from datetime import datetime from time import sleep from os import system, popen from collections import OrderedDict from tabulate import tabulate from operator import itemgetter from wot import get_uid_from_pubkey from network_tools import discover_peers, get_request, best_node, get_current_block from tools import convert_time, get_currency_symbol, message_exit from constants import NO_MATCHING_ID def currency_info(ep): info_type = ["newcomers", "certs", "actives", "leavers", "excluded", "ud", "tx"] i, info_data = 0, dict() while (i < len(info_type)): info_data[info_type[i]] = get_request(ep, "blockchain/with/" + info_type[i])["result"]["blocks"] i += 1 current = get_current_block(ep) system("clear") print("Connected to node:", ep[best_node(ep, 1)], ep["port"], "\nCurrent block number:", current["number"], "\nCurrency name:", get_currency_symbol(current["currency"]), "\nNumber of members:", current["membersCount"], "\nMinimal Proof-of-Work:", current["powMin"], "\nCurrent time:", convert_time(current["time"], "all"), "\nMedian time:", convert_time(current["medianTime"], "all"), "\nDifference time:", convert_time(current["time"] - current["medianTime"], "hour"), "\nNumber of blocks containing: \ \n- new comers:", len(info_data["newcomers"]), "\n- Certifications:", len(info_data["certs"]), "\n- Actives (members updating their membership):", len(info_data["actives"]), "\n- Leavers:", len(info_data["leavers"]), "\n- Excluded:", len(info_data["excluded"]), "\n- UD created:", len(info_data["ud"]), "\n- transactions:", len(info_data["tx"])) def match_pattern(pow, match='', p=1): while pow > 0: if pow >= 16: match += "0" pow -= 16 p *= 16 else: match += "[0-" + hex(15 - pow)[2:].upper() + "]" p *= pow pow = 0 return match + '*', p def power(nbr, pow=0): while nbr >= 10: nbr /= 10 pow += 1 return "{0:.1f} × 10^{1}".format(nbr, pow) def difficulties(ep): while True: diffi = get_request(ep, "blockchain/difficulties") levels = [OrderedDict((i, d[i]) for i in ("uid", "level")) for d in diffi["levels"]] diffi["levels"] = levels current = get_current_block(ep) issuers, sorted_diffi = 0, sorted(diffi["levels"], key=itemgetter("level"), reverse=True) for d in diffi["levels"]: if d["level"] / 2 < current["powMin"]: issuers += 1 d["match"] = match_pattern(d["level"])[0][:20] d["Π diffi"] = power(match_pattern(d["level"])[1]) d["Σ diffi"] = d.pop("level") system("clear") print("Minimal Proof-of-Work: {0} to match `{1}`\nDifficulty to generate next block n°{2} for {3}/{4} nodes:\n{5}" .format(current["powMin"], match_pattern(int(current["powMin"]))[0], diffi["block"], issuers, len(diffi["levels"]), tabulate(sorted_diffi, headers="keys", tablefmt="orgtbl", stralign="center"))) sleep(5) network_sort_keys = ["block", "member", "diffi", "uid"] def set_network_sort_keys(some_keys): global network_sort_keys if some_keys.endswith(","): message_exit("Argument 'sort' ends with a comma, you have probably inserted a space after the comma, which is incorrect.") network_sort_keys = some_keys.split(",") def get_network_sort_key(endpoint): t = list() for akey in network_sort_keys: if akey == 'diffi' or akey == 'block' or akey == 'port': t.append(int(endpoint[akey]) if akey in endpoint else 0) else: t.append(str(endpoint[akey]) if akey in endpoint else "") return tuple(t) def network_info(ep, discover): rows, columns = popen('stty size', 'r').read().split() # print(rows, columns) # debug wide = int(columns) if wide < 146: message_exit("Wide screen need to be larger than 146. Current wide: " + wide) # discover peers # and make sure fields are always ordered the same endpoints = [OrderedDict((i, p.get(i, None)) for i in ("domain", "port", "ip4", "ip6", "pubkey")) for p in discover_peers(ep, discover)] # Todo : renommer endpoints en info diffi = get_request(ep, "blockchain/difficulties") i, members = 0, 0 print("Getting informations about nodes:") while (i < len(endpoints)): print("{0:.0f}%".format(i/len(endpoints) * 100, 1), end=" ") best_ep = best_node(endpoints[i], 0) print(best_ep if best_ep is None else endpoints[i][best_ep], end=" ") print(endpoints[i]["port"]) try: endpoints[i]["uid"] = get_uid_from_pubkey(ep, endpoints[i]["pubkey"]) if endpoints[i]["uid"] is NO_MATCHING_ID: endpoints[i]["uid"] = None else: endpoints[i]["member"] = "yes" members += 1 except: pass if endpoints[i].get("member") is None: endpoints[i]["member"] = "no" endpoints[i]["pubkey"] = endpoints[i]["pubkey"][:5] + "…" # Todo: request difficulty from node point of view: two nodes with same pubkey id could be on diffrent branches and have different difficulties # diffi = get_request(endpoints[i], "blockchain/difficulties") # super long, doit être requetté uniquement pour les nœuds d’une autre branche for d in diffi["levels"]: