''' Parsedom for XBMC plugins Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Tobias Ussing And Henrik Mosgaard Jensen This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' import sys import urllib import urllib2 import re import io import inspect import time import HTMLParser #import chardet import json version = u"2.5.1" plugin = u"CommonFunctions-" + version print plugin USERAGENT = u"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; Win64; x64; rv:16.0.1) Gecko/20121011 Firefox/16.0.1" if hasattr(sys.modules["__main__"], "xbmc"): xbmc = sys.modules["__main__"].xbmc else: import xbmc if hasattr(sys.modules["__main__"], "xbmcgui"): xbmcgui = sys.modules["__main__"].xbmcgui else: import xbmcgui if hasattr(sys.modules["__main__"], "dbg"): dbg = sys.modules["__main__"].dbg else: dbg = False if hasattr(sys.modules["__main__"], "dbglevel"): dbglevel = sys.modules["__main__"].dbglevel else: dbglevel = 3 if hasattr(sys.modules["__main__"], "opener"): urllib2.install_opener(sys.modules["__main__"].opener) # This function raises a keyboard for user input def getUserInput(title=u"Input", default=u"", hidden=False): log("", 5) result = None # Fix for when this functions is called with default=None if not default: default = u"" keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard(default, title) keyboard.setHiddenInput(hidden) keyboard.doModal() if keyboard.isConfirmed(): result = keyboard.getText() log(repr(result), 5) return result # This function raises a keyboard numpad for user input def getUserInputNumbers(title=u"Input", default=u""): log("", 5) result = None # Fix for when this functions is called with default=None if not default: default = u"" keyboard = xbmcgui.Dialog() result = keyboard.numeric(0, title, default) log(repr(result), 5) return str(result) def getXBMCVersion(): log("", 3) version = xbmc.getInfoLabel( "System.BuildVersion" ) log(version, 3) for key in ["-", " "]: if version.find(key) -1: version = version[:version.find(key)] version = float(version) log(repr(version)) return version # Converts the request url passed on by xbmc to the plugin into a dict of key-value pairs def getParameters(parameterString): log("", 5) commands = {} if getXBMCVersion() >= 12.0: parameterString = urllib.unquote_plus(parameterString) splitCommands = parameterString[parameterString.find('?') + 1:].split('&') for command in splitCommands: if (len(command) > 0): splitCommand = command.split('=') key = splitCommand[0] try: value = splitCommand[1].encode("utf-8") except: log("Error utf-8 encoding argument value: " + repr(splitCommand[1])) value = splitCommand[1] commands[key] = value log(repr(commands), 5) return commands def replaceHTMLCodes(txt): log(repr(txt), 5) # Fix missing ; in &#; txt = re.sub("(&#[0-9]+)([^;^0-9]+)", "\\1;\\2", makeUTF8(txt)) txt = HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape(txt) txt = txt.replace("&", "&") log(repr(txt), 5) return txt def stripTags(html): log(repr(html), 5) sub_start = html.find("<") sub_end = html.find(">") while sub_start < sub_end and sub_start > -1: html = html.replace(html[sub_start:sub_end + 1], "").strip() sub_start = html.find("<") sub_end = html.find(">") log(repr(html), 5) return html def _getDOMContent(html, name, match, ret): # Cleanup log("match: " + match, 3) endstr = u"" start = html.find(match) end = html.find(endstr, start) pos = html.find("<" + name, start + 1 ) log(str(start) + " < " + str(end) + ", pos = " + str(pos) + ", endpos: " + str(end), 8) while pos < end and pos != -1: # Ignore too early return tend = html.find(endstr, end + len(endstr)) if tend != -1: end = tend pos = html.find("<" + name, pos + 1) log("loop: " + str(start) + " < " + str(end) + " pos = " + str(pos), 8) log("start: %s, len: %s, end: %s" % (start, len(match), end), 3) if start == -1 and end == -1: result = u"" elif start > -1 and end > -1: result = html[start + len(match):end] elif end > -1: result = html[:end] elif start > -1: result = html[start + len(match):] if ret: endstr = html[end:html.find(">", html.find(endstr)) + 1] result = match + result + endstr log("done result length: " + str(len(result)), 3) return result def _getDOMAttributes(match, name, ret): log("", 3) lst = re.compile('<' + name + '.*?' + ret + '=([\'"].[^>]*?[\'"])>', re.M | re.S).findall(match) if len(lst) == 0: lst = re.compile('<' + name + '.*?' + ret + '=(.[^>]*?)