diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 0f40eaa..1075bf5 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -11,4 +11,7 @@ TAG/ billets/ history.* *~ - +.install/errors +.install/log +shell/init.sh.old +.profile diff --git a/.install/1-install_requirements.sh b/.install/1-install_requirements.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..03b4c0f --- /dev/null +++ b/.install/1-install_requirements.sh @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative +MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized +isARM=$(uname -a | grep arm) + +# Basics +sudo apt update +sudo apt install curl jq zip unzip htop tree ntpdate gnupg ssmtp mpack imagemagick qrencode bc jq libttspico-utils libttspico0 libttspico-data -y + +# Silkaj + Duniterpy +libsodium=$(sudo apt search libsodium | grep -v "header" | grep "Network communication" -B1 | head -n1 | awk -F '/' '{ print $1 }') +sudo apt install python3-pip $libsodium -y +pip3 install duniterpy +pip3 install silkaj --user + +# Install IPFS +[[ -f /usr/local/bin/ipfs ]] && sudo service ipfs stop +if [[ -z $isARM ]]; then + wget https://dist.ipfs.io/ipfs-update/v1.5.2/ipfs-update_v1.5.2_linux-amd64.tar.gz -O $MY_PATH/ipfs-update.tar.gz +else + wget https://dist.ipfs.io/ipfs-update/v1.5.2/ipfs-update_v1.5.2_linux-arm.tar.gz -O $MY_PATH/ipfs-update.tar.gz +fi + +echo "INSTALL ipfs-update" +sudo tar -xvzf $MY_PATH/ipfs-update.tar.gz -C /usr/src/ +rm $MY_PATH/ipfs-update.tar.gz +cd /usr/src/ipfs-update/ +sudo ./install.sh +cd $MY_PATH + +echo "INSTALL latest ipfs" +sudo ipfs-update install latest + +echo "CREATE SYSTEMD ipfs SERVICE" +[[ -f /etc/systemd/system/ipfs.service ]] && sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/ipfs.service +sudo cp -f $MY_PATH/templates/ipfs.service /etc/systemd/system/ +sudo sed -i "s/_USER/$USER/g" /etc/systemd/system/ipfs.service + +sudo systemctl daemon-reload +sudo systemctl enable ipfs + + +# Install gammu +sudo apt install ppp screen git minicom gammu -y +sleep 1 +sudo apt install gammu-smsd -y || sudo apt install -f + +sudo usermod -aG gammu $USER + +umask 027 à /root/.bashrc + +exit 0 diff --git a/.install/2-configure_ipfs_layer.sh b/.install/2-configure_ipfs_layer.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..b1b3981 --- /dev/null +++ b/.install/2-configure_ipfs_layer.sh @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +#!/bin/bash +################################################################################ +# Author: Fred (support@qo-op.com) +# Version: 0.1 +# License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) +########################################################################################### + +MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative +MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized +stamp=$(date +%s) +templates="$MY_PATH/templates" + +####################################### +# CONFIGURE IPFS for G1sms+ Pi NODES +####################################### + +if [ "$EUID" -eq 0 ] + then echo -e "${c_red}Veuillez ne pas executez ce script en root. Choisissez un utilisateur pour votre serveur G1sms+ (nous recommandons l'utilisateur pi)$c_" + exit 1 +else echo -e "${c_yellow}OK $USER, let's go!$c_"; +fi + +[[ -d ~/.ipfs/ ]] && rm -rf ~/.ipfs-old && mv ~/.ipfs/ ~/.ipfs-old + +################ +# BECOME $USER +# INIT ipfs +ipfs init -p lowpower + +# ACTIVATE CONFIG OPTIONS +# PUBSUB +ipfs config Pubsub.Router gossipsub +# MAXSTORAGE +ipfs config Datastore.StorageMax 12GB +## PORT FORWARD (SSH) +ipfs config --json Experimental.Libp2pStreamMounting true + +######### UPDATE BOOTSTRAP LIST ########### +ipfs bootstrap rm --all +### fred@onelove.madeinzion.org ### +# ID: QmSX7gFRPHui5A2DWFk2VmBvq6hynj2hubhJLQAwPWe4Lh +ipfs bootstrap add /ip6/fe80::207:cbff:fe0b:75bb/tcp/4001/ipfs/QmSX7gFRPHui5A2DWFk2VmBvq6hynj2hubhJLQAwPWe4Lh +ipfs bootstrap add /ip4/ +### ADD NEW SWARM LEADERS SERVER HERE ### +cp $MY_PATH/templates/swarm.key ~/.ipfs/ + +# ALLOW REMOTE SSH CONNECTION FROM rec OR onelove (For swarm.key & keystore exchange ) +# ADD SSH ADMIN/SUPPORT USERS $(cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub) +if [[ -z $(grep fred@rec ~/.ssh/authorized_keys) ]]; then + echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCs6oXRmPukaX7u2tDcFF1cecsDSEA30YyUqDaXSrw+yWQ8G79ktZ7BN0bPYBgfxO59FU8l5Jg1SPPG9kj81jfoCwGJpYdbczmMuP/iqw3aNoGv66swxwxzrqzbHrFFCXgn+6B2spDjn87tFB8JvQQTb2Kc4/sAZ9E6eY61pFiNpqbQehXdqSV5UemV9dkSQrnmJTl1PjUQ474AKQwFPzpdKHD/3VvqQS4i7ZLVeXS65euOP/YY8Bx9HvhsmhJ3h78OOK+D6GFfyv010xXBoG6kCSYR8LYMCEexpPGYV+Mduf/tUHjHP4GuWZAhd+wLRl0uPy6Tv7wHFfLyN01m/9vl fred@rec" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys + echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDFthQ3FggJlz/+ZglZJjVJzYs6ehx/iB7f89KY396K+7ai4ETqFhq6ANVp9xeQ4dLU26w0bFBELcnh9rn5QDSrXjsIptoWXErkSdZOeXqofnLtJEOhZO/I328y0C1vQRwtMMXKLLnqPe14h+zJenc7KJbL5cvB3Hd7nfQ+Q0uEnIsKb0f5wcKagySHIFdmY/FqaGz5g4MXGq7nlX/31hvfTFhF0g+k3mhvTTVQ368Op9qZZIozYhBoojWWvK5mwAovxdS9QT1hKrFXHfjov/aKQxLAy0a0oxFvHKoYN/l4ffGibFMAmedljTxf1VSDBv/k/RN53UU6RufW3qqBjY0b fred@onelove" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys +fi + +# START ipfs +echo -e "${c_green}Démarrage de IPFS ...$c_" +sudo systemctl start ipfs || echo -e "${c_red}IPFS n'a pas pu démarrer ...$c_" diff --git a/.install/3-install_copylaradio.sh b/.install/3-install_copylaradio.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..d12e12e --- /dev/null +++ b/.install/3-install_copylaradio.sh @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative +MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized +templates="$MY_PATH/templates" + +isARM=$(uname -a | grep arm) + +################################## +## INSTALL TOOLS +######## YOUTUBE-DL ########## +sudo wget https://yt-dl.org/downloads/latest/youtube-dl -O /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl +sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl +sudo apt install libid3-tools mpd mpc lame -y + + +## CONFIG MPD +sudo cp -f $templates/mpd.conf /etc/mpd.conf +sudo sed -i "s/_USER/$USER/g" /etc/mpd.conf + +sudo chown -R $USER /var/lib/mpd/ /var/run/mpd /run/mpd /var/log/mpd +sudo service mpd restart + + +sudo apt-get install nginx php-curl php-sqlite3 php-gd php-json php-xml php-mbstring php-fpm sqlite -y +sudo apt-get install lame sox libsox-fmt-mp3 eyed3 python-chardet imagemagick curl -y #libav-tools +sudo apt-get install ca-certificates git-core binutils rsync alsa-utils bc libid3-tools espeak mpg321 fuse atomicparsley -y #libttspico-utils + +wget http://launchpadlibrarian.net/339874908/libav-tools_3.3.4-2_all.deb -O $MY_PATH/libav-tools.deb +wget http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian/pool/non-free/s/svox/libttspico-data_1.0+git20130326-3_all.deb -O $MY_PATH/libttspico-data.deb +if [[ -z $isARM ]]; then + wget http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian/pool/non-free/s/svox/libttspico0_1.0+git20130326-5_amd64.deb -O $MY_PATH/libttspico0.deb + wget http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian/pool/non-free/s/svox/libttspico-utils_1.0+git20130326-9_amd64.deb -O $MY_PATH/libttspico-utils.deb +else + wget http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian/pool/non-free/s/svox/libttspico0_1.0+git20130326-3_armhf.deb -O $MY_PATH/libttspico0.deb + wget http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian/pool/non-free/s/svox/libttspico-utils_1.0+git20130326-3_armhf.deb -O $MY_PATH/libttspico-utils.deb +fi +sudo dpkg -i $MY_PATH/libttspico-data.deb +sudo dpkg -i $MY_PATH/libttspico0.deb +sudo dpkg -i $MY_PATH/libttspico-utils.deb +sudo dpkg -i $MY_PATH/libav-tools.deb || sudo apt --fix-broken install -y +rm $MY_PATH/libttspico-data.deb $MY_PATH/libttspico0.deb $MY_PATH/libttspico-utils.deb $MY_PATH/libav-tools.deb + + +# CONFIG NGINX +sudo cp -f $templates/default /etc/nginx/sites-available/ +sudo sed -i "s/_USER/$USER/g" /etc/nginx/sites-available/default + +sudo systemctl restart nginx + +################################# +## Get _CopyLaRadio distrib +# ipfs get Qm.... > /tmp/copylaradio.zip + +# Add CopyLaRadio to system PATH +#export PATH=$PATH:/home/$USER/_CopyLaRadio +# etc.... + +# INSTALL ROMPR WebSite LINKs +#sudo ln -s /home/$USER/_CopyLaRadio/www/rompr /var/www/rompr +#sudo chmod 777 /home/$USER/_CopyLaRadio/www/rompr/albumart +#sudo chmod 777 /home/$USER/_CopyLaRadio/www/rompr/prefs + +exit 0 diff --git a/.install/4-install_playsms.sh b/.install/4-install_playsms.