diff --git a/zen/tools/autoPINfriends.sh b/zen/tools/autoPINfriends.sh index 41baacd..7afc2b6 100755 --- a/zen/tools/autoPINfriends.sh +++ b/zen/tools/autoPINfriends.sh @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ do echo "$mediakey PINNING ASKED BY $g1source" ## DECRYPT FINAL IPFS LINKS... $MY_PATH/natools.py decrypt -f pubsec -k "$HOME/.zen/secret.dunikey" -i "$astrofile" -o "/tmp/ipfslink.txt" - astrofile=$(cat /tmp/ipfslink.txt) && [[ -d ~/.zen/PIN/${astrofile} ]] && rm -Rf ~/.zen/PIN/${astrofile}/ ## REMOVE OLD PIN REFERENCE to keep directory (easier reading) + astrofile=$(cat /tmp/ipfslink.txt) && [[ -d ~/.zen/PIN/${astrofile} ]] && echo "removing old pin reference" && rm -Rf ~/.zen/PIN/${astrofile}/ ## REMOVE OLD PIN REFERENCE to keep directory (easier reading) $MY_PATH/natools.py decrypt -f pubsec -k "$HOME/.zen/secret.dunikey" -i "$astrofilelinksec" -o "/tmp/ipfsfilelink.txt" ipfsrepidfile=$(cat /tmp/ipfsfilelink.txt | rev | cut -d '/' -f 2 | rev) # PINNING NEW DIRECTORY & FILE