>', re.M | re.S).findall(match) ret = [] for tmp in lst: cont_char = tmp[0] if cont_char in "'\"": log("Using %s as quotation mark" % cont_char, 3) # Limit down to next variable. if tmp.find('=' + cont_char, tmp.find(cont_char, 1)) > -1: tmp = tmp[:tmp.find('=' + cont_char, tmp.find(cont_char, 1))] # Limit to the last quotation mark if tmp.rfind(cont_char, 1) > -1: tmp = tmp[1:tmp.rfind(cont_char)] else: log("No quotation mark found", 3) if tmp.find(" ") > 0: tmp = tmp[:tmp.find(" ")] elif tmp.find("/") > 0: tmp = tmp[:tmp.find("/")] elif tmp.find(">") > 0: tmp = tmp[:tmp.find(">")] ret.append(tmp.strip()) log("Done: " + repr(ret), 3) return ret def _getDOMElements(item, name, attrs): log("", 3) lst = [] for key in attrs: lst2 = re.compile('(<' + name + '[^>]*?(?:' + key + '=[\'"]' + attrs[key] + '[\'"].*?>))', re.M | re.S).findall(item) if len(lst2) == 0 and attrs[key].find(" ") == -1: # Try matching without quotation marks lst2 = re.compile('(<' + name + '[^>]*?(?:' + key + '=' + attrs[key] + '.*?>))', re.M | re.S).findall(item) if len(lst) == 0: log("Setting main list " + repr(lst2), 5) lst = lst2 lst2 = [] else: log("Setting new list " + repr(lst2), 5) test = range(len(lst)) test.reverse() for i in test: # Delete anything missing from the next list. if not lst[i] in lst2: log("Purging mismatch " + str(len(lst)) + " - " + repr(lst[i]), 3) del(lst[i]) if len(lst) == 0 and attrs == {}: log("No list found, trying to match on name only", 3) lst = re.compile('(<' + name + '>)', re.M | re.S).findall(item) if len(lst) == 0: lst = re.compile('(<' + name + ' .*?>)', re.M | re.S).findall(item) log("Done: " + str(type(lst)), 3) return lst def parseDOM(html, name=u"", attrs={}, ret=False): log("Name: " + repr(name) + " - Attrs:" + repr(attrs) + " - Ret: " + repr(ret) + " - HTML: " + str(type(html)), 3) if isinstance(name, str): # Should be handled try: name = name #.decode("utf-8") except: log("Couldn't decode name binary string: " + repr(name)) if isinstance(html, str): try: html = [html.decode("utf-8")] # Replace with chardet thingy except: log("Couldn't decode html binary string. Data length: " + repr(len(html))) html = [html] elif isinstance(html, unicode): html = [html] elif not isinstance(html, list): log("Input isn't list or string/unicode.") return u"" if not name.strip(): log("Missing tag name") return u"" ret_lst = [] for item in html: temp_item = re.compile('(<[^>]*?\n[^>]*?>)').findall(item) for match in temp_item: item = item.replace(match, match.replace("\n", " ")) lst = _getDOMElements(item, name, attrs) if isinstance(ret, str): log("Getting attribute %s content for %s matches " % (ret, len(lst) ), 3) lst2 = [] for match in lst: lst2 += _getDOMAttributes(match, name, ret) lst = lst2 else: log("Getting element content for %s matches " % len(lst), 3) lst2 = [] for match in lst: log("Getting element content for %s" % match, 4) temp = _getDOMContent(item, name, match, ret).strip() item = item[item.find(temp, item.find(match)) + len(temp):] lst2.append(temp) lst = lst2 ret_lst += lst log("Done: " + repr(ret_lst), 3) return ret_lst def extractJS(data, function=False, variable=False, match=False, evaluate=False, values=False): log("") scripts = parseDOM(data, "script") if len(scripts) == 0: log("Couldn't find any script tags. Assuming javascript file was given.") scripts = [data] lst = [] log("Extracting", 4) for script in scripts: tmp_lst = [] if function: tmp_lst = re.compile(function + '\(.*?\).*?;', re.M | re.S).findall(script) elif variable: tmp_lst = re.compile(variable + '[ ]+=.*?;', re.M | re.S).findall(script) else: tmp_lst = [script] if len(tmp_lst) > 0: log("Found: " + repr(tmp_lst), 4) lst += tmp_lst else: log("Found nothing on: " + script, 4) test = range(0, len(lst)) test.reverse() for i in test: if match and lst[i].find(match) == -1: log("Removing item: " + repr(lst[i]), 10) del lst[i] else: log("Cleaning item: " + repr(lst[i]), 4) if lst[i][0] == u"\n": lst[i] == lst[i][1:] if lst[i][len(lst) -1] == u"\n": lst[i] == lst[i][:len(lst)- 2] lst[i] = lst[i].strip() if values or evaluate: for i in range(0, len(lst)): log("Getting values %s" % lst[i]) if function: if evaluate: # include the ( ) for evaluation data = re.compile("(\(.*?\))", re.M | re.S).findall(lst[i]) else: data = re.compile("\((.*?)\)", re.M | re.S).findall(lst[i]) elif variable: tlst = re.compile(variable +".*?=.