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..377fd2d --- /dev/null +++ b/.install/4-install_playsms.sh @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative +MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized + +[[ -f $MY_PATH/../.profile ]] && source $MY_PATH/../.profile +unset err +pwdDB=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 42 | head -n 1) + +args=$@ +[[ $args =~ noask ]] && noask=o && askSSL=o + +[[ ! $PSMS_DOMAIN ]] && echo -e "${c_yellow}Choisissez un nom de domain pour playsms: $c_" && read PSMS_DOMAIN + +sudo apt -y update +sudo apt -y install unzip zip +if [[ $(grep buster /etc/os-release) ]]; then + sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 0xF1656F24C74CD1D8 + sudo add-apt-repository 'deb [arch=amd64] http://mariadb.mirror.liquidtelecom.com/repo/10.4/debian buster main' + sudo apt -y update + sudo apt -y install software-properties-common nginx php php-common php-fpm php-gettext php-gd php-mysql php-curl php-imap php-mbstring php-xml php-cli mariadb-server +elif [[ $(grep stretch /etc/os-release) ]]; then + sudo apt -y install lsb-release apt-transport-https ca-certificates + sudo wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/php.gpg https://packages.sury.org/php/apt.gpg + echo "deb https://packages.sury.org/php/ $(lsb_release -sc) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/php7.3.list + sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 0xF1656F24C74CD1D8 + echo -e "deb [arch=amd64,i386,ppc64el] http://sfo1.mirrors.digitalocean.com/mariadb/repo/10.4/debian stretch main\ndeb-src http://sfo1.mirrors.digitalocean.com/mariadb/repo/10.4/debian stretch main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mariadb.list + sudo apt -y update + sudo apt -y install software-properties-common dirmngr nginx php7.3 php7.3-common php7.3-gettext php7.3-fpm php7.3-gd php7.3-mysql php7.3-curl php7.3-imap php7.3-mbstring php7.3-xml php7.3-cli mariadb-server +else + echo "${c_red}Votre système n'est pas pris en charge par ce script d'installation.$c_" + exit 1 +fi + +## Create database + +if [[ ! $(sudo mysql -e "show databases;" | grep playsms) ]]; then + sudo mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE playsms" + sudo mysql -e "CREATE USER 'playsms'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$pwdDB';" + sudo mysql -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON playsms.* TO 'playsms'@'localhost';" + sudo mysql -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" +else + sudo mysql -e "ALTER USER 'playsms'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$pwdDB';" +fi + +## Clone repo playSMS +[[ -d $MY_PATH/playsms ]] && sudo rm -rf $MY_PATH/playsms +git clone https://github.com/antonraharja/playSMS.git $MY_PATH/playsms + +cp $MY_PATH/templates/install-playsms.conf $MY_PATH/playsms/install.conf +sed -i "s/_pwdDB/$pwdDB/g" $MY_PATH/playsms/install.conf + +[[ -d /var/www/playsms ]] && sudo rm -rf /var/www/playsms +sudo chmod u+x $MY_PATH/playsms/install-playsms.sh +cd $MY_PATH/playsms +sed -i "s/read /confirm=y; #read /g" install-playsms.sh +sudo ./install-playsms.sh +sudo sed -i "/ishttps/d" /var/www/playsms/config.php +sudo sed -i "/http or https*/a \$core_config['ishttps'] = true;" /var/www/playsms/config.php +[[ -d $MY_PATH/playsms ]] && sudo rm -rf $MY_PATH/playsms +cd $MY_PATH + +## Start playsmsd on boot +sudo /usr/local/bin/playsmsd start + +if [[ -f /etc/rc.local ]]; then + [[ ! $(grep playsmsd /etc/rc.local) ]] && sudo sed -i '/^exit 0.*/i /usr/local/bin/playsmsd start' /etc/rc.local +else + echo "/usr/local/bin/playsmsd start" | sudo tee /etc/rc.local +fi + +## Tests +if [[ $(sudo playsmsd status) =~ "is running" ]]; then + echo -e "${c_green}playSMS a été installé correctement et le daemon est démarré =)$c_" +else + echo -e "${c_red}Une erreur est survenu$c_" + err=1 +fi + +## Config NGINX + +[[ ! -d /etc/nginx/def_conf ]] && sudo mkdir /etc/nginx/def_conf/ +sudo cp $MY_PATH/templates/proxypass.conf /etc/nginx/def_conf/ +sudo cp $MY_PATH/templates/playsms.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/ +sudo sed -i "s/_PSMS_DOMAIN/$PSMS_DOMAIN/" /etc/nginx/conf.d/playsms.conf + +## Active SSL + +manageSSL() { + + local action=$1 + [[ ! $action =~ ^(on|off|certif)$ ]] && echo "Veuillez choisir ssl, nonssl ou certif pour créer un certificat ssl" && exit 1 + + install_certbot(){ + sudo apt update + if [[ $(grep -E 'stretch|buster' /etc/os-release) ]]; then + sudo apt install certbot python-certbot-nginx -y + elif [[ $(grep -E '16.|17.|18.|19.' /etc/os-release) ]]; then + sudo apt install software-properties-common + sudo add-apt-repository universe + sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot + sudo apt update + sudo apt install certbot python-certbot-nginx + else + echo "OS non supporté pour certbot." && exit 1 + fi + } + + create_certificate() { + sudo certbot --nginx certonly --non-interactive --agree-tos -m $USER@$PSMS_DOMAIN -d $PSMS_DOMAIN && echo "Le certificat de $PSMS_DOMAIN a bien été déployé" || echo "Une erreur s'est produite lors de la création du certificat SSL" + + ## Cronification + [[ ! -e /opt/scripts ]] && sudo mkdir /opt/scripts + sudo cp $MY_PATH/templates/ssl_renew.sh /opt/scripts/ + [[ -z $(sudo crontab -l | grep "/opt/scripts/ssl_renew.sh") ]] && (sudo crontab -l ; sudo echo "12 2 * * 1 /opt/scripts/ssl_renew.sh") | sudo crontab -u root - + } + + + case $action in + on) + sudo sed -i 's/ #if/ if/' /etc/nginx/conf.d/playsms.conf + + sudo sed -i "s/listen 443;/listen 443 ssl;/" /etc/nginx/conf.d/playsms.conf + [[ ! -d /etc/nginx/includes ]] && sudo mkdir /etc/nginx/includes + sudo cp $MY_PATH/templates/ssl.conf /etc/nginx/includes/ + sudo sed -i "/Content-Security-Policy/a \ include includes/ssl.conf;\n ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/$PSMS_DOMAIN/fullchain.pem;\n ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/$PSMS_DOMAIN/privkey.pem;" /etc/nginx/conf.d/playsms.conf + ;; + + off) + sudo sed -i 's/ if/ #if/' /etc/nginx/conf.d/playsms.conf + sudo sed -i '/ssl.conf;/d' /etc/nginx/conf.d/playsms.conf + sudo sed -i '/ssl_certificate/d' /etc/nginx/conf.d/playsms.conf + ;; + certif) + [[ -z $(which certbot) ]] && install_certbot + [[ -n /etc/letsencrypt/live/$PSMS_DOMAIN/fullchain.pem ]] && create_certificate + ;; + + esac +} + +echo -e "${c_yellow}playSMS ne fonctionne pas sans certifcat SSL.$c_" +[[ ! $noask ]] && printf "${c_yellow}Voulez-vous installer et activer un certificat SSL maintenant pour $PSMS_DOMAIN ? (o/n) $c_" && read askSSL +if [[ $askSSL =~ ^(o|y|yes|oui|Y|O|YES)$ ]]; then + manageSSL certif + if sudo test -f /etc/letsencrypt/live/$PSMS_DOMAIN/fullchain.pem; then manageSSL on; else manageSSL off && echo "Une erreur s'est produite, basculement vers le mode non SSL"; fi + http=https +else + manageSSL off + http=http +fi + +sudo service nginx restart + +[[ ! $err ]] && echo -e "${c_green}Félicitation ! playSMS est accessible via l'URL $http://$PSMS_DOMAIN" || echo -e "${c_red}Installation incomplète$c_" + +exit 0 diff --git a/.install/errors b/.install/errors deleted file mode 100644 index 8e350a7..0000000 --- a/.install/errors +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -Error: ipfs configuration file already exists! -Reinitializing would overwrite your keys. - --- - -Job for mpd.service failed because the control process exited with error code. -See "systemctl status mpd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. diff --git a/.install/export_colors.sh b/.install/export_colors.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a036e55 --- /dev/null +++ b/.install/export_colors.sh @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +[[ -f ~/.bash_aliases && ! -z $(cat ~/.bash_aliases | grep c_red) ]] && echo "Les couleurs sont déjà déclarés dans l'environnement" && exit 1 + +echo 'export c_blinkfast="\033[6m" +export c_light="\033[1m" +export c_white_bg="\033[47m" +export c_blue="\033[34m" +export c_red_bg="\033[41m" +export c_hide="\033[8m" +export c_purple_bg="\033[45m" +export c_yellow_bg="\033[43m" +export c_dark="\033[2m" +export c_reverse="003[7m" +export c_underline="\033[4m" +export c_blinkslow="\033[5m" +export c_red="\033[31m" +export c_white="\033[37m" +export c_cyan_bg="\033[46m" +export c_italic="\033[3m" +export c_black="\033[30m" +export c_cross="\033[9m" +export c_green="\033[32m" +export c_purple="\033[35m" +export c_="\033[0m" +export c_cyan="\033[36m" +export c_black_bg="\033[40m" +export c_yellow="\033[33m" +export c_blue_bg="\033[44m" +export c_green_bg="\033[42m"' >> ~/.bash_aliases + +source ~/.bash_aliases diff --git a/.install/install.sh b/.install/install.sh deleted file mode 100755 index 63b9c5c..0000000 --- a/.install/install.