#!/bin/bash ################################################################################ # Author: Fred (support@qo-op.com) # Version: 0.1 # License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) # BACKUP G1sms+ current Devlt code and push it with SWARM_CODE_MASTER to IPFS ################################################################################ source ./init.sh source ./functions.sh now=$(date +%Y-%m-%d) MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized echo "COMMENTAIRES?" read COMMENT # CREATE CURRENT NODE "SWARM_CODE_MASTER" ipns key if [[ ! -f "/home/$YOU/.ipfs/keystore/SWARM_CODE_MASTER" ]]; then echo "Vous ne possédez pas la clef SWARM_CODE_MASTER de ce CODE..." # echo "FORK ? su $YOU -c \"ipfs key gen -t rsa -s 2048 SWARM_CODE_MASTER\"" echo "Si vous souhaiter participer au CODE, contactez https://g1sms.fr " echo "Utilisez le script ./G1sms+/install.sh pour installer ou mettre à jour votre noeud" exit else # Only "SWARM_CODE_MASTER" key owner(s) can update & publish this _official _chain #rm "./$dir/_publishkey.pgp" # TEMP for file name correction... cat "/home/$YOU/.ipfs/keystore/SWARM_CODE_MASTER" | base64 | gpg -q --output "./$dir/_publishkey.gpg" --yes --pinentry-mode loopback --symmetric --passphrase-fd 0 "/home/$YOU/.ipfs/keystore/SWARM_CODE_MASTER" fi ## Backup $ROOT dir=$(pwd | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "/" } ; {print $4}') cd .. ############################################### # Create BASIC IPNS _official IPFS HASH _chain # with iterative update _chain, _nanodate, _zen, _g1cents values # + _external UID references & _comments lines ########################################################################################### echo "PLEASE WAIT...." echo "GIT" > "./$dir/_type" hop=$(cat "./$dir/_chain") LASTDU=$(curl -s ${DUNITER}/blockchain/with/ud | jq '.result.blocks[]' | tail -n 1); [[ $LASTDU != "" ]] && curl -s ${DUNITER}/blockchain/block/${LASTDU} | jq '.dividend' > "./$dir/_DU" || LASTDU=$(cat ./$dir/_DU) echo "Valeur courante du DU=$(cat ./$dir/_DU) ZEN - CHAIN: $hop" read if [[ ! -f "./$dir/_id" ]]; then echo "SWARM_CODE_MASTER" > "./$dir/_id"; fi if [[ ! -f "./$dir/_zen" ]]; then echo 0 > "./$dir/_zen"; fi if [[ ! -f "./$dir/_g1cents" ]]; then echo 0 > "./$dir/_g1cents"; fi if [[ ! -f "./$dir/_external" ]]; then echo "" > "./$dir/_external"; fi # Used to link to External UniqID echo $(date +%s%N) > "./$dir/_nanodate" echo "$now: $COMMENT" >> "./$dir/_comments" # TAR G1sms+ FILES (WITH EXCLUSIONS!!) tar -cvzf ~/G1sms+_backup_$now.tar.gz --exclude 'g1sms.preoni.*' --exclude 'authfile' --exclude 'init.sh' --exclude '.git' --exclude 'billets' --exclude 'constants.py' --exclude 'TAG' --exclude 'history*' --exclude 'trash' --exclude 'print' --exclude 'wallets' --exclude 'wallets_swarm' --exclude 'g1sms.priv.key' ./$dir mkdir -p /tmp/CODE/ && tar xzf ~/G1sms+_backup_$now.tar.gz -C /tmp/CODE/ && rm -f ~/G1sms+_backup_$now.tar.gz # PUBLISH IT hash=$(su $YOU -c "ipfs add -rq /tmp/CODE/ -w | tail -n 1") echo $hash > "./$dir/_chain" publish=$(su $YOU -c "ipfs name publish -k SWARM_CODE_MASTER --quieter /ipfs/${hash}") echo $publish > "./$dir/_official" rm -Rf /tmp/CODE echo "_CHAIN: NEW /ipfs/$hash // $hop PUBLISHED with \"SWARM_CODE_MASTER\" key ipfs get --output=./ /ipns/$publish"