*?;", re.M | re.S).findall(lst[i]) data = [] for tmp in tlst: # This breaks for some stuff. "ad_tag": "http://ad-emea.doubleclick.net/N4061/pfadx/com.ytpwatch.entertainment/main_563326'' # ends early, must end with } cont_char = tmp[0] cont_char = tmp[tmp.find("=") + 1:].strip() cont_char = cont_char[0] if cont_char in "'\"": log("Using %s as quotation mark" % cont_char, 1) tmp = tmp[tmp.find(cont_char) + 1:tmp.rfind(cont_char)] else: log("No quotation mark found", 1) tmp = tmp[tmp.find("=") + 1: tmp.rfind(";")] tmp = tmp.strip() if len(tmp) > 0: data.append(tmp) else: log("ERROR: Don't know what to extract values from") log("Values extracted: %s" % repr(data)) if len(data) > 0: lst[i] = data[0] if evaluate: for i in range(0, len(lst)): log("Evaluating %s" % lst[i]) data = lst[i].strip() try: try: lst[i] = json.loads(data) except: log("Couldn't json.loads, trying eval") lst[i] = eval(data) except: log("Couldn't eval: %s from %s" % (repr(data), repr(lst[i]))) log("Done: " + str(len(lst))) return lst def fetchPage(params={}): get = params.get link = get("link") ret_obj = {} if get("post_data"): log("called for : " + repr(params['link'])) else: log("called for : " + repr(params)) if not link or int(get("error", "0")) > 2: log("giving up") ret_obj["status"] = 500 return ret_obj if get("post_data"): if get("hide_post_data"): log("Posting data", 2) else: log("Posting data: " + urllib.urlencode(get("post_data")), 2) request = urllib2.Request(link, urllib.urlencode(get("post_data"))) request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') else: log("Got request", 2) request = urllib2.Request(link) if get("headers"): for head in get("headers"): request.add_header(head[0], head[1]) request.add_header('User-Agent', USERAGENT) if get("cookie"): request.add_header('Cookie', get("cookie")) if get("refering"): request.add_header('Referer', get("refering")) try: log("connecting to server...", 1) con = urllib2.urlopen(request) ret_obj["header"] = con.info() ret_obj["new_url"] = con.geturl() if get("no-content", "false") == u"false" or get("no-content", "false") == "false": inputdata = con.read() #data_type = chardet.detect(inputdata) #inputdata = inputdata.decode(data_type["encoding"]) ret_obj["content"] = inputdata.decode("utf-8") con.close() log("Done") ret_obj["status"] = 200 return ret_obj except urllib2.HTTPError, e: err = str(e) log("HTTPError : " + err) log("HTTPError - Headers: " + str(e.headers) + " - Content: " + e.fp.read()) params["error"] = str(int(get("error", "0")) + 1) ret = fetchPage(params) if not "content" in ret and e.fp: ret["content"] = e.fp.read() return ret ret_obj["status"] = 500 return ret_obj except urllib2.URLError, e: err = str(e) log("URLError : " + err) time.sleep(3) params["error"] = str(int(get("error", "0")) + 1) ret_obj = fetchPage(params) return ret_obj def getCookieInfoAsHTML(): log("", 5) if hasattr(sys.modules["__main__"], "cookiejar"): cookiejar = sys.modules["__main__"].cookiejar cookie = repr(cookiejar) cookie = cookie.replace("<_LWPCookieJar.LWPCookieJar[", "") cookie = cookie.replace("), Cookie(version=0,", ">", ">") cookie = cookie.replace("Cookie(version=0,", "= 0x02050000: # return data try: return data.encode('ascii', "ignore") except: log("Hit except on : " + repr(data)) s = u"" for i in data: try: i.encode("ascii", "ignore") except: log("Can't convert character", 4) continue else: s += i log(repr(s), 5) return s # This function handles stupid utf handling in python. def makeUTF8(data): log(repr(data), 5) return data try: return data.decode('utf8', 'xmlcharrefreplace') # was 'ignore' except: log("Hit except on : " + repr(data)) s = u"" for i in data: try: i.decode("utf8", "xmlcharrefreplace") except: log("Can't convert character", 4) continue else: s += i log(repr(s), 5) return s def openFile(filepath, options=u"r"): log(repr(filepath) + " - " + repr(options)) if options.find("b") == -1: # Toggle binary mode on failure alternate = options + u"b" else: alternate = options.replace(u"b", u"") try: log("Trying normal: %s" % options) return io.open(filepath, options) except: log("Fallback to binary: %s" % alternate) return io.open(filepath, alternate) def log(description, level=0): if dbg and dbglevel > level: try: xbmc.log((u"[%s] %s : '%s'" % (plugin, inspect.stack()[1][3], description)).decode("utf-8"), xbmc.LOGNOTICE) except: xbmc.log(u"FALLBACK [%s] %s : '%s'" % (plugin, inspect.stack()[1][3], repr(description)), xbmc.LOGNOTICE)