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash -################################################################################ -# Author: Fred (support@qo-op.com) -# Version: 0.1 -# License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) -################################################################################ -# LE Freaking LOL Hackathon de Noël https://framadate.org/sviOUlP6JLyWq5D2XLEdcKY9/admin -# - - -### TODO -## -## -## intall jq - - -now=$(date -u +%Y-%m-%d) - -echo "Bonjour $USER, je vous souhaite bon jour ($now)" -echo "Ce script va installer / mettre à jour votre noeud G1sms dans /home/$USER/G1sms+" -echo "ATTENTION! Vous devez avoir installé la couche ipfs & mpd au préalable!!! ./install_ipfs_layer.sh" -IPFS=$(ps auxf --sort=+utime | grep ipfs | tail -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 1); -echo "Quel est l'utilisateur du système IPFS (détecté: $IPFS)?" -read YOU -if [[ "$YOU" == "" ]]; then YOU=$IPFS; fi - -cd /home/$USER -echo "Déplacement dans /home/$USER/" -echo "... Téléchargement de la dernière version du CODE G1sms+ (ipfs = $YOU)" - -# CODE is there?? Get it from ipns -ipfs get --output=./ /ipns/QmZHTne3bjtMgaXWRqSbdKchJbgq2NaAeVSzFUN7ceYpif - -if [ ! -d ./G1sms+ ]; then - - echo "RECHERCHE ET INSTALLATION DU CODE : G1sms+.latest.tgz " - if [[ -f "./CODE/G1sms+.latest.tgz" ]]; then - tar xzf ./CODE/G1sms+.latest.tgz - fi - - echo "VOULEZ VOUS CONFIGURER VOTRE NODE G1sms+ ? ^C" - echo "Les paramètres se trouvent dans /home/$YOU/G1sms+/shell/init.sh" - read - - echo "Votre PSEUDO? Celui de votre compte membre Duniter. (defaut: Fred)" - read ADMINPSEUDO - if [[ "$ADMINPSEUDO" == "" ]]; then ADMINPSEUDO="Fred"; fi - - echo "Le Numéro de téléphone SMS Admin? Votre numéro de portable (defaut: +33647683646)" - read ADMINPHONE - if [[ "$ADMINPHONE" == "" ]]; then ADMINPHONE="+33647683646"; fi - - echo "Le numéro de la carte SIM, du module SMS. AUCUNE liaison SMS? Laissez vide (défaut: +33600000000)" - read MASTERPHONE - if [[ "$MASTERPHONE" == "" ]]; then MASTERPHONE="+33600000000"; fi - - # TODO ASK for GeoPoint - echo "L'adresse où se trouve votre G1Node pour indiquer où venir chercher les G1Tag imprimés (ex: au G1FabLab de Toulouse)" - read ADRESSE -z - cp /home/$YOU/G1sms+/shell/init.sh.template /home/$YOU/G1sms+/shell/init.sh - sed -i s/pi/$YOU/g /home/$YOU/G1sms+/shell/init.sh - sed -i s/+33600000000/$MASTERPHONE/g /home/$YOU/G1sms+/shell/init.sh - sed -i s/au\ G1FabLab\ de\ Toulouse/$ADRESSE/g /home/$YOU/G1sms+/shell/init.sh - sed -i s/+33647683646/$ADMINPHONE/g /home/$YOU/G1sms+/shell/init.sh - sed -i s/Fred/$ADMINPSEUDO/g /home/$YOU/G1sms+/shell/init.sh - - echo "=========================================" - echo "VERIFIEZ QUE LES PARAMETRES SONT BONS... " - echo "=========================================" - cat /home/$YOU/G1sms+/shell/init.sh - echo "=========================================" - echo "CONFIG: vi /home/$YOU/G1sms+/shell/init.sh " - echo "=========================================" - -else - echo "VOUS AVEZ UNE VERSION de G1sms+ DEJA INSTALLEE. MISE A JOUR..." - tar xzf CODE/G1sms+.latest.tgz - - cd G1sms+ - # TODO - # sudo chown -R $YOU ./TAG - # sudo chown -R $YOU ./wallets - echo "PREPARE rompr access from nginx" - mkdir -p ./www/rompr/prefs - mkdir -p ./www/rompr/albumarts - chmod 777 ./www/rompr/prefs - chmod 777 ./www/rompr/albumarts - - echo "Version installée ($now):: IPFS chain :: $(cat ./_chain)" -fi diff --git a/.install/install_ipfs_layer.sh b/.install/install_ipfs_layer.sh deleted file mode 100755 index 9010330..0000000 --- a/.install/install_ipfs_layer.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,131 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash -################################################################################ -# Author: Fred (support@qo-op.com) -# Version: 0.1 -# License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) -########################################################################################### - -MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative -MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized -stamp=$(date +%s) -[ -z "$MY_PATH" ] && exit 1 -echo $MY_PATH -templates="$MY_PATH/templates" - -####################################### -# INSTALL IPFS on G1sms+ Pi NODES -####################################### -echo "DEFAULT INSTALL SCRIPT. VALIDATED ON RASPBERRYPI, SHOULD BE ADAPTED IF NOT ARM ARCH SYSTEM. -You are going to download and install ipfs daemon environement for running G1sms+ NODE. -TODO: TEST TEST TEST TEST + MANAGE DIFFERENT ARCH -Ready?" -read - -if [[ "$USER" == "root" ]]; then echo "Better run by 'pi', please create non-root user and become that user before launching ipfs install..."; exit; -else echo "$USER, let's go!"; -fi - -echo "GET ipfs-update" -[[ ! -z $(which /usr/local/bin/ipfs) ]] && sudo service ipfs stop -##rm ~/.ipfs/ -r -if [[ -d ~/.ipfs/ ]]; then - -fi -wget -P $MY_PATH https://dist.ipfs.io/ipfs-update/v1.5.2/ipfs-update_v1.5.2_linux-arm.tar.gz - -echo "INSTALL ipfs-update" -sudo tar -xvzf $MY_PATH/ipfs-update_v1.5.2_linux-arm.tar.gz -C /usr/src/ -rm $MY_PATH/ipfs-update_v1.5.2_linux-arm.tar.gz -cd /usr/src/ipfs-update -sudo ./install.sh - -echo "INSTALL latest ipfs" -sudo ipfs-update install latest - -echo "CREATE SYSTEMD ipfs SERVICE" -[[ ! -z $(which /etc/systemd/system/ipfs.service) ]] && sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/ipfs.service -sudo cp -f $templates/ipfs.service /etc/systemd/system/ -sudo sed -i "s/_USER/$USER/g" /etc/systemd/system/ipfs.service - -sudo systemctl daemon-reload -sudo systemctl enable ipfs - -################ -# BECOME $USER -# INIT ipfs -ipfs init -p lowpower - -# ACTIVATE CONFIG OPTIONS -# PUBSUB -ipfs config Pubsub.Router gossipsub -# MAXSTORAGE -ipfs config Datastore.StorageMax 12GB -## PORT FORWARD (SSH) -ipfs config --json Experimental.Libp2pStreamMounting true - -######### UPDATE BOOTSTRAP LIST ########### -ipfs bootstrap rm --all -### fred@onelove.madeinzion.org ### -# ID: QmSX7gFRPHui5A2DWFk2VmBvq6hynj2hubhJLQAwPWe4Lh -ipfs bootstrap add /ip6/fe80::207:cbff:fe0b:75bb/tcp/4001/ipfs/QmSX7gFRPHui5A2DWFk2VmBvq6hynj2hubhJLQAwPWe4Lh -ipfs bootstrap add /ip4/ -### ADD NEW SWARM LEADERS SERVER HERE ### - -# ALLOW REMOTE SSH CONNECTION FROM rec OR onelove (For swarm.key & keystore exchange ) -# ADD SSH ADMIN/SUPPORT USERS $(cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub) -echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCs6oXRmPukaX7u2tDcFF1cecsDSEA30YyUqDaXSrw+yWQ8G79ktZ7BN0bPYBgfxO59FU8l5Jg1SPPG9kj81jfoCwGJpYdbczmMuP/iqw3aNoGv66swxwxzrqzbHrFFCXgn+6B2spDjn87tFB8JvQQTb2Kc4/sAZ9E6eY61pFiNpqbQehXdqSV5UemV9dkSQrnmJTl1PjUQ474AKQwFPzpdKHD/3VvqQS4i7ZLVeXS65euOP/YY8Bx9HvhsmhJ3h78OOK+D6GFfyv010xXBoG6kCSYR8LYMCEexpPGYV+Mduf/tUHjHP4GuWZAhd+wLRl0uPy6Tv7wHFfLyN01m/9vl fred@rec" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys -echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDFthQ3FggJlz/+ZglZJjVJzYs6ehx/iB7f89KY396K+7ai4ETqFhq6ANVp9xeQ4dLU26w0bFBELcnh9rn5QDSrXjsIptoWXErkSdZOeXqofnLtJEOhZO/I328y0C1vQRwtMMXKLLnqPe14h+zJenc7KJbL5cvB3Hd7nfQ+Q0uEnIsKb0f5wcKagySHIFdmY/FqaGz5g4MXGq7nlX/31hvfTFhF0g+k3mhvTTVQ368Op9qZZIozYhBoojWWvK5mwAovxdS9QT1hKrFXHfjov/aKQxLAy0a0oxFvHKoYN/l4ffGibFMAmedljTxf1VSDBv/k/RN53UU6RufW3qqBjY0b fred@onelove" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys - -# START ipfs -sudo systemctl start ipfs - -################################## -## INSTALL TOOLS -######## YOUTUBE-DL ########## -sudo wget -P $MY_PATH https://yt-dl.org/downloads/latest/youtube-dl -O /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl -sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl -sudo apt install libid3-tools mpd mpc lame -y - - -## CONFIG MPD -sudo cp -f $templates/mpd.conf /etc/mpd.conf -sudo sed -i "s/_USER/$USER/g" /etc/mpd.conf - -sudo chown -R $USER /var/lib/mpd/ /var/run/mpd /run/mpd /var/log/mpd -sudo service mpd restart - - -sudo apt-get install nginx php-curl php-sqlite3 php-gd php-json php-xml php-mbstring php-fpm sqlite -y -sudo apt-get install lame sox libsox-fmt-mp3 eyed3 python-chardet imagemagick curl -y #libav-tools -sudo apt-get install ca-certificates git-core binutils rsync alsa-utils bc libid3-tools espeak mpg321 fuse atomicparsley -y #libttspico-utils - -wget -P $MY_PATH http://launchpadlibrarian.net/339874908/libav-tools_3.3.4-2_all.deb -wget -P $MY_PATH http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian/pool/non-free/s/svox/libttspico-data_1.0+git20130326-3_all.deb -wget -P $MY_PATH http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian/pool/non-free/s/svox/libttspico0_1.0+git20130326-3_armhf.deb -wget -P $MY_PATH http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian/pool/non-free/s/svox/libttspico-utils_1.0+git20130326-3_armhf.deb -sudo dpkg -i $MY_PATH/libttspico-data_1.0+git20130326-3_all.deb -sudo dpkg -i $MY_PATH/libttspico0_1.0+git20130326-3_armhf.deb -sudo dpkg -i $MY_PATH/libttspico-utils_1.0+git20130326-3_armhf.deb -sudo dpkg -i $MY_PATH/libav-tools_3.3.4-2_all.deb -rm $MY_PATH/libttspico-data_1.0+git20130326-3_all.deb $MY_PATH/libttspico0_1.0+git20130326-3_armhf.deb $MY_PATH/libttspico-utils_1.0+git20130326-3_armhf.deb $MY_PATH/libav-tools_3.3.4-2_all.deb - - -# CONFIG NGINX -sudo cp -f $templates/default /etc/nginx/sites-available/ -sudo sed -i "s/_USER/$USER/g" /etc/nginx/sites-available/default - -sudo systemctl restart nginx - -################################# -## Get _CopyLaRadio distrib -# ipfs get Qm.... > /tmp/copylaradio.zip - -# Add CopyLaRadio to system PATH -#export PATH=$PATH:/home/$USER/_CopyLaRadio -# etc.... - -# INSTALL ROMPR WebSite LINKs -#sudo ln -s /home/$USER/_CopyLaRadio/www/rompr /var/www/rompr -#sudo chmod 777 /home/$USER/_CopyLaRadio/www/rompr/albumart -#sudo chmod 777 /home/$USER/_CopyLaRadio/www/rompr/prefs - diff --git a/.install/log b/.install/log deleted file mode 100644 index 828b87a..0000000 --- a/.install/log +++ /dev/null @@ -1,261 +0,0 @@ ---2019-12-02 22:22:59-- https://dist.ipfs.io/ipfs-update/v1.5.2/ipfs-update_v1.5.2_linux-arm.tar.gz -Resolving dist.ipfs.io (dist.ipfs.io)... 