#!/bin/bash # License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) # G1SMS COMMUN FUNCTIONS # TODO: REWRITE AND MAKE FULL IPFS get wallet value through IPNS links # ipfs cat /ipns/QmUrUdfz5hWJ6354D3N6DT64tbs5CLEndSYYiqrj9Wa4Ax/+33647683646/+33647683646.uidna ################################################################################################################################### ################################################################################################################################### MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`" # relative MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized ## Récupère les données du profile [[ -f $MY_PATH/.profile ]] && source $MY_PATH/.profile function sms_SEND () { # sms_SEND ($1=phone, $2=message) local dest="$1" local dhash=$(echo -n $dest | sha256sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1) local mess="$2" # IF $dest looks like a phone number if [[ ${#dest} -eq 10 || ${#dest} -eq 12 ]]; then # Search it in wallets_swarm if [[ -d ./wallets_swarm/PHONE/$dhash ]]; then DESTNODEID=$(cat ./wallets_swarm/PHONE/$dhash/MASTERPHONE.ipfsid) # Other Node is managing wallet, write SMS task to it if [[ "$DESTNODEID" != "" && "$DESTNODEID" != "$IPFSNODEID" ]]; then log "$dest is managed by NODE: $DESTNODEID)" mkdir -p "./wallets/.$DESTNODEID/SMS" echo $mess > "./wallets/.$DESTNODEID/SMS/$dest.sms2send" # Push changes to IPFS I=$(ipfs_node_wallets_add) else # Send SMS from here gammu-smsd-inject TEXT "$dest" -text "$mess" 1>&2 fi else # Send SMS from here gammu-smsd-inject TEXT "$dest" -text "$mess" 1>&2 fi else log "${c_red}>>>>>>>>>>SMS ERROR BAD DESTINATION $dest$c_" fi log "${c_green}>>>>>>>>>> SENDING SMS$c_ \n$mess TO $dest via $DESTNODEID" } ################################################################################################################################# function sms_ERROR () { # sms_ERROR ($1=phone, $2=message) local dest="$1" local mess="[ERREUR] $2" if [[ ${#dest} -eq 10 || ${#dest} -eq 12 ]]; then gammu-smsd-inject TEXT "$dest" -text "$mess" 1>&2 else log "${c_red}>>>>>>>>>>SMS ERROR BAD DESTINATION$c_ $dest" fi log "${c_red}>>>>>>>>>> SENDING SMS$c_ \n$mess TO $dest" # SEND ERROR COPY TO ADMINPHONE if [[ "$CPERROR" == "YES" ]]; then sms_SEND "$ADMINPHONE" "ADMIN! ERROR ($dest): $mess"; fi } ################################################################################################################################# function log_history () { log "__SUB:log_history: history ($1, $2)" PHONE="$1" HISTFILE="./history.$IPFSNODEID.log.csv" echo "$(date +%Y%m%d), $(date +%H:%M:%S), $1, $2" >> "$HISTFILE" } ################################################################################################################################# function security () { if [[ "$G1SMS" == "YES" ]]; then # ONLY OF gammu is really sending SMS on that NODE # No Reply to MySelf (or enjoy SMS LOOP of the death) Nobody neither if [[ "$PHONE" == "$MASTERPHONE" || "$PHONE" == "" ]]; then log "${c_red}__SUB:security: SMS REJECTED !!$c_ $PHONE $TEXT"; exit; fi # ADAPT TO YOUR PHONE COMPANY / ADVERT ANNOYANCE if [[ "$PHONE" == "Orange Info" ]]; then log "${c_red}__SUB:security: SMS REJECTED !! $PHONE ADVERT$c_ $TEXT"; exit; fi if [[ ${#PHONE} -ne 12 && ${#PHONE} -ne 46 ]]; then log "${c_red}!! SMS REJECTED !! $PHONE BAD$c_ $TEXT"; exit; fi fi # ANTI SPAM SMS (1 mn entre chaque commande) find /tmp -cmin +1 -type f -name "sms_received_*" -exec rm -f '{}' \; # Do not consider SPAM, Delivered notification if [[ "$CMD" != "DELIVERED" && "$CMD" != "PENDING" ]]; then if [[ -f "/tmp/sms_received_$PHONE" ]]; then # Send response SMS if [[ ! -f "/tmp/sms_SPAM_$PHONE" ]]; then sms_ERROR "$PHONE" "Je ne le dirai pas 2 fois... Laissez moi au moins 1 minute entre chacune de vos commandes SMS! Autrement je n'y répondrai pas. Merci!" echo $(date) > "/tmp/sms_SPAM_$PHONE" fi log "__SUB:security: ################################" log "${c_red}__SUB:security: $PHONE COMMAND REJECTED:$c_ $TEXT" exit fi echo "$TEXT" > "/tmp/sms_received_$PHONE" # Remove SPAM flag older than one day find /tmp -ctime +1 -type f -name "sms_SPAM_*" -exec rm -f '{}' \; else # THIS IS AN AKNOWLEGEMENT log "__SUB:security: ################################" log "${c_red}__SUB:security: $PHONE COMMAND REJECTED:$c_ $TEXT" exit fi # Remove SPAM flag older than one day find /tmp -ctime +1 -type f -name "sms_SPAM_*" -exec rm -f '{}' \; } ################################################################################################################################# function ipfs_swarm_wallets_refresh (){ # Refresh CURRENT NODE wallets STATUS I=$(ipfs_node_wallets_add) # REFRESH SWARM MEMORY mkdir -p "./wallets_swarm" chown -R $YOU "./wallets_swarm" log "${yellow}__SUB:ipfs_swarm_wallets_refresh: REFRESHING SWARM $HASHLINK ($PHONE) shared memory...$c_" if [[ $HASHLINK ]]; then rm -Rf ./wallets_swarm/PHONE/$HASHLINK; fi # GET IPNS published wallets from ALL SWARM NODES / TODO: IF NODES MISSING, check ./wallets_swarm/.QmNODES... #log "__SUB:ipfs_swarm_wallets_refresh: IPFS: ipfs get --output=./wallets_swarm/ /ipns/$IPFSNODEID" su $YOU -c "ipfs get --output=./wallets_swarm/ /ipns/$IPFSNODEID" count=1 # Search for All peers Nodes. TODO: To be changed when Swarm is too big and stable for id in ./wallets_swarm/.Qm*/; #for id in $(su $YOU -c "ipfs swarm peers" | awk -F '/' '{print $7}'); do count=$((count+1)) id=$(echo $id | cut -d '.' -f 3 | cut -d '/' -f 1) log "__SUB:ipfs_swarm_wallets_refresh: IPFS REFRESHING ./wallets_swarm/.$id" rm -Rf ./wallets_swarm/.$id su $YOU -c "ipfs get --output=./wallets_swarm/ /ipns/$id" done log "${c_green}__SUB:ipfs_swarm_wallets_refresh: ./wallets_swarm/ RENEW from $count peers .........OK!!!$c_" ############################################################################" # TODO: MOVE AS GENERIC IPFS NODE DIALOG FUNCTION # TREAT move_g1cents Tasks in ./wallets/.$IPFSNODEID # IF NODE find in ./wallets_swarm/.$IPFSNODEID/TASK directory && Have it's G1 Wallet already (for natools crypto) if [[ "$1" != "SIMPLE" && -d ./wallets_swarm/.$IPFSNODEID/TASK && -f "./wallets/.$IPFSNODEID/$IPFSNODEID.authfile.GPGPASS.gpg" ]]; then ############################################################################" for task in $(ls ./wallets_swarm/.$IPFSNODEID/TASK/*.move_g1cents.*); # ./wallets/.$IPFSNODEID/TASK/$NANODATE.move_g1cents.$DESTPHONE.NODEPUB.crypt OR "done.$NANODATE" FILES do FTASK=$( echo $task | cut -d '/' -f 5 ) # "$NANODATE.move_g1cents.$DESTPHONE.NODEPUB.crypt" TNANO=$( echo $FTASK | cut -d '.' -f 1) # $NANODATE TTYPE=$( echo $FTASK | cut -d '.' -f 2) # move_g1cents TDEST=$( echo $FTASK | cut -d '.' -f 3) # $DESTPHONE HDEST=$(echo -n $TDEST | sha256sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1) log "${c_yellow}__SUB:ipfs_swarm_wallets_refresh:$c_ .$IPFSNODEID($FTASK) FOUND TASK $TNANO:$TTYPE:$TDEST" # MAKE LOCAL .$IPFSNODEID directory mkdir -p ./wallets/.$IPFSNODEID/TASK/ # TODO: CHECK BETTER NOT DONE YET and $NANODATE > $TNANO (=> detect NODES writing in the future!!) if [[ ! -f "./wallets/.$IPFSNODEID/TASK/done.$TNANO" ]]; then # NOT DONE YET: NEW TASK! tdiff=$(bc -l <<< "$NANODATE - $TNANO") if [[ $tdiff -gt 0 ]]; then # GET BACK MY NODE G1 Wallet authfile from my LOCAL ./wallets echo "${GPGPASS}" | gpg -q -d --output "./NODEG1Wallet.authfile" --yes --pinentry-mode loopback --symmetric --passphrase-fd 0 "./wallets/.