#!/bin/bash VERSION=$1 check_argument_specified() { if [[ -z $VERSION ]]; then error_message "You should specify a version number as argument" fi } check_version_format() { if [[ ! $VERSION =~ ^[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+[0-9A-Za-z]*$ ]]; then error_message "Wrong format version" fi } check_branch() { branch=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` if [[ "$branch" != "master" ]]; then error_message "Current branch should be 'master'" fi } update_version() { sed -i "s/SILKAJ_VERSION = \"silkaj.*\"/SILKAJ_VERSION = \"silkaj $VERSION\"/" src/constants.py git diff } commit_tag() { git commit src/constants.py -m "v$VERSION" git tag "v$VERSION" -a -m "$VERSION" } build() { if [[ -z $VIRTUAL_ENV ]]; then error_message "Activate silkaj-env" fi exec_installed pyinstaller pyinstaller src/silkaj.py --hidden-import=_cffi_backend --hidden-import=_scrypt --onefile } checksum() { # Generate sha256 checksum file exec_installed sha256sum cd dist sha256sum silkaj > silkaj_sha256sum } exec_installed() { if [[ ! `command -v $1` ]]; then error_message "'$1' is not install on your machine" fi } error_message() { echo $1 exit } check_argument_specified check_version_format check_branch update_version commit_tag build checksum error_message "Build and checksum can be found in 'dist' folder"