2602:fea2:2::1, -Connecting to dist.ipfs.io (dist.ipfs.io)|2602:fea2:2::1|:443... connected. -HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK -Length: 2952193 (2.8M) [application/gzip] -Saving to: ‘/home/pi/apps/G1sms+/install/ipfs-update_v1.5.2_linux-arm.tar.gz’ - - 0K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 1% 856K 3s - 50K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 3% 852K 3s - 100K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 5% 347K 5s - 150K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 6% 555K 5s - 200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 8% 574K 5s - 250K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 10% 783K 4s - 300K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 12% 864K 4s - 350K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 13% 864K 4s - 400K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 15% 947K 4s - 450K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 17% 1.24M 3s - 500K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 19% 936K 3s - 550K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 20% 1.52M 3s - 600K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 22% 1.06M 3s - 650K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 24% 1.40M 3s - 700K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 26% 1.48M 3s - 750K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 27% 1.33M 2s - 800K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 29% 1.78M 2s - 850K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 31% 1.13M 2s - 900K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 32% 1.61M 2s - 950K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 34% 1.59M 2s - 1000K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 36% 1.59M 2s - 1050K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 38% 1.81M 2s - 1100K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 39% 1.75M 2s - 1150K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 41% 1.69M 2s - 1200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 43% 1.87M 2s - 1250K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 45% 1.60M 2s - 1300K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 46% 3.51M 1s - 1350K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 48% 1.76M 1s - 1400K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 50% 2.07M 1s - 1450K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 52% 1.84M 1s - 1500K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 53% 1.83M 1s - 1550K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 55% 1.92M 1s - 1600K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 57% 3.46M 1s - 1650K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 58% 1.97M 1s - 1700K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 60% 2.12M 1s - 1750K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 62% 1.82M 1s - 1800K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 64% 3.72M 1s - 1850K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 65% 2.02M 1s - 1900K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 67% 2.22M 1s - 1950K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 69% 3.18M 1s - 2000K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 71% 2.09M 1s - 2050K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 72% 2.29M 1s - 2100K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 74% 3.52M 1s - 2150K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 76% 1.97M 1s - 2200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 78% 2.54M 0s - 2250K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 79% 3.30M 0s - 2300K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 81% 2.21M 0s - 2350K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 83% 2.33M 0s - 2400K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 84% 3.50M 0s - 2450K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 86% 2.38M 0s - 2500K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 88% 2.29M 0s - 2550K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 90% 3.02M 0s - 2600K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 91% 2.88M 0s - 2650K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 93% 3.04M 0s - 2700K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 95% 2.66M 0s - 2750K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 97% 2.64M 0s - 2800K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 98% 3.28M 0s - 2850K .......... .......... .......... ... 100% 2.33M=1.9s - -2019-12-02 22:23:01 (1.49 MB/s) - ‘/home/pi/apps/G1sms+/install/ipfs-update_v1.5.2_linux-arm.tar.gz’ saved [2952193/2952193] - -Error: ipfs configuration file already exists! -Reinitializing would overwrite your keys. - -/home/pi/apps/G1sms+/install/install_ipfs_layer.sh: line 76: /home/pi/.ssh/authorized_keys: No such file or directory -/home/pi/apps/G1sms+/install/install_ipfs_layer.sh: line 77: /home/pi/.ssh/authorized_keys: No such file or directory ---2019-12-02 22:23:05-- https://yt-dl.org/downloads/latest/youtube-dl -Resolving yt-dl.org (yt-dl.org)... 2001:1a50:11:0:5f:8f:acaa:177, -Connecting to yt-dl.org (yt-dl.org)|2001:1a50:11:0:5f:8f:acaa:177|:443... connected. -HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found -Location: https://yt-dl.org/downloads/2019.11.28/youtube-dl [following] ---2019-12-02 22:23:05-- https://yt-dl.org/downloads/2019.11.28/youtube-dl -Connecting to yt-dl.org (yt-dl.org)|2001:1a50:11:0:5f:8f:acaa:177|:443... connected. -HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found -Location: https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/releases/download/2019.11.28/youtube-dl [following] ---2019-12-02 22:23:06-- https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/releases/download/2019.11.28/youtube-dl -Resolving github.com (github.com)... -Connecting to github.com (github.com)||:443... connected. -HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found -Location: https://github-production-release-asset-2e65be.s3.amazonaws.com/1039520/9248cd00-1236-11ea-9c7d-f619365f8851?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIWNJYAX4CSVEH53A%2F20191202%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20191202T222306Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Signature=3ab1d1d18fc465c4b7c7ed12e5083ee8e2a3c06c78e369ac2354b6a175403f80&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&actor_id=0&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3Dyoutube-dl&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream [following] ---2019-12-02 22:23:06-- https://github-production-release-asset-2e65be.s3.amazonaws.com/1039520/9248cd00-1236-11ea-9c7d-f619365f8851?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIWNJYAX4CSVEH53A%2F20191202%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20191202T222306Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Signature=3ab1d1d18fc465c4b7c7ed12e5083ee8e2a3c06c78e369ac2354b6a175403f80&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&actor_id=0&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3Dyoutube-dl&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream -Resolving github-production-release-asset-2e65be.s3.amazonaws.com (github-production-release-asset-2e65be.s3.amazonaws.com)... -Connecting to github-production-release-asset-2e65be.s3.amazonaws.com (github-production-release-asset-2e65be.s3.amazonaws.com)||:443... connected. -HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK -Length: 1743965 (1.7M) [application/octet-stream] -Saving to: ‘/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl’ - - 0K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 2% 249K 7s - 50K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 5% 4.26M 3s - 100K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 8% 258K 4s - 150K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 11% 561K 4s - 200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 14% 3.64M 3s - 250K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 17% 4.08M 2s - 300K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 20% 575K 2s - 350K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 23% 553K 2s - 400K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 26% 4.14M 2s - 450K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 29% 266K 2s - 500K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 32% 522K 2s - 550K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 35% 504K 2s - 600K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 38% 505K 2s - 650K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 41% 506K 2s - 700K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 44% 505K 2s - 750K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 46% 505K 2s - 800K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 49% 508K 2s - 850K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 52% 360K 2s - 900K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 55% 826K 1s - 950K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 58% 261K 1s - 1000K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 61% 484K 1s - 1050K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 64% 369K 1s - 1100K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 67% 325K 1s - 1150K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 70% 485K 1s - 1200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 73% 493K 1s - 1250K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 76% 489K 1s - 1300K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 79% 379K 1s - 1350K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 82% 327K 1s - 1400K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 85% 470K 1s - 1450K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 88% 506K 0s - 1500K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 91% 491K 0s - 1550K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 93% 407K 0s - 1600K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 96% 454K 0s - 1650K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 99% 599K 0s - 1700K ... 