# Crystal [Crystal](https://github.com/onenationxyz/onecrystal) est un systeme d'information pair a pair entre individus. ## Contextes One Nation is a decentralized nation, free from borders, rulers & institutions. It's full of people walking on their way towards emancipation from unlegitimate authorities. For a free Nation, we need a free digital territory. A network with no borders, no all-mighty rule-makers, no institutions... ## Descriptions The Crystal is multidimensional. It is both a network of devices and a network of humans inspired by the spirit of One Nation. The Crystal serves two main purposes : Connect like-minded individuals in real-life (Web of Trust) Generate self-sovereign documents & IDs (Multipass) Crystal est une toile de confiance pour organiser le partage de la connaissance entre les individus. ## Objectifs * gestion pair a pair des identites numeriques * lien entre les identites et les contenus ## Besoins ## Utilisations ## Evolutions * contacter [6naps](https://6naps.net) * contacter [tournesol](https://tournesol.app) ## Ressources * [G1Jeu](https://g1jeu.ml) * [H2G2](https://tube.copylaradio.com/ipfs/QmNcNcYRDUFmR1Ey1MAyhzzZRJEi1Dfq8YXRTXq6XZ9n4A) ## Sources * [dpgpid](https://github.com/asycnio/dpgpid) * [onecrystal](https://github.com/onenationxyz/onecrystal) * [pgpid](https://github.com/foopgp/pgpid) ## Technologies * [coeurbox](coeurbox.md) * [did](https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/) * [ipid](https://did-ipid.github.io/ipid-did-method/) * [ucan](https://ucan.xyz/)