="\[\033[0m\]" ;; *) ;; esac PS1_STATUS="\$?" PS1_COUNT="${COLOR_DGRAY}[\` case \"$PS1_STATUS\" in 0) printf \"${COLOR_BLUE}${PS1_STATUS}\";; 1) printf \"${COLOR_YELLOW}${PS1_STATUS}\";; *) printf \"${COLOR_RED}${PS1_STATUS}\";; esac type process_count >/dev/null 2>&1 && printf\ \"${COLOR_DGRAY}|${COLOR_BLUE}%s\"\ \"\$(process_count 2>/dev/null)\" type user_count >/dev/null 2>&1 && printf\ \"${PS1_COUNT}${COLOR_DGRAY}|${COLOR_BLUE}%s\"\ \"\$(user_count 2>/dev/null)\" type load_average >/dev/null 2>&1 && printf\ \"${PS1_COUNT}${COLOR_DGRAY}|${COLOR_BLUE}%s\"\ \"\$(load_average 2>/dev/null)\" \`${COLOR_DGRAY}]${COLOR_RESET}" PS1_END="${COLOR_DGRAY}\$( if [ \"\$(id -u)\" = 0 ]; then printf \"#\"; else printf \"\$\"; fi )${COLOR_RESET}" PS1_GIT="\$( if type __git_ps1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then printf \"\$(__git_ps1 2>/dev/null \" (%s)\")\" else printf \"\$(BRANCH=\$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null);\ [ -n \"\${BRANCH}\" ] && printf \" (\${BRANCH})\")\" fi )" PS1_GIT="${COLOR_CYAN}${PS1_GIT}${COLOR_RESET}" PS1_HOSTNAME_COLOR="\`case \"\${ENV}\" in [Pp][Rr][0Oo][Dd]*) printf \"${COLOR_RED}\";; *) if [ -n \"\${ENV}\" ]; then printf \"${COLOR_YELLOW}\"; else printf \"${COLOR_GREEN}\"; fi;; esac\`" PS1_HOSTNAME="${PS1_HOSTNAME_COLOR}\$(hostname |sed 's/\..*//')${COLOR_RESET}" PS1_USER_COLOR="\$( if [ \"\$(id -u)\" = 0 ]; then printf \"${COLOR_RED}\"; else printf \"${COLOR_BROWN}\"; fi )" PS1_USER="${PS1_USER_COLOR}\$(id -nu):\$(id -u)${COLOR_RESET}" PS1_WORKDIR="${COLOR_GRAY}\$( pwd |sed 's|^'\${HOME}'\(/.*\)*$|~\1|' )${COLOR_RESET}" PS1="${PS1_COUNT}${PS1_USER}${COLOR_DGRAY}@${PS1_HOSTNAME}" PS1="${PS1}${COLOR_DGRAY}:${PS1_WORKDIR}${PS1_GIT}${PS1_END} " export 'PS1' unset PS1_COUNT PS1_END PS1_GIT PS1_HOSTNAME PS1_HOSTNAME_COLOR\ PS1_USER PS1_USER_COLOR PS1_STATUS PS1_WORKDIR } # function screen_attach: Attach existing screen session or Create a new one screen_attach() { command -v screen >/dev/null 2>&1 || return SCREEN_SESSION="$(id -nu)@$(hostname |sed 's/\..*//')" if [ -z "${STY}" ]; then # attach screen in tmux window 0 only ;) [ -n "${TMUX}" ] \ && [ "$(tmux list-window 2>/dev/null |awk '$NF == "(active)" {print $1}'\ |sed 's/:$//')" != "0" ] \ && return printf 'Attaching screen.' && sleep 1\ && printf '.' && sleep 1\ && printf '.' && sleep 1 exec screen -xRR -S "${SCREEN_SESSION}" fi unset SCREEN_SESSION } # function screen_detach: Detach current screen session screen_detach() { screen -d } # function ssh_add: Load all private keys in ~/.ssh/ to ssh agent ssh_add() { command -v ssh-agent >/dev/null 2>&1 && command -v ssh-add >/dev/null 2>&1 || return SSH_AGENT_DIR="/tmp/ssh-$(id -u)" SSH_AGENT_SOCK="${SSH_AGENT_DIR}/agent@$(hostname |sed 's/\..