100% 5895G=3.6s - -2019-12-02 22:23:10 (475 KB/s) - ‘/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl’ saved [1743965/1743965] - -Job for mpd.service failed because the control process exited with error code. -See "systemctl status mpd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. ---2019-12-02 22:23:23-- http://launchpadlibrarian.net/339874908/libav-tools_3.3.4-2_all.deb -Resolving launchpadlibrarian.net (launchpadlibrarian.net)... 2001:67c:1560:8003::8008, 2001:67c:1560:8003::8007,, ... -Connecting to launchpadlibrarian.net (launchpadlibrarian.net)|2001:67c:1560:8003::8008|:80... connected. -HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK -Length: 16088 (16K) [application/x-debian-package] -Saving to: ‘/home/pi/apps/G1sms+/install/libav-tools_3.3.4-2_all.deb’ - - 0K .......... ..... 100% 723K=0.02s - -2019-12-02 22:23:23 (723 KB/s) - ‘/home/pi/apps/G1sms+/install/libav-tools_3.3.4-2_all.deb’ saved [16088/16088] - ---2019-12-02 22:23:23-- http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian/pool/non-free/s/svox/libttspico-data_1.0+git20130326-3_all.deb -Resolving ftp.fr.debian.org (ftp.fr.debian.org)... 2a01:e0c:1:1598::2, -Connecting to ftp.fr.debian.org (ftp.fr.debian.org)|2a01:e0c:1:1598::2|:80... connected. -HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK -Length: 4148618 (4.0M) [application/x-debian-package] -Saving to: ‘/home/pi/apps/G1sms+/install/libttspico-data_1.0+git20130326-3_all.deb’ - - 0K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 1% 1.65M 2s - 50K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 2% 1.57M 2s - 100K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 3% 3.14M 2s - 150K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 4% 1.67M 2s - 200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 6% 1.64M 2s - 250K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 7% 1.68M 2s - 300K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 8% 2.89M 2s - 350K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 9% 1.68M 2s - 400K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 11% 1.69M 2s - 450K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 12% 2.86M 2s - 500K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 13% 1.73M 2s - 550K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 14% 2.93M 2s - 600K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 16% 1.73M 2s - 650K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 17% 2.91M 2s - 700K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 18% 1.73M 2s - 750K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 19% 3.06M 2s - 800K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 20% 1.69M 2s - 850K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 22% 3.05M 2s - 900K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 23% 1.68M 2s - 950K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 24% 3.18M 1s - 1000K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 25% 3.00M 1s - 1050K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 27% 1.71M 1s - 1100K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 28% 3.23M 1s - 1150K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 29% 2.98M 1s - 1200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 30% 1.71M 1s - 1250K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 32% 3.11M 1s - 1300K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 33% 3.22M 1s - 1350K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 34% 1.69M 1s - 1400K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 35% 3.22M 1s - 1450K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 37% 3.11M 1s - 1500K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 38% 3.21M 1s - 1550K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 39% 1.69M 1s - 1600K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 40% 3.20M 1s - 1650K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 41% 3.24M 1s - 1700K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 43% 3.11M 1s - 1750K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 44% 3.22M 1s - 1800K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 45% 1.69M 1s - 1850K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 46% 3.17M 1s - 1900K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 48% 1.56M 1s - 1950K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 49% 24.1M 1s - 2000K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 50% 1.72M 1s - 2050K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 51% 3.07M 1s - 2100K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 53% 1.68M 1s - 2150K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 54% 2.99M 1s - 2200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 55% 1.70M 1s - 2250K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 56% 2.98M 1s - 2300K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 58% 1.69M 1s - 2350K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 59% 3.00M 1s - 2400K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 60% 1.70M 1s - 2450K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 61% 2.99M 1s - 2500K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 62% 1.72M 1s - 2550K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 64% 3.03M 1s - 2600K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 65% 1.76M 1s - 2650K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 66% 2.83M 1s - 2700K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 67% 3.08M 1s - 2750K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 69% 1.73M 1s - 2800K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 70% 3.05M 1s - 2850K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 71% 1.82M 0s - 2900K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 72% 2.85M 0s - 2950K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 74% 3.04M 0s - 3000K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 75% 3.09M 0s - 3050K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 76% 1.73M 0s - 3100K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 77% 3.04M 0s - 3150K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 78% 3.08M 0s - 3200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 80% 1.82M 0s - 3250K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 81% 3.01M 0s - 3300K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 82% 3.06M 0s - 3350K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 83% 3.24M 0s - 3400K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 85% 3.00M 0s - 3450K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 86% 1.92M 0s - 3500K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 87% 2.83M 0s - 3550K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 88% 3.07M 0s - 3600K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 90% 3.16M 0s - 3650K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 91% 3.12M 0s - 3700K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 92% 1.89M 0s - 3750K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 93% 3.06M 0s - 3800K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 95% 3.02M 0s - 3850K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 96% 3.05M 0s - 3900K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 97% 3.26M 0s - 3950K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 98% 3.06M 0s - 4000K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 99% 3.25M 0s - 4050K . 100% 3.44M=1.7s - -2019-12-02 22:23:25 (2.37 MB/s) - ‘/home/pi/apps/G1sms+/install/libttspico-data_1.0+git20130326-3_all.deb’ saved [4148618/4148618] - ---2019-12-02 22:23:25-- http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian/pool/non-free/s/svox/libttspico0_1.0+git20130326-3_armhf.deb -Resolving ftp.fr.debian.org (ftp.fr.debian.org)... 2a01:e0c:1:1598::2, -Connecting to ftp.fr.debian.org (ftp.fr.debian.org)|2a01:e0c:1:1598::2|:80... connected. -HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK -Length: 124694 (122K) [application/x-debian-package] -Saving to: ‘/home/pi/apps/G1sms+/install/libttspico0_1.0+git20130326-3_armhf.deb’ - - 0K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 41% 1.62M 0s - 50K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 82% 3.10M 0s - 100K .......... .......... . 100% 1.45M=0.06s - -2019-12-02 22:23:25 (1.97 MB/s) - ‘/home/pi/apps/G1sms+/install/libttspico0_1.0+git20130326-3_armhf.deb’ saved [124694/124694] - ---2019-12-02 22:23:25-- http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian/pool/non-free/s/svox/libttspico-utils_1.0+git20130326-3_armhf.deb -Resolving ftp.fr.debian.org (ftp.fr.debian.org)... 2a01:e0c:1:1598::2, -Connecting to ftp.fr.debian.org (ftp.fr.debian.org)|2a01:e0c:1:1598::2|:80... connected. -HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK -Length: 8590 (8.4K) [application/x-debian-package] -Saving to: ‘/home/pi/apps/G1sms+/install/libttspico-utils_1.0+git20130326-3_armhf.deb’ - - 0K ........ 