#!/bin/bash ################################################################################ # Author: Fred (support@qo-op.com) # Version: 0.1 # License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) ################################################################################ # CE FICHIER cron_MINUTE.sh EST EXECUTE TOUTES LES MINUTES # IL CONSTITUE LE BATEMENT DE COEUR DU SYSTEME ################################################################################ YOU=$(ps aux --sort=+utime | grep ipfs | tail -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 1) IPFSNODEID=$(su $YOU -c "ipfs id -f='\n'") CHEMIN="/home/$YOU/G1sms+" cd $CHEMIN source ./shell/init.sh source ./shell/functions.sh timebar=$(date +%H%M) if [[ "$USER" != "root" ]]; then echo "Hey, $USER you must at least be admin of your system. sudo -s ?"; exit; fi if [[ "$YOU" == "" || "$YOU" == "root" ]]; then echo "BAD IPFS. Aucune installation IPFS satisfaisante ici... Ciao $YOU !"; exit; fi ################################################################## # Refresh All peers SWARM Wallets. ################################################################## ipfs_swarm_wallets_refresh "SIMPLE" ################################################################################ # PRINT G1Tag # CREATE and REMOVE rr.bin -> done.rr if [[ -d "./wallets_swarm/.$IPFSNODEID/PRINT/" ]]; then log "__SUB:cron_MINUTE.sh: SEARCH NEW PRINT FOR ME .$IPFSNODEID" mkdir -p ./wallets/.$IPFSNODEID/PRINT/ for qrrtag in ./wallets_swarm/.$IPFSNODEID/PRINT/*.bin; do rr=$(echo $qrrtag | cut -d '/' -f 5 | cut -d '.' -f 1) if [[ ! -f "./wallets/.$IPFSNODEID/PRINT/done.$rr" ]]; then log "__SUB:cron_MINUTE.sh: PRINT G1Tag $rr - START: $(date)" ./shell/natools.py decrypt -k "$MASTERKEYFILE" -i "${qrrtag}" -o "/tmp/G1Tag.png" log "__SUB:cron_MINUTE.sh: natools.py decrypt - $(date)" brother_ql_create --model QL-700 "/tmp/G1Tag.png" --label-size 62 > "/tmp/G1Tag.bin" log "__SUB:cron_MINUTE.sh: brother_ql_create - $(date)" brother_ql_print "/tmp/G1Tag.bin" /dev/usb/lp0 log "__SUB:cron_MINUTE.sh: brother_ql_print - $(date)" # INFORM PRINT DONE echo "OK" > ./wallets/.$IPFSNODEID/PRINT/done.$rr I=$(ipfs_node_wallets_add) else lqrrtag=$(echo "${qrrtag}" | sed s/_swarm//g ) log "__SUB:cron_MINUTE.sh: REMOVE OLD DONE PRINT ${lqrrtag} + ./wallets/.$IPFSNODEID/PRINT/done.$rr" rm -f "./wallets/.$IPFSNODEID/PRINT/done.$rr" rm -f "${lqrrtag}" I=$(ipfs_node_wallets_add) fi done log "__SUB:cron_MINUTE.sh: REMOVE OLD PRINT MARKED AS DONE" for scan in ./wallets_swarm/.Qm*/PRINT/done.*; do lscan=$(echo $scan | sed s/_swarm//g ) lid=$(echo $scan | cut -d '/' -f 3 | cut -d '.' -f 2 ) lrr=$(echo $scan | cut -d '/' -f 5 | cut -d '.' -f 2 ) log "__SUB:cron_MINUTE.sh: REMOVE ./wallets/.$lid/PRINT/$lrr.bin OLD PRINT ${lscan} SENT to $lid ($lrr.bin)" rm -f ./wallets/.$lid/PRINT/$lrr.bin rm -f "${lscan}" I=$(ipfs_node_wallets_add) done rm "/tmp/G1Tag.bin" rm "/tmp/G1Tag.png" fi ################################################################## if [[ "$timebar" == "0300" ]]; then ################################################################## ################################################################## # Refresh G1Tag created by this NODE # PROTECT from null HASH for tag in ./wallets/.$IPFSNODEID/TAG/*; do tagj=$(echo $tag | cut -d '/' -f 5) log "__SUB:cron_MINUTE.sh: WORKING ON ${tagj}" RR=$(su $YOU -c "ipfs cat /ipns/${tagj}/TAG_id | sed s/\ //g"); if [[ ! $RR && "${tagj}" != "" ]]; then echo "G1 Tag Destroyed"; echo "TODO: rm -Rf ./wallets/.$IPFSNODEID/TAG/${tagj} ???"; continue; fi # GET PUBLISHKEY for that G1TAG su $YOU -c "ipfs get -o /home/$YOU/.ipfs/keystore/${RR}.crypt /ipns/$tagj/TAG_publishkey.MASTER.crypt" if [[ ! -f /home/$YOU/.ipfs/keystore/${RR}.crypt ]]; then log "__SUB:cron_MINUTE.sh: error getting publishkey"; continue; fi ./shell/natools.py decrypt -k "$MASTERKEYFILE" -i /home/$YOU/.ipfs/keystore/${RR}.crypt -o /home/$YOU/.ipfs/keystore/$RR log "__SUB:cron_MINUTE.sh: G1Tag PUBLISHKEY decrypted and loaded in /home/$YOU/.ipfs/keystore/${RR}" # RE-SYNC LOCAL & SWARM G1TAG (TODO Check G1Tag chain validity) rm -f ./TAG/${RR}/* su $YOU -c "ipfs get --output=./TAG/${RR} /ipns/${tagj}" # PUBLISH VERIFIED G1Tag VERSION I=$(su $YOU -c "ipfs add -qr ./TAG/${RR} | tail -n 1") # RECORD TAG_chain And HASH again echo "$I" > "./TAG/${JDESTRR}/TAG_chain" I=$(su $YOU -c "ipfs add -qr ./TAG/${RR} | tail -n 1") # IPNS $JDESTRR PUBLISH J=$(su $YOU -c "ipfs name publish -k ${RR} --quieter /ipfs/${I}") done ################################################################## fi ##################################################################