if endpoints[i].get("uid") is not None: if endpoints[i]["uid"] == d["uid"]: endpoints[i]["diffi"] = d["level"] if len(endpoints[i]["uid"]) > 10: endpoints[i]["uid"] = endpoints[i]["uid"][:9] + "…" current_blk = get_current_block(endpoints[i]) if current_blk is not None: endpoints[i]["gen_time"] = convert_time(current_blk["time"], "hour") if wide > 171: endpoints[i]["mediantime"] = convert_time(current_blk["medianTime"], "hour") if wide > 185: endpoints[i]["difftime"] = convert_time(current_blk["time"] - current_blk["medianTime"], "hour") endpoints[i]["block"] = current_blk["number"] endpoints[i]["hash"] = current_blk["hash"][:10] + "…" endpoints[i]["version"] = get_request(endpoints[i], "node/summary")["duniter"]["version"] if endpoints[i].get("domain") is not None and len(endpoints[i]["domain"]) > 20: endpoints[i]["domain"] = "…" + endpoints[i]["domain"][-20:] if endpoints[i].get("ip6") is not None: if wide < 156: endpoints[i].pop("ip6") else: endpoints[i]["ip6"] = endpoints[i]["ip6"][:8] + "…" i += 1 system("clear") print(len(endpoints), "peers ups, with", members, "members and", len(endpoints) - members, "non-members at","%H:%M:%S")) endpoints = sorted(endpoints, key=get_network_sort_key) print(tabulate(endpoints, headers="keys", tablefmt="orgtbl", stralign="center")) def list_issuers(ep, nbr, last): current_blk = get_current_block(ep) current_nbr = current_blk["number"] if nbr == 0: nbr = current_blk["issuersFrame"] url = "blockchain/blocks/" + str(nbr) + "/" + str(current_nbr - nbr + 1) blocks, list_issuers, j = get_request(ep, url), list(), 0 issuers_dict = dict() while j < len(blocks): issuer = OrderedDict() issuer["pubkey"] = blocks[j]["issuer"] if last or nbr <= 30: issuer["block"] = blocks[j]["number"] issuer["gentime"] = convert_time(blocks[j]["time"], "hour") issuer["mediantime"] = convert_time(blocks[j]["medianTime"], "hour") issuer["hash"] = blocks[j]["hash"][:10] issuers_dict[issuer["pubkey"]] = issuer list_issuers.append(issuer) j += 1 for pubkey in issuers_dict.keys(): issuer = issuers_dict[pubkey] uid = get_uid_from_pubkey(ep, issuer["pubkey"]) for issuer2 in list_issuers: if issuer2.get("pubkey") is not None and issuer.get("pubkey") is not None and \ issuer2["pubkey"] == issuer["pubkey"]: issuer2["uid"] = uid issuer2.pop("pubkey") system("clear") print("Issuers for last {0} blocks from block n°{1} to block n°{2}".format(nbr, current_nbr - nbr + 1, current_nbr), end=" ") if last or nbr <= 30: sorted_list = sorted(list_issuers, key=itemgetter("block"), reverse=True) print("\n{0}".format(tabulate(sorted_list, headers="keys", tablefmt="orgtbl", stralign="center"))) else: i, list_issued = 0, list() while i < len(list_issuers): j, found = 0, 0 while j < len(list_issued): if list_issued[j].get("uid") is not None and \ list_issued[j]["uid"] == list_issuers[i]["uid"]: list_issued[j]["blocks"] += 1 found = 1 break j += 1 if found == 0: issued = OrderedDict() issued["uid"] = list_issuers[i]["uid"] issued["blocks"] = 1 list_issued.append(issued) i += 1 i = 0 while i < len(list_issued): list_issued[i]["percent"] = list_issued[i]["blocks"] / nbr * 100 i += 1 sorted_list = sorted(list_issued, key=itemgetter("blocks"), reverse=True) print("from {0} issuers\n{1}".format(len(list_issued), tabulate(sorted_list, headers="keys", tablefmt="orgtbl", floatfmt=".1f", stralign="center"))) def argos_info(ep): info_type = ["newcomers", "certs", "actives", "leavers", "excluded", "ud", "tx"] pretty_names = {'g1': 'Ğ1', 'gtest': 'Ğtest'} i, info_data = 0, dict() while (i < len(info_type)): info_data[info_type[i]] = get_request(ep, "blockchain/with/" + info_type[i])["result"]["blocks"] i += 1 current = get_current_block(ep) pretty = current["currency"] if current["currency"] in pretty_names: pretty = pretty_names[current["currency"]] print(pretty, "|") print("---") href = 'href=http://%s:%s/' % (ep[best_node(ep, 1)], ep["port"]) print("Connected to node:", ep[best_node(ep, 1)], ep["port"], "|", href, "\nCurrent block number:", current["number"], "\nCurrency name:", get_currency_symbol(current["currency"]), "\nNumber of members:", current["membersCount"], "\nMinimal Proof-of-Work:", current["powMin"], "\nCurrent time:", convert_time(current["time"], "all"), "\nMedian time:", convert_time(current["medianTime"], "all"), "\nDifference time:", convert_time(current["time"] - current["medianTime"], "hour"), "\nNumber of blocks containing… \ \n-- new comers:", len(info_data["newcomers"]), "\n-- Certifications:", len(info_data["certs"]), "\n-- Actives (members updating their membership):", len(info_data["actives"]), "\n-- Leavers:", len(info_data["leavers"]), "\n-- Excluded:", len(info_data["excluded"]), "\n-- UD created:", len(info_data["ud"]), "\n-- transactions:", len(info_data["tx"]))