100% 19.1M=0s - -2019-12-02 22:23:25 (19.1 MB/s) - ‘/home/pi/apps/G1sms+/install/libttspico-utils_1.0+git20130326-3_armhf.deb’ saved [8590/8590] - diff --git a/.install/templates/.profile b/.install/templates/.profile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c7a7778 --- /dev/null +++ b/.install/templates/.profile @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +ADMINPSEUDO= +ADMINPHONE= +MASTERPHONE= +ADRESSE= +PSMS_DOMAIN= diff --git a/shell/init.sh.template b/.install/templates/init.sh similarity index 95% rename from shell/init.sh.template rename to .install/templates/init.sh index 96b5137..95d0cb4 100755 --- a/shell/init.sh.template +++ b/.install/templates/init.sh @@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ fi # Choose Default Unit: G1, DU, LOVE (DU cents), ZEN (G1 cents) export COIN="G1" ################################################################## - # Limit and commission values + # Limit and commission values export LIMIT=2 # Solde minimum = 2 G1 # FIXED COMMISSION SYSTEM - export COMMISSION=1 # transaction commission amount (G1) + export COMMISSION=1 # transaction commission amount (G1) export BILLCOM=20 ################################################################## # COMMISSION PARTS FROM TX FOR NODE & G1SMS NETWORK @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ fi # TODO: NODE G1sms Wallet can receive rewards from SWARM or WALLETS/FILES export NODECOMM=10 ################################################################## - # SMS SIM Card Phone Number + # SMS SIM Card Phone Number export MASTERPHONE="+33600000000" export ADRESSE="au G1FabLab de Toulouse" export G1DAB="NO" diff --git a/.install/templates/install-playsms.conf b/.install/templates/install-playsms.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..03cd481 --- /dev/null +++ b/.install/templates/install-playsms.conf @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# MySQL database username +DBUSER="playsms" + +# MySQL database password +DBPASS="_pwdDB" + +# MySQL database name +DBNAME="playsms" + +# MySQL database host +DBHOST="localhost" + +# MySQL database port +DBPORT="3306" + +# Web server's user, for example apache2 user by default is www-data +# note: please make sure your web server user +WEBSERVERUSER="www-data" + +# Web server's group, for example apache2 group by default is www-data +# note: please make sure your web server group +WEBSERVERGROUP="www-data" + +# Path to playSMS extracted source files +PATHSRC="$(pwd)" + +# Path to playSMS web files +# note: please make sure your web root path, in this example its /var/www/html +PATHWEB="/var/www/playsms" + +# Path to playSMS additional files +PATHLIB="/var/www/playsms/lib/" + +# Path to playSMS daemon and other binary files +PATHBIN="/usr/local/bin" + +# Path to playSMS log files +PATHLOG="/var/log/playsms" + +# Path to playSMS daemon configuration file +# note: this example will create playsmsd.conf in /etc +PATHCONF="/etc" + diff --git a/.install/templates/ipfs.service b/.install/templates/ipfs.service index 844d265..20602e5 100644 --- a/.install/templates/ipfs.service +++ b/.install/templates/ipfs.service @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Description=IPFS daemon After=network.target [Service] -User=pi +User=_USER ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ipfs daemon --enable-pubsub-experiment --enable-namesys-pubsub --routing=dhtclient --enable-gc Restart=on-failure diff --git a/.install/templates/playsms.conf b/.install/templates/playsms.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..41dce2f --- /dev/null +++ b/.install/templates/playsms.conf @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +server { + listen 80; + listen 443; + listen [::]:443 ssl; + server_name _PSMS_DOMAIN; + + add_header Content-Security-Policy upgrade-insecure-requests; + add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*'; + + #if ($http_x_forwarded_proto = "http") { return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri; } + + location / { + try_files $uri/ $uri /index.php?/$request_uri; # =404; + include /etc/nginx/def_conf/proxypass.conf; + } + + + index index.php index.html; + root /var/www/playsms/; + + # set expiration of assets to MAX for caching + location ~* \.(ico|css|js|gif|jpe?g|png)(\?[0-9]+)?$ { + expires max; + log_not_found off; + } + + # php parsing + location ~ \.php$ { + include fastcgi_params; + fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.3-fpm.sock; + fastcgi_index index.php; + fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $request_filename; + } + + error_log /var/log/nginx/playsms_error.log; + access_log /var/log/nginx/playsms_access.log; + + +} + diff --git a/.install/templates/proxypass.conf b/.install/templates/proxypass.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e3fc6a --- /dev/null +++ b/.install/templates/proxypass.conf @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +proxy_http_version 1.1; +proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; +proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; +proxy_set_header Host $http_host; +proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; +proxy_set_header X-Forward-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; +proxy_set_header X-Forward-Proto http; +proxy_set_header X-Nginx-Proxy true; + diff --git a/.install/templates/ssl.conf b/.install/templates/ssl.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..64ff68f --- /dev/null +++ b/.install/templates/ssl.conf @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + ssl_session_timeout 4h; + ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:50m; + + ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; + ssl_ciphers 'ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:DHE-RSA-AES128-CBC-SHA:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:ECDHE-ECDSA-DES-CBC3-SHA:ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA:AES128-GCM-SHA256:AES256-GCM-SHA384:AES128-SHA256:AES256-SHA256:AES128-SHA:AES256-SHA:DES-CBC3-SHA:!DSS'; + ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; + + add_header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; + + ssl_stapling on; + ssl_stapling_verify on; + + resolver valid=86400; + resolver_timeout 10; + + ssl_session_tickets on; diff --git a/.install/templates/ssl_renew.sh b/.install/templates/ssl_renew.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5915d47 --- /dev/null +++ b/.install/templates/ssl_renew.sh @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +log="/var/log/ssl_renew.log" +date=$(date +%d-%m-%Y) + +renew=$(certbot renew --pre-hook "service nginx stop" --post-hook "service nginx start") + +echo "####################################################################################" >> $log +echo "#################################### $date ####################################" >> $log +echo "####################################################################################" >> $log + +echo "$renew" >> $log + +if [[ $renew = *"No hooks were run"* ]]; then + echo "Rien n'a été fait" >> $log +else + sleep 5 + sudo service nginx stop + sleep 1 + killall nginx + sleep 3 + sudo service nginx restart &>> $log + echo "Des certificats ont été renouvellés" >> $log +fi + +exit 0 diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index b2e33c6..47ab8ac 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # G1sms+ +### Lien du pad : https://pad.p2p.legal/G1sms-install + > LE DRAPEAU DE LA MONNAIE LIBRE EST PLANTE DANS LE SYSTEME DE FICHIER INTERPLANETAIRE!! :: [G1Forge / G1FabLab](https://www.g1sms.fr/fr/blog) :: Il s'agit de la seconde version de G1sms. Cette mouture utilise une carte fille GSM (à la place d'un dongle USB) et ajoute une couche de communication inter noeuds grâce à l'utilisation de IPFS. @@ -25,19 +27,21 @@ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDnG3Jni7sY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqV65iPTmnc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PVwf9nRAA0 -## Matériel +## I. Matériel -A découvrir sur la page [G1SMS:small_orange_diamond:](https://www.g1sms.fr/fr/blog/g1smsplus) +**A découvrir sur la page [G1SMS:small_orange_diamond:](https://www.g1sms.fr/fr/blog/g1smsplus)** -## **Installer Raspbian Stretch** :ice_cream: +## II. Préparation -* Téléchargez "[Raspbian Stretch Lite](https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/)" et flashez l'image sur une carte microSD +### 1. Installer Raspbian Stretch ou Buster (9 ou 10) :ice_cream: + +* Téléchargez "[Raspbian Buster Lite](https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/)" et flashez l'image sur une carte microSD * Installez Raspbian ([comment faire sur un RaspberryPi Zero sans écran?](https://projetsdiy.fr/comment-installer-raspbian-raspberry-pi-zero-sans-ecran-clavier/)). Terminez cette phase par une mise à jour > **sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade -y** -### 1. Installation carte GSM (pour commandes par SMS)? +### 2. Installation carte GSM (pour commandes par SMS)? L'interface de commande par SMS permet d'ouvrir l'usage de la monnaie libre à ceux qui ne possèdent pas de smartphone et n'ont aucun ordinateur connecté à disposition... Et permet l'utilisation du réseau 2G des opérateurs, peut encombré et presque gratuit (1€/ mois chez Free je crois) @@ -49,7 +53,7 @@ Elles ont besoin d'être testées et