#! /usr/bin/python import fourletterphat from matrixKeypad_RPi_GPIO import keypad from time import sleep # Initialize the keypad class kp = keypad() fourletterphat.print_str("ZEN?") fourletterphat.show() def digit(): # Loop while waiting for a keypress r = None while r == None: r = kp.getKey() return r #print ("Please enter a 4 digit code: ") # Getting digit 1, printing it, then sleep to allow the next digit press. d1 = digit() #print (d1) sleep(0.25) d2 = digit() #print (d2) sleep(0.25) d3 = digit() #print (d3) sleep(0.25) d4 = digit() #print (d4) # printing out the assembled 4 digit code. print "%s%s%s%s"%(d1,d2,d3,d4) fourletterphat.clear() fourletterphat.scroll_print("OK %s%s%s%s"%(d1,d2,d3,d4)) sleep(2)