*//')" # launch a new agent if [ -z "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" ]; then [ ! -d "${SSH_AGENT_DIR}" ] \ && mkdir -p "${SSH_AGENT_DIR}" 2>/dev/null\ && chmod 0700 "${SSH_AGENT_DIR}" # search for an already running agent if ps wwx -o args |awk '$1 ~ "ssh-agent$" && $3 == "'"${SSH_AGENT_SOCK}"'"' |wc -l |grep -q 0; then rm -f "${SSH_AGENT_SOCK}" ssh-agent -a "${SSH_AGENT_SOCK}" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi fi # attach to agent export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="${SSH_AUTH_SOCK:-${SSH_AGENT_SOCK}}" # list private keys to add # shellcheck disable=SC2068 for dir in ${@:-${HOME}/.ssh}; do if [ "${SSH_ADD_RECURSIVE:-}" = true ]; then GREP_RECURSIVE_FLAG="r" else GREP_RECURSIVE_CHAR="*" fi SSH_PRIVATE_KEYS="${SSH_PRIVATE_KEYS:-} ${dir}/id_rsa $(grep -l${GREP_RECURSIVE_FLAG:-} 'PRIVATE KEY' "${dir}/"${GREP_RECURSIVE_CHAR:-} 2>/dev/null |grep -vw "${dir}"/id_rsa)" done # shellcheck disable=SC2086 printf '%s\n' ${SSH_PRIVATE_KEYS} |while read -r file; do [ -r "${file}" ] || continue # add private key to agent ssh-add -l |grep -q "$(ssh-keygen -lf "${file}" 2>/dev/null |awk '{print $2}')" 2>/dev/null || ssh-add "${file}" done unset GREP_RECURSIVE_CHAR GREP_RECURSIVE_FLAG SSH_AGENT_DIR SSH_AGENT_SOCK SSH_PRIVATE_KEYS } # function ssh_del: removes all private keys in ~/.ssh/ from ssh agent ssh_del() { command -v ssh-add >/dev/null 2>&1 || return # attach to agent if [ -z "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" ]; then return fi # list private keys to del # shellcheck disable=SC2068 for dir in ${@:-${HOME}/.ssh}; do if [ "${SSH_DEL_RECURSIVE:-}" = true ]; then GREP_RECURSIVE_FLAG="r" else GREP_RECURSIVE_CHAR="*" fi SSH_PRIVATE_KEYS="${SSH_PRIVATE_KEYS:-} ${dir}/id_rsa $(grep -l${GREP_RECURSIVE_FLAG:-} 'PRIVATE KEY' "${dir}/"${GREP_RECURSIVE_CHAR:-} 2>/dev/null |grep -vw "${dir}"/id_rsa)" done # shellcheck disable=SC2086 printf '%s\n' ${SSH_PRIVATE_KEYS} |while read -r file; do [ -r "${file}" ] || continue # remove private key from agent ssh-add -l |grep -q "$(ssh-keygen -lf "${file}" 2>/dev/null |awk '{print $2}')" 2>/dev/null && ssh-add -d "${file}" done unset GREP_RECURSIVE_CHAR GREP_RECURSIVE_FLAG SSH_PRIVATE_KEYS } # function tmux_attach: Attach existing tmux session or Create a new one tmux_attach() { command -v tmux >/dev/null 2>&1 || return TMUX_SESSION="$(id -nu)@$(hostname |sed 's/\..*//')" if [ -z "${TMUX}" ]; then printf 'Attaching tmux.' && sleep 1\ && printf '.' && sleep 1\ && printf '.' && sleep 1 exec tmux -L"${TMUX_SESSION}" new-session -A -s"${TMUX_SESSION}" fi unset TMUX_SESSION } # function tmux_detach: Detach current tmux session tmux_detach() { tmux detach } # function user_count: Print number of "users sessions"/"users"/"logged users" user_count() { ps ax -o user,tty 2>/dev/null |awk ' $2 ~ /^(pts|tty)/ { users_session++; logged[$1]++; }; { count[$1]++; } END { for (uc in count) { c = c" "uc; }; users_count=split(c,v," ")-1; for (ul in logged) { l = l" "ul; }; users_logged=split(l,v," ")-1; print users_session+0"/"users_count"/"users_logged; }' } # vim:ts=2:sw=2:sts=2:et