d'améliorer leur compatibilité CLI. En fo Les scripts "./shell/cron" en cours d'écriture/test et sont à activer soi-même. -### 2. **Activer le GSM pHAT** +### 3. **Activer le GSM pHAT** La carte utilise une connexion UART sur l'interface GPIO du Rpi pour communiquer (en commandes AT). Placer le jumper dans la position B pour activer ce mode. On prendra soin de désactiver la console (tty) établie par le système sur le port série qui rentre en conflit autrement... @@ -58,7 +62,7 @@ La carte utilise une connexion UART sur l'interface GPIO du Rpi pour communiquer * Effacer **console=serial0,115200** de **/boot/cmdline.txt** * Redémarrer... -### 3. Démarrer la carte GSM ! +### 4. Démarrer la carte GSM ! il faudra appuyer 3 secondes sur le bouton d'allumage. Nous allons le faire par un script qui manipule le GPIO. @@ -80,157 +84,46 @@ il faudra appuyer 3 secondes sur le bouton d'allumage. Nous allons le faire par Ajouter le lancement de ce script au démarrage (dans /etc/rc.local) -### 4. Installer gammu et gammu-smsd +## III. Installation automatique de Ḡ1sms+ avec ses prérequis (Gammu, IPFS) et ses modules +*Pour une installation manuelle: https://pad.p2p.legal/G1sms-install* -Afin de dialoguer avec le réseau GSM, recevoir et envoyer des SMS. Nous utiliserons le serveur gammu. Suivre la procédure détaillée ici: https://tutoandco.colas-delmas.fr/software/envoyer-sms-gammu-deamon/ +### Clonez le dépôt G1sms+ + git clone https://git.p2p.legal/axiom-team/G1sms + mv G1sms G1sms+ + cd G1sms+ + chmod u+x install.sh - sudo apt-get install ppp screen git python3-pip minicom gammu gammu-smsd - sudo usermod -aG gammu pi; - -Vérifier que la carte GSM pHAT est démarrée, sinon lancer +### Options + ./install.sh : Cycle normale, va détecter si les éléments sont installés ne va pas les réinstaller. Demande confirmations, et propose d'installer les outils otionnels + ./install.sh force : Réinstalle les éléments même si ils sont déjà installés + ./install.sh noask : Ne pose pas de questions de confirmation pendant l'install, il y va + ./install.sh all : Install les outils optionnels sans poser de question + ./install.sh noptions : N'installe pas les outils optionnels - sudo ./GSM_powerkey.sh -Identification de la carte +**VOILA! Le système peut maintenant dialoguer par SMS.** - sudo gammu --identify - -> Device : /dev/ttyS0 -> Manufacturer : SIMCOM_Ltd -> Model : unknown (SIMCOM_SIM868) -> Firmware : Revision:1418B03SIM868M32_BT -> IMEI : 868183033532677 +## IV. Tests -Création du fichier de configuration gammurc à partir de ces infos... -**sudo nano /etc/gammurc** +### Envoyer un SMS + echo "Mon premier SMS envoyé !" | gammu-smsd-inject TEXT 06xxxxxxxx - [gammu] - port = /dev/ttyS0 - model = SIMCOM_Ltd (SIMCOM_SIM868) - connection = at19200 - synchronizetime = yes - logfile = /tmp/smsd.log - logformat = nothing +**TODO :** +- Ajouter un test silkaj +- Notif d'une alert admin par G1sms -TEST: Envoyer un SMS. - sudo gammu sendsms TEXT 06nnnnnnnn -text "NOUVEAU G1sms+" +--- +--- +--- -Tout ce passe bien? Alors on installe le daemon gammu smsd +**La partie qui suis doit être mise à jours !** - sudo apt install gammu-smsd -y -Préparer le fichier de configuration ([DOC gammu...](https://wammu.eu/docs/manual/smsd/config.html)) -Adaptez selon le code PIN de votre carte SIM. -**sudo nano /etc/gammu-smsdrc** - [gammu] - device = /dev/ttyS0 - name = SIMCOM_Ltd (SIMCOM_SIM868) - connection = at19200 - synchronizetime = yes - gammucoding = utf8 - logformat = textall - [smsd] - service = files - Logfile = /tmp/smsd.log - DeliveryReport = log - debuglevel = 3 - CommTimeout = 5 - ReceiveFrequency = 5 - CheckSecurity = 1 - PIN = 0000 - - # Paths where messages are stored - inboxpath = /var/spool/gammu/inbox/ - outboxpath = /var/spool/gammu/outbox/ - sentsmspath = /var/spool/gammu/sent/ - errorsmspath = /var/spool/gammu/error/ - # Run G1SMS Script RunOnReceive - RunOnReceive = /home/pi/G1sms+/sms_received.sh - -Le fichier de configuration maintenant prêt, on peut redémarrer le démon smsd - -**sudo service gammu-smsd restart** - -Vous voyez cette ligne dans vos processus? Tudo Bom :smiley: ! - - ps auxf - usr/bin/gammu-smsd --pid=/var/run/gammu-smsd.pid --daemon - -VOILA! Le système peut maintenant dialoguer par SMS. - -## Installer le coeur de G1sms+ -:warning: Le code appelé par gammu s'exécute en tant qu'utilisateur root. - -On pourra ajouter **umask 027** à **/root/.bashrc** pour isoler l'appartenance des fichiers de ce compte. - -### 1. Installer Silkaj & Duniterpy - - # Exécuter les commandes suivante en root - sudo -s - - # Silkaj + Duniterpy - sudo apt install python3-pip - sudo apt install libsodium18 - sudo pip3 install silkaj - -Voila ces 2 super connecteurs python à Duniter installés :cool: Ils seront utilisés par G1sms+ pour gérer les wallets et leurs TX, récupérer le profil des membres dans Cesium+, etc... - -En fait pour l'instant l'API CLI de silkaj n'étant pas encore disponible. C'est la version 0.50 patchée de G1sms qui continue à être utilisée (TODO !!!). Dans ce cas, il faudra peut-être installer les librairies pythons à la main... - - cd ./silkaj - pip3 install -r requirements.txt - -Dans cette version. Le dialogue avec les serveurs Duniter a été améliorée par un "load-balacing" régulier sur le groupe de serveurs en plus grand consensus et ayant un timeout correct... - -### 2. Installer IPFS - -Installer ipfs par son programme de mise à niveau permettra de facilement suivre l'évolution de l'Univers Interplanétaire :crystal_ball: - - sudo -s - cd /usr/src/ - wget https://dist.ipfs.io/ipfs-update/v1.5.2/ipfs-update_v1.5.2_linux-arm.tar.gz - tar xvzf ipfs-update_v1.5.2_linux-arm.tar.gz - cd ipfs-update - ./install.sh - ipfs-update install latest - - -Maintenant on peut choisir entre 3 façons de faire: -1. Opérer IPFS en Réseau Privé (swarm.key & Environment="LIBP2P_FORCE_PNET=1") et gérer ses serveurs de bootstrap. https://pad.p2p.legal/ipfs-onelove#Rejoindre-l%E2%80%99Essaim -2. Opérer sur IPFS Global en prenant soin de crypter les données échangées. https://medium.com/@mycoralhealth/learn-to-securely-share-files-on-the-blockchain-with-ipfs-219ee47df54c -~~3. Utiliser l'application ipfs-cluster: https://cluster.ipfs.io/documentation/quickstart/~~ - -C'est finalement l'option 2 qui a été choisie, en chiffrant les fichiers mis dans IPFS par la clef GPG du SWARM, du NODE, ou du TAG, la sécurité est assurée (regarder dans ./shell/init_keys.sh, [Generer une clef GPG pour le NODE](https://serverfault.com/a/960673), partager les clefs publiques des Nodes ./wallets/SWARM/IPFSID/gpgpubkey) - -Ici, chaque noeud reste propritéaire des G1sms wallet qu'il a créé est reste le seul à pouvoir interagir avec. - -Configurer le démon **ipfs** pour le user **pi** - - -Configurer et initialiser le démon avec des options p2p trop pratiques (communication, publication et surveillance de canal, forward de ports, reverse ssh, etc... on accède à tout par son hash, y compris un noeud...) - - su pi - ipfs init -p lowpower - # Activate pubsub (mode gossip) - ipfs config Pubsub.Router gossipsub - # Define max storage - ipfs config Datastore.StorageMax 6GB - ## Port Forwarding on P2P (SSH: ipfs p2p listen /x/ssh /ip4/ ) - ipfs config --json Experimental.Libp2pStreamMounting true - -On ajoute au BOOTSTRAP le(s) noeud(s) leader (always on) du SWARM - - ######### UPDATE BOOTSTRAP LIST ########### - ipfs bootstrap rm --all - ### fred@onelove.madeinzion.org ### - # ID: QmSX7gFRPHui5A2DWFk2VmBvq6hynj2hubhJLQAwPWe4Lh - ipfs bootstrap add /ip6/fe80::207:cbff:fe0b:75bb/tcp/4001/ipfs/QmSX7gFRPHui5A2DWFk2VmBvq6hynj2hubhJLQAwPWe4Lh - ipfs bootstrap add /ip4/ ### 3. ACTIVER LE SUPPORT A DISTANCE @@ -258,43 +151,6 @@ FAIRE APPEL AU SUPPORT ssh pi@localhost -p 2222 - -### 4. Lancement de ipfs au démarrage du système - -**sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/ipfs.service** - - [Unit] - Description=IPFS daemon - After=network.target - - [Service] - User=pi - ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ipfs daemon --enable-pubsub-experiment --enable-namesys-pubsub --routing=dhtclient --enable-gc - Restart=on-failure - - [Install] - WantedBy=multi-user.target - - -Activer et lancer le service ipfs - - sudo systemctl daemon-reload - sudo systemctl enable ipfs - sudo systemctl start ipfs - - sudo systemctl status ipfs - - -### 5. Installer la Suite: logiciels et périphériques - -On installe **gnupg** ntpdate pour synchroniser nos horloges plus de quoi manipuler les images, les qrcodes, les chiffres et le json (dialogue avec DUNITER et CESIUM) - - sudo apt install gnupg ntpdate - sudo apt install ssmtp mpack - - # Pour manipuler les images, les chiffres et le json - sudo apt install imagemagick qrencode bc jq libttspico-utils - - Configurer un serveur relai email :a: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SSMTP :b: http://ozzmaker.com/send-email-from-the-raspberry-pi-or-linux-command-line-with-attachments/ @@ -400,8 +256,3 @@ https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/63109/ipfs-versioning-how-to-get-al * What is InterPlanetary Naming System(IPNS)? https://hackernoon.com/understanding-ipfs-in-depth-3-6-what-is-interplanetary-naming-system-ipns-9aca71e4c13b -# INSTALL - -A venir... préparer un script qui effectue ce qui est décrit dans ce document pour lancer des installations plus automatiques de NODE G1sms+ - - diff --git a/config.sh b/config.sh deleted file mode 100755 index 3d3e7d1..0000000 --- a/config.