#!/bin/bash ################################################################################ # Author: Fred (support@qo-op.com) # Version: 0.1 # License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) ################################################################################ source ./shell/init.sh source ./shell/functions.sh log "${c_yellow}__SUB:sms_DESTROY.sh: START ($1=phone, $2=uid)$c_" PHONE="$1" MEMBERUID="$2" TODAY=$(date '+%Y%m%d') if [[ -f "./wallets/$PHONE/VIREMENTS" ]]; then # CHECK IF ALL DONE. log "__SUB:sms_DESTROY.sh: FOUND "./wallets/$PHONE/VIREMENTS" decrypting with Node key" echo "${GPGPASS}" | gpg -d -q --output "/tmp/VIREMENTS.$PHONE" --yes --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase-fd 0 "./wallets/$PHONE/VIREMENTS.gpg" for next in $(cat /tmp/VIREMENTS.$PHONE | cut -d ' ' -f 1); do if [[ $next -ge $TODAY ]]; then log "__SUB:sms_DESTROY.sh: VIREMENT $next >= $TODAY" sms_ERROR "$PHONE" "Votre portefeuille comporte des virements non réglés... FERMETURE IMPOSSIBLE!" exit else log "__SUB:sms_DESTROY.sh: VIREMENT $next ${c_green}OK$c_" fi done fi # Initialise PHONE, PIN, PUBKEY, UNIT ... sms_INIT_ACCOUNT "$PHONE" if [[ "$MEMBERUID" == "DON" || "$MEMBERUID" == "" || "$MEMBERUID" == "$MEMBER" ]]; then # OK THAT GUYS KNOWS something (TODO Secure better with double authentification, with email or second phone number...) # IF no Dest PubKey (no member) or DON, then MASTERPUB is collecting LOVE money. if [[ $MEMRIB == "" || "$MEMBERUID" == "DON" ]]; then MEMBER=$ADMINPSEUDO; MEMRIB=$MASTERPUB; fi AMOUNTG1=$(./silkaj/silkaj amount "$PUBKEY") GETLIMIT=$(bc <<< "$AMOUNTG1 - $LIMIT") PAY=$(./silkaj/silkaj transaction --auth-scrypt -salt="$PHONE" -password="$PIN" --amount="$GETLIMIT" --output="$MEMRIB" --comment="[G1sms+] Wallet DESTROY $MEMBER $MEMBERUID" -y) sleep 5 back=$(./silkaj/silkaj transaction --auth-scrypt -salt="$PHONE" -password="$PIN" --amount="$LIMIT" --output="$NODEPUB" --comment="[G1sms+] Wallet DESTROY Send $LIMIT To NODE" -y) if [[ "$(echo $PAY | cut -d '|' -f 1)" != "KO" && "$PAY" != "" && "$(echo $back | cut -d '|' -f 1)" != "KO" ]]; then # DESTROY FILESYSTEM AND G1sms WALLET SWARM REFERENCE if [[ "$PHONE" != "" ]]; then # SEND SMS BEFORE DELETE FOLDER mess="[G1sms+] $PAY Portefeuille détruit! Viré vers $MEMBER $MEMRIB Merci, à bientôt. $ADMINPSEUDO @ $NODEUIDNA $back" sms_SEND "$PHONE" "$mess" rm -Rf ./wallets/$PHONE; rm -Rf ./wallets_swarm/$PHONE; cents=$(echo $(bc -l <<< "scale=0; $GETLIMIT * 100") | cut -d '.' -f 1) move_g1cents "$PHONE" "$MEMRIB" "$cents" cents=$(echo $(bc -l <<< "scale=0; $LIMIT * 100") | cut -d '.' -f 1) move_g1cents "$PHONE" "$NODEPUB" "$cents" I=$(ipfs_node_wallets_add) log "__SUB:sms_DESTROY.sh: WALLET DESTROYED : $PHONE / $UIDNA / $MEMBER : ${c_green}OK$c_" fi else new=$(./shell/checknodes.sh "BAN") sms_ERROR "$PHONE" "Problème de payement avec silkaj (changement de serveur $new): $PAY"; log "${c_red}__SUB:sms_DESTROY.sh: END WITH ERRORS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$c_" exit fi fi # Remove contact from database rm_contact $MEMBERUID $PHONE && log "${c_green}Contact has been deleted from database$c_" || log "${c_red}Contact can't be deleted database$c_" log "${c_yellow}__SUB:sms_DESTROY.sh: END ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$c_" exit