$IPFSNODEID/$IPFSNODEID.authfile.GPGPASS.gpg" # DECRYPT and CAT move_g1cents VALUE ./shell/natools.py decrypt -k "./NODEG1Wallet.authfile" -i "$task" -o "/tmp/move_g1cents.$TDEST" ZENVAL=$(cat "/tmp/move_g1cents.$TDEST") log "__SUB:ipfs_swarm_wallets_refresh: tdiff=$tdiff .$IPFSNODEID G1 = ./NODEG1Wallet.authfile :decrypt: Found $ZENVAL Zen to ADD" rm -f "./NODEG1Wallet.authfile" if [[ $ZENVAL -gt 0 ]]; then curvalue=$(cat ./wallets/PHONE/$HDEST/_g1cents) newvalue=$(bc -l <<< "$curvalue + $ZENVAL") echo $newvalue > ./wallets/PHONE/$HDEST/_g1cents echo "OK.$tdiff" > ./wallets/.$IPFSNODEID/TASK/done.$TNANO log "${c_green}__SUB:ipfs_swarm_wallets_refresh: .$IPFSNODEID($FTASK) DONE!$c_ OPERATION: ($curvalue + $ZENVAL) = $newvalue Zen <=> ./wallets/PHONE/$HDEST/_g1cents:: OK" # REFRESH ./wallets and PUBLISH I=$(ipfs_node_wallets_add) else echo "KO.$tdiff" > ./wallets/.$IPFSNODEID/TASK/done.$TNANO log "${red}__SUB:ipfs_swarm_wallets_refresh: .$IPFSNODEID($FTASK) ERROR!$c_ BAD: ($curvalue + $ZENVAL) = $newvalue Zen <=> ./wallets/PHONE/$HDEST/_g1cents :: ${red}KO$c_" I=$(ipfs_node_wallets_add) sms_SEND "$ADMINPHONE" "ADMIN! TASK ERROR: .$IPFSNODEID($FTASK) ERROR! BAD: ($curvalue + $ZENVAL) = $newvalue Zen <=> ./wallets/PHONE/$HDEST/_g1cents :: KO" fi else # TODO: Bad NODE in the Future task !!! Make better BAD Node detection = Swarm Banish? echo "KO.$tdiff" > ./wallets/.$IPFSNODEID/TASK/done.$TNANO log "${red}__SUB:ipfs_swarm_wallets_refresh: .$IPFSNODEID($FTASK) ERROR!$c_ DATE PROBLEM: $NANODATE < $TNANO :: ${red}KO$c_" I=$(ipfs_node_wallets_add) sms_SEND "$ADMINPHONE" "ADMIN! .$IPFSNODEID($FTASK) ERROR! DATE PROBLEM: $NANODATE < $TNANO :: KO" fi fi done log "${c_yellow}__SUB:ipfs_swarm_wallets_refresh:$c_ REMOVE OLD TASK MARKED AS DONE" for scan in ./wallets_swarm/.Qm*/TASK/done.*; do lscan=$(echo $scan | sed s/_swarm//g ) lid=$(echo $scan | cut -d '/' -f 3 | cut -d '.' -f 2 ) lnano=$(echo $scan | cut -d '/' -f 5 | cut -d '.' -f 2 ) if [[ "$lid" != "$IPFSNODEID" ]]; then log "__SUB:ipfs_swarm_wallets_refresh: CLEANING done OLD TASK ${lscan} SENT to $lid ($lnano.bin)" rm -f ./wallets/.$lid/TASK/$lnano.* I=$(ipfs_node_wallets_add) fi done else log "${c_yellow}__SUB:ipfs_swarm_wallets_refresh:$c_ .$IPFSNODEID :: NO TASK !" ############################################################################" fi } ################################################################################################################################# function ipfs_node_wallets_add (){ ########################## ########################## IWALLETS=$(su $YOU -c "ipfs add -rHq './wallets' | tail -n 1") # CHAIN STATE FOR $IPFSNODEID echo $IWALLETS > ./wallets/.$IPFSNODEID.wallets.chain log "${c_yellow}__SUB:ipfs_node_wallets_add:$c_ NEW './wallets' HASH ipfs ls /ipfs/$IWALLETS" # PUBLISH IPNS NODE WALLETS NODEWALLETS=$(su $YOU -c "ipfs name publish --quieter /ipfs/$IWALLETS") log "__SUB:ipfs_node_wallets_add: G1smsWallet = ipfs cat /ipns/$NODEWALLETS/PHONE/$HASHLINK/_g1cents Zen" echo $IWALLETS } ################################################################################################################################# function sms_uid2pubkey (){ ## USE $PHONE link instead of real local $HASHLINK directory RIBFILE="./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_uidrib" NAMEFILE="./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_uidname" UIDNAFILE="./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_uidna" # ASKWALLET is ASKWALLET="$1" #For Micro Payement to DESTRIB (for easy G1sms wallet find in Cesium wallet History) PHONE="$2" PIN="$3" # Get PHONE wallet UIDNA name if [[ -f "$UIDNAFILE" ]]; then UIDNA=$(cat "$UIDNAFILE"); else UIDNA=""; fi log "__SUB:sms_uid2pubkey: $UIDNA Wallet ($PHONE) is trying to associate to $ASKWALLET... SEARCHING..." # Link to itSelf if [[ $UIDNA && "$ASKWALLET" == "$UIDNA" ]]; then log "__SUB:sms_uid2pubkey: "$ASKWALLET" == "$UIDNA" !!" sms_SEND "$PHONE" "[G1sms+] $UIDNA est le nom de portefeuille G1sms. Il ne peut pas être associé à lui même!" fi # Test if _uidname file exists if [ -f "$NAMEFILE" ]; then # Actuel related wallet UIDNAME=$(cat "$NAMEFILE") log "__SUB:sms_uid2pubkey: Actual $UIDNA Wallet Related to $UIDNAME. Ask change to $ASKWALLET" if [["$UIDNAME" != "$ASKWALLET" ]]; then sms_SEND "$ADMINPHONE" "ADMIN! INFO: $PHONE Wallet associé à $UIDNAME change en $ASKWALLET !!" sms_SEND "$PHONE" "[G1sms+] Votre portefeuille associé va passer de $UIDNAME à $ASKWALLET!" fi fi # Search fo duplicate (TODO: choose $PHONE result DUP=$(grep -Rwl "$ASKWALLET" ./wallets/PHONE/*/_uidname | tail -n 1 | cut -f 4 -d '/') if [[ "$DUP" != "" ]]; then sms_SEND "$ADMINPHONE" "ADMIN! INFO: $PHONE prend le même $ASKWALLET, que $DUP" sms_SEND "$DUP" "Votre portefeuille associé $ASKWALLET vient d'être associé à $PHONE également!" fi ########################################################### # FIND ASKWALLET into wallets, wallest_swarm OR duniter (silkaj) DESTMEM="$VIRDEST" # SEARCH IN WALLETS LOCAL=$(grep -Rwl "$ASKWALLET" ./wallets/PHONE/*/_uidna | tail -n 1 | cut -f 4 -d '/') if [[ "$LOCAL" != "" ]]; then # LOCAL G1sms account DESTRIB=$(cat ./wallets/PHONE/$LOCAL/_pub) DESTPHONE=$LOCAL log "${c_yellow}__SUB:sms_uid2pubkey:$c_ FOUND LOCAL ($MASTERPHONE) G1sms Wallet: $DESTRIB ($DESTPHONE)" else # SEARCH IN WALLETS SWARM INSWARM=$(grep -Rwl "$ASKWALLET" ./wallets_swarm/PHONE/*/_uidna | tail -n 1 | cut -f 4 -d '/') if [[ "$INSWARM" != "" ]]; then REMOTENODE=$(cat ./wallets_swarm/PHONE/$INSWARM/MASTERPHONE.sms) REMOTENODEIPFSID=$(cat ./wallets_swarm/PHONE/$INSWARM/MASTERPHONE.ipfsid) DESTRIB=$(cat ./wallets_swarm/PHONE/$INSWARM/_pub) DESTPHONE=$INSWARM log "${c_green}__SUB:sms_uid2pubkey: FOUND SWARM ($REMOTENODE) G1sms+ wallet: $DESTRIB ($DESTPHONE)$c_" else # SEARCH FOR DUNITER MEMBER WITH SILKAJ log "__SUB:sms_uid2pubkey: GETTING FROM SILKAJ MEMBER ID" DESTRIB=$(./silkaj/silkaj id "$ASKWALLET" | grep -w "$ASKWALLET" | awk '{print $2}') log "__SUB:sms_uid2pubkey: OUT OFF SWARM MEMBER wallet: $DESTRIB" # GET CESIUM+ geoPoint DATA (TODO: cron for GCHANGE SMS Alert) curl -s ${CESIUM}/user/profile/${DESTRIB} | jq '._source.geoPoint' > "./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_uidgeo.json" log "__SUB:sms_uid2pubkey: GET CESIUM+ geoPoint and AVATAR : $(cat ./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_uidgeo.json)" curl -s ${CESIUM}/user/profile/${DESTRIB} | jq '._source.avatar._content' | sed 's/\"//g' | base64 -d > "./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_avatar.png" fi fi if [ "$DESTRIB" != "" ]; then echo "$DESTRIB" > "$RIBFILE" echo "$ASKWALLET" > "$NAMEFILE" log "${c_yellow}__SUB:sms_uid2pubkey:$c_ NEW RELATED $DESTRIB FOR G1sms WALLET = $ASKWALLET - INIT 0.1 TX" INIT=$(./silkaj/silkaj transaction --auth-scrypt -salt="$UIDNA" -password="$PIN" --amount="0.1" --output=$DESTRIB --comment="[G1sms+] Porte Monnaie $(cat $UIDNAFILE) -> $(cat $NAMEFILE)" -y) log "__SUB:sms_uid2pubkey: INIT = $INIT | Create Connection with related Wallet." log_history "$PHONE" "MEMBER, $ASKWALLET" sms_SEND "$ADMINPHONE" "ADMIN! LOG: $PHONE ($UIDNA) Compte relié >> $ASKWALLET ($INIT)" else sms_SEND "$ADMINPHONE" "ADMIN! LOG: $PHONE ($UIDNA) RELIER A $ASKWALLET INCONNU" fi log "__SUB:sms_uid2pubkey: $MEMBER($DESTRIB)" echo "$DESTRIB" } ################################################################################################################################# function sms_INIT_ACCOUNT () { log "${c_yellow}__SUB:sms_INIT_ACCOUNT:$c_ ($1=phone, $2=NOSMS)" PHONE="$1" UNKNOWN=0 # Initiate PHONE settings files and values # WALLETS INTO ./wallets/CHANNEL/sha256sum(PHONE) HASHLINK=$(echo -n $PHONE | sha256sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1) # WALLETS INTO ./wallets/CHANNEL/sha256sum(PHONE) IPFSNODEIDFILE="./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/MASTERPHONE.ipfsid" # Contains G1sms+ NODE IPFS id SMSNODE="./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/MASTERPHONE.sms" # Contains G1sms+ SMS phone number PINFILE="./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_pin" # Contains phone wallet diceware password GPGPINFILE="./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_pin.gpg" # Contains g1smsnode cypher phone wallet diceware password AUTHCRYPTFILE="./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_authfile.node.crypt" # authfile backup cyphered by Node G1 Pubkey PUBKEYFILE="./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_pub" # Contains phone wallet public key (RIB) UNITFILE="./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_unit" # Contains phone wallet prefered unit (LOVE,G1,DU) RIBFILE="./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_uidrib" # Contains phone wallet related UID Pubkey NAMEFILE="./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_uidname" # Contains Related MEMBER UID or Wallet UIDNA MAILFILE="./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_email" # Contains the member EMAIL (Send BILLET) GPGMAILFILE="./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_email.gpg" # Contains the member EMAIL (Send BILLET) UIDNAFILE="./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_uidna" # Contains the G1sms+ UID Name for recursive VIR GEOFILE="./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_uidgeo.json" # Contains the member GeoPoint from member Cesium+ related to wallet RECFILE="./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/VIREMENTS" # File showing recurrent payements are left to be done with this G1sms Wallet GPGRECFILE="./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/VIREMENTS.gpg" # Cypher file with GPGPASS (Node .Identity.PrivKey) G1COUNTFILE="./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_g1cents" # Last sms_COUNT.sh call value CHAINFILE="./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_chain" # Contains wallet last IPFS hash before ZEN value change NNFILE="./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_n" # Contains Changes Number DABUIDF="./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/uidna.G1TAGNODE" # Contains G1Dab Name # GET CURRENT NODE UIDNA (default DABUID) NODEUIDNA=$(cat "./wallets/.$IPFSNODEID/_uidna") ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # (NO $PINFILE) = FIRST ACCOUNT: Create wallet ###################################################################### if [ ! -f "$PINFILE" ]; then # NOSMS mode? = DO NOT CREATE if [[ $2 == "NOSMS" ]]; then UNKNOWN="unknown"; return; fi ####################### # Create Account Files ####################### if [[ ! -d ./wallets/PHONE/$HASHLINK ]]; then mkdir -p ./wallets/PHONE/$HASHLINK ln -s ./wallets/PHONE/$HASHLINK ./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE fi # LINKS ARE NOT REPLICATED INTO IPFS ;) ####################### # GIVE NAME TO WALLET ####################### # 