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash -################################################################################ -# Author: Fred (support@qo-op.com) -# Version: 0.1 -# License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) -################################################################################ -now=$(date +%Y-%m-%d) - -echo "Ce script configure votre noeud G1sms+ (effacez ./shell/init.sh avant de le lancer)" -IPFS=$(ps auxf --sort=+utime | grep ipfs | tail -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 1); - -if [[ -f ./shell/init.sh.template && ! -f ./shell/init.sh ]]; then - echo "Quel est l'utilisateur du système IPFS (détecté: $IPFS)?" - read YOU - if [[ "$YOU" == "" ]]; then YOU=$IPFS; fi - - echo "Votre PSEUDO? (celui de votre Compte membre Duniter)" - read ADMINPSEUDO - if [[ "$ADMINPSEUDO" == "" ]]; then echo "IMPOSSIBLE DE CONTINUER"; exit; fi - - echo "Le Numéro de téléphone SMS Admin? (Support de ce noeud) (ex +33611223344)" - read ADMINPHONE - if [[ "$ADMINPHONE" == "" ]]; then echo "IMPOSSIBLE DE CONTINUER"; exit; fi - - echo "Le numéro de la carte SIM, du module SMS. AUCUNE liaison SMS? Laissez vide (défaut: +33600000000)" - read MASTERPHONE - if [[ "$MASTERPHONE" == "" ]]; then MASTERPHONE="+33600000000"; fi - - echo "L'adresse où se trouve votre G1Node pour indiquer où venir chercher ses G1Tag (ex: au G1FabLab de Toulouse)" - read ADRESSE - - sed -i s/pi/$YOU/g ./shell/init.sh.template - sed -i s/+33600000000/$MASTERPHONE/g ./shell/init.sh.template - sed -i s/au\ G1FabLab\ de\ Toulouse/$ADRESSE/g ./shell/init.sh.template - sed -i s/+33647683646/$ADMINPHONE/g ./shell/init.sh.template - sed -i s/Fred/$ADMINPSEUDO/g ./shell/init.sh.template - - cat ./shell/init.sh.template - - echo "LES PARAMETRES SONT BONS? Appliquer? ENTER ou CTRL-C ?" - read - cp ./shell/init.sh.template ./shell/init.sh -fi - diff --git a/install.sh b/install.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..ab7251e --- /dev/null +++ b/install.sh @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +#!/bin/bash +################################################################################ +# Author: Fred (support@qo-op.com) +# Version: 0.1 +# License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) +################################################################################ +MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative +MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized +init_loc="$MY_PATH/shell/init.sh" +now=$(date +%Y-%m-%d) +[[ -f $MY_PATH/.profile ]] && source $MY_PATH/.profile + +args="$@" +[[ $args =~ all ]] && repOption=o +[[ $args =~ noptions ]] && repOption=n +[[ $args =~ force ]] && force_req=o +[[ $args =~ noask ]] && noask=o + +unset err + +if [ "$EUID" -eq 0 ] + then echo -e "${c_red}Veuillez ne pas executez ce script en root. Choisissez un utilisateur pour votre serveur G1sms+ (nous recommandons l'utilisateur pi)$c_" + exit 1 +fi + +## Update G1sms+ code +git pull || err=1 + +chmod u+x $MY_PATH/.install/*.sh + +$MY_PATH/.install/export_colors.sh +[[ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]] && source ~/.bash_aliases + +## Vérifie si IPFS est installé +if [[ $force_req == "o" || -z $(which ipfs) || -z $(which gammu) ]];then + echo -e "${c_yellow}IPFS ou gammu n'ont pas été détectés sur votre machine, nous allons installer tous les prérequis...$c_" + $MY_PATH/.install/1-install_requirements.sh || err=1 + $MY_PATH/.install/2-configure_ipfs_layer.sh || err=1 +else + echo -e "${c_green}IPFS et gammu sont déjà installé !$c_" +fi + +echo -e "${c_yellow}Ce script va désormais configurer votre noeud G1sms+$c_" +YOU=$(ps auxf --sort=+utime | grep -w ipfs | grep -v -E 'color=auto|grep' | tail -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 1); + +if [[ -f $MY_PATH/.install/templates/init.sh ]]; then + [[ ! $ADMINPSEUDO ]] && echo -e "${c_light}Votre PSEUDO? (celui de votre Compte membre Duniter)$c_" && read ADMINPSEUDO + [[ "$ADMINPSEUDO" == "" ]] && echo -e "${c_red}IMPOSSIBLE DE CONTINUER$c_" && exit 1 + + [[ ! $ADMINPHONE ]] && echo -e "${c_light}Le Numéro de téléphone SMS Admin? (Support de ce noeud) (ex +33611223344)$c_" && read ADMINPHONE + [[ "$ADMINPHONE" == "" ]] && echo -e "${c_red}IMPOSSIBLE DE CONTINUER$c_" && exit 1 + + [[ ! $MASTERPHONE ]] && echo -e "${c_light}Le numéro de la carte SIM, du module SMS. AUCUNE liaison SMS? Laissez vide (défaut: +33600000000)$c_" && read MASTERPHONE + [[ "$MASTERPHONE" == "" ]] && MASTERPHONE="+33600000000" + + [[ ! $ADRESSE ]] && echo -e "${c_light}L'adresse où se trouve votre G1Node pour indiquer où venir chercher ses G1Tag (ex: au G1FabLab de Toulouse)$c_" && read ADRESSE + + echo -e "ADMINPSEUDO: $ADMINPSEUDO\nADMINPHONE: $ADMINPHONE\nMASTERPHONE: $MASTERPHONE\nADRESSE: $ADRESSE" + [[ $noask != "o" ]] && echo -e "${c_light}${c_blue}LES PARAMETRES SONT BONS? Appliquer? ENTER ou CTRL-C ?$c_" && read + + [[ -f shell/init.sh ]] && mv shell/init.sh shell/init.sh.old + cp $MY_PATH/.install/templates/init.sh shell/init.sh || err=1 + + sed -i s/pi/$YOU/g $init_loc + sed -i s/+33600000000/$MASTERPHONE/g $init_loc + sed -i s/au\ G1FabLab\ de\ Toulouse/$ADRESSE/g $init_loc + sed -i s/+33647683646/$ADMINPHONE/g $init_loc + sed -i s/Fred/$ADMINPSEUDO/g $init_loc +else + echo -e "${c_red}init.sh introuvable...$c_" + err=1 + exit 1 +fi + +## Installations optionnels + +repOld=$repOption +[[ -z $repOption ]] && echo -e "${c_yellow}Voulez-vous installer les modules complémentaires de copylaradio ? (o/n)$c_" && read repOption +[[ $repOption =~ ^(o|1|yes|options|a|all)$ ]] && .install/3-install_copylaradio.sh; repOption=$repOld +[[ -z $repOption ]] && echo -e "${c_yellow}Voulez-vous installer l'interface web playSMS ? (o/n)$c_" && read repOption +[[ $repOption =~ ^(o|1|yes|options|a|all)$ ]] && .install/4-install_playsms.sh; repOption=$repOld + +if [[ $err ]]; then + echo -e "---\n${c_red}L'installation n'est mal déroulé =($c_" +else + echo -e "---\n${c_green}L'installation de votre noeud G1SMS est terminé !\nBienvenue à bord =)$c_" +fi +exit 0 diff --git a/prepare.sh b/prepare.sh deleted file mode 100755 index 62cf25f..0000000 --- a/prepare.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash - - -# Silkaj + Duniterpy -apt install python3-pip -apt install libsodium23 -pip3 install silkaj - - -# Install IPFS -cd /usr/src/ -wget https://dist.ipfs.io/ipfs-update/v1.5.2/ipfs-update_v1.5.2_linux-arm.tar.gz -tar xvzf ipfs-update_v1.5.2_linux-arm.tar.gz -cd ipfs-update -./install.sh -ipfs-update install latest - -# Install gammu -apt install ppp screen git minicom gammu gammu-smsd -usermod -aG gammu pi - - -exit 0 diff --git a/shell/checknodes.sh b/shell/checknodes.sh index ac41ae5..1195192 100755 --- a/shell/checknodes.sh +++ b/shell/checknodes.sh @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ # Version: 0.1 # License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) ################################################################################ -# Checks the current block number of nodes.txt (is run in parallel) and output random (from last synchronized) node +# Checks the current block number of nodes.txt (is run in parallel) and output random (from last synchronized) node # pip3 install duniterpy # pip3 install silkaj --user @@ -63,7 +63,8 @@ BAN=$1 if [[ "$BAN" == "BAN" ]]; then # Get actual Duniter node used by silkaj SERVER=$(cat ./silkaj/src/constants.py | grep G1_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT | awk '{print $3}' | sed s/\"\,//g | sed s/\"//g) - echo $SERVER:443 >> ./shell/bad.nodes.txt + [[ ! $(grep $SERVER:443 shell/bad.nodes.txt) ]] && echo $SERVER:443 >> shell/bad.nodes.txt + sed -i "/$SERVER:443/d" ./shell/good.nodes.txt echo "$SERVER:443 IS NOW in ./shell/bad.nodes.txt" fi diff --git a/shell/good.nodes.txt b/shell/good.nodes.txt index b595471..30d8aa9 100644 --- a/shell/good.nodes.txt +++ b/shell/good.nodes.txt @@ -1,2 +1,6 @@ +duniter-g1.p2p.legal:443 +g1.duniter.fr:443 +g1.duniter.inso.ovh:443 g1.duniter.org:443 +g1.le-sou.org:443 g1.monnaielibreoccitanie.org:443 diff --git a/shell/nodes.txt b/shell/nodes.txt index dac4a03..bd8c901 100644 --- a/shell/nodes.txt +++ b/shell/nodes.txt @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -g1.le-sou.org:443 -follow.the.white-rabbit.net:443 -duniter.moul.re:443 -g1.monnaielibreoccitanie.org:443 g1.duniter.inso.ovh:443 g1.duniter.fr:443 -g1.presles.fr:443 -g1.duniter.org:443 +g1.monnaielibreoccitanie.org:443 +g1.le-sou.org:443 monit.g1.nordstrom.duniter.org:443 +g1.duniter.org:443 +g1.presles.fr:443 +duniter.moul.re:443 +duniter-g1.p2p.legal:443 diff --git a/silkaj/src/constants.py b/silkaj/src/constants.py index 3612867..b49f415 100644 --- a/silkaj/src/constants.py +++ b/silkaj/src/constants.py @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ SILKAJ_VERSION = "silkaj 0.5.0" NO_MATCHING_ID = "No matching identity" G1_SYMBOL = "Ğ1" GTEST_SYMBOL = "ĞTest" -G1_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = "duniter-g1.p2p.legal", "443" +G1_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = "duniter.moul.re", "443"