4 derniers chiffres du numéro de téléphone TAIL=${PHONE:8:4} # No UIDNA yet. Create new UID=$(./shell/diceware.sh 1 | xargs) # Check if already existing among all swarm wallets while [[ $(grep -Rwl $UID$TAIL ./wallets_swarm/*/*.uidna) ]]; do UID=$(./shell/diceware.sh 1 | xargs); done UIDNA=$UIDNA$TAIL echo "$UIDNA" > "$UIDNAFILE" PIN=$(./shell/diceware.sh | xargs) PUBKEY=$(./silkaj/silkaj generate_auth_file --auth-scrypt -salt="$UIDNA" -password="$PIN") # BACKUP authfile available to authfile or PIN owner (DOUBLON AVEC PIN) TEST log "__SUB:sms_INIT_ACCOUNT: ./shell/natools.py encrypt -p $NODE_G1PUBKEY -i ""./authfile"" -o ""$AUTHCRYPTFILE""" ./shell/natools.py encrypt -p $NODE_G1PUBKEY -i "./authfile" -o "$AUTHCRYPTFILE" rm -f ./authfile log "__SUB:sms_INIT_ACCOUNT: !! G1 Wallet CREATED: $PHONE $PIN : $PUBKEY (HASHLINK=$HASHLINK)" ####################### # ACTIVATE G1SMS WALLET ####################### # log "$NODE_G1AUTHFILE $PUBKEY THIRD_PARTY_MANAGER:$NODE_G1PUBKEY" TX_IN=$(./silkaj/silkaj transaction --auth-file -file="$NODE_G1AUTHFILE" --amount=3.24 --output=$PUBKEY --comment="[G1sms+] $UIDNA 3RD:$NODE_G1PUBKEY " -y) log "__SUB:sms_INIT_ACCOUNT: G1 Wallet TX IN: $TX_IN" sleep 2 TX_OUT=$(./silkaj/silkaj transaction --auth-scrypt -salt="$UIDNA" -password="$PIN" --amount=0.1 --output=$NODE_G1PUBKEY --comment="[G1sms+] $UIDNA 3RD:$NODE_G1PUBKEY:ACK" -y) log "__SUB:sms_INIT_ACCOUNT: G1 Wallet TX OUT: $TX_OUT" ################ # GPG cypher PIN (ONLY CREATOR NODE CAN ACCESS IT !) ################ echo "$PIN" > "$PINFILE" # echo "${GPGPASS}" | gpg -q --output "$GPGPINFILE" --yes --pinentry-mode loopback --symmetric --passphrase-fd 0 "$PINFILE" ./shell/natools.py encrypt -p $NODE_G1PUBKEY -i "$PINFILE" -o "$PINFILE.node.crypt" ./shell/natools.py encrypt -p $SWARM_G1PUBKEY -i "$PINFILE" -o "$PINFILE.swarm.crypt" # EMPTY CLEAR PIN echo "" > "$PINFILE" # WRITE G1sms WALLET FILES echo "314" > "$G1COUNTFILE" echo "0" > "$NNFILE" echo "$PUBKEY" > "$PUBKEYFILE" echo "$COIN" > "$UNITFILE" echo "$MASTERPHONE" > "$SMSNODE" log_history "$PHONE" "NEW, $PUBKEY" # PUSH WALLET TO IPFS I=$(ipfs_node_wallets_add) fi ################################################# # PUBLISH G1sms+ WALLET PROPERTIES MAIN PROCESS ################################################# ###################################################################### log "__SUB:sms_INIT_ACCOUNT: decrypting PIN..." # GPG decypher PIN # TODO make decypher less stress on filesystem, use /tmp and ramdisk # echo "${GPGPASS}" | gpg -d -q --output "$PINFILE" --yes --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase-fd 0 "$GPGPINFILE" [[ "$PIN" == "" ]] && ./shell/natools.py decrypt -k "$NODE_G1AUTHFILE" -i "$PINFILE.node.crypt" -o "$PINFILE" && PIN=$(cat "$PINFILE" | xargs) && echo "" > "$PINFILE"; # DECYPHER MAIL [[ -f "$MAILFILE.node.crypt" ]] && ./shell/natools.py decrypt -k "$NODE_G1AUTHFILE" -i "$MAILFILE.node.crypt" -o "$MAILFILE" && MAIL=$(cat "$MAILFILE") && echo "" > "$MAILFILE"; # PUBLISH GLOBAL VARS FROM ACCOUNT FILES echo $IPFSNODEID > $IPFSNODEIDFILE PUBKEY=$(cat "$PUBKEYFILE" | xargs) UNIT=$(cat "$UNITFILE" | xargs) if [ -f "$G1COUNTFILE" ]; then AMOUNTG1=$(bc <<< "scale=2; $(cat $G1COUNTFILE) / 100"); fi if [ -f "$NAMEFILE" ]; then MEMBER=$(cat "$NAMEFILE"); else MEMBER=""; fi if [ -f "$RIBFILE" ]; then MEMRIB=$(cat "$RIBFILE"); else MEMRIB=""; fi if [ -f "$UIDNAFILE" ]; then UIDNA=$(cat "$UIDNAFILE"); else UIDNA=""; fi if [ -f "$DABUIDF" ]; then DABID=$(cat "$DABUIDF"); else DABID="$NODEUIDNA"; fi AMOUNTDU=$(bc <<< "scale=2; $AMOUNTG1 / $DUFACTOR") AMOUNTLOVE=$(bc <<< "$AMOUNTG1 * 100 / $DUFACTOR") case "$UNIT" in G1) AMOUNT=$AMOUNTG1 ;; DU) AMOUNT=$AMOUNTDU ;; *) AMOUNT=$AMOUNTLOVE ;; esac log "__SUB:sms_INIT_ACCOUNT: $AMOUNTG1 = $AMOUNT $UNIT" # LOG # TODO REMOVE PIN LOG!! log "${c_yellow}#####################$c_" log "PHONE: $PHONE" # log "PIN: $PIN" log "PUBKEY: $PUBKEY" log "G1: $AMOUNTG1" log "AMOUNT: $AMOUNT $UNIT" log "UIDNA: $UIDNA" log "MEMBER: $MEMBER" log "MEMRIB: $MEMRIB" log "MAIL: $MAIL" log "DABID: $DABID" log "${c_yellow}#####################$c_" log "${c_green}__SUB:sms_INIT_ACCOUNT: END$c_" } ################################################################################################################################# function check_account (){ log "__SUB:check_account: SILKAJ...... max 21 sec....." AMOUNTG1=$(./shell/timeout.sh -t 21 ./silkaj/silkaj amount "$PUBKEY") AMOUNTDU=$(bc <<< "scale=2; $AMOUNTG1 / $DUFACTOR") AMOUNTLOVE=$(bc <<< "$AMOUNTG1 * 100 / $DUFACTOR") case "$UNIT" in G1) AMOUNT=$AMOUNTG1 ;; DU) AMOUNT=$AMOUNTDU ;; *) AMOUNT=$AMOUNTLOVE ;; esac G1cents=$(echo "$AMOUNTG1*100" | bc -l | awk '{print int($0)}') log "__SUB:check_account: $PHONE: $AMOUNTG1 = $AMOUNT $UNIT ($G1cents) - $PUBKEY" if [[ "$G1cents" != "" ]]; then NN=$(cat "./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_n") || NN=0 ((NN++)) echo "$NN" > "./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_n" echo $G1cents > "./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_g1cents" echo "$NANODATE" > "./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_nanodate" # REFRESH NODE IPFS wallets & PUBLISH I=$(ipfs_node_wallets_add) # Register modification echo "$I" > "./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_chain" else # BAN actual Duniter Node in case of silkaj timeout. export NEWDUNITER=$(./shell/checknodes.sh 'BAN') log "${c_red}__SUB:check_account: !!! SILKAJ IS TOO SLOW !!!$c_ => NEW DUNITER SERVER: $NEWDUNITER" fi declare -a walletvalues walletvalues=( "$AMOUNTG1" "$AMOUNT" "$UNIT" ) log "__SUB:check_account: $(declare -p walletvalues)" echo ${walletvalues[@]} } ################################################################################################################################# function make_accounting (){ # CONVERT $AMOUNT $UNIT to $VIR G1 case "$UNIT" in G1) VIR=$AMOUNT; ;; DU) VIR=$(bc -l <<< "scale=2; $AMOUNT * $DUFACTOR") ;; LOVE) VIR=$(bc -l <<< "scale=2; $AMOUNT * $DUFACTOR / 100") ;; *) VIR=$AMOUNT; ;; esac log "${c_yellow}__SUB:make_accounting:$c_ $VIR G1 CHECKING FOR $PHONE / PUBKEY = $PUBKEY" ########################################################### # GET G1sms wallet AMOUNTG1 and CHECK for right balance # Ask silkaj. If timeout, use last known $PHONE _g1cents value AMOUNTG1=$(./shell/timeout.sh -t 20 ./silkaj/silkaj amount "$PUBKEY") [[ ! $AMOUNTG1 ]] && AMOUNTG1=$(bc -l <<< "scale=2; $(cat ./wallets/PHONE/$PHONE/_g1cents) / 100") [[ "$AMOUNTG1" == "" ]] && AMOUNTG1=0 # TAX AND MINIMUM WALLET ACCOUNT CALCULATION PERCENT=0$(bc -l <<< "scale=2; $VIR / $SWARMCOMM") MIN=$(bc -l <<< "$AMOUNTG1 - $PERCENT - $LIMIT") CHARGE=$(bc -l <<< "scale=2; $VIR + $PERCENT + $LIMIT") TESTMIN=$( echo "${VIR} < ${MIN}" | bc -l ) log "__SUB:make_accounting: TEST $AMOUNT $UNIT :: $VIR + $PERCENT + $LIMIT = $CHARGE < $AMOUNTG1 ? $TESTMIN" declare -a myarray myarray=( "$TESTMIN" "$VIR" "$PERCENT" "$CHARGE") log "__SUB:make_accounting: $(declare -p myarray)" echo ${myarray[@]} } ################################################################################################################################# function move_g1cents (){ # MODIFY $PHONE.g1cents value according to current silkaj # TODO MAKE ALL SILKAJ TX CALL HERE. OR REMOVE??? # USE TASK COMMUNICATION BETWEEN NODES. phonesrc=$1 pubkeydest=$2 zenvalue=$3 log "${c_yellow}__SUB:move_g1cents:$c_ $phonesrc ($zenvalue) -> $pubkeydest :: $G1COUNTFILE ::" ### CHANGE INPUT VALUE #### curvalue=$(cat ./wallets/$phonesrc/$phonesrc.g1cents | cut -d '.' -f 1) newvalue=$(bc -l <<< "$curvalue - $zenvalue") echo $newvalue > ./wallets/$phonesrc/$phonesrc.g1cents log "__SUB:move_g1cents: DEBIT: OK APPLY $curvalue - $zenvalue = $newvalue TO ./wallets/$phonesrc/$phonesrc.g1cents" ### CHANGE OUTPUT VALUE #### # TEST IF $dest is a wallets_ G1sms PUBKEY? winnerphone=$(grep -Rwl "$pubkeydest" ./wallets_swarm/*/*.pub | cut -d '.' -f 2 | cut -d '/' -f 3) if [[ $winnerphone ]]; then # GET INFORMATON ON MANAGER NODE NODEID=$(cat ./wallets_swarm/$winnerphone/MASTERPHONE.ipfsid) if [[ "$NODEID" == "$IPFSNODEID" ]]; then # ACTUAL NODE IS WALLET MANAGING NODE ;) curvalue=$(cat ./wallets/$winnerphone/$winnerphone.g1cents | cut -d '.' -f 1) newvalue=$(bc -l <<< "$curvalue + $zenvalue") echo $newvalue > ./wallets/$winnerphone/$winnerphone.g1cents log "__SUB:move_g1cents: CREDIT: OK APPLY $curvalue + $zenvalue = $newvalue TO ./wallets/$winnerphone/$winnerphone.g1cents" else # MUST ASK MANAGER NODE TO CORRECT g1cents FOR $winnerphone WALLET # WRITE TASK TO .$NODEID CHANNEL mkdir -p ./wallets/.$NODEID/TASK/ # USE natools with NODEPUB crypt echo "$zenvalue" > "/tmp/move_g1cents.$winnerphone" # GET NODE G1sms Wallet PUBKEY NODEPUB=$(cat ./wallets_swarm/.$NODEID/_pub) ./shell/natools.py encrypt -p $NODEPUB -i "/tmp/move_g1cents.$winnerphone" -o "./wallets/.$NODEID/TASK/$NANODATE.move_g1cents.$winnerphone.NODEPUB.crypt" log "__SUB:move_g1cents: CREDIT: WRITE TASK TO ./wallets/.$NODEID/$NANODATE.move_g1cents.$winnerphone.NODEPUB.crypt " rm -f /tmp/move_g1cents.$winnerphone fi else log "${c_red}__SUB:move_g1cents: ERROR: NO $pubkeydest WALLET FOUND$c_" fi # UPDATE MY new ./wallet STATUS to SWARM I=$(ipfs_node_wallets_add) } ################################################################################################################################# # Contact database management function add_contact(){ log "${c_yellow}Add user contact$c_" userDB="gammu" pwdDB=$(cat /etc/gammu-smsdrc | grep "password =" | awk '{ print $3 }' || exit 1) local sql="mysql -N -u$userDB -p$pwdDB gammu -e" local PHONE=$1 local MEMBERUID=$2 [[ -z $MEMBERUID ]] && MEMBERUID=$PHONE [[ -z $($sql "SELECT * FROM pbk_groups WHERE ID='1'") ]] && $sql "INSERT INTO pbk_groups (ID, Name, id_user, is_public) VALUES ('1', '$(grep "ADRESSE" $MY_PATH/../.profile | awk -F= '{ print $2 }' | tr -d '"')', '1', 'false')" if [[ -z $($sql "SELECT * FROM pbk WHERE Number=$PHONE") ]]; then $sql "INSERT INTO pbk (GroupID, Name, Number, id_user, is_public) VALUES ('1', '$MEMBERUID', '$PHONE', '1', 'false')" || exit 1 local id_user=$($sql "SELECT ID FROM pbk WHERE Number=$PHONE" || exit 1) $sql "INSERT INTO user_group (id_group, id_pbk, id_pbk_groups, id_user) VALUES ('$id_user', '$id_user', '1', '1')" || exit 1 log "${c_green}Done$c_" else log "${red}Contact already exist$c_" fi } function rm_contact(){ log "${c_yellow}Remove user contact$c_" userDB="gammu" pwdDB=$(cat /etc/gammu-smsdrc | grep "password =" | awk '{ print $3 }' || exit 1) local sql="mysql -N -u$userDB -p$pwdDB gammu -e" local PHONE=$1 local MEMBERUID=$2 [[ -z $MEMBERUID ]] && MEMBERUID=$PHONE if [[ ! -z $($sql "SELECT * FROM pbk WHERE Number=$PHONE") ]]; then local id_user=$($sql "SELECT ID FROM pbk WHERE Number=$PHONE" || exit 1) $sql "DELETE FROM pbk WHERE Number=$PHONE" || exit 1 $sql "DELETE FROM user_group WHERE id_group='$id_user'" || exit 1 log "${c_green}Done$c_" else log "${red}Contact